Read Seductive Guest Online

Authors: E. L. Todd

Seductive Guest (16 page)

BOOK: Seductive Guest
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“That was nice of you,” Sarah said quietly. Now that she was sober, she was actually very sweet. She looked tired, like she had no energy, but there was a natural warmth about her. The lack of poison was already effective.

“She’s a good friend,” River said. “She’s always there for me.”

“I’m glad my brother has you,” she said. “He really cares about you.”

Did he talk about me a lot?

River cleared his throat and changed the subject. “That’s a nice tennis court out there. Have you used it?”

“No, I don’t know how to play,” Sarah said.

“I’m sure someone here wouldn’t mind teaching you.” River spoke to her differently than before, almost like a parent rather than a brother. He kept his tone specific, like it would keep her calm and make her feel safe. He was extremely attentive to her, unnaturally in tune with her feelings and emotions. River was much more sensitive than he let on.

“River?” The nurse approached him and placed her hand on his shoulder. “Can I speak to you in private for a moment?”

“Sure.” River shot Sarah a significant look before he stepped away with the nurse.

Now it was just Sarah and I.

She stared at me without blinking, like she was trying to memorize my face. Her eyes were blue just like River’s. I couldn’t help but see the similarities between them.

“River said you like it here. That’s good.”

“It’s a beautiful place,” she said. “It’s much more comfortable than the other facilities I’ve been to.

“It’s nice. I’d live here.” I added a laugh at the end to break the tension.

“There are no distractions here. And everyone is so calm and nice.” She spoke slowly, almost in a dreamy voice. “My brother is a good man. He’s treated me better than I’ve ever treated him.”

“That’s why he’s so beautiful,” I said. “Making other people feel good makes him feel good. He doesn’t care about his own wants and desires.”

Sarah watched me closely. “I thought River would never settle down with one woman. But after seeing you with him, I know he’s found the person he’s been looking for.”

Her words made my heart race. I wasn’t sure why she said that or where it came from. He and I were just friends—nothing more. We kissed now and then but that was the extent of our physical relationship. I wasn’t sure how she got the impression we were romantically involved. “He and I are just friends.”

“You came all the way down here just because River is a friend?” There was no accusation in her voice. “It’s a far drive, and spending time with an alcoholic doesn’t sound like a good time to me. You came to support River, which means you care about him.”

“Of course I do,” I said. “Because he’s my friend.”

“There’s more than that,” she said. “I can tell.”

I stared at her blankly.

“My brother is a good man. You’re lucky to win his heart. No one has ever done it before. And he’s very lucky to find you. I can tell you’re a really sweet girl. You guys are perfect for each other.”

I kept my mouth shut because I didn’t know what to say. My relationship with River was platonic but she didn’t believe that. It was a waste of time to sit there and convince her otherwise. I wasn’t sure where she got this impression. “Why do you think that?”


“That we are together.”

“Because you aren’t his usual type.”

“And what’s his usual type?” I asked.

“You know, slutty, busty, and blonde.” She stared at the fire.

Well, I definitely wasn’t a blonde.

We sat in silence until River returned and took the seat next to me.

“Everything okay?” I asked.

“Yeah,” he said. “The nurse gave me an update. She said Sarah is doing well.”

“Since there’s no liquor around I don’t have much of a choice,” Sarah said.

River held his silence while he stared at her.

“The biggest component of recovery is determination,” I said. “When you make the decision to change your life and you really want it for yourself, you can’t fail. But you have to want it first.”

Sarah stared at me then looked away.

River reached for my hand then held it on his thigh.

I didn’t pull away, and I watched Sarah spot our affection from the corner of her eye. But she didn’t make a comment about it. Our behavior directly contradicted what I just said but I didn’t dare pull away. River reached out to me and I wouldn’t let him down. If he needed me, I was always there.

We stayed until visiting hours ended. Sarah wasn’t very talkative and she seemed tired most of the time. Perhaps she was going through withdrawals and that took most of her energy.

We said good night then drove home. The drive was spent in silence. River didn’t even turn on the radio. His thoughts were unknown to me. His eyes scanned the road like he was searching for something only he could see. I held my silence because it didn’t seem like he wanted to talk much.

When we got back into the city he didn’t head to my apartment. He passed it and kept going, heading to his place. I wasn’t sure what he was doing but I didn’t ask. After he parked his car in the garage we headed to his apartment on the top floor.

River tossed his keys and wallet on the table as soon as we walked inside. He didn’t bother turning on the lights and headed down the hallway and to his bedroom.

I followed, assuming he wanted me to.

He undressed himself down to his boxers then removed his watch. Even in the darkness, his defined body was noticeable. It was like a slab of marble. He pulled a shirt out of his drawer then handed it to me. “It’s clean.”

I took it in my hands and understood his meaning. He wanted me to sleep there.

River left the bedroom and shut the door behind him.

I stood there for a moment before I changed into the t-shirt. It reached passed my knees so I didn’t see the point in wearing pants underneath. I pulled back his sheets and felt the soft fabric. It immediately smelled like him. I got inside and pulled the covers to my shoulders. His bed was comfortable so I released a deep sigh in satisfaction.

River returned to the bedroom then got in bed beside me. Instead of sticking to his side of the bed, he grabbed my hips and dragged me to the center. Then he snuggled close to me, his arms wrapped tightly around me. I couldn’t deny how comfortable it was. His skin was warm and his scent was appetizing. Being in his arms felt right, like I’d already done it a hundred times. He pressed his face into my hair and inhaled my scent.

I felt like a cocoon in his arms, safe and protected. I could sleep like this every night. I had a strong man to keep me warm. And his hands always felt right on my skin.

“Thank you for coming with me,” he whispered. “It’s not easy for me to see her like that…”

It seemed like she was doing well. “What did the nurse say?”

River was quiet for a long time. “She’s not eating. Every time they try to get her to hold something down she refuses. I’m not sure why she’s doing it.”

“I’m sorry…”

“I’m going to give her more time before I talk to her about it. Maybe she’s just under the weather.”

“Maybe,” I agreed.

He pulled me closer to him. “I like having you here. It makes everything easier.”

“I like being here…”

He moved his lips to my shoulder and pressed a gentle kiss there. It burned like it did before, igniting me in a blaze of longing and desire. Judging the large erection that formed in his boxers, he felt the same way. River didn’t care if I felt it. He never did.

Blood pounded in my ears and my heart wouldn’t slow down. My breaths came out deep and heat flushed my body. I lie there next to River, wanting him the way he wanted me. He wanted to lose himself in me, to hide from his true pain. And I wanted to be there for him—even though I had my own reasons.

My hand moved up his chest until it dug into his hair. I fisted the soft strands then turned my body toward his. My leg was wrapped around his and I loosened it as I moved.

River turned his face my way, his face just inches from mine. He stared at me, waiting for me to make the move. His face was covered in a light layer of scruff from not shaving for a few days. I felt it with my palm, feeling the thick texture.

His hand moved into my hair but he refrained from kissing me. All he did was stare.

I wanted to feel his warm lips on mine, to feel that gentle and sensual embrace. The heat already sparked between us, beginning as a slow burn. I knew once we touched we would burn like gasoline.

River moved his arm around my waist and pulled me flush against his chest, not allowing me to go anywhere even if I tried.

I didn’t deny what I wanted any longer—what we both wanted. I closed the distance between us and press our lips gently together, feeling a small explosion erupt all over my body. I immediately breathed into his mouth and gasped at the touch.

River kissed me passionately, like he loved me. His lips devoured me like he needed me to live another day. His hands were in my hair then across my back. His fingers gripped me and slightly dug into the skin.

My hands cupped his face as I deepened the kiss, feeling the facial hair that marked his face. My hands moved down to his broad shoulders, feeling their strength and power. Then they moved down his chest, feeling the muscle underneath. He was hard like a rock but smooth like wet pavement. I could feel his heart pound in his chest. It matched the beat of mine.

My hand moved to the brim of his boxers and I pulled it down one hip, revealing his muscled thigh and the top half of his hard cock. I didn’t look because I was kissing him but I could feel him. River helped me get them off until he was naked beside me. He pressed his body into me, and I couldn’t stop myself from being excited. He was so thick and long. I knew he would make me feel full.

River broke our kiss just long enough to pull my shirt off. I wore a bra underneath, and he kissed my chest as he unclasped the back with one hand. It came lose and fell to the mattress. He stopped and stared at my breasts, longing and desire in his eyes. Then he leaned in and took one breast into his mouth. He sucked my nipple then breathed hard on it, making it turn into a point. He groped the other breasts, massaging it aggressively. His mouth moved to the valley between my breasts and he gave me delicate kisses until he reached my neck.

I was panting for him, grasping him like I couldn’t bear to part with him. My fingers dug into his skin like claws, practically bursting the skin. I felt his muscled flank and noted the strength his body possessed. My panties were soaked from our passionate kissing and I wanted to feel him between my legs. My hand automatically reached for his length and I massaged his head before I moved down his shaft. He as definitely the biggest I’d ever tangoed with.

River moved his kisses to my neck as he grasped my thong and pulled it down my long legs. When it reached my calves he yanked them off then tossed them on the floor. Then he gripped me and positioned me underneath him. He stared down at me with a greedy look in his eyes. “So fucking gorgeous.” He kissed my lower stomach and my hips. Then he moved lower until his lips found the area between my legs.

I couldn’t believe River was going to go down on me. I couldn’t get most guys to do that even if I tried.

His tongue found my clitoris and rubbed it in a circular motion. He applied just the right amount of pressure as he began the slow dance. Then he moved further down and inserted his tongue into my opening. Judging the precision he used he knew exactly what he was doing. His thumb moved to my clitoris and rubbed it simultaneously.

“River…” My hands gripped his hair as he caused waves of pleasure. I writhed on the bed and my head rolled back. My breathing came out in labored gasps. I wanted him so much. I needed him to stretch me, to make me feel full. “I want you.”

He pulled his lips away then moved up my body, his muscled mass making me feel small. He gave me a hard kiss on the lips, and he tasted like the salty residue between my legs. Then he opened his nightstand and pulled out a condom.

I was on the pill, and I didn’t want to use a condom with River. It didn’t feel right. He wasn’t a one-night stand. I actually cared about him. The physical action between us was from two friends who needed each other, who appreciated each other. “I want you—and only you.”

He stared into my eyes then tossed the rubber aside. “You trust me?”

“You would tell me up front if we needed one.”

“I would.”  He positioned me underneath him then wrapped my legs around his waist. Then he pressed his face to mine and looked into my eyes. He pointed his thick head at my entrance then pushed it inside. The head penetrated me and it stretched me immediately but in a good way. It was slightly painful, but so pleasurable. He watched my face as he moved further inside me, giving my body a chance to relax for him. He inched his way, stretching me more and more. Every second felt amazing.

When he was completely sheathed he released a deep moan from the back of his throat. He remained idle inside me, enjoying the way his skin felt against mine. Then he found my lips and kissed me gently as he started to rock into me. He moved slowly, taking his time as he pulled out then moved himself inside completely again.

BOOK: Seductive Guest
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