Seducing Sarah (4 page)

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Authors: Jinx Jamison

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic Fiction, #Adult

BOOK: Seducing Sarah
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Madame X put her pen down and regarded Sarah with warm brown eyes. She could easily forget where she was in this beautifully appointed room with a woman who was the epitome of elegance.
"Well, I really have no preference. I'm multi-racial myself so I really don't care."
Madame X clapped her hands briskly. "Excellent, that's easiest. I just have to check because I've encountered female students of color in the past that are uncomfortable being with white males. As long as that's not an issue here, then we're all set."
She rustled a few more of her papers before pulling out a clipboard. "Now I just need you to sign the non-disclosure agreement and we can decide on your class schedule."
Sarah glanced at the document briefly. It was the same one included in the welcome packet.
Don't reveal anything you see here, yada, yada, yada
. She scrawled her name across the bottom and handed it back.
"Now, have you ever had anal sex?"
Sarah dropped the clipboard on the desk unceremoniously, knocking over a container of pens. She grabbed the pens and shoved them back in the container, avoiding the Madame's knowing gaze.
Her face had to be the color of a fire engine because it felt like all her blood was in her cheeks. "What? No, I've never. I'm not…really that adventurous."
Madame X smiled knowingly. "Is that because you don't want to be or because you haven't had the opportunity?"
Sarah blew out a soft breath. It should be easy to say what she wanted but she couldn't find the right words. "I've had opportunities. I just always feel so…awkward during sex. Like I'm doing it all wrong. I want it to be fun. Everyone else seems like they're having so much fun…" She shrugged miserably.
"You have nothing to be ashamed of, Sarah." Madame X stood and moved around the desk. She wore a long blue dress that wrapped her curvy figure perfectly. Although heavier than what fashion dictated, she moved with an innate sensuality that made her seem like she had a delicious secret only she was privy to. She sank down gracefully into the seat next to Sarah's.
"No one is born knowing what to do. Our society has demonized sex, making normal, healthy sexual expression into something dirty or shameful. That's what our school is here for, to help you find comfort in your own skin. We give you a safe environment to learn and play in. It's definitely safer than the reckless behavior some of your peers have probably indulged in like drunken partying and one-night stands." Madame X shuddered delicately.
"Anyhow, I've put you on the "conservative track" so you won't be pushed too far too fast. Your handler will be here in a few moments to introduce himself."
"My handler?" Sarah turned as a loud knock sounded at the door. It swung open a second later.
"Oh yes, here he is now. Master Q, come meet your newest pupil."
Sarah turned and her heart started beating wildly. The man in the doorway certainly wasn't the largest man she'd ever seen. Barely six feet with a leanly muscled build, he wore a strip of black leather over the upper part of his face that reminded her of a Mardi Gras mask. His dark brown hair was shorn down in a military style brush cut, which put the emphasis on his sharply angled face. There was nothing extraordinary about him at first glance. It wasn't until he turned and looked at her directly that she lost her breath.
His eyes fixed on hers and she promptly forgot everything except the warm amber color, brighter closer to the pupil blending into a darker, whisky color on the edges. She'd never been so entranced by a pair of eyes before.
Except for Quinn's.
"It's nice to meet you." She extended her hand and immediately wished she hadn't. He seized it and the contact of his warm palm against hers was decidedly intimate. The heat of his skin seared through her until her breath came in hard little pants.
"Ms. Caldwell, it's a pleasure to meet you as well. I hope that your time here will be all that you wish it to be and more."
There was nothing inappropriate about his words but spoken in his raspy voice, the statement sounded more like a sensual promise than a professional platitude. Like he would make it his personal mission to see that she got everything she needed and would enjoy every second of it. Damn, if she didn't appreciate a confident man. Plus, he had a deep commanding voice just like Quinn's, the kind that made her want to do anything he asked.
Crap. Stop thinking about Quinn.
"Yes sir. I hope so, too."
"Good, I'm glad you two seem to be getting along. It's imperative that a student feels comfortable with her handler given the intimate nature of the instruction here. You're in excellent hands, Ms. Caldwell."
Sarah blushed. She'd forgotten Madame X was still in the room. If she was honest with herself, she'd forgotten where
was too. Staring into Master Q's eyes had damn near made her forget her own name.
"Yes, of course. Thank you, Madame X."
The older woman inclined her head before leaving, pulling the door to the room closed behind her. Suddenly the silence in the room seemed very loud.
Master Q turned to her and his eyes narrowed behind the thin black mask.
"It's time for your orientation. Let's get started."
QUINN HELD HIS BREATH as Sarah squeezed past him into the hallway. He was supposed to escort her to her classes but the only thing he could focus on was what Jackson had told him he'd walked in on.
Sarah coming on her own fingers while watching another student's oral sex test.
"So, Jackson tells me you're quite the rule breaker." He stopped at the entrance hall to the classrooms, an idea forming in his mind.
"H-He did?" Sarah bit her bottom lip and took a sudden interest in the pattern of the wallpaper. "What exactly did he say?"
Quinn stepped closer and tipped her chin up with one finger. "He said you look beautiful when you come. And a few other things I won't repeat."
"Wow. Honesty is definitely overrated." Sarah covered her face with her hands.
Quinn grinned. "Come on, there's something I think you should see."
He put his arm around her shoulders and steered her gently to the left. The hallway was completely silent. It would have been eerie if he hadn't known all the rooms were soundproofed. They stopped in front of a door that read simply:
Sarah looked up at him, her brown eyes huge in her face. "Am I in trouble, already?" There was a slight hint of anticipation to her voice even though she seemed nervous. Like she secretly hoped she was.
"You're not in trouble. I'm just showing you the different areas of the school. Let's go in."
He pushed open the door and stepped into the room, pulling Sarah with him. She clung to his arm and stayed behind him. When he caught sight of the woman at the front of the room, he cursed inwardly. He'd hoped to be able to avoid his past for a little while but apparently luck wasn't on his side.
Luck had thrown him face to face with the reason he'd left The Madame X School in the first place.
SARAH LOOKED AROUND THE room in trepidation. The dark-haired boy strapped to a wooden chair in the middle of the room barely looked like he was out of college. What would they do to him? Although, she knew some people were into pain, she doubted she'd be able to stand watching if they were going to whip him or worse.
"Hello, Master Q." The woman at the head of the class had finally noticed their arrival and smiled flirtatiously in their direction.
Master Q stepped forward. "Sorry to interrupt, Mistress Rain. We have a new student and I'm conducting her Orientation. I hope you don't mind if we observe."
Mistress Rain sauntered over, her eyes gleaming. She obviously didn't mind Master Q's presence if the way she devoured him with her eyes was any indication. Her tongue dipped out to wet her bottom lip and Sarah had to bite back a snort. The woman couldn't have been more obvious if she'd leaned over and licked him.
you're always welcome in my classroom. It's been awhile since you've been around. Tired of normal life already?" She didn’t wait for his answer, just turned giving him a look at the back of her dress which dipped low enough to reveal the dimple at the top of her ass cheeks before she sashayed to the center of the room.
Master Q shifted awkwardly next to her and Sarah wondered if his sudden return was something she should worry about. If he hadn't been here in awhile, where had he been? The paperwork she had found time to read indicated that most of the teachers resided here full time.
Why didn't Master Q?
"So, this is the punishment room. Our students are expected to follow instructions and those who don't end up here. The punishments vary but are tailored to the individual student's needs." He looked at her then, his dark gaze rife with promise. "And I am extremely creative at coming up with punishments."
Sarah gulped. "They aren't going to whip him or anything, are they?"
Master Q grinned. "He might actually wish they had before it's over."
"Everyone, this is Jason." Mistress Rain stood in the center of the room and gestured to the boy tied to the chair. "He's a student in my Erotic Massage class who is being punished for insubordination."
She motioned to the doorway and a long line of girls rushed in and stood in a single file line. They all wore white collared shirts and black pleated skirts.
"Do I get a naughty schoolgirl outfit, too?" When he nodded, she stopped laughing. "Damn, I was just kidding. There is no way I'm wearing that."
Master Q leaned over and whispered something to one of the girls. She giggled and whispered "Fellatio 101". Master Q threw his head back and laughed.
Mistress Rain gestured to the girl at the front of the line. "Melanie, you're up first."
Melanie dropped down on the ground and placed her hands on Jason's thighs. The other girls jostled good-naturedly, pushing each other out of the way to get a better view of the front of the room. Melanie glanced over her shoulder once, her cheeks turning pink before she took the tip of Jason's cock in her mouth. His head fell back and a harsh groan escaped his lips. She licked awkwardly up the shaft, her tongue leaving a gleaming trail. Then she gripped him and took him as deep as she could, the muscles in her throat working as she swallowed around him.
"Oh fuck, yes." Jason tried to pump up into her mouth but he was bound too tightly to the chair.
"Hold still, Jason." Mistress Rain rapped him lightly on the head with her palm. She looked down at the girl bobbing over his cock.
"Excellent work, Melanie. Now show me how we treat the head." The girl pulled back and twirled her tongue around the head over and over. The tip glistened with her saliva, the head as red as a ripe plum.
"Oh shit, Madame. I won't do it again, I swear." Jason strained against his bonds as Melanie took his cock between her lips again enthusiastically, sucking like her life depended on it.
"Take your time, Melanie. This isn't a race." Mistress Rain circled behind the girl, observing her technique. She pursed her lips as she watched, even going so far as to come up behind the girl and re-position her so that she could take more cock down her throat.

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