Sensual Danger (7 page)

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Authors: Tina Folsom

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Sensual Danger
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She stared at him, stunned. “But . . . ”

He raised his hand to interrupt her. “It’s the only way I can guarantee that I will keep my end of the bargain.”

She rose from the settee and took a few steps toward him. “And why is that?”

He motioned to her garment. “Signora, no hot-blooded man can resist a beautiful woman like you. Even less so when she’s dressed like this.” He averted his gaze, his body already turning halfway to be ready to flee from her presence.

“Oriana, my name is Oriana,” she said softly, her hand all of a sudden finding his forearm.

Slowly, he turned his head and stared at her. She met his gaze without pulling back. When she licked her lips, he almost came.

“Would it help if I weren’t dressed like this?” she asked.

“A little,” he confessed. However, in the state he was in, it wouldn’t make a difference. Even if she wore an old rag, he’d find her sinfully tantalizing.

“Then maybe this garment wasn’t such a good idea.” She dropped first one strap, then the other from her shoulders and allowed the fabric to slide down her breasts and pool at her waist.

“Fuck!” he cursed, his eyes hungrily roaming her naked bosom.

He swallowed hard, his throat suddenly dry as sandpaper. Then he tried to shake the image from his mind: clearly, he was hallucinating.

“But I made you cry,” he repeated.

“I couldn’t hold back the tears because of what you did to me.”

Nico dropped his gaze to the floor. “Because I forced you.”

She took his hand and guided it to her breast, making her cup it. He felt the soft flesh—it was too real to be a hallucination. His head shot up.

“No. Because I was overwhelmed by what you made me feel. I’ve never before felt like a woman. I didn’t know that this is what married couples did. My friend . . . she never mentioned . . .” She hesitated for a moment, searching his face. “But if you’re disgusted by my behavior, I’ll agree to your wishes and leave for the mainland tomorrow.”

Had he heard correctly? “Disgusted?” How could she have even thought such a thing? Every man worth his salt would welcome a woman who responded with such passion.

Of its own volition, his hand kneaded her breast. Oriana’s head fell back in response, and her lips parted on a moan.

“I would never be disgusted with a woman who gives herself so freely. As long as she gives herself only to me.”

Nico pulled her into his arms, lifting her off her feet, and captured her mouth with a hungry kiss. If he was still hallucinating, it was a damn good hallucination, and he didn’t want it to end.

Her full, soft breasts pressed against his shirt. He felt their warmth seeping into his body. Her arms wrapped around him, clinging to him as if she was afraid he’d drop her. Little did she know there was no way in hell he’d allow her to escape from his embrace tonight. Not until they were both thoroughly sated. And even then, he wouldn’t let go of her.

Her breath still tasted of the toothpowder she must have used earlier, and her lips were warm and receptive to his demanding kiss. He’d been prepared to send her away, but when she’d exposed her luscious breasts to him, he’d known instinctively that he would never be able to send her away, no matter what happened—even if she found the actual sex act painful and distasteful. Even if she cried because of it. Because to have a wife with a body as sinful as that of the most experienced courtesan, yet live separate lives would be unthinkable. He’d be a fool to let her go.

It left him with only one option: he would have to make sure she felt neither pain nor disgust tonight. He would have to be a patient lover and be more considerate than he’d ever been. He had to forget his own pleasure and only think of hers. Only then did he have a chance.




Determined to do this right, Nico carried her to the bed and placed her on the coverlet. Without undressing, he joined Oriana on the bed, not covering her with his body, but simply lying next to her with his body turned toward her.

As she looked up at him, her eyelashes fluttered. He watched her bosom rising and falling.

“So beautiful,” he whispered, kissing her already-bruised lips again, then let his hand find her breasts again, kneading and squeezing the responsive flesh.

Her torso arched off the mattress, and her eyes fell shut when more sighs escaped her lips. Without haste, he moved his hand lower to where her negligee had bunched at her waist. He traveled over it until he reached the apex of her thighs. When he rubbed softly against that precious spot, Oriana bucked against him, moaning as he released her lips.

“Oh, yes, my sweet wife, tonight you’ll feel me here. Inside your wet cave.” He pressed against her mound, cupping her, feeling the heat that emanated from her. As if a furnace were burning inside her. If they weren’t careful tonight, the house would burst into flames and they would find themselves in midst of a fire that would consume them both.

When he released her sex, a disappointed mewl came from her. He suppressed a chuckle. His virginal wife was quickly developing a knowledge of what her body wanted. He was glad for it, and more than willing to comply. But this time skin-on-skin.

Nico tunneled underneath the fabric, reaching first the thatch of coarse hair, then dipping lower to where her arousal made her flesh slick. Without further coaxing, she spread her thighs wider, allowing his hand to dip between them.

He coated his fingers in her juices, stroking softly over the plump flesh that was begging him for a touch. With slow circular strokes, he explored her womanly folds, parting them to dip lower. He watched her face for her reaction. This morning, he’d had his face buried in her cunny and had been unable to watch her face, but this time he would make sure he found out immediately if there was something she didn’t enjoy. He was determined to do everything right.

Keeping his touch gentle, careful not to be too rough, his eyes wandered over her flushed face. Her skin glistened, and beads of sweat formed on her neck and forehead. He’d never seen a lady sweat—plenty of whores, yes, but not a well-bred woman. It was frowned upon in polite society, yet Nico decided that it was becoming of her. In fact, Oriana looked positively ravishing—no, more than that, positively wanton—the way a thin sheen of moisture built on her skin.

He wondered what it would be like once she rode him. Her petite body would be aflame, and their bodies would glide against each other smoothly, helped by the moisture that was building on their skin. But not only Oriana’s skin was getting increasingly moist, her sex was now saturated with her arousal, the enticing scent of it spreading in the bedchamber like an expensive perfume the trade ships had brought from the East.

He inhaled it, taking it into his body as if it were nourishment. And maybe it was, because it doubled the power and wildness that lived within him. At the same time, it made his cock ache more intensely.

He hadn’t undressed yet, and he wouldn’t until Oriana was good and ready for him. Because once his cock was let out of its confinement, he would plunge it into her within seconds, unable to hold back any longer. He’d never been so randy in his life. Was it because tonight he was going to fuck a lady, not one of the whores who normally saw to his needs? Needs that were becoming more urgent by the second.

But while he couldn’t satisfy them yet, he could do something else he’d always enjoyed. Talking to a woman while he pleasured her. But not in polite words, rather words no well-bred woman knew. Could he risk it with Oriana?

Before he could even make a decision, his mouth was already open. “What a beautiful cunny you have.”

A hushed breath rushed from her lungs, and her eyes flew open.

He hesitated, but she didn’t pull back. Instead she gyrated against his hand that had stilled, clearly urging him to continue. Locking eyes with her, he not only stroked his finger upwards to her pearl, but he also spoke again. “Yes, the sexiest cunt I’ve ever touched.”

Her eyes widened, and the blush on her cheeks darkened.

“The tastiest I’ve ever licked.”

She moaned, her lips parting and her tongue darting out to lick them. He groaned. “And when you came apart this morning, I felt your pussy clamp down on my finger as if you wanted to pull me deep inside you. Was that what you wanted?” He probed at the entrance to her body. “Was it, Oriana?”

Her sex arched toward him, but he didn’t push inside her. Instead, he circled her slit.

“You have to tell me what you want, my sweet. Do you want my finger in your cunt?”

She dropped her lids halfway, avoiding his insistent gaze, but he wouldn’t let her get away with it. He lifted his hand from her pussy and slid farther up, attempting to free his hand from under the silk fabric.

“No!” she cried out.

He stopped in his movement, leaving his hand where it was, barely grazing her pubic hair. “Yes, my sweet?”

Lifting her lids slowly, her gaze crashed into his. Her eyes were dark with lust and passion, her voice breathless, when she finally answered, “I want your finger inside my . . . c-c-cunt.”

He gave her what she wanted, sliding his hand back between her legs and extending his middle finger. Then he parted her folds and pushed inside her tight sheath.

A contented sigh came over Oriana’s lips. He bent over her face, his lips hovering over hers. “See, my sweet, the things I’ll give you if only you ask.”

Then he withdrew his finger and pushed back inside, making her gasp for air. She was tighter than anything he’d ever felt. He knew that she would scream out in pain if he tried to plunge his cock into her and rip her hymen, which he was probably already partially perforating with his finger.

There had to be a way of distracting her from it. Damn it, he’d never slept with a virgin. He had no idea how painful it would be for her. Would she feel it like a pinprick? Or was it as if somebody drove a knife into her? How much pain would she feel? And how long would it last?

Maybe he could do things gradually.

Releasing her lips, he dropped his head to her neck, kissing her tempting skin. Underneath his lips, her vein pulsed, the rhythm tempting him to taste her. But he couldn’t risk that. One other task was more urgent at present: to deflower her without causing her pain.

“Sweetling, I’m going to make you feel the way you felt this morning,” he whispered to her. “Remember when your body came apart as if you were lifted in the air?” At least he hoped that was what she’d felt.

“Yes, it was . . . ” Her voice died.

“ . . . magical,” he ended her sentence for her. “And I’m going to make it magical again. But I want you to do something for me too.”

Her body froze for a moment, and he immediately rubbed his thumb over her pearl, while keeping his finger inside her. She relaxed into his touch.

“I need to stretch your beautiful cunny. You’ll have to take two of my fingers. It’ll feel uncomfortable at first.”

“But, it’s already . . . ” Again, she didn’t finish her sentence.

Nico made small circles around her center of pleasure and moved his finger gently inside her. “I know, my love. That’s why I want you to bury your face in my neck and bite me if it’s painful. That way I know to ease off.”

“Bite you? But I can’t possibly—”

He lifted his head and looked at her. “Please. I want you to.”

She eyed his neck, and slowly he dipped his head so that her lips connected with the spot where his neck and shoulder met. He shivered involuntarily. If she were a vampire female, she would know that it was normal for lovers to bite each other during the act. It would heighten their arousal. Even though Oriana was human, she would heighten his arousal despite the fact that her blunt human teeth would never break through his tough vampire skin.

When she nibbled gently, he sighed and resumed finger-fucking her while his thumb rubbed over her pearl with faster strokes. Her breathing became more uneven, her body writhing under his ministrations. Her cunny rained more juices onto his finger, the lubrication making it easier and easier to drive his finger in and out of her. On the next stroke, he added his index finger and slowly pushed both fingers forwards. Simultaneously, he caressed her clitoris faster. He felt her hold her breath, her back arching off the bed, then he slid both fingers into her.

Oriana’s teeth dug into his neck. Pleasure speared through him, and at the same moment he felt her muscles spasm around him, gripping him tighter, pulling him inside her with a force astounding for a woman.

He felt her climax violently against his hand, her teeth releasing his neck too quickly for his liking. Knowing this meant that she wasn’t in pain anymore, he continued to slide his fingers in and out of her. More gently now in rhythm with her orgasmic spasms. Her pussy relaxed, opening wider for him and allowing him to finger-fuck her. Without thinking, he added a third finger to the first two. And she took those three without any complaints. All she did was gyrate her hips against his hand, moving in synch with him.

Relieved, he pulled his head from her and gazed at her. “Are you ready for my cock now?”

Her eyes opened wide, a twinge of fear clearly visible in them.

As Nico pulled his hand from her, he noticed a few drops of blood on it. He’d ripped her hymen—good, it would make things easier from here. He took her hand to bring it to the massive bulge that pressed against the flap of his trousers, realizing too late that moisture had already leaked from it. When he pressed her hand against it, a choked sound came from her throat.

“I’ve already had three fingers inside you, love. This isn’t going to be much more.” Who was he kidding? His cock was at least as thick as four times his largest finger. And even though she was now without a hymen, he would still cause her discomfort.

Oriana squeezed his hard-on, making him jerk back. “Fuck!”

Immediately, a frightened look crossed her face and she scooted away from him. He reached for her, pulling her closer.

“Don’t be afraid! I’m sorry, but if you touch me like that, you’ll make me come in an instant.”

“Come?” she murmured.

He smiled and slid his hand over her sex, the silk fabric a thin barrier. “Yes, come.” He pressed against her still pulsing folds. “Like you came just now. You’ll do the same to me if you touch me like that.”

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