Sentience 1: Storm Clouds Gathering (38 page)

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“They used
weapons against their own people?” Drix asked, aghast at the idea. “Even we Raknii banned the use of those weapons before they could be used, as wholesale deaths and lingering radiation can render a planet completely uninhabitable. It is completely illogical to poison the very ground you are fighting over. What kind of madness is this?”

“Logic rarely plays a role where passions override all other considerations. We have discovered the ruins of several ancient civilizations, which obviously obliterated themselves into extinction with nuclear weapons. We were actually quite surprised when this particular species used nuclear weapons amongst themselves, yet somehow managed to survive the experience.”

“When one side of this great war won, they then became united, I take it.”

“One would have certainly thought so,” said Fraznal. “But quite the contrary. Previous allies became new enemies, old enemies became new allies. A mere seventeen cycles after the end of their second great war, the two most powerful former allies came within an eye-blink of launching an all-out, global thermonuclear war. As I said earlier, they are an enigma.”

“And this was when they all shared but a single planet?”


Drix shivered.
. “And are they still fragmented and warring upon each other?”

“Yes, only now it’s on an interstellar scale.”

“What name do these insane predators go by?”

“They call themselves


The future inhabitants of [both] the Atlantic and Mississippi states will be our sons. We think we see their happiness in their union, and we wish it. Events may prove otherwise; and if they see their interest in separating, why should we take sides? God bless them both, and keep them in union if it be for their good, but separate them if it be better.
-- Thomas Jefferson

December, 3860

Alliance Press (AP): Nork – News Release (12/01/60)

The Separatist Party gained surprising strength in planetary legislatures throughout the South in yesterday’s elections, stunning Northern political pundits. AP Political Analyst Fredrick Paul commented, “The results of yesterday’s legislative elections throughout the South has produced results unimaginable just two short months ago. While no one can accurately predict what the impact of this outcome will be, it appears the results of this election has intensified regional polarization across the political landscape.”

Alliance Press (AP): Nork – News Release (12/15/60)

Secessionist Convention Convened on Socar!
– The planetary legislature on Socar has approved a resolution calling for the immediate convening of a special Secessionist Convention, to consider the issue of Socar’s secession from the United Stellar Alliance.

From the front porch of his home in Springfeld, Illini, President-Elect Marrot issued a warning to those calling for secession: “No planet has the legal right to leave our great Union. All this talk of secession is pure foolishness of the highest possible order. It is my great hope cooler heads, employing cold logic, will extinguish these flames of fanaticism.”

Alliance Press (AP): Nork – News Flash! (12/21/60)

Socar Secedes from the Union!
– AP has just received word the special Secession Convention
in session since 12/17 on Socar, has ratified an
Ordinance of Secession
from the United Stellar Alliance, effective yesterday, 12/20/3860.

Speaker of the House, Congressman Theodore Hentzman has called the congress into special session to consider appropriate action concerning the crisis.

Alliance Press (AP): Waston – News Release (12/22/60)

The entire senatorial and congressional delegation from the planet Socar resigned from the Alliance congress as a body today, in response to Socar’s recent ratification of their
Ordinance of Secession
from the United Stellar Alliance, and departed Waston immediately. Ex-Congressman Philip Angston was quoted at Waston International Spaceport just before boarding a commercial spaceplane for Socar, “It will be nice to get home in time for Christmas.”

Alliance Press (AP): Waston – News Flash! (12/25/60)

Alliance Recognizes Socar as Independent!
— When asked about the Socar
Ordinance of Secession
and resignations of their entire congressional delegation, President Buchwald responded: “I have consulted with a number of highly regarded Constitutional lawyers and we have found nothing within the body of the Constitution of the United Stellar Alliance which precludes or inhibits any planetary member of the United Stellar Alliance from leaving the Union, should they decide to do so.

“The planetary governments existed before the federal government and it was the planetary legislature’s ratification of our Constitution that brought our federal government into being in the first place. If the planetary legislatures, acting in conventions, had the power to ratify the Constitution, do they not also possess this same power to ‘un-ratify’ it, and secede from the Union, in similar fashion?

“While heartrending, it is the opinion of this administration that Socar’s
Ordinance of Secession
is entirely legal according to the laws of the United Stellar Alliance and this government hereby recognizes the planet Socar as a sovereign, independent planet.”

Alliance Press (AP): Waston – News Release (12/26/60)

President-Elect Marrot has condemned President Buchwald’s recognition of Socar as a sovereign, independent planetary body, stating: “I most strongly disagree with President Buchwald’s assessment of the Socar situation and I cannot fully express my outrage that he has effectively given away such an enormous amount of Alliance assets and territory, on his own authority.”

President Buchwald later responded to President-Elect Marrot’s comments saying, “It is entirely unsurprising that President-Elect Marrot’s greatest concerns about Socar are focused solely on its assets and territory, while expressing none towards its citizens. Perhaps that reveals a great deal about
the people of Socar may have decided their future best interests lie in freeing themselves from this government.”

Alliance Press (AP): Waston – News Release (12/27/60)

Buchwald Withdraws Alliance Fleet from Socar
– Today President Buchwald, acting in his capacity as Commander-in-Chief of the Alliance armed forces, ordered the withdrawal of the Alliance Fleet from Socar space and reassigned those assets to Nocar and Ginia.

In special session, Congress approved a non-binding resolution, condemning both the president’s recognition of Socarian independence, and the withdrawal of the Alliance Fleet from Socar space.

Alliance Press (AP): Nork – News Release (12/28/60)

Sextus Recognizes Socar
– The independent planet of Sextus has officially recognized Socar as an independent planet/nation. Sextus President Wyatt Cargill stated, “The people of Sextus are well aware of the challenges that single planet nations face, and we wish the people of Socar well, as they embark on this new chapter in their history.”

The Planet Nork, City of Nork

December 30, 3860

It was difficult for the President-Elect of the United Stellar Alliance to travel anywhere in strict confidence, as the media stalked him continuously. All of the major news organizations knew Pierre Marrot was staying at the Ritz-5th Avenue Hotel. in downtown Nork City, ensconced behind an army of Secret Service personnel. As much as it galled him, J.P. Aneke was forced to admit, it was probably easier to sneak himself in to meet with Marrot, than the other way around.

Aneke hated coming to meet with anyone on their own turf. He’d always felt that way, but he’d become absolutely manic about it since his awful experience in the German Embassy. Entering the President-Elect’s suite, Aneke knew he had to remind Marrot who the alpha-dog still was, lest his new title inflate his head and he begin thinking he was actually the boss.

“Mr. Aneke,” said the President-Elect. “So nice to see you again.”

“Let’s bypass the pleasantries and get down to business, Marrot. I have here a list of appointments I want you to make after the inauguration,” handing Marrot a paper. The paper gave Marrot his choice between three candidates for each of his cabinet appointments.

Marrot glanced at it and said, “I don’t understand this, J.P.”

“#1: You don’t
call me J.P. I am ‘Mr. Aneke’ to you and don’t you forget it.

“#2: You WILL make your cabinet appointments according to the names on this list, as they are already on the team.

“#3: Any deviation from this list, whatsoever on your part, will result in your going down in history as both having the shortest presidency ever, and the only president ever convicted of corruption at your impeachment hearing. Does
clear everything up for you, Pierre?”

Startled, Pierre Marrot again looked at the paper as he tried desperately to get his thoughts in order. He’d assumed being elected president of the United Stellar Alliance would level the playing field and put him into more of a partnership with J.P. Aneke and the Consortium. Evidently, Aneke didn’t see it that way. He was still issuing orders as though Marrot was nothing more than a dog to be kicked around. God, he hated Aneke’s condescending tone and attitude.

“You don’t trust me?” Marrot finally replied weakly.

“I don’t trust anyone, especially a weak, little
like you, Marrot. Let’s get one thing straight, right off the top. You’re not to do anything or announce anything, and I mean
without clearing it through me first. You’re only a figurehead, pure and simple. I run the show.”

“But, Mr. Aneke,” stuttered Marrot. “I can’t run a government in Waston, constantly waiting to hear back from you here at Nork — the communication delays could be crippling.”

“Surely the great and powerful president of the United Stellar Alliance can ‘deliberate’ for a few days without having to pull decisions out of his ass, right on the spot,” replied Aneke. “Anything complicated comes up, I’ll fly in from Nork and stay in Waston as long as necessary. Just find me an office to use next to yours and I’ll hand-feed you everything you need to say.”

“You mean I’m to have no decision-making capabilities of my own, whatsoever?” asked the totally shocked president-elect.

“Ah, so the boy isn’t totally stupid after all — and before you go getting any bright ideas about crying to those Secret Service boys out in the hall, you might consider
they all work for, too. You’ll be the president in name… but I will be, in fact. Do we understand each other?”

Marrot reeled inside. What could he do? He’d been on the Consortium payroll for a dozen years, or more. Aneke could ruin him at any time... perhaps even send him to federal prison on a whim. Marrot was trapped like a bug in a jar. “Yes, Mr. Aneke,” Marrot finally croaked. “I understand perfectly.”

“Good, enjoy all of the presidential trappings,” intoned Aneke, “but leave everything else to me.”

Perhaps I will buy the Regis Hotel in Waston,
thought Aneke.
Only way I can make sure they hold the Presidential Suite open for me… no more of that damned Queen’s Suite shit!

Alliance Press (AP): Nork – News Release (12/30/60)

The stock market appears to have finally stabilized today, after news of the Socar secession sent investors into a panic and stock values plummeted earlier last week. “It was just a knee-jerk reaction to the secession news,” said Consortium Vice-Chairman Aline McCauley. “Nothing unexpected with sudden news like that. It just took a few days for the waves to dampen out, but nothing for anyone to be concerned about. The market and the economy are both still strong.”

Alliance Press (AP): Nork – News Release (12/31/60)

Twelve Alliance Planets sue the Justice Department

The planets Ginia, Nocar, Floda, Joja, Tensee, Missip, Bama, Arka, Tucky, Souri, Maylan and Lusia filed a combined suit against the Alliance Department of Justice in federal court today, effectively reinstating the suit brought previously by the planet Socar prior to their secession from the Union.

Troxia Station, in orbit around the Rak Planet Troxia

The new translator device had been an unqualified success. Raan ordered the engineering-masters on the planet’s surface to begin churning out more of them, while the engineering-masters on the station concentrated on development of a miniaturized version of the device. Drix and Raan had many extensive meetings about everything Drix discovered during his conversation with the former Trakaan chief planetary administrator. Raan was so intrigued by everything Drix learned from the old Trakaan, he personally accompanied Drix to the planet’s surface for a second interview with Fraznal.

Tzal’s warfleet returned from its intelligence-gathering mission, which had also been a resounding success. Tzal’s fleet discovered the location of 12 more human planets, and verified the existence of what were believed to be fast-moving passenger and priority freight vessels. They did indeed travel at almost 25 times the speed of a Rak warship... over 16 times as fast as Rak scout-ships. Now that they knew for a fact such a thing was possible, Raan assigned most of those engineering-masters not working on the translator project to developing theories about how such a vessel might be built. He also dispatched a scout vessel with a complete report to Supreme-Master Xior, so that he could get the imperial engineering-masters working on these projects as well.

Fraznal confirmed these additional twelve planets Tzal had discovered were indeed human colony worlds, but refused on
grounds to volunteer any additional information concerning other human worlds, not yet discovered by the Raknii on their own. Neither Drix nor Raan pressed the issue, as they needed to retain Fraznal’s goodwill and cooperation. They also noted his example of
, as they were both still struggling to fully understand such an alien concept.

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