See You in My Dreams: Speed, Book 1 (10 page)

BOOK: See You in My Dreams: Speed, Book 1
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Nathan grabbed the bag he’d dropped beside the spa earlier. He pulled out a tube of lubricant and squeezed a generous dollop directly onto her ass.

She gasped. “Cold.” Gooseflesh covered her buttocks.

“It’ll heat up soon.” Christ, if she didn’t look supremely fuckable at that moment. He had to touch. Had to have her.

Nathan slipped his finger over her anus, caressing it, stroking, teasing. Probing.

Sophie moaned and squeezed her cheeks together, then quickly let them relax again, opening herself up to him, offering herself to him.

He swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat. Need assaulted him. In his entire life, he’d never felt desire like this. Or the desperation to touch, to hold, to own.

Her muscle slowly gave way to his gentle exploration, and Nathan dipped the tip of one finger inside her, already wishing it was his cock.

“Oh, God, Nathan!” Her voice was strangled.

He slipped his finger in deeper until Sophie thrashed on his hand. Ah, hell. She was so tight. So hot. She was everything he’d ever wanted in a woman. Everything he’d ever dreamed about. And more.

His balls cramped beneath his aching cock.

“God, that feels amazing,” she cried.

He added another finger slowly, giving her time to adjust.

Sophie muttered wordlessly as she pushed back, impaling herself on his fingers. He couldn’t take the pressure. He needed relief. Now.

“Have to have you, sweetheart,” he murmured. “Have to be inside you. Feel your ass wrapped around my cock.” Droplets beaded across her skin. Her wet hair fanned over her back. He could have blown his load right then and there. But he wanted to come in the depths of her luscious body. Wanted to brand her as his. “Tell me you want it too, Soph.”

“W-want it. So…bad.”

With sweat pouring down his back, he positioned his cock between her butt cheeks, dragging the tip over her slickened anus.

Sophie shuddered. Water lapped against the walls of the spa.

He saw stars.


His answering groan was hoarse as he thrust his hips forward with as much control as humanly possible. She was wet and pliant from the gel and his fingers, and offered only a momentary barrier to his invading cock. Then the ring of muscle slackened, gradually allowing him in.

He inched into her, guiding himself with his hand. He didn’t want to go slow. Instinct told him to slam inside her, bury his cock so deep in her ass he’d lose himself in her heated, velvety depths. He resisted.

Sophie squeezed him tight, welcomed him as she grew accustomed to his presence. Her sensual whimpers filled his ears, her soft moans wrapped around his heart.

Steam weaved its way between their limbs. Heated water swirled around his thighs.

Clutching her waist with one hand, he slid the other around her hips and found her clit. The feminine nub was swollen, and the second he stroked it, Sophie gasped.

He pulled out of her, carefully, tenderly and pressed back in. Deeper than before. She pushed against his hand, rubbing her clit on him. Her sharp gasp made his heart thunder.

“Nathan…” she whispered. “Give me everything. Please.”

Nathan froze, forgetting to move. “Wha—”

“I need all of you.”

All of him, as in the full length of his raging erection, or all of him as in his heart and soul?

Was there a difference?

Not for him. Far as he was concerned, if he let go while making love to her, if he lost his self-control, he’d lose his heart as well. He’d give her everything, just like she’d asked. He probably already had.

“You have it, sweetheart,” he managed at last. “You have all of me.”

This time when he withdrew, his didn’t restrict his movements. He sank back into her all the way, burying himself to the balls.

“God, yes! Just like that.”

Streaks of pleasure flashed through him, setting his blood on fire.

She whimpered. “N-need you deeper.” She rocked her hips, making love to him, pulling off then enveloping him again, over and over.

The water rolled in waves around the spa.

He watched her move, watched his cock vanish into her ass and then appear again, glistening. Watched as exquisite sensation rocked through him, the base of his spine tingling. It shouldn’t be possible to get any harder, but he did. For her. Because of her.

Nathan lost whatever control he’d clung to. He gave himself over to the urge to make love to her. Fuck her. To bury himself to the hilt repeatedly. To lose himself in the depths of her ass. To merge his body with hers, his heart with hers.

With every thrust of his hips, every stroke of his finger against her clit, he fell a little harder for Sophie. His dreams merged with his reality. The woman who monopolized so much of his sleep now took residence in his conscious.

Water sloshed up his back and over Sophie’s butt.

He gave Sophie everything he had, and in the process she became a part of him.

Her moans made him lightheaded. Her velvety walls clasped him tight, squeezing him, pulling him deeper. He thrust harder, faster. Water splashed everywhere, over the sides, wetting the floor.

If once, just once, she protested, he’d stop, slow his speed, soothe her instantly. But she didn’t protest.

She gasped. And moaned. And begged. When he slid a finger into her pussy, she crooned in delight.

He saw stars. Felt his finger inside her, against his cock,

“It’s like a dream.” Sophie’s voice was hoarse with desire. “A perfect dream… Only better.” And then she was coming, her pussy convulsing around his finger, her ass clamping down on his cock.

Christ, the pressure was intense, the sensation incredible. The tingles pooling at the base of his spine spread. Electricity raced up his back, down again.

His balls drew tight, and he could contain his pleasure no longer. The orgasm crashed over him, blood thundering in his ears. He came deep inside her velvety passage, his pulses of release throbbing in time to the residual clenching and unclenching of her ass.

He’d heard many songs in his life, sang thousands of them himself, but the sweetest music imaginable played for him in that moment: the sound of Sophie—the woman of his dreams—calling out his name, over and over again as together they reached their peak.



At least a half an hour had passed since Nathan had lifted her drowsy body from the spa and tenderly dried her off. He’d carried her to his bed and lay on his back with Sophie curled into his side. Neither one of them had moved an inch since.

Much as she hated the idea, Sophie needed to leave. Her assignment wasn’t going to write itself. As it was, she’d taken much-needed time away from working on it to be with Nathan. She’d never get it finished this afternoon.

As though reading her mind, or at the very least sensing the direction her thoughts were taking, Nathan sighed. “It’s a damn pity you live in Sydney.”

Sophie frowned. “It’s a damn pity you don’t.” More than a pity. It was enough to break her heart—if she let it.

Ridiculous really, that after just two days of knowing him she already felt such a deep emotional attachment. She’d fallen, hard, for the man she’d fucked so thoroughly in her dreams.

Reluctantly, she checked the clock on the bedside table. If she had any hope of getting some words down in time to meet Tasha and Kaz for the concert, she needed to get home.

For a brief moment, she considered dumping her friends and spending the entire night with Nathan.

But she couldn’t. First off, she had the concert tickets, and she couldn’t let her friends down. Secondly, Sophie wasn’t about to give up this opportunity to see
live in concert. And finally, Nathan had mentioned he needed to work.

Problem was, once she walked away from this apartment she’d never see Nathan again. He was checking out in the morning.

Her heart contracted with a sharp, piercing ache. For a few short hours today and yesterday the man of her dreams had become a very real, very special part of her life. In just a few minutes’ time, he’d once again be assigned to her nighttime musings.

Tears rushed her eyes. She didn’t want him to be a part of her dreams. She wanted the real thing.

But that in itself was an impossible dream.

Tomorrow she’d have to reread Elisabeth Kübler-Ross’s theory on the five stages of grief. She was going to need it.

Reluctantly she pulled out of his arms. “I have to go.”

Nathan sighed. “I know. I do too.” He sat up and caught her arm, pulling her to him again. Then he placed his mouth over hers and kissed her as though there was no tomorrow.

It was a beautiful, heartfelt kiss, and it made Sophie ache with the knowledge she’d never see him again.

She wasn’t even aware a tear had leaked from her eye and slid down her cheek until Nathan brushed it away with his thumb.

“You’re crying.”

Sophie shrugged and burrowed her head into his shoulder. “Ignore it. I’m just being an idiot.”

He shook his head. “Making you cry isn’t something I can ignore.”

“It’s not you,” she said with a shaky breath. “It’s just…us. This. Today.” She looked up at him shyly. “It was perfect. Absolutely perfect.”

Nathan smiled. “Perfect enough to make you cry?”

She squeezed her eyes shut, opened them again. “Perfect enough to make me wish…”

He gazed at her. “For more?”

She nodded sadly. “Impossible wish.”

“Impossible,” he agreed. “But if it makes you feel better, you’re not the only one wishing it.”

She thought about that for a minute. It did make her feel better. Marginally.

She smiled at him. “Thank you, Nathan James. For everything.”

“Ah, sweetheart,” he murmured. “I should be thanking you. For giving me something to dream about.”

Her heart slammed into her ribs.

Damn it, she needed to get out of there. If she didn’t, she’d find herself crouched on the floor at his feet, begging him not to leave tomorrow. Not to leave ever.

She kissed his cheek and pulled away unwillingly.

He released her.

With a heavy sigh, Sophie dressed quickly. How was she ever going to walk into this apartment again without thinking about Nathan and this afternoon?

Nathan walked her to the front door, scooping up her bag from the floor in the lounge room on the way. Her hands trembled as she took it from him. Trembled so hard, she dropped the bag, spilling its contents across the floor.

Both she and Nathan bent to pick everything up. Purse, phone and make-up were thrown back inside.

“Can’t have you losing these.” Nathan held out a white envelope, which Sophie took gratefully. It held the concert tickets. Nathan would know that because she’d carefully printed the name of the concert, the date, the venue and the seat numbers on it.

“Nathan, I…” What was she going to say?
I had a really good time? I don’t want this to end?
Heck, maybe she could go the distance and admit the truth, embarrassing them both in the process.
Nathan, I’ve fallen in love with you.

Maybe not. “Know what my only regret is?”

He shook his head and considered her with brooding eyes. “Tell me.”

“I wish I’d had a chance to record you speaking.”

His eyes narrowed.

Sophie swallowed. “The next time I’m lying alone, naked on my bed with only my iPod for company, I would love to listen to the sound of your voice.”

Nathan gave a strangled groan.

Sophie smiled. “I’ll think of you. And every time I hear
Loving Eyes
, I’ll be imagining you and your voice. And me. And the spa.”

“Fucking great,” he muttered, his tone a mixture of humor and frustration. He shifted from one foot to the other. “I get to spend the entire night tonight with blue balls.”

She flashed him an apologetic smile. “Sorry about that.”

“Not half as sorry as I am, sweetheart.” He melded his mouth to hers in a bone-melting kiss.

When he pulled away she stood shakily and opened the door. “G’bye, Nathan,” she whispered. “It was nice meeting you.”

He gave her one last gorgeous smile. “I’ll see you in my dreams, Sophie Rose.”

Chapter Seven

“Criminey, Soph, what did you do this afternoon?” Tasha threw the question at her as they headed up a flight of stairs inside the Sydney Football Stadium, the only venue big enough to fit all the

“What do you mean?” Sophie puffed. Her legs ached, the pain a mixture of stiffness from her afternoon activities and exertion from the staircase they’d just ascended.

“You look kind of different from usual,” Tash said.

She felt different. As though she’d had a life-changing experience. Being with Nathan had essentially altered her somehow. But she wasn’t ready to speak about him with her friends. Wasn’t ready to share the details of her afternoon.

Sophie voiced the first excuse that popped into her head. “Uh, maybe that’s because I was at the dentist today?”

“Ah.” Tasha nodded as though that explained everything.

“He work on your teeth?” Kaz wanted to know.

“Mmm hmm,” she answered vaguely. “Why do you ask?”

“Well, you’re pretty much glowing,” Kaz told her.

“Uh-huh.” Tasha agreed. “Even I can see it. You’ve got this, I don’t know, golden sheen to your skin.”

Sophie snorted. “Have not.”

“Have too,” Kaz insisted. “Although it’s more pinkish than golden.”

“It’s these steps. The sheen is perspiration, plain and simple.”

No, it wasn’t. It was the satisfied flush of a woman who’d spent the afternoon in bed with a sinfully sexy man. A man she’d like to spend a lifetime of afternoons in bed with but regretfully would never see again.

“Did he give you happy gas?” Tasha asked.


“Duh. The dentist.”

“Yeah. That could be one explanation for the hazy expression on your face.” Kaz gave her an assessing look. “And the pinks in your aura.”

Uh-oh. Kaz was reading her aura. Which meant there was very little chance of her getting away with lying. “God, no. It was just a routine check-up. I didn’t need happy gas.” She should just come clean and tell her friends about Nathan, but she wasn’t ready for the barrage of questions that would follow.

BOOK: See You in My Dreams: Speed, Book 1
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