Seeking Safety (22 page)

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Authors: Karen Ward

Tags: #helicopter, #sniper, #marine, #movie star, #wyoming, #paparazzi

BOOK: Seeking Safety
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He opens his arms to her as she slowly walks
toward him. Stepping into his embrace he lowers his head and kisses
her. Not one of those brief little pecks like the other bachelor's
have been giving the winning bidder. He gives her one of those
long, drawn out, deep, toe curling kisses and the audience roars
its approval. When he ends the kiss, he gazes lovingly into her
eyes, and whispers, "I love you Melanie."

The photographers are snapping pictures, the
audience is roaring its approval, and Melanie smiles back at Barry.
Her heart is soaring with joy. Barry still loves her! With tears in
her eyes, she smiles and says, "I love you too Barry." He takes her
hand and tucks it around his arm and escorts her back to her

Barry's heart is soaring! Melanie said she
loves him! He wants to shout it from the roof tops!

In the very back of the room four former
Marines wipe tears from their eyes, and high five each other. All
signs indicate the first one of their band of brothers is about to
get married. Who will be next?

Scoot watches his buddy Barry through hooded
eyes. He remembers being that happy once and he remembers how much
it hurt when he came home from work early to find her in his bed
with the banker. Never again! Never will he risk his heart to
another woman! All he wants from his disastrous marriage is his
son. Elena won't let him see his son. Now that he has a stable home
he is going to sue her for custody again. Maybe this time he can at
least force her to allow him visitation.


When Barry and I reach the table where the
rest of the Brentwoods are waiting, he hugs Eric to his chest and
says, "I love you little man!"

Tears streaming down his face Eric replies,
"I love you too Barry."

Barry gives Patricia Brentwood a warm kiss on
her cheek and then he shakes hands with Mark. He says sincerely, "I
can never thank you enough."

Mark smiles and says, "It is my pleasure.
Take good care of her Son."


When we go up to Barry's suite in the hotel
where the auction was held, we find a bottle of chilled champagne
and a cold supper waiting. He closes the door to the suite and
pulls me into his arms and kisses me deeply. He says, "Oh, Melanie,
it is so good to have you in my arms again. I have missed you so

Smiling I say, "I missed you too. I'm so
sorry Barry. I just didn't realize how much Darren's words had
affected my thought processes. Please forgive me for what I put you

He places a finger on my lips, "Shhhh, it
doesn't matter. All that matters is that you are here now, in my
arms." Nervously he asks, "Melanie, did you mean it when you said
you love me?"

"More than anything. I love you more than

A wave of relief and happiness rolls through
Barry. Finally! Melanie loves him!

When Barry removes his tie and coat and
carries them into the bedroom to hang, he calls, "Melanie?"

As I walk up beside him I see my suitcase
lying on the end of the bed open with a beautiful negligee on top
with a note from my Mother. "We love you Melanie."

Barry says surprise obvious in his voice, "I
think we were set up."

I smile, "It sure looks that way."


Melanie Brentwood and Barry Farrady are
married on Valentine's Day in a small ceremony in front of the huge
stone fireplace in the great room of the Rock Springs Ranch. I am
given in marriage by my father Mark Brentwood. Dylan Drake, Scoot,
serves as Barry's Best Man and Jana Murray serves as the Matron of
Honor. All of the members of the Drake Security team, Bob and
Virginia Kenner, Bud and Mary Wilkes, the Murrays from the Rocking
J Ranch, and Barry's agent, Frank are in attendance.

I wear a beautiful antique lace gown and
carry a bouquet of red roses. Barry and Scoot are dressed in black
tuxedoes with red cummerbunds. Barry is a nervous wreck. He can't
believe that this is his wedding day.

He looks over at his mother and Bob Kenner
and she is smiling warmly at him. He smiles back and his heart
overflows with love. His Mom is happier than he can ever remember
seeing her.

Virginia is so relieved and so happy.
Finally, Barry has found the woman of his dreams. Now she can relax
and enjoy her new husband.

Pinky looks at his buddy standing before the
fireplace and a smile spreads across his face. He knows his telling
Barry his tragic story had something to do with the change in
Barry's attitude. He is glad he was able to contribute to his

Barry waits patiently as Jana Murray walks
slowly toward the front of the room. She looks lovely in a red
dress and carrying a long stemmed red rose. She smiles at Barry and
he returns her smile.

Eric is walking slowly toward him carrying
the wedding rings. He is so handsome in his tuxedo. Barry's heart
expands with love for the young boy. He is a good boy with a kind
and generous heart that Barry will be proud to call his son.

Eric is so excited. Barry is about to become
his Dad! How cool it that! His heart is pounding with excitement
and he grins at Barry.

Walking beside Eric scattering red rose buds
along the floor is Dani Murray, Jacob's daughter. She is dressed in
a dress identical to Jana Murray's.

When Barry sees Melanie enter the room on the
arm of her father, his breath catches in his lungs and his heart
pounds heavily. She is so beautiful with her dark blonde hair and
sparkling green eyes. A warm smile spreads across his face and
tears fill his eyes. He feels so blessed that this beautiful woman
is about to become his wife.

I am a shaking like a leaf. I am clinging
tightly to my father's arm because I am afraid my legs won't
support me if I turn loose. As we enter the room and I see Barry
standing in front of the big stone fireplace smiling at me, my
heart skips a beat. He is so handsome. I stare into his deep blue
eyes as we advance toward him and I feel his love flowing over me.
He is so kind and generous and he loves Eric like he is his own
son. How did I ever get so lucky as to have this gorgeous man fall
in love with me? .

I think back to only a little over a year ago
and remember how scared I was the first time I walked into this
room. I honestly didn't know that night if I would live to see the
morning with Darren Calloway so close on my heels. This man, my
soon to be husband, is truly my hero.
you, Lord for bringing him into my life at just the right

Standing in front of the room filled with our
friends and family, we say our vows. As Barry looks into my green
eyes and promises to love, honor, and cherish me, his eyes fill
with tears. When I smile at him, his heart soars with


After the reception, as Barry and I are
preparing to leave for a short honeymoon at a private island in the
Caribbean, I toss my bouquet at the crowd of well wishers. When it
lands in Scoot's hands, a look of horror spreads across his face
and he turns and tosses the bouquet to Goose who turns and tosses
it to Pinky who turns and tosses it to Stump who calmly hands it to
Dani Murray. Dani Murray turns and grins at Eric who high fives

Laughing I say, "No Scoot, it's yours. You
can't give it away!"

Scoot adamantly shakes his head and says, "No
way! I'll never get married again!"

Laughing Barry warns, "Don't ever say never,
it always comes back to bite you!"

About the

Karen Ward is the pen name used by Glenda

Glenda grew up in Texas but traveled the
United States as a healthcare consultant for many years. She has
over twenty years in the healthcare industry and has spent many
hours on airplanes and in hotel rooms reading the stories of her
favorite Romance writers.

A few years ago she found herself one of the
millions of Americans on the unemployment rolls and after a few
months began to put some of her own stories down on paper. She
loves the challenge of writing and plans to spend every spare
moment sharing her love of her heroes and heroines with the

Glenda is divorced with two grown children
and three grandchildren. She lives in a small town in the DFW


From the Author

Thank you for reading my story. I hope you enjoyed it
and will recommend it to your friends. Please don't forget to rate
the story before you leave.

Be sure to read the other stories in the
Wounded in Wyoming Series:












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