Read See Me Online

Authors: Pauline Allan

Tags: #BBW, #erotic romance, #Contemporary

See Me (23 page)

BOOK: See Me
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“Baby,” he whispered as he scooted onto the other side of the mattress. The shift made her bob around on her side of the bed. “I brought you
. Well, and some strawberries. I thought we could play a little game. I took a shower inside, and I stole a bowl of these on my way out.

“Hey,” he coaxed as he tugged on the blanket. “Open your mouth.”

He scooted closer with the bowl of strawberries. After popping one in his mouth, he nudged her hip with his waist. “Come on, you know you want one.”

She leaned over and pushed the black button on the battery lamp, sending the tent into darkness. The crickets’ song seemed magnified, accompanied by the sound of other furry little creatures scurrying around the woods.

“Okay, can I have one of those?” she asked.

When she rolled over, her vision adjusted to the moonlight streaming in from the mesh top of the tent. Sean was leaning against a pillow, shirtless and…good God. He’d taken off his sweatpants. The man was naked, gorgeous, and so breathtaking. The bowl of strawberries sitting on his abdomen rose and fell with each breath. He’d popped another one in his mouth and had one waiting in his hand.

She looked down at his crossed ankles. “You’re naked.”

“Yes. Want one?”

He held out the strawberry in his palm. She took the morsel like a timid rabbit. “You’re beautiful.”

“Ah, you say that to all the guys.”

She laughed. “Only the ones offering me fruit.” The sweetness popped on her tongue as she chewed. “Sean?”

“Huh?” He slipped another strawberry into his mouth.

“Offer me another one.”

“Here,” he said and picked another piece out to hand to her.

Abigail sat up, letting the cover fall to her waist. “Offer it to me.”

“I am.”

“No.” She tugged on the cotton pajama top and pulled it over her head, letting her breasts bounce free. “Offer it to me.”

His eyes went from popped open to slits. Oh, he finally got it. The piece of fruit was placed on the apex where his thigh met his hip. She couldn’t scramble fast enough to lick the tasty treat from his body. She chewed quickly.

“Another, please.”

“Fuck, Abigail. I like this game.” He dug another piece from the bowl and placed it on top of the neatly trimmed hair at his groin. “Eat it.”

More than happy to do so, she pressed her lips into the crisp hairs and used her tongue to lift the fruit into her mouth. “More.”

“Lick this one up.” Sneaky devil, she thought when he pulled on his hard cock to place the strawberry on his sac. “And take your time.”

The masculine scent of pine and sandalwood drifted into her nose as she nudged the tip against his cock. His hips bumped, giving her access to his ass. She slid her hand under one of the thick muscles. “Mmmm,” she mumbled before digging into the soft sac. Licking first one side, then the other, she cleaned his balls. Each time he lifted his hips, she stroked her thumb over the sensitive spot just below his sac.

“I don’t know what you’re doing, but don’t stop. God, don’t stop.”

Abigail sucked one roughened globe into her mouth and slipped the pad of her thumb back and forth over the tight piece of skin. Feeling a little naughty, she tried to slip the tip of her thumb against his tight bud, and he jumped. Too far, she thought with a smile. Letting go of the one oversensitized ball, she nudged the other one with her nose and lapped it into her waiting mouth. She dealt the same delicious torture to this one as she had the last.

Gripping the shaft resting against his stomach, she tugged. The groan that came from above was a sure sign she was doing something right. The slick skin on the underside of his cock slid against her tongue, making her want to skip the foreplay and spear herself on his long rod. The flesh was a hot, mouthwatering dessert that she’d never get enough of. Trying to suck the broad tip to the back of her throat, she gagged.

“Easy, baby,” he coaxed as he petted her head with loving strokes. “You don’t have to take it all.” She licked the clear pearl beaded on the tip of his cock. His hips jerked. “Well, if you want to try again.”

“I’d rather sit on this thing,” she teased as she lazily stroked the long shaft. “But, if you’d prefer I didn’t…”

“Wait, now, I didn’t say that. I think, for your own good, you should follow your instincts and crawl up here. After all, you’ve been on your feet all day and need a rest.”

She could barely make out his smile, but she knew full well it was there.

“I have a nice, warm seat here for you, and once positioned, I promise you won’t fall off.”

God, she was getting lost in this man, letting him bring her peace when, in reality, she should be scared to death. He’d promised to protect her, and with all her heart, she knew he’d keep his word.

“Are you sure I won’t fall off?” She licked the underside of his shaft and blew hot air against the rigid skin. His big hands curled under her arms, dragging her up his torso. “I mean, what if I start to wiggle or jump up and down?”

He positioned her pussy just above his waist, pushing and pulling little bits to get her right where he wanted her. “Hmm, maybe we should test my theory. Wiggling and jumping up and down, right? Maybe you should do some of that to make sure you’re going to stay on.”

Through the gray shadows in the tent, she felt two warm hands cradle her breasts, two wide thumbs scrape over her nipples. The intense sensation sent a zing straight to her pussy, making her thighs shake. She couldn’t play this game much longer. She needed to feel full, to feel close to the man she was falling in love with. Had fallen in love with.

“I think you’re right. We should test this out,” she said and leaned forward to press a kiss to his smiling lips. “God, I lo—”

The knot in the back of her throat made her breath catch. She’d about screwed this whole thing up and told him she loved him. It’d been so long since she’d felt close to someone. As she looked down to see the moonlight sparkle against Sean’s face, she thought about the emptiness in her life. The gaping hole that had never been filled was starting to fade away. She’d never felt this close to anyone. Not Justin, not her father, not her mother. Not even Ron.

“Baby?” He smoothed back her still-wet hair. “You all right?”

Not wanting him to see how weak she really was, she buried her face in the hollow of his neck and sighed. The embrace he cradled her in was a gift greater than anything anyone had ever given her. A gift she’d never dared to ask for but secretly hoped for. “Sean?”

“Shh, baby.” As she sank onto his chest, his hips rose between her spread thighs. The broad head of his shaft nudged at her wet opening. She slowly pressed as he pushed, sheathing his girth with her body, making her feel so full. So complete.


Sean smoothed the stands of hair over her shoulder. “I love you too, baby. Now, relax and let me make you feel good.”

He’d said it. He’d said the words she longed to hear and couldn’t find the courage to say. Abigail did just as her man wanted and let him possess her body with tenderness. Just as they’d made wild love earlier this morning, Sean took his time to worship every inch of her skin. With each kiss to her stomach or gentle stroke to her hip, the panic and fear ebbed away. His magic hands eased the tension she wasn’t aware she’d stored in every cell of her body. He stole the pain and the uncertainty and replaced them with passion and love.

“Roll against me,” he said as he cradled her backside to press her stomach and breasts against his long body. With each thrust, he filled her, tightening the coil that promised to explode. “You feel so good in my arms. Come here.” He tugged her closer, palming the back of her head to rest it against his chest, never hesitating or missing a single thrust. His body knew how to please her, and her heart finally found peace knowing that she could please him. She could accept his caring, his tenderness, and hold on to it like a precious stone.

With one thigh resting on his upturned hip, she wiggled and pushed her waist, trying to close every single inch between their writhing bodies.

“Come for me, baby,” Sean murmured against her ear. “I want you to come with me. Will you come with me?”

Abigail felt the tight coil in her stomach start to unwind as she ground her clit against his groin. “Yes! Yes, Sean, make me come.”

“God, Abigail! I always want to hear you say that. Come for me.” Sean rolled his hips, making just the right friction to release the tension in her body. Her muscles locked as the orgasm rocked her against his warm body. She vaguely heard his voice praising her as she felt her body float back to the mattress.

The slickness between her legs let her know he’d come too. He’d pulled out, leaving the evidence on her thighs.

“Lie back,” he said, and she scooted up on the mattress to lean back on his pillow. When he crawled over to his duffel bag, she couldn’t help but admire the tight ass staring back at her. “Stop checking out my ass, Abigail.”

She snickered and gave one tight globe a shove with her foot. “I can’t help it.”

“Here.” He wiped the semen from her thighs with a T-shirt he’d grabbed from the bag. “Open your legs.” She should’ve been embarrassed but couldn’t find the energy to feel any shame. She was so exhausted she let her legs fall to the sides while he gently cleaned her pussy.


“Hmm?” She rolled her head to the side and closed her eyes, letting the postorgasm euphoria lull her.

“If I had a respectable job, I mean, like I could…” he said and turned to toss the T-shirt in the corner of the tent. “I mean, if I could have a job that would support a… Shit, what I was wondering…”

Abigail rolled onto her side and searched to grab the hand closest to her. Whatever he was trying to say made her nervous. “Hold me.”

He stretched out onto his back, letting her drape an arm and leg over his body. The feel of his warm skin under her palm made her shiver. She pressed her hand over the thud of his heart. It was beating too fast.


His strong arm cradled her, stroking the tension from the tight muscles in her back. “I want to apply for the accounting job at Fantasy Emporium.”

“You do?” She didn’t want to sound too eager, but the urge to hop up and do a little dance was almost too much to handle. “I’d like that. I need you. I mean, the business needs your expertise.”

He hugged her closer and pressed a kiss on the top of her head. “I need you too. And yes, the business does need my expertise.” Her head rose and fell with his gentle laugh. “Abigail?”

She yawned. “Hmm?”

“If I had a respectable job and could make enough money to support a family, would you move in with me?” The thudding of his heart beneath her ear sped up. “My mom didn’t teach me much, but she did show me that a man has to be able to take care of his woman. He can’t just leave her behind to fend for herself. If he really cared, he’d stay, and they’d take care of each other. I can do that, if you could just give me a chance.”

The sound of his fragile voice made her want to hold him forever. “If I didn’t have a respectable job and was able to also support a family, would you move in with me?” she asked.

He paused, and a sour pit grew in her stomach. “Yes,” he finally said.

“Well, then, my answer is yes too. But I don’t think my place or your place is going to be big enough for the three of us. Besides, Justin knows at least that Fantasy Emporium is in the warehouse. It’ll just be a matter of time before he figures out I live there too.”

“I don’t have much in my apartment. There’ll be room. We’ll figure something out. I know I can keep you safe. How do you think the mutt will do, living with a guy?”

Abigail tipped her head up to see the outline of Penelope sleeping on the blanket. “I think she’ll be more than okay with it. But you can’t fatten her up anymore. She barely wants to take walks now the way it is, and now she waddles.”

“A little bacon now and then never hurt anybody.” The slight sheen of sweat from their lovemaking session was drying, and she shivered from the night breeze. “Are you cold?” Sean tugged on the cover and pulled it up over them. “There. Now, go to sleep. Tomorrow’s going to be a long day. I have all sorts of fun planned for you.”

Abigail shivered again, but this time it wasn’t from the chill in the air. The thought of new naughty delights made her body hum. “Promise?”

Sean hugged her closer, wrapping her in the safety of his arms. “Promise.”

Chapter Fourteen

Ron was waiting for her when she walked into the front lobby. “Do you want the good news or the bad news first?”

She poured a mug of coffee and motioned for him to follow her into the office. “Well,” she said before taking a sip from the steaming cup, “the good news.”

“We had four bites on the accounting job since we got back. The voice mails have been pouring in for over a week. I’ve set up interviews for next week.”

Abigail knew who the right man for the job would be. She just had to convince him to apply for it. “Okay, so what’s the bad news?”

Ron shut the office door. “Remember the guy who wanted to interview for a performer spot, the guy you were going to interview on Monday?”

She set the mug down and booted up the computer. “Yes.”

“Well, he’s here, and he looks great. He went to the bathroom. I didn’t know what you’d want to do. Here’s his file. I figured, he’s here and you’re here. He’s got a nice build, tall and kind of thin, but good enough. Do you want to go ahead and do it today?”

Nothing could spoil her mood this morning. It’d been over a week since they’d gotten back from the camping trip, and she’d decided to jump-start her new life with Sean.
And without Justin
. “Sure,” she said and took the folder from Ron’s hand. “Send him in.”


Ron walked out of the office and said something to someone in the lobby. She heard the man tell Ron he was excited to be here. Abigail tugged on the hem of her T-shirt and flipped open the file. The guy had a strong jawline with a creamy, olive skin tone. She pulled out another snapshot when she heard Ron thank someone for dropping off a package.

Ron spoke again, and Abigail looked at the doorway.

BOOK: See Me
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