Seduction & Scandal (20 page)

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Authors: Charlotte Featherstone

BOOK: Seduction & Scandal
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The steward walked to where Wendell Knighton stood in black trousers and a white shirt. He had been stripped of his coat and neckcloth, and was in the process of being divested of all money. His shirt was pulled open, his chest
bared, then he was blindfolded and a rope placed around his neck. Next, the tip of a sword was placed over Knighton's heart as he swore never to reveal the secrets of the craft, the mysteries, the handshake and password, the tools of their kind.

Black remembered taking his vows. His father had been the worshipful master, and had actually pierced the sword tip through his skin. Black could still feel the warmth of his blood running down his chest and stomach; his initiation had been more than the mere taking of the first degree. His acceptance into the lodge was symbolic of the oath he was undertaking. It was not just to keep the secrets of the craft to himself, but something else.

Later he had been taken below stairs, to the old crypt that had once been the place where the Templars had held their secret meetings. There, he had been stripped to the waist and placed on a stone slab. Surrounding him had been his father, the old Duke of Sussex and the Marquis of Alynwick. Beside the marquis had been his son, Iain, who watched with knowing eyes. He had already been initiated to his first degree, and branded.

As his father turned and reached for the handle of a brand, its glowing metal, orange at the end, Iain had pressed forward in a pretense of whispering the words of the sacred induction ritual of the Brethren Guardian.

“It burns like the devil's tongue licking your skin,” he murmured. “Lay quiet and still and endure it. It will be faster. If you struggle, they'll only prolong it. They want us men, strong of mind and body.”

He pulled away and Black watched him, his eyes fixed on the ice-blue eyes of Sinclair who, at sixteen, was already rough-hewn and hard. Black knew at that moment that Iain had struggled, maybe even cried out, and had suffered the effects of three old men and their absurd drive to carry out an ancient, barbaric ritual.

“The candidate is ready,” Iain said, his voice deep. He
did not glance away, but held Black's gaze, giving him unspoken strength to endure. At fifteen years old, Black was a year younger than Sinclair, but he doubted he was stronger. There was something in Sinclair's eyes that was at once comforting and frightening. Black did not flinch or cry out when the brand sizzled against his chest. Did not frown or turn his nose up at the smell of burning flesh and hair. Sinclair did not, either, for he was inured to pain.

Black gritted his teeth, held Iain's gaze as, his anchor and endured the horrific pain of being branded.

“Again.” It was the old Duke of Sussex's voice, the sadistic bastard. “He did not cry out. He acts above us, above the pain, above God.”

It was the only time Sinclair's gaze ever wavered. Iain had cried out and was punished. Thinking to save Black such pain, he had warned him, only to discover that the three men standing above him in white robes adorned with red crosses would punish him for not crying out and surrendering to his pain.

He was branded again, only this time it was his father who pressed the searing metal into his skin, letting it stay for unendurable seconds. Only when he screamed and fought the bonds that bound his wrists and hands did his father lift the brand.

“He is humbled,” his father replied.

“What is your oath?” Sussex growled, and Black could hardly speak, could barely see through the black cloud of pain.

“Never tell what you know. Never say what you are. Never lose our faith in your purpose, for the kingdom to come will have need of me and my sons.”

The symbol of those words no longer burned his flesh, but they scorched his mind. He could not imagine giving his son up to this, this band of families. He could not imagine Isabella willingly giving her child over to him, to
torture with heated brands—would she ever countenance her own flesh and blood as a Brethren Guardian?

“So easy for them, isn't it?” Alynwick murmured as they looked upon the initiation of Knighton. “Had they any idea of what we endured, they would run.” Alynwick snorted with distaste. “Cowards, all of them. There is no loyalty amongst them, no faith. It has become a social club, a reason to meet and smoke and indulge in dinners. There is nothing of the old ways. It is only men of leisure who join now. Dilettantes.”

“I think it's them that are the normal ones,” Black muttered. “It is only the three of us who are crazed. A legacy from our fathers.”

Alynwick snorted in disgust. “Knighton is the biggest dilettante of all. He's only here because we need to keep an eye on him, and it was right to do so.”

“How has Knighton come dangerously close to the truth?” Sussex murmured.

“I don't know,” Black replied as he listened to Knighton repeating his vows.

“You haven't been free with your tongue, have you, Black?”

“If you're insinuating that I've spoken to Isabella about this, then you can go to hell, Alynwick. I may not like what I am obligated to do. I may not believe in those damn relics, but I gave my word. And I do believe in my vow of honor. I have not spoken to Isabella about any of this.”

“Then how does Knighton know?”

“I don't know. Who killed Alice Fox? I don't know. Who wrote the letters to Alice, on Masonic letterhead? I don't know,” he growled.

“We must move fast,” Alynwick demanded. “We have to find the chalice and the pendant. Damn me, I'd love to know how Knighton discovered so much about the pendant, how it contains the seeds from the apple of the Garden of Eden.”

“What I would like to know more is how he knows the seeds, when mixed with innocent blood in the chalice, brings knowledge and immortality,” Black murmured. “Just think of the consequences if they're found. Mankind will be forever changed, plunged into darkness and sin by the very serpent who seduced Eve into sinning.”

“What did you learn from Lucy, Sussex?” Alynwick asked.

“Nothing. She vehemently denied even knowing about the House of Orpheus. She protects someone,” he snarled. “Someone she must care a great deal for, because she is keeping his secrets close to her.”

“At least the scroll is safe,” Black reminded them. “That will buy us time while we search for who is involved.” Glancing at the dozen of Brethren below them, he studied each one. Lords and politicians, doctors and barristers, they came from all walks of life and, unlike Stonebrook, Black knew that it could very well be an aristocrat behind the whole business. But why? What was the motivation? That was the crucial piece that was missing.

“I'm going to the museum,” Alynwick murmured. “I have a feeling that Knighton has stumbled across something in Jerusalem.”

“I'll go to Miss Fox's house,” Black said. “She claimed she destroyed the letters, but maybe she was lying.”

Sussex nodded. His fingers rapped against the marble balustrade. “I'll stay and follow Stonebrook. We cannot deny that Lucy has some involvement. Perhaps the old marquis does as well—perhaps he keeps Masonic letterhead.”

“Then it's to the Adelphi to investigate the club.”

“Knighton will spend the night here for his contemplation of the darkness. It's the best time for us to continue our investigation, knowing he'll be here and not following us.”

Silent as wraiths and as unseen as ghosts, the three
of them dispersed deep into the shadows, their ancient order calling them forth to find the relics, and protect them from greedy humans who would use them for their dark powers.

“Tomorrow, in the park. We'll meet on Rotten Row, make it look like a coincidence,” Alynwick said. “We must make sure we're not seen too much together. We may be being watched.”

“I'll bring the carriage, and Elizabeth. It will look more natural if we're not all on horseback.”

“Damnation, man, she doesn't need to be involved in this business,” Alynwick growled. “She's too fragile, too…well, you must have a care with her.”

“She was involved the day she was born. The day my father dragged her into this business of Templars. Besides, she did a wonderful job of ferreting out information from Knighton, and deflecting the conversation from our families when he got too close. Once she discovers where I am going and what I am doing, there will be no stopping her. I thought you knew how bullheaded she can be.”

Sussex was talking to the air, because Alynwick was already gone. Black looked at him, shrugged and headed the other way, for the back exit of the building. He did not need anyone to see him. He wanted to be undisturbed when he searched Alice Fox's house. He knew now he was being watched by someone from inside the Freemasons. More than ever he should stay away from Isabella—for her protection, but she was already involved. His gut told him that it would not be as simple as staying away from her. If he thought it would keep her safe, he would try to give her wide berth until the matter was solved. But the murder of Alice Fox and Isabella's name being purposely written on that letter sent his instincts tingling. She needed his protection. His love could save her. In more ways than one.


. The silence was deafening, his blindness disorienting. This was the final part of the initiation. The hours he would spend contemplating the darkness. When they came back for him, he would be unbound, reborn to the light. It was part of the ancient Templar practice, and Wendell Knighton breathed deeply, focusing on what he most wanted.

The door of the lodge echoed through the columned room, alerting him to the fact that he was now all alone in the lodge—bound and blinded.

“Up you go.”

The shock of the voice behind him made him stiffen. “Who's there?” he asked, but silence answered him. He felt himself pulled from where he knelt and dragged along. Stumbling in his blindness, he struggled to keep up.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Keep your damn mouth shut.”

Through the darkness he walked, blind, hands bound, the rope around his neck tightening as some unseen person guided him through winding twists and turns like a horse being led by the reins.

This was not part of the initiation ceremony. He knew that much.

“Where are you taking me?” he demanded. But he was met with silence, just as he had been the other dozen times he had demanded explanation for this absurd behavior.

He was nervous, he was sweating with it. He didn't like the feel of this. The danger. He had the sense it was Black. There had been a menacing air about him at dinner. More than once he had caught Black staring at him. Those strange eyes of his could unnerve a man, and in truth they had intimidated him. There was blatant dislike in those eyes…dislike, and a very great anger.

On the carriage ride over he had wondered about it, what had he done? Black had sponsored him, but left it
up to Stonebrook to see him educated and prepared to take the first degree.

Somehow he knew it had something to do with her. He'd seen Black's villainous gaze coveting her, devouring her in that low-cut gown. She had no reason to wear such a garment. She was lovely and pure, and tonight she had been dressed like a courtesan. He had been enraged when he saw her, so angry that he hadn't trusted himself to greet her.

That sort of gown was best left to the boudoir, for the eyes of a husband. She had flaunted her luscious body, the creamy swells of her breasts, and he had almost taken a hold of her and pulled her from the room. But Black had been there, assessing his every move. And then there was Stonebrook. He had made it very clear that he loved his niece and considered her happiness and safety vital to his own. He could not afford to become ill favored in the old marquis's eyes. Marrying Isabella would open many doors to him—more than he could have ever hoped for. And having Isabella for a wife would not be a hardship. She was beautiful and timid. So eager to please. She would be biddable and would not complain when he continued his pursuits for knowledge. She had looked surprised and perhaps a bit let down that he would be leaving again for the East, but she would not give him any fits of pique. She knew her place. She was the exact sort of wife he had always wanted. And bedding her wouldn't be a chore. His appetites, compared to those of other men, were rather subdued. But they had been suddenly aroused tonight, seeing Isabella in that harlot's gown.

It was all due to her cousin, the rash, impetuous Lucy Ashton. He loathed her and everything she stood for. She was the embodiment of the aristocracy that the middling class, as Stonebrook called him and his brethren, despised. She lived for pleasure and felt no guilt that she had so much, while millions had nothing.

He had risen from virtually nothing to get where he was. The thought of marrying a woman from the ton repulsed him, but then he had met Isabella. She was of blue blood, but with a humble upbringing and a past scandal that had been very tightly shut up. He'd decided immediately that he would have her as his wife. Isabella represented the blossoming of his career through gifts and introductions from Stonebrook, while making it possible for him not to compromise his principles. The very thought of placating a spoiled wife was anathema to him. Isabella had grown up poor and in harsh circumstances. She would be grateful—and happy—for anything he gave her. He would be kind. He would allow her—to a certain extent—to read the ridiculous gothic stories she liked so much, provided they did not taint her idea of what sort of marriage they should have. Often, those silly weekly serials gave women the wrong impression of what a man should be.
Silly love stories,
he thought as he tripped along.

He would have her to wife, provided he survived this ordeal. And if Black was behind this bit of business, he doubted very much he would live to see the morning light.

Death was no stranger to the Earl of Black. He had discovered at least that much about the reclusive earl. It was suspected that Black had murdered his brother in cold blood after discovering his brother's plan to run off with the woman the earl was intended to marry. After offing his brother, he'd turned his murderous intent to his fiancée. The police had deemed her death a suicide, but there were many who believed she'd died at his hand.

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