Seducing the Chef (At First Sight #1) (3 page)

BOOK: Seducing the Chef (At First Sight #1)
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If the phone hadn’t interrupted he would have taken her in the hall. What a crude move? Yet she hadn’t called a halt. Was she eager to see where they headed? Could they have stopped long enough to step beyond a closed door? Tomorrow morning he would try to maintain his cool. Would he succeed?

She enticed and made him burn. Slow seemed impossible but he had to walk that road. What did he know about her? Her first name, her friendship with Steve and her being a writer. She liked sexy underwear, mystery and romance novels and every type of music.

He changed into the slacks and crisp white shirt he wore at Five Cuisines. While he dressed he considered what desserts he could substitute for the undelivered pears.

As he walked to the restaurant Allie rose close to the surface of his thoughts. He was definitely in lust. From deep inside came a warning that what he felt was stronger than lust. Scary notion when he knew so little about her. Until his restaurant became a smashing success he wasn’t ready for a binding relationship.


* * *


Once Allie’s raging hormones settled she put the bread, rolls and coffee in the freezer and carried the lingerie to the guest room. She had to tell her sister about the boutique. An article in Good Lookin’ might be in order.

Allie combed her tousled hair. She’d better see what was available at the grocery story for tomorrow’s breakfast. An omelet, biscuits, ham and fruit were on her list. She would prepare a simple, tasty and almost healthy meal. After the doorman gave her directions to the grocery store just outside town, she hurried to her car.

A short time later with her other supplies in the cart she browsed in the produce department and selected blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. Though she’d studied at the Culinary Institute and aced the course, as a working chef she’d been a disaster. No discipline, one boss had said. Too experimental had been a second’s opinion. In less than a year and four jobs later she’d given up, gone to Good Eatin’ and worked her way to editor. She chuckled. With a boost from her dad.

Once she paid for her purchases she returned to the apartment. She spent the afternoon researching Five Cuisines. Though she’d expected to find a trove of articles she found very few. One announcement of the opening, some ads in the area’s newspapers. No personal pieces and no pictures of the chef or the owner. Why not?

She rose and walked to the balcony and sat on one of the redwood chairs. A warm breeze ruffled her hair. Sunlight glinted off the river. She must have dozed. When she woke she had time to dress in a white linen sheath and walk to the restaurant.

A lean older man escorted her to a table in the German room. She admired the dolls dressed in traditional costumes. A variety of miniature gingerbread houses, some real and others ceramic, added to the décor. The table for two caused a moment of loneliness. She wished she wasn’t eating alone but she often did.

The wine steward poured her a glass of light white wine. Moments later a waiter appeared with the appetizers. She bit into one of the dumplings and savored the tasty sausage stuffing. Each of the small bites contained a different flavor. Hot beer soup was followed by an apple and celery root salad. When the main course arrived Allie found the savory aroma of spices. She tasted the sauerbraten and red cabbage and gave the meal a ten.

For dessert she had her choice of five dishes. Though the Black Forest Cake tempted she chose a small mixed fruit tart.

When she finished the dessert and the rich sweet wine she sighed. The food had been marvelous. No matter what her father said if the meals in the other rooms were as delicious she would feature Five Cuisines in a future issue of Good Eatin’.

A dozen questions circled in her thoughts. Should she send her congratulations to the chef or wait until Sunday evening. Though she wanted to meet the man responsible for what she’d eaten she would wait. There were four more meals to taste. If they were all as good as this one, she would beg him to allow an article and pictures.

As she walked to Steve’s apartment her thoughts shifted to the meal she planned to prepare for Greg. Her body hummed with anticipation. How could she go slowly when every inch of her yearned to rush into his arms and experience the headiness of his kisses?

Once inside she changed into shorts and carried a glass of wine to the balcony. She should be organizing her notes and writing her impressions of the room at the restaurant and about the food. Instead she relived the morning’s kisses. Never before had she experienced such an overwhelming desire for a man. Even thinking about him stroked her desire.

When she roused from her dreams the sun had set and a pale moon rode above the river. She’d spent several hours lost in fantasies. She peered over the balcony railing but saw no lights from the apartment below. What did he do for a living? Did he work at one of the many restaurants in town? He’d seemed familiar with the menus. Maybe he had a job at the local hospital. He’d said he worked evenings so there was no sense sitting here in hopes of seeing him when he came home.

Time to do some work on the potential feature and make notes for possible pictures. Tomorrow she’d prepare breakfast for him and then…She put that thought on hold and went inside.


* * *


The next morning she woke at seven. After showering she donned a set of underwear with hand-painted butterflies. She pulled on navy shorts and a pale blue top that tied beneath her breasts and bared her midriff. A mist of her favorite cologne completed her preparations.

In the kitchen she assembled the ingredients. She mixed and cut biscuits lightly seasoned with cinnamon and nutmeg. She placed them on a baking sheet and covered them with a damp cloth. She primed the omelet pans, shredded two kinds of cheese and mixed the berries. This done, she walked to the balcony and peered over the railing.

He was there. His body was as tempting as it had been yesterday. She swallowed to moisten her dry throat and whistled.

Greg looked up. “Is it time?”

“Breakfast can be on the table in ten minutes.”

“I’ll be there.”


* * *


Greg dashed inside. He sped through a shower and dressed. As he dashed to the door he halted.
He had brought a bottle from the restaurant and had chilled it overnight. Mimosas went with everything and might take the edge off his raging desire to claim Allie’s body as soon as he entered Steve’s apartment.

With the chilled wine in hand he walked upstairs and knocked on the door. Allie answered. Her smile broadened and she tapped the bottle. “Mimosas, the perfect touch. Come with me.” He followed her to the kitchen where she took a carafe of orange juice from the refrigerator. She indicated the glasses on the table. “Do the honors while I tend to the rest of the meal.”

He smelled cinnamon and coffee. As he opened the champagne he watched her pour a mixture into two metal omelet pans. She stood so he couldn’t see what she added. She accepted a glass and sipped. He caught a hint of vanilla on her skin. The way to a man’s heart might be through the stomach. For this chef, aroma, taste and presentation did the trick. She aced all three. He feared he was lost.

“To a new friendship,” he said.

She touched her glass to him. “May it long endure.”

A buzzer sounded. She set the glass on the table and pulled a pan of biscuits from the oven. The hint of nutmeg intrigued him. She slid two perfect omelets on the plate and added slices of Canadian bacon.

Greg took his plate and reached for the biscuits. He tasted the omelet and grinned. “Blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. Blue cheese and maybe provolone. Very nice.”

“Are you surprised?”

“Not one bit. Delighted.” He buttered the biscuit and ate some. “Are you by chance a chef?” If so he would offer her a job. Having her close might make the kitchen more interesting and hotter.

She shook her head. “I studied culinary arts but was a misfit in a restaurant kitchen. In a year I found and lost four jobs. I’m not servile enough. After the fourth angry chef threatened to dismember me I gave up and joined the family business.”

“A shame. You have a talent.”

She sipped the mimosa. “I’d rather enjoy food than risk my life facing a tyrant.”

“Are all chefs that bossy?”

“Maybe not but the ones I worked for were. I don’t take orders well.” She dug into her food.

Greg did the same. The subtle flavors she blended intrigued him as much as the woman across the table. She refilled their mimosas. They talked about places they’d visited and sights they’d seen.

Allie rose. She reached for his empty plate. “Coffee?”

“After I help you clean up. It’s only fair.”

With ease they worked together. Greg felt his desire for her simmer. Soon his need would come to a boil.

Once the kitchen was in order she poured two cups of coffee and added cream to hers. As she sipped Greg focused on her mouth. He wanted to taste her lips, to breathe in her scent, to feel her skin beneath his hands and hear her moan with pleasure. Corralling his thoughts, he opened the balcony door. “Let’s go outside. It’s a lovely morning.”

She slipped past him. “I love the view.” After placing her cup on a small table she walked to the railing.

Greg paused beside the table. “Allie.” She turned. The raw desire she saw in his eyes nearly made him drop the cup. He placed his mug beside hers and joined her at the balcony’s edge. He pulled her into an embrace and lightly kissed her coffee-flavored lips. “I don’t know what’s happening between us but I’m interested in learning.”

“So am I. Shall we go with the flow?”

She raised her head and joined him in an open mouth kiss. She tasted like a chef’s delight. Coffee, spices and berries blended with the aroma of desire. At first the kiss remained light and teasing. Then she slid her tongue to caress his. He drew her close and the kiss heated.

With one hand he pressed her against his erection. Using the other he searched his pockets. “Damn.”




Chapter Three


Allie tried to pull away but he kept her clamped in his arms. Regret filled his eyes. How had she upset him? “What’s wrong?”

He groaned. “Nothing you did. I forgot something vital.”

“That bad?”


“Anything I can do?”

“Doubtful.” He slid his hands over her buttocks and pressed her close. “Don’t ever think I don’t want you.”

She winked. “So I can tell. Is that good or bad news?”

He rolled his eyes. “No condoms. That means I walk away unless you have some tucked away.”

She shook her head. “No birth control either. This isn’t a good time in my cycle.”

“Maybe Steve.”

“He might but I promised I wouldn’t snoop.” She slid her arms around his neck and kissed the corner of his mouth. “There are things we can do until we’re better prepared.” She ran her tongue over his lips. His growl heartened her.

“I suggest we go inside.” He pointed to the balconies on either side. “We don’t want an audience to what happens next. I’m yours until I need to get ready for work.”

Before she could ask about his job he turned her away from him and urged her to the door. He cupped her breasts and used his thumbs to stroke the nipples into tight peaks. Allie wiggled against him. Desire boiled.

“Move.” His voice grew harsh. “Inside now.”

Allie swallowed and stepped forward. In the kitchen he halted. His caressed continued. One had stroked her bare midriff. His lips brushed her nape. She moved against his erection. Deftly he untied her top.

“You’re driving me crazy,” she said.

“Hope so.”

When they reached the living room he released her. She turned and met his mouth with hers. As the kiss deepened she slid her hands beneath his shirt and explored his muscular back.

Greg slid his hands over her rear. His fingers edged beneath the hem of her shorts. Their tongues tangled. Hands moved over flesh and clothes. Allie moved against him. Her body roared with desire. She wanted to meet him flesh to flesh.

“Where’s your bed?” His voice became a husky whisper.

“Down the hall. First door.” He scooped her into his arms. She laughed. “Cave man.”

“Greedy, needy man.” He strode into the bedroom and set her on her feet. He unbuttoned her top and dragged the shirt sleeves down her arms. With a finger he touched her bra. “Butterflies. Has to be from Peekaboo.”

“Sure is. She has gorgeous lingerie.”

“On that we agree and you are the perfect display model.” He traced the butterfly wings on one cup and then the other. Delicious sensations streamed through her body. Her nipples peaked. He rubbed the insect head with his thumbs. “Great placement.” He drew a nipple into his mouth.

She tugged his shirt up and stroked his skin. “You feel hot.”

“Incendiary.”  He backed her until her legs hit the mattress.

She wiggled onto the bed. He watched her movements and slowly pulled his shirt over his head. When he lowered himself to the bed beside her Allie turned on her side. She ran her hands over his well-developed pecs. As his nipples beaded she ran her tongue over one and then the other.

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