Seduction: The Story of M

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Authors: L. A. Cloutier

Tags: #Maraya21, #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

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The Story of M

a Seduction




L. A. Cloutier




©2013 by Blushing Books® and L. A. Cloutier




Copyright © 2013 by Blushing Books® and Author


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, L. A.

The Story of M
, a Seduction


eBook ISBN: 978-1-62750-2276



Cover Art by


This book is intended for
adults only
. Spanking and other sexual activities represented in this book are fantasies only, intended for adults. Nothing in this book should be interpreted as Blushing Books' or the author's advocating any non-consensual spanking activity or the spanking of minors.

Bought by Maraya21






The story you are about to read is what I would like to call a BDSM based thriller about a young woman who gets abducted by an intelligent, intellectual and seductive man.  His intentions are not to harm this young woman, but rather to introduce her into what he calls a
in hope that once he has fully explained himself she will shed the fears and animosity she will undoubtedly have for him, (well, in the beginning anyway).

The story is written in the first person narrative as our heroine, Misty, tells her story in highly graphical detail of the
rampart of emotions she endures, as well as those she came to enjoy over a long weekend spent with her abductor. Who, in my humble opinion, turns out to be quite a charmer!

This story is intended to excite, entice and thrill you in ways you may only be dreaming about after you have read this none stop action based suspenseful story.
I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.





Chapter 1: Abduction


It was Thursday night. I was tired from a long shift at the bar. The sound of my heels clicking the cement almost lulled me to sleep as I walked the 18 blocks to my flat. I never liked walking past Jim’s garage though. There is a long dark alley by the garage and you never know who or what might be lurking. A couple of girls were abducted from that alley a few years ago, too. Normally Ted gave me a lift home, but he never showed up for work tonight, so I was stuck walking.

stepped up my pace as I approached the alley wanting to pass quickly.  But it wasn’t my lucky night. I felt a pointy object in my back, and a leather-gloved hand wrapped harshly around my mouth.  I froze as he pulled be back against him.

“You may walk slowly backwards and do not attempt to scream,” a man’s muffled voice

Instinctively my hands
reached up to his arm in an attempt to pry it from me, but I felt the point tear through my blouse and poke my flesh. I took a step back while tears started to form in my eyes. Then another and another as he virtually pulled my stiffened body along.  A tear rolled onto his glove and I could see the glint of it in the streetlight. My nose started to run and it became harder to breath. He stopped and leaned his head next to mine.

“Stop it
, my dear, or I shall give you a real reason to cry those tears,” he hissed, poking the knife further into the space between my shoulders. 

I flinched and tried to nod my head. My legs were trembling
, my hands and arms shaking. We reached the back of the alley and he pulled me harshly, removing the knife from my back as he shoved the heavy metal door open. He used his foot to shut it and held me tightly to him just inside the door.

There was a dim light coming from the bottom of a set of concrete steps. I could see the sliver of his blade as he brought it to the bottom button of my blouse and sliced through each thread until they were all scattered to the cement below.

“I am going to let go of your mouth now, you scream and you will bleed.  Do you understand me?” His voice was harsh and stiff.

I nodded my head and felt his grip loosen from my lips, the blood quickly returning to them. He slid his hand from my mouth, to the back of my hair and gripped it tightly, and his blade went to its previous position on my back. I gasped
.  I covered my mouth, afraid I would cry out if I didn’t.

I heard him chuckle, sliding the blade delicately down my spine. He used the blade to pull and lift my blouse off, turning me to face him in just my bra and skirt.

His eyes were a bright sky blue, but the rest of his face was covered by a black ski mask. His hands were firm on my shoulders, the leather gloves smooth and worn. His eyes were piercing into mine as I tried to avoid their contact.

“Do you think I mean to hurt you, my lovely frightened little rabbit?”

I was trembling, partly in fear and partly from cold. My hands folded in front of me as I fumbled with my fingers looking at them.

“I don’t know what you mean to do with me,” I said quietly, feeling his gloved finger on the bottom of my chin, forcing me to look up at him.

“I mean to make you my own you lovely little bitch.”

His hand moved from my chin to my forehead as he brushed the straggly red hair from my eyes. Once again, I looked down, not wanting to keep eye contact with him.

“Okay fine, I see how it’s going to be,” he said. He gripped my shoulders and forced me to turn around. He nudged me towards the stairs. I was reluctant but knew I had no choice as my left hand rested upon the peeling gray paint of the handrail.

“I think you’r
e going to like the basement, my dear!” He laughed a little and nudged me again to start descending.

The clack of my heels echoed between the cold gray cement walls with each
stumbling step I took. The steps turned and I could see where the light was coming from as I peered into the doorway of what must be the basement. We reached the bottom platform and he told me to stop, taking a hold of my right arm and standing next to me.

“This is a special little place I have prepared just for the two of us
,” he explained. I could hear the hint of excitement in his voice.

I stood there peering into the room shaking badly.
There was a long silver table and a workbench where a single light bulb was suspended. Various tools were strewn about on the workbench—wrenches, leather gloves, and some smaller hand tools. As my eyes adjusted a little more to the dim lighting, I got a better look at the long silver table.  There were stir-ups at one end…
an exam table.
Fear started to well inside of me.  What kind of sick things did he intend to do to me? I could no longer hold back the tears. I sobbed thinking he was going to kill me. He nudged me with the blunt handle of his blade.

“Get the hell in there
, my precious little fuck toy,” he demanded.

I took a couple of steps forward
but he kept thudding the handle of the knife in between my shoulder blades, shoving me along. There was a divot in the cement floor and my heel caught in it. I stumbled forward and fell, scraping my knee on the abrasive floor.

“Priceless… now we really do have a reason to doctor you up, don’t we?”
he said, as he took hold of my arm and helped me to my feet.

He must have pulled his gloves off, his fingers clutched hard and tight into my arm as he led me to the exam table. I could see black hairs on his knuckles
and the reflected light from the table highlighted his hands.  His hands were smooth. I questioned whether or not this was his workplace. A man who uses those types of tools would not have such smooth, clean looking hands.

“Up you go
, Princess,” he growled, shoving me hard towards the table.

I stumbled again
, my hands falling hard onto the cold stainless steel on the table. I thought about losing my shoes and making a run for it, but I didn’t. I stepped onto that little black step, turned and sat on the table, just as I would if I were really at the doctor’s office. My nose was running again as I sat there, topless, except for my bra. I was cold and trembling. My fingers curled around the edge of the table, gripping me in place.  Part of my exposed thighs warmed the steel, instantly robbing me of what was left from my body heat.

“Let’s make sure that cut on your knee doesn’t get infected first, shall we?”

He pulled open a drawer on the table that happened to be on my left side. It was filled with medical supplies—tape, gauze, speculum (the older metal kind), and the bottle of alcohol that he was taking out. He closed the drawer before I could get a better look.

“Hold this
,” he said, handing me the bottle of alcohol.

My hands shook as I took the bottle from him
.  I held it in my lap, looking at it. He turned from me and walked over towards the workbench. His black T-shit was snug to his body and neatly tucked into his black pants.  He wore a black leather belt around the waist, and black rugged boots. He had to be over six feet tall, his shoulders were wide and his arms looked slightly muscular. He looked back at me mid stride.

“Don’t try to run while my back is turned, I will be on you well before you make it to the door and you wouldn’t enjoy seeing me angry,
my dear
,” he warned ominously.

I could see his lips turn up into a
smile as he turned and took a duffel bag from under the workbench. He turned sideways, keeping his eye on me while he opened it and fumbled through the contents.  Finally he pulled out a small towel and a bottle of water. He picked up a stool from alongside the workbench and came back to the table, sliding the black step back into the table with is boot, while setting the stool down behind him.

Princess, you are such a mess!” He set the towel and the water onto the stool, and turned around standing extremely close. His thighs pressing into my knees, I winced as the fabric from his pants pressed into the cut. His hand came up around the bottom of my chin and forced me to look at his masked face. His fingers felt cold against my flushed skin.

would look prettier without all this black shit all over your face. Why are you crying, my dear?” he cried.

I watched as his eyes looked
into mine, from one to the other. He brought his other hand up and wiped at my face a bit. I didn’t want to say anything and tried to look more at his neck than his eyes. I didn’t like the way they seemed to pierce right through me. His grip tightened on my chin while he brought his other hand down on the table next to my left thigh and leaned forward bringing his face about an inch from mine.

“You wi
ll look at me while I’m talking to you, do you understand?” His words weren’t so much harsh as they were firm.

I nodded as his eyes bore through mine
. My bottom lip started to quiver again and I sniffled.

“Why are you crying, my
dear?” he asked yet again.

I could feel his breath against my lips as he spoke. I wanted to rip my face away from his hand and scream. “I’m scared,” I managed to say.  My voice was tight and it cracked.

is grip on my face loosened and he slid his hand down onto my shoulder, while his other wrapped around the small of my back. He pulled me in closely, smearing my messy face all over his T-shirt. I let go of the bottle of alcohol as he squeezed me. I could feel his chin resting on the top of my head.

“Oh my, my, my…
yes, I imagine you would be scared wouldn’t you, Princess? Look what I’ve done to you. I hope you will forgive me one day for putting you through this. I will tell you right now, my dear. I do not mean to harm you. If you are thinking I intend to rape and kill you, I assure you, I do not.”

His hands roamed up and down my back before he took hold of my shoulders and stepped back a little, looking at me. “Let’s get you cleaned up a little.”

He smiled again as he reached behind him for the towel and water
.  He picked up the alcohol, put it on the stool and then faced me again.  He wetted the towel and brought it to my face, wiping away the tears and mascara, as well as brushing my nose.

My arms were shaking as I placed my hands back around the edge of the table, next to my thighs. I prayed that he would just let me go.

“You’re looking better already, Princess,” he said quietly.  “You have the most beautiful eyes.” His voice was soft and tender as he finished cleaning my face.

I was very confused and a little sick to my stomach
. What did he want with me next?

He set the towel onto my lap, and cupped his hands around th
e sides of my face turning my face up. “You’re so precious and so pretty.” Then he sighed heavily, as his warm fingers slid from my face.

He pulled the stool closer and sat on it. He pulled the towel from my lap and wet it again in a different spot. He started to dab my knee with it and I flinched. “
Shh, you know this has to be done.” He started to press a little harder and wipe at the dirt.

My thighs started to tremble.
I just wanted to go home. I would have been thankful to be anywhere else actually. I looked down at the top of his masked head while I watched him pick up the alcohol. I turned my head knowing what was coming next. My leg jerked in reflex to the cold sting, he wiped at it quickly with the towel. The alcohol worked its way into the raw exposed flesh and I winced a little while he slipped off my heels, setting them on the floor.

of his hands rested on my bare thighs and my body tensed up even more. I turned my head back slowly looking at his hands. His fingers spread out and started to wrap around my legs as he roamed my thighs soft and slow. My heart started to race with fear as his fingers crawled up the inside of my thighs. My belly was trembling.

“Shh, my dear. I am not hurting you, am I?”

“No,” I answered as quietly as I could.
 I didn’t want him touching me. I wanted to throw up!

e pushed my skirt up, nudging me to wiggle my hips so that he could pull the fabric from under my ass as he pulled my skirt up around my hips. He sigh as he peered at my crotch, hooking his fingers into the front of my panties and sliding them back and forth, rubbing the back of his fingers over my shaved mound.

I was breathing more rapidly and all I wanted to do was kick him and run.

“These need to come off, my dear. It would be better if you could relax a little. I know you are still scared but it will be much better for you if you could at least try to relax. Move your hands back behind you on the edge of the table, and scoot your precious little ass to the bottom of the table.” He never took his fingers out of my panties while he waited for me to comply.

I was trembling from head to toe
as I placed them on the sides of the table behind me and lifted myself, myself down to the edge of the table. He let go of my panties and was pulling out the stir-ups and angling them for my feet.

“Get them in here
, Precious, you know how this is done.” 

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