Seduction of Steel: The Complete Series (23 page)

Read Seduction of Steel: The Complete Series Online

Authors: Laura Charles

Tags: #alpha male, #hot, #erotic romance, #sexy, #erotica, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Seduction of Steel: The Complete Series
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“I didn't know anybody served food on airplanes anymore.  This is actually quite good,” she said, finishing her entree.


“I'm glad you're enjoying it, Jess.  I like to fly first class when I can.  It all depends on the job, of course.  Some of them pay better than others.  This one's pretty lucrative.”


“It must be.  Who's your employer this time?”
“I'll give you all the details in due time.  Just enjoy your meal and get some rest.”


Jessica didn't really like being kept in the dark about whatever it was that Ryan was up to, especially if she was going to have to participate in it.  Still, she trusted him, and believed that he'd tell her what she needed to know soon enough.


She pulled a blanket from the overhead bin, pulled it over herself, and prepared to take a short nap.  Ryan had other ideas.


He turned out the lights over their seats so that it was relatively dark.  He then slipped his left hand under her blanket and rested his hand upon her right knee.  Ryan then ever-so-slowly began to slide his index finger up her thigh, touching her with the gentlest of pressure.  Jessica began to feel goosebumps.


For a few minutes, Ryan simply ran his finger up and down her thigh, tracing an imaginary line between her hemline and her knee.  Jessica knew that Ryan was going to do more, but she had no idea what or when.  She began to grow wet with anticipation and squirmed slightly in her seat.


Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, he moved his finger under her dress and traced over her damp mound.  He teased her slowly and gently with his finger, and then moved it back toward her knee.  With every pass, he'd get closer and closer to touching her swollen clit, but he was never in a hurry.  The more he teased her, the wetter she became.


“Please, Ryan,” she whispered.  “Touch me.”


She started to moan lightly every time his finger approached her wetness, hoping that this time would be the time when he gave her more.  Her nipples began to harden in anticipation.  Ryan was a master of the tease, and his playfulness was driving Jessica insane.


Eventually, in a moment that Jessica thought would never come, he slipped a finger under her panties and into the wet folds of her pussy.  She gasped as he lightly touched her nub and she gasped again as he slipped a second finger inside.


He began to rub her more aggressively now, and Jessica tried to resist the urge to come.  She wasn't sure how she'd react and she didn't want to embarrass herself in a plane full of people.  Ryan's eager fingers persisted, however, and she knew that there was no way she'd be able to avoid a coming, and coming hard.  It was inevitable, and she knew she was powerless to resist.


Jessica squirmed more as Ryan's fingers continued to probe her wet flesh.  The feeling of pure joy as his fingers rapidly fucked her clit was more than she could bear.  Giving in to a force she knew she couldn't overcome, Jessica came in a series of convulsions, bucking her hips rapidly while screaming into a pillow.  It didn't really matter if anyone heard her muffled sounds or not; Jessica was in a world of her own, awash in a sea of ecstatic pleasure.  Ryan continued his rapid fingering of her pussy and her orgasm continued with a series of electric, full-body shudders.  When he finally stopped, she was both exhausted and drenched. 


Without saying a word, Ryan removed his hand, turned on the light overhead, and began to read a magazine.  Jessica napped and slept like a baby.


Chapter 4


Jessica was sort of half asleep when the plane landed at the New Orleans airport.   She awoke fairly quickly, and thanks to the nap on the plane, was fairly alert and refreshed by the time they exited the airport.  They picked up a rental car and drove the twenty minutes or so to the hotel, which was located right in the heart of the French Quarter. 


Jessica stared at their hotel room in disbelief.  It was spacious and decorated with new but antique-looking, French-style furniture.  The room had its own Jacuzzi, and a pair of French doors that led to a private, wrought-iron balcony that overlooked Bourbon Street.  Jessica had been to New Orleans before, but she'd never stayed in such a nice hotel there.  Actually, she had never stayed in such a nice hotel


The king sized bed looked positively divine.


“I think I could live here, Ryan.  How long do we get to stay?”


“Four or five days, tops.  It all depends on how the job goes.  It
nice, though, isn't it?”


“It's positively gorgeous! Bourbon Street is right outside the window!  Can we spend some time down there?”


“Sure.  Why don't you freshen up and we'll go get a drink.  Pat O'Brien's is right around the corner.”


Jessica washed her face and freshened up her makeup.  They found their way to the famous Pat O'Brien's bar, which was, indeed, just around the corner.  Even though it was a weeknight, the place was packed with customers and was surprisingly loud from a combination of people having a good time and a piano player over near the bar.


The signature drink at Pat O'Brien's is the Hurricane, a rum and tropical fruit based cocktail that goes down easily while packing a whollop.  Ryan ordered a couple of them and he and Jessica grabbed a table in the corner.

“Thanks for the drink.  I haven't had a Hurricane in years.”


“It's a bit sweet for my taste, Jess, but when in Rome...”


“You really don't like it?”
“It's fine, every now and again.  For this place, and this time, and the present company, it's the perfect drink.  I
order it, after all.  So, you say you've been to New Orleans before?”


“I came a couple of times when I was in college.  It was a spring break thing I did with some friends.  We had some pretty crazy times here.”  She took a couple of sips of her drink.


“Lots of people get crazy here.  Just look at this crowd.”  She looked around and saw a number of people who had clearly had too much to drink.  A few of them were staggering out of the bar, singing along with the piano player as they wandered out.


“So, Ryan.  What's the plan here?  What are we doing?  What happens next?”


“I've got to meet with someone tomorrow just to finalize some things.  I'll need to meet him alone.  After that, I'll fill you in to the extent that I can.  I'll need to get to work the day after that.”


“And you'll need me to help you?”  Jessica took a sip and emptied her glass.


“Maybe.  I'm not certain that I'll need your help, but I'd rather have you here than not, just in case.  Do you want another drink?”


“No, thanks.  I enjoy a Hurricane, but after a couple of those, I could wind up doing some things that I'd probably regret,” she said with a laugh.  “Why don't we go back to the room?”


“Fair enough.  We've had a long day.”


They took the short walk back to the hotel.  Jessica changed into a sexy nightie that she'd recently picked up at Victoria's Secret.  She'd bought it with Ryan in mind and hoped he'd like it.


Ryan was lying on the bed, wearing only a pair of Dockers.  “Wow.  You look amazing, Jess,” he said as she came out of the bathroom.


“Do you really like it?  I bought it with you in mind.”  She came over and sat on the bed next to him.


Jessica could see from the tent in Ryan's pants that he was excited, and she ran her hand over the bulge, gently grabbing his manhood through his pants.  He unbuckled his belt, unzipped his pants, and removed them. He was now wearing only his underwear, which now betrayed his excitement with a small wet spot near the tip of his cock.


Jessica took the waistband of his underwear in her teeth and pulled them down, allowing his firm erection to spring free.  Ryan removed his underwear and Jessica slowly licked his cock, starting at the base and working her way to the tip, where she found a few more drops of salty nectar.  She wrapped her hand around his girth and took the head into her mouth, slowly bobbing up and down as she licked the veined underside.


Ryan's writhing on the bed told her that she was doing a good job.  She liked the power that she had over him as she sucked his cock.  She had the ability to bring him to ecstasy or cause him pain, and there was nothing he could do about it.  He was completely at her mercy, and Jessica became more aroused as she thought about it.  Power is sexy, after all.


“Jess, if you don't stop, I'm going to come.”


She paused and looked up.  “You say that as if it's a bad thing.”


“No, it's a great thing.  But I'm not ready to come yet.  Come here.”


He took her by the hand and pulled her close to his lips.  His lips were so soft and so gentle.  Jessica felt waves of pleasure overwhelming her as his tongue danced on hers.  She pushed against his tongue greedily.  She wanted more.


Ryan looked deeply into her eyes.  “You're beautiful, Jessica.”


Jessica blushed.  “You're just saying that.”


“No, I mean it.  You are a beautiful woman.  I love just looking at you.”


Jessica was ready for Ryan to take her, but he was taking his time.  He knew she wanted him inside of her, but he was content to torture her with exquisite kisses and gentle caresses.  He continued to kiss her, starting with the lips and then moving to the nape of the neck, the shoulders, and after he pulled down the thin straps of her nightie, her breasts.


Her nipples were firm with desire, and Jessica felt the flesh between her legs growing wet and shaking with excitement and pleasure.  The anticipation alone was bringing her close to orgasm.  She spread her legs, hoping that Ryan would take what she was offering.


Ryan ignored her offer and continued to kiss, moving from her breasts to her navel, and finally close to her wet pussy.  But even then he teased, kissing her thighs and moving ever-so-close to her wet folds of flesh without actually kissing or licking them.  He kissed near and all around her aching and eager sensitive parts, but he continued to deny Jessica the direct stimulation she was craving.


“Please, Ryan,” she pleaded.  “Lick me.  Lick me now.”


Ryan persisted for another minute or so, then he began to lick her, starting with the labia and working his way to her hard, swollen clit.  Jessica shuddered as she felt Ryan's hot breath on her pussy.  He explored every crevice with his tongue, darting it in and out rapidly.  Ryan's tongue was like a paintbrush in the hands of a master, and his strokes were driving her insane with pleasure.  Jessica grabbed the sheets and began to convulse on the bed as Ryan licked faster and harder. 


Without warning, he inserted a finger into her wetness and that sent Jessica over the edge.  The orgasm she had felt approaching overwhelmed her, as she felt electric shocks all over her body.  She thrashed on the bed as Ryan continued to lick her and stimulate her with his finger.  Jessica, completely lost in the moment, cried out in ecstasy.


“That was soooo good,” she said.


“I'm not done.  There's more.”


Ryan had Jessica turn on her side.  He inserted two fingers into Jessica's still-wet pussy, and then slowly moved them towards her backside.  He took his index finger and applied the gentlest of pressure to her tight rear hole, running his finger around the entrance in circles, touching ever so lightly.  Jessica moaned as he massaged her opening.  After a moment, he inserted his finger slightly and paused, allowing her to adjust to the sensation.


Then he slipped it in a bit further.  Jessica cooed at the sensation.


“Are you OK with this, Jess?”


“Yes. It feels good.  Please be gentle,” she added.


“I will.  Trust me, Jess.”


After a moment with one finger, Ryan inserted a second one and again waited for her to adjust.  He was being patient with her, and Jessica appreciated that.  She was still a bit concerned about his size, however.   Would it hurt for him to insert his large cock into her that way?


While continuing to work his fingers into her backside, Ryan used the fingers of his other hand to stimulate her clitoris.  Jessica felt herself close to having another orgasm.

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