Read Seducing the Professor Online

Authors: Sabel Simmons

Seducing the Professor (21 page)

BOOK: Seducing the Professor
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His parents were already at the house when he got there.  He went to set David’s mind at rest first about Samuel before he walked to the house. 

His mother smothered him immediately and he hugged her tight.  Appreciating her hug for the first time in a very long while.  She leaned back and smiled at him.

“You’re going to fetch her?”

“Now how the devil would you know that by just looking at him, darling?

She smiled at her husband.  “I know my boy.  He might have slipped up and lost her, but he is not stupid.  He needs her.  Don’t you, Paulie?”

“Yes Mom.  More than I ever thought possible.”

“So son, what is on the agenda and how can we speed it up to get you away sooner?”

“Unfortunately we’re at a stage with the breeding program that we have to follow.  I would not be able to leave for a week.  But I would appreciate if you could hold the fort while I a
m gone.  Samuel will be mobile by then.”

“Of course.  It would be nice to be working
with those beauties again.”

The evening was pleasant and he was glad his parents were there.  He pushed his upset away and conceded to the fact that he won’t be able to leave any sooner.

In the meantime he booked a late afternoon direct flight to Adelaide for the following Friday.  He should arrive in Adelaide, bar any delays, on Saturday around one in the afternoon.  That would offer him plenty of time to get to Kangaroo Island and start searching the villages.  There aren’t that many and he would ensure he knew everything there was to know about the place before he got there.  Hopefully he knew her well enough by now to take a guess where he might find her.



Chapter Twenty One

spent a lot of time at the Seal Bay Conservation Park observing and studying the seals.  It gave her something to keep her mind occupied.  Her long lonely nights were already filled with thoughts and memories of Paul, causing many sleepless nights.

Since her return from the kidnapping she had waited for him to talk to her about what happened in his study.  To tell her why he did it and more importantly, what she meant to him.  Yet, he never once approached the subject.  She came to despair that her feelings for him were not reciprocated. 

They never spoke about where their relationship was going to go once the assignment was over.  The day she walked in on him kissing Gloria, she assumed that was the message.  It was over.  Then the way he treated her after the kidnapping the message was totally the opposite.  Now she was even more confused.  Was it guilt that changed his attitude?

She smiled wryly at her thoughts.  Her father
would reprimand her severely for not talking to Paul about it.  He believed in open communication in all aspects of one’s life, especially with your loved ones.  She has always been a real firebrand and never scared to say what was on her mind.  In this, she didn’t and now she questioned herself, why?

She sighed heavily and packed up her notebook.  She loaded her bag and basket with leftover food in the beach buggy and arrived at the Beach House just after three in the afternoon.

Over the past two weeks she did a lot of retrospection and realized on the short trip back that she could not just walk away from Paul.  She loved him too much.  One way or the other, she had to get him to open up to her.  He was her future and she had to make him realize she was his.

With her mind made up she felt a lot more at peace.  She took a long leisurely bath and dressed in a mini sundress with flip flops.  She grabbed a bottle of soda from the fridge and a magazine she bought at the airport and walked to the bench in the garden facing the sea.  
For a while she just sat enjoying the beautiful view.  She breathed the fresh sea breeze, sighed and opened the magazine.

“So Blondie, I never believed you to be someone that had double standards.”

Alexandra stiffened at the deep, raspy voice behind her.  So close she could feel the heat from the body attached to it, burn her neck.

“I don’t.”

“Really?  Then, please explain to me, why I could
not find a note anywhere in our house from you?”

She took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart and accept that Paul was really standing behind her.
  Him referring to their house, had her heart beat even faster.

“That was different?”

“How was it different?”

“You know why! And how the hell did you find me?”

“That is of little importance at this stage.  I want to know why you just left without talking to me, Alexandra.”

“Because I understood the message very clearly that day in your study.  Since then, you have not said anything to the contrary and we both know my assignment was over.  I had no reason to stay.”

“So, Professor, let me just understand this clearly.  Are you claiming that it is normal practice in your profession to just pack up and leave without saying goodbye to the people you did an assignment for?”

She bit her lip, feeling her temper rising and she took a deep breath.
  His attitude of placing her under cross-fire as if she was the only one to blame for her leaving, made her forget her recent decision.

“Are you questioning my integrity, Shuttle?”

“No, I am questioning you running away from me.  You are the one that brought your assignment up.”

Paul was becoming relatively frustrated that she did not move.  He wanted her to get up and face him.  He needed to look in her eyes, to see her real feelings and emotions.

“Well then, maybe you will understand this.  I thought you were mine.  You made it clear you were not.  I had nothing left there to stay for, so I left.  I did not owe you an explanation and I did not run away.  You were the one that opened the door and kicked me out.”

“You know that is not the truth.  Do you think I would have been with you after that stupid incident if I did not want you anymore?”

“Now here’s the thing. Shuttle.  How the hell was I supposed to know that?” 

She jumped up and spun around and screamed.  Paul reached over the bench, took her by the waist and yanked her in the air to slam against his chest.

“Let me go! I don’t want you here!”

“No.  We are going to talk this through and I am not leaving until we do.”

They glared at each other, both their eyes glittering with anger.  Paul bent down and lifted her in his arms and she struggled immediately.  He stopped and scowled at her.

“Stop that, Alexandra.”

“I can walk!  Put me down!”


He started walking and took the few steps onto the porch with one long step and into the den, pulling the sliding door closed behind them. 

“We can do it
either here or in your bedroom, you choose.”

“Do what?”

He looked into her eyes and the message was very clear. She shrieked and struggled.

“You are totally demented if you think I am going to spread my legs for you now!”

“Hmm … I think the bedroom is a better option.  These couches are a bit small for what I have in mind.”

He ran upstairs, ignoring her struggles and screams of frustration.

“I will never forgive you for this!  No!  Put me down!  You have no right to just waltz in here and throw me around … eekk!”

She ended in a scream as he did just that. 
She flew through the air and landed with an umphf on the bed.  She rose on her knees and glared at him, then stopped breathing.  His shirt was already off, his sneakers kicked off and he yanked his cargo shorts and underpants down and kicked them off.  His arousal sprang forward, hard and fully erect.

He reached for her and she rolled off the bed and stood glaring at him from the other side of the bed.  Trying desperately to ignore the pulsing of her core and her straining nipples against her dress
, in response to his naked rampaging body.

“What’s the matter, Shuttle?  Glorious Gloria kicked you out?”

“Get on the bed, Angel.”

“No. You may as well put your clothes back on, Shuttle.  You can’t just waltz in here and expect me to welcome you with open arms.  Go back to Gloria.  She at least … NO!  Stay where you are!”

“If you mention that woman’s name one more time, I am going to whip your ass, Alexandra!  You know I don’t want her!”

“I do?  Let’s recap that scene, shall we?”  She ignored his furious growl.

“You in all your aroused glory sat on your desk with your legs spread and you had your hands around her hips.  You pressed her into your body, your lips were covering hers.  You kissed her, Paul and it was anything but a chaste kiss!  You had your tongue down her throat! So do not stand there and tell me you don’t want her!  It sure as hell looked like you did then!”

“Very well, if you insist.  Number one, yes I kissed her, with my lips.  I DID NOT have my tongue down her throat or even inside her mouth for that matter.  Most of all, Angel, I was as flaccid as they come.  I felt nothing!”

“Then wh …”

“Enough!  I am done talking for now!”

Paul did not bother to walk around the bed, he just stepped in the middle of the bed and his hands closed around her shoulders before she could even comprehend what he was doing.  He yanked her on the bed with him.  He lifted her dress but she was over her shock and refused to lift her arms.  They were both standing upright on top of the bed.

Paul did not relent, but neither did she.  He growled and then her eyes widened in disbelief when he grabbed the front of her dress and easily ripped it in two and threw it on the ground. Her panties received the same treatment and then he lifted her again.

“You … No!  Put me down!”

“Your wish is my command, Angel.”

And he toppled her over and immediately settled between her spread thighs.  She struggled and he sighed heavily.  He captured her flailing arms and pulled them over her head and held them in one of his hands.  He caressed her cheek and turned her face to his.  He stared at her, his eyes warm, soft and tender.  He lowered his head and his lips covered hers, as soft as a butterfly’s wings. He rubbed his lips against hers, tracing them with his tongue.  His tongue found its way inside her mouth and he kissed her deeply, demanding her submission, not allowing her any resistance.  She sighed and gave him all he demanded.

Paul’s body trembled, he needed to be inside her.  He had to feel her heat engulf him, pull him into her and fold around him with a tightness only she has ever offered him.  He lifted his hips slightly without breaking the kiss
. He hissed into her mouth when his blunt tip easily speared through her opening to slide into her pulsing channel.

He pushed inside her slowly, savoring every inch he breached.  She became tighter and she moaned, he pressed deeper and deeper until he was all the way in, feeling as
if he just arrived home.

Alexandra mewled into his mouth.  His shaft filled every inch inside her.  She felt his hardness,
his fullness and his heart beating inside her. She knew she was doomed.  She would not be able to let him go.

He lifted his head and looked into her eyes.

“This … deep inside you … is where I belong, Angel, nowhere else … only here.”

“You hurt me, Paul!”

“I know and I cannot begin to explain how much I regret what I did.  I need you, Angel.  Are you going to tell me no?” 

He leaned down and kissed her softly in her neck.

“You know I can never say no to you.”

He groaned and placed a line of kisses down her chest and slowly licked over the slope of her breast to flick
his tongue over her nipple.  He licked the same trail to the other nipple and slowly pulled it deep into his mouth, suckling long and greedily, pulling and stretching it while he sucked.  Alexandra moaned long and deep, arching her back, pushing her breast deeper into his mouth.  He moved to the other and repeated the pleasure. 

Paul felt his whole body quivering and he knew he could not wait any longer.  He straightened his arms with his hands next to her shoulders and looked into her eyes.

“Angel, never do something like that to me again!  I missed you … Lord, I can’t begin to tell you how much!”

He kept her eyes captive and pulled his shaft slowly back to the tip and she mewled.  He plunged back, watching her eyes haze over.  He started to thrust then, slow at first and then faster, harder and deeper.  Alexandra clasped her hands around his sides and ben
t her knees.  She thrashed hard against him with every downward thrust, needing to feel him deep, flush against her womb and he groaned.

His arms trembled and he growled when Alexandra arched her back and lifted hard against him and screamed low and deep.  Her climax came upon her so fast she could not breathe and her nails scorched his sides.  Paul increased his speed, his movement furious and desperate.  His body stiffened and his climax shot through him so hard he could only plunge deep one last time and shouted when it filled Alexandra with its warmth.

He slumped against her, pressing her into the bed and Alexandra wrapped her legs around his waist.  She held him tight against her, still battling to breathe.

Paul lifted from her and turned on his back, drawing Alexandra immediately on top of him.  She stretched out over him and he felt complete.  He wrapped his arms around her and the
y fell asleep.  Both not having had much sleep over the past two weeks.

Paul woke up and
was momentarily confused.  It was early morning and he jumped up when he realized Alexandra was not in the bed.  He tore down the stairs and through the den into the kitchen. He skidded to a halt when he found her in front of the stove.  She stared at him with wonder.

His hair was tousled, his eyes wild and he was buck naked.  He walked to her and drew her into his arms.  He hugged her so tight she battled to breath.

“Paul, you are aware that you are naked?”

He did not respond, just pressed his face in   her neck and held on to her.  She removed the pan from the burner and wrapped her arms around him.

For the third morning she was ripped from her bed by nausea and she had to run to the bathroom.  She nearly did not make it this morning.  At first she was sure it was the prawns she ate three days ago, but this morning the penny dropped.  She was pregnant, probably eight to ten weeks.  She sank down on the toilet and stared at herself in the mirror and then the smile came.  A smile that she still could not get rid of.

“I never want to wake up and find you gone, Angel.  Never!”
  She drew back from him and looked into his eyes.  His was dark with emotion.

“Why don’t you go and take a shower, while I finish breakfast.  You, Paul Shuttle have some explaining to do.  Don’t for one moment believe   because you seduced me once again, you are off the hook!”

BOOK: Seducing the Professor
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