Seeking Evil (Looking Into The Mind Of A Killer Series) (22 page)

BOOK: Seeking Evil (Looking Into The Mind Of A Killer Series)
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The doctor was a more immediate problem. He

d served his purpose, even though it had required returning to that hellhole when his first attempts at finding her had failed. The last time had been more successful. The doctor

s assistance would no longer be needed.


d take care of the cop, but all in time.
First, h
e needed the cop to tell him where he

d hidden her. She was still fighting him. She hadn

t forgiven his past transgressions. He couldn

t get a good read on her whereabouts although he
could feel
her. She was close. She

d be his soon. First, he

d take care of the doctor and then had to decide if he wanted to be merciful to Agent Delaney. Or make him pay dearly for corrupting his beloved.


The doctor mentioned a
boyfriend. Have you found out anything more on him?

John couldn

t seem to shake the feeling of being watched.
He’d had it
many times over the past few hours. Even after

d returned to the

He glanced down at the street below. Nothing appeared out of the ordinary. The case had his imagination playing tricks.

Not so far. I

m going to call Brenda

s sister. See what she knows. What do you see out there?

John turned from the window.

Nothing. That

s just it. Anything from Ryan yet on the movie search?

Nope. Apparently D.C. and surrounding areas are not great fans of the Duke.

Rick stopped smiling when he caught sight of
the uneasy way John scanned the street below

Hey, what is it?

John shook his head. It was
after all
just a hunch.

Nothing. I don

t know. I just have this gut feeling he

s close.

You think? Want me to have the locals canvass the area?

John nodded. He knew Warren would have a fit when he
there was no sound basis for such the search beyond John

s gut, but he was already in hot water with Warren. What did one more indiscretion matter?

Do it and get the sister on the phone for us. Let

s see if we can find out what Jericho Lewis did to his wife

s lover.

Rick glanced at his watch

"I know it's
just do it."

His partner

t hesitate to follow through with John

s request. Within minutes of his call to the local police precinct, a quiet search of the area had begun. And Sarah Templeton was on the phone, confused and angry at being woken from sleep at a quarter of one.

Mrs. Templeton, I apologize for calling so late, but I

m Agent Garner and with me is Agent Delaney. We need your help desperately.

On speakerphone, everything appeared
. They could hear the sound of a light switched on and voices, more than Sarah

s, probably her husband.


s this about? Can

t it wait until morning? I have to be at work in six hours.

Sarah asked at last.


with all due respect
it can

t. This is about your sister.

The silence following Rick

s response was long and filled

What about Brenda? She

s dead.
Has been for years now.
Why can

t you people just let her be for once?

John wondered what she meant by that. For the
time being,
it could wait. They needed to know about Brenda

s boyfriend first.

Mrs. Templeton, we believe your former brother-in-law may be responsible for more than a half dozen murders that we know of. I apologize for the time, but it can

t wait. We need your help now.

The fear in her voice was palpable.

, not again
. What do you want to know?

Anything you might be able to tell us that might help.


ve spent most of my life, in recent years, trying to forget the torture she suffered at that monster

s hands and now you want me to relive it?

I know it

s hard

Rick offered.

You don

t know anything about it.

Sarah Templeton breathed the words to life. The weight of a lifetime of pain in them.

A noise followed and then a man

s voice came on the line.

What do you need from us?

John assumed the man was Sarah

s husband.
took up the questioning from that point.

We need to know what you can tell
about Brenda

s boyfriend. I need to talk to him.

The silence that followed was overwhelming.


s impossible. He died
a few days
before Brenda. Don

t you people talk to each other?


s gaze collided with Rick.

He was murdered? Lewis wasn

t charged for the murder.

The man
laughed angrily

No, because the bastard was too smart for the local people. Oh, they knew he did
, even the DA prosecuting Brenda

s case knew he killed that poor man, but there wasn

t enough evidence, and they just wanted to lock him away from society before he could hurt anyone else. You see how well that worked out.

He hasn

t tried to reach you or your wife.

You think he

ll come after us?

Fear laced tension through the man

s tone with that realization.

I don

t know. At this point, we know very little about him. For the time being
until we

re sure, I

d like to take you both into protective custody.

Dammit, we have lives. How much longer are we going to have to surrender them because my sister-in-law made a mistake?

John wished he had a definite answer for the man.

I don

t know. Let

s hope it won

t be too much longer. I

d rather have you in custody
out there in plain sight for him to hunt down.

Fine. Do what you have to do, but this time do us and the world a favor and kill the son

After they hung up from the Templeton

Rick voiced his doubts.

You think he

ll come after them?

e wants Anna. Or at least what Anna has


s heart. And I think he

ll stop at nothing to get her.


s cell phone buzzed
and he answered it

Yes. Okay. Thanks.

He flipped the phone shut.

The search turned up nothing. If he was out there, he

s gone now.

How are Bev and Ed holding up?

As well as can be expected
I guess. They

re worried sick about Anna.

John nodded.


m assuming the search on Anna

s home turned up nothing.

Not a thing. Why don

t you call her

John didn

t need to ask whom he was referring to.

And tell her what?

That you miss her. That you

re doing everything you can to solve this thing. That once it

s over, you two need to talk.

In spite of the gravity of the situation, John smiled at Rick

s attempt at matchmaking.


ve got it all worked out.
call her.

Yeah, well, I

m not the one in love with her. Why don

t you do something even better? Why don

t you go there? You know you want to.

John shook his head. He didn

t need to be reminded. The desire to
be with her now was almost physical.

I need to be here. There

s too much hinging on us catching this guy and soon.

Which is why you
be there. Go
Ryan and I

ll keep digging. Go be with her.




The night
by. With John gone and the two agents protecting
standing stone-faced in the presence of any of
attempts at making conversation,
self with too much time on
hands to think.

And a
s always, John
was like
an addiction.

t be near him and not act on the attraction

d shared from the beginning
, Anna
the truth
It didn

t seem to matter how
tried to dress it up, what
went much deeper than mere physical attraction.

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