Read Seeking Justice Online

Authors: Rivi Jacks

Seeking Justice (22 page)

BOOK: Seeking Justice
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“Caitlyn, there’s nothing to be afraid of.” He returns his attention to the straps. “This is a sex swing.”

“I know.”

His eyebrows lift, and his mouth raises at the corners. “Do you now.” I blush. “Been searching the internet have we?” He holds my gaze, and I swallow with difficulty.

“Cait.” He looks back down to pull at a strap. “Do you trust me?”

“Yes,” I whisper without hesitation. And I do. I’ve never felt safer than I do with Liam.

He looks up. “Say it.”

I swallow as his eyes hold mine, ensnared in their blue depths. “I trust you, Liam.”

He continues to hold my gaze, and then his face breaks into that panty-melting smile of his.

I blink slowly.

“Well now, we’re going to have some fun, darlin’.” He moves my braid back behind my shoulder, his fingers brushing against my neck. My breath catches in a soft gasp, drawing his eyes back to mine. He runs one finger slowly down the side of my neck, over my collarbone to the center of my chest. I gasp sharply this time as his finger continues its course down between my breasts. The contracting of my stomach muscles is keen as he draws his finger straight down to my belly button.

I watch, my eyes locked on his finger, the digit wreaking havoc with my senses as he draws it over my pubic bone, through my curls. His hand forces my tightly closed legs apart enough so his finger can slide over my slit.

I whimper, my teeth coming down to bite my bottom lip. He releases the strap he’s holding, the swing swaying slightly and reaches to grasp my chin, releasing the bite on my lip.

“This is all about enjoyment, darlin’.”

I gulp. “For you…?”

His smile is blinding. “For both of us.”

Oh, hell.
When he smiles at me that way, there’s no telling what I might let him do to me.

“Okay,” I whisper. His eyebrow rises in silent question, and I nod.

“Okay,” he says, leaning in to position a strap near the back of my head. I inhale deeply, my body pulsating in reaction to his sexy male scent. He pushes me back to rest more fully against the adjusted strap as he pulls another one more securely across my back. “Relax against the straps.” His voice has taken on the commanding tone that seems to melt any resistance I might have as if it were butter.

Reaching up he wraps a strap with Velcro around one wrist, effectively binding my wrist to the swings support strap that I’m holding on to before doing the same to my other wrist. My arms are now secured above my head.

Panic sets in.

“Why are you tying my wrists?” I gasp softly as I pull against my bindings.

He places his hands over mine, and I immediately calm.

“There are several reasons but the main one is—it pleases me.” He brings his face close to mine and breathes against my lips, causing my stomach muscles to clench almost painfully. “I like the control over you that it gives me.” His voice is low and seductive.

He steps back, something in his demeanor changes perceptibly, and I watch as he reaches to pull an item from his back pocket. When he dangles a strip of black cloth in front of me, a frisson of dread slices through me.

I shake my head rapidly as he steps behind me.

“Yes,” he says firmly as he positions it over my eyes.

“Oh, fuck!”
I don’t realize I’ve said the words out loud until Liam gives a low chuckle.

“Fuck?” he whispers near my ear. “Oh, yes, darlin’, I
going to fuck you.”

My back almost bows with the tightening of every muscle in my body, in anticipation of what he has in store for me. I think I’ll hyperventilate as I sense him moving back to my front. This not being able to see shit is a little scary.

When he grasps one of my ankles and raises my leg, the swing shakes as my body jerks, my hold tightening on the straps.

“Relax, Caitlyn,” he orders sharply. “You won’t fall.”

“Well,” I gasp. “Warn me the next time you do something like that.”

He pinches one of my nipples and I jerk again, sending the swing swaying. “If I wanted you to know what I was going to do to you, Caitlyn—I wouldn’t have blindfolded you.”

Oh, shit!
I let out an unsteady breath.

He lifts my untethered leg, his warm hand encircling my ankle. He wraps me securely and then my legs are hoisted up and widely apart. This tips me back in the swing as I am spread open for him.

My heart is pounding again, and my breath is coming, in short, soft gasps. As apprehensive as I feel, it doesn’t come close to how freaking turned on I am at the moment.

“Darlin’, I think you like this,” he says as he runs a finger from my clit to my opening. “Nice and wet.” He presses his finger just a bit into my passage, and I jerk slightly, whimpering. My whole body heats with flush at how I must look.

I feel the air stir as Liam moves around me. “I love how you blush for me, sugar,” he growls, bringing his mouth down on mine in a hard kiss that leaves me dazed when he releases me, moving around me again. I start shivering, and I honestly don’t know if it’s from the chilliness of the room or from my desire.

Liam grips my ankles, suspended above my head and then brings his hands down the inside length of my legs to my center. I cry out and jerk against my bindings.

If he doesn’t take me soon, I’m going to perish, hanging right here on this swing. That’ll be a sure scandal for Justice House.

Liam runs his hands back up the outside of my legs this time and I can’t control my shudder.

“Liam, please,” I whine.

He grips my waist firmly, giving a sharp pull, and I jerk forward, my center smacking against his jean covered erection. I moan, my back bowing slightly.

If he does that again, it just might be the answer to my prayers.

I feel Liam lean over me, his medallion barely touching, tickling across my mound. I cry out at the effect this causes deep in my core. He cups my breasts, then pinches my nipples sharply.

“Ahh!” The swing jerks and sways with my movements.

“Do you want me to let you come?” Again his voice sounds brusque, hard.

I give a short, breathy laugh. “Yes!”
Oh, please yes. Now.
I hear the sound of a zipper and the rip of foil.

“You look beautiful like this, sugar,” he murmurs and then he’s running his hands up and down my legs, over my bottom, squeezing firmly. I moan, my body moving with a will of its own, arching into his hands as they move over me.

“Are you ready for me, darlin’?” he asks, his voice husky.

I mewl an answer, my body shaking, quivering with my arousal, my gasping breath echoing off the walls.

He positions his erection at my entrance, before gripping my hips with a firm hold. He yanks me forward with a quick hard jerk, as he thrusts into me at the same time, burying himself balls deep. My body arches, and I cry out hoarsely, spasming around the invasion of his large erection. The pleasure of his possession is a sharp, exquisite pain.

“Fuck!” Liam growls. “So fucking tight.”

He pushes against my hips, and I slide off his erection. He lets me go as far as the tip, and then he’s jerking me back along his length, his balls slapping against my bottom.

I cry out again as my back bows.

“You want to come baby? Let’s see how many times I can make you come.”

A shiver runs down my spine as he grasps the straps of the swing next to my hips and sets up a relentless push and pull, slamming into me ruthlessly. I am so fully spread open to him that the depth of his penetration steals my breath with each hard plunge. He’s had me on the edge of an orgasm since the episode in the garage, only to tease me repeatedly, withholding my release. Now, the force of his thrusts hitting against my cervix is a sharp sweet pain, and I grit my teeth against the unbelievable sensation as my orgasm lashes out with a vengeance.

My legs and hands pull against the straps as my body convulses, jerking about as I hang suspended in midair. I’m left breathless and limp as Liam continues thrusting at a punishing pace. I feel a sudden need to see him. I want this blindfold off. “I need to see you,” I gasp. He changes the angle of his thrusts, and soon I feel my body respond as everything begins to tighten his strokes hitting that oh-so-sweet spot dead on.

Oh, no! Too soon
. My head thrashes back and forth, and I grip the straps so tightly my fingers feel numb. I cry out as my body arches up sharply with my second orgasm.

I lose all track of time as Liam brings me to climax with what seems to be ruthless determination. The man never tires, never falters as he turns and pulls the swing, angling my body to his satisfaction and my deep pleasure. At one point, he unstraps and repositions my arms and legs, massaging each limb before strapping me securely again. He does not remove the blindfold, ignoring my pleas to do so. I love watching him when we have sex, and I feel cheated. In an odd way, the blindfold leaves me feeling disconnected from him.

Can a person die by orgasm? The thought crosses my mind as I come hard with one orgasm after another until I can no longer string two thoughts together or differentiate where one orgasm ends and another begins.

It feels as if hours have passed when he at last releases my limp legs, rubbing each one.

“Here drink.” He places a bottle against my lips as his arm supports my back. I drink thirstily.

He releases my arms and massages each, keeping me supported against his body, and I turn my face into his sweat slickened chest, loving his musky, hot scent. When he lifts me up into his arms, I don’t even have the strength to wrap my arms around his neck as my cheek rests against the medallion on his chest.

The blindfold is still in place as he carries me and then sets me down on a cold, hard surface. He pulls against the cloth at the back of my head and it falls away. I blink against the light.

Liam’s face is at my level as he gazes into my face his eyes fervid with their intensity. His large hand cups the side of my face.

“How do you feel?” he asks, his voice gruff sounding.

I smile, suddenly feeling shy. “Good,” I say softly, my voice hoarse.

The skin around his eyes tightens fractionally, and then he’s leaning in, his mouth taking mine in a soft, warm kiss. I sway slightly as he pulls away.

“Can you sit here for a moment without falling off the counter?”

“Yes,” I whisper. I think I can.

Liam steps back slowly and then moves to the open shower. I stare at his gorgeous body, muscles rippling as he moves, my eyes feasting on his fine ass. My stomach tightens. I am certain at that moment that I will never tire of Liam Justice.

I close my eyes, too tired to keep them open as I hear the shower come on. Then Liam is picking me up from the counter, cradling me against his chest as he walks into the shower with me in his arms.


I wake slowly knowing it’s late by the amount of sunlight coming through the windows. I sit up and gasp when I see the time.

I flop back against the pillow. Liam keeps me up all night and then I sleep my day away. The thought of last night has me biting my lip.

Holy hell.

I squeeze my legs tightly together against the sudden lust that sweeps over me. Gritting my teeth, I suck in a deep breath.

Holy. Hell.

I’m smiling as I exit the en suite, fully dressed since Liam thoughtfully brought my clothes leaving them in the bathroom for me. I wonder, not for the first time, where Mr. Justice is. Not spotting my shoes or bag, I decide to look for them as I go in search of Liam. I find the missing items still in the living room, but a noise in the direction of the kitchen has me heading that way.

Liam’s bent over with his head in the refrigerator, and I walk silently in my bare feet up behind him. I don’t know what comes over me, because I’m not a grabby kind of girl, but I reach between his legs and grab him firmly.

He gives a loud “Whoa!” jumping straight up, and I step back grinning as he spins around. My grin quickly turns to an expression of shock when I see Bryce’s surprised face.


“Bryce! Oh!” I quickly back up. “I… I am
sorry!” I take another step back and then I’m practically running from the kitchen.

“Cait, wait!”

I’m slipping on my shoes just as Bryce catches up with me.

“Cait,” he laughs “Don’t worry about it.”

I refuse to make eye contact with him. My face feels blistered with my blush. “I am so sorry,” I say once more before I head down the hall to the elevator with Bryce right behind me.

Where the hell is Liam?

“Cait, honey, don’t leave. It’s okay, please don’t be embarrassed.” I might have felt better at his reassurance if he weren’t laughing. “Come on Cait, it’s fine, I liked it! You can feel me up anytime you want.”

I huff a breath, truly irritated now.

The elevator opens, and I step inside. As the doors slide closed, I look up into Bryce’s smiling eyes, alight with a wicked gleam.

Again, I don’t know what comes over me as I flip him off.


I’m swatting at a pesky fly as I recline against my lounge chair, when Liam starts blowing up my phone with calls. Julie and I are soaking up rays beside the pool where she and Paul live, and she looks over from her reclined lounger.

“You aren’t going to talk to him?”

I reach for my drink and settle back with a sigh. “Not right now.” I take a long draw on the straw in my margarita. Julie made a pitcher to bring down to the pool with us and we’re on our second glass.

“You’re mad at him because you grabbed the crotch of his friend?”

I laugh. “No. I just don’t feel like talking to him right now.” I close my eyes letting the afternoon sun and tequila soothe my emotions.

“He’s never there when I wake,” I divulge, feeling her look at me.

“Yeah, but he has a business to run, right?”

“Oh, I don’t mean it upsets me. I know he has responsibilities; it’s just that… he’s never there when I wake. It makes me feel—” I shrug.


I look over at her. “Yeah, I guess.” I’m not sure I want to try to explain that more than anything, it makes me feel—dismissed.

“Ladies, how long are you bathing beauties going to bake out here?” We both look up at Paul as he joins us. “Do you have a margarita to spare?” He pulls a chair from a nearby table over close to our chairs.

“Oh, we might be persuaded to spare one,” Julie teases. She reaches out to her husband, who promptly enfolds her hand in his large one, bringing it up to his mouth to kiss her knuckles.

I sit up and reach over to pick up the pitcher to top off Julie’s glass as my phone rings again. I hand her glass to Paul.

“You’ll have to share with your wife unless you brought a glass with you.”

“This is fine.” He raises his eyebrows. “What’s going on?” He nods in the direction of my ringing phone.

“Liam keeps calling, but Cait doesn’t want to talk to him. They had a wild night of sex, and she wants him to question his manhood, his ability, if he was all that good in the sack or not.”

I snort a laugh. Julie looks over at me and grins. She stands and moves to sit in her husband’s lap, wrapping her arms around him as Paul sips from her glass.

“Baby, I want a sex swing.”

BOOK: Seeking Justice
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