Seducing My Best Friend (Fated #3) (3 page)

BOOK: Seducing My Best Friend (Fated #3)
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Chapter 5: Lucy



I couldn’t take my eyes off him as he stood over me, his swollen
dick nearly bursting out of his pants. I couldn’t believe his body was having
that reaction to me.

He smiled at me. It was a soft smile, a safe smile. A total
contradiction to the imminent danger I felt when I stole another glance at his
raging hard on.

He wrapped his fingers around the edge of his shirt and pulled
it over his head. The dim light from the city outside cast shadows in all the
right places on his toned chest, and I wanted to touch him, to drag my fingers
over the ripples of his skin, to run my hands through the tease of hair on his

Normally when I went home with guys, I was aggressive. I was the
kind of girl that could get a guy’s belt off one handed and without looking,
the kind who was always in a hurry, but I didn’t recognize myself in this

And I didn’t recognize Aiden, who up until now was the most
familiar person in the world to me. I was paralyzed with desire as I watched
him pull his belt loose. I pursed my lips as he unzipped his jeans and pushed them
down around his ankles.

“Wait,” I heard myself say when he hooked his thumbs in his
boxers. “Not yet.” I wasn’t ready. The size of him contained in his boxers was
already too much for me. I was afraid I might have a heart attack if he showed
himself to me. It would be too real then. I wasn’t ready to have the image of
my best friend in all his naked glory burned onto my eyes.

He nodded and knelt down on the bed beside me. “Give me your
hand,” he said.

I raised it, and he held my wrist, pressing my hand against his
swollen dick. I could feel it pulsing through his boxers and when my fingers
draped around his girth, I felt a gush in my underwear.

“That’s what you do to me, Lucy. That’s why I can’t take no for
an answer.”

I swallowed.

“And now I want to see what I do to you.”

My eyes went wide.


I nodded, but where the strength to do it came from was a

Aiden lowered himself down over me until he was on his elbows
with his strong arms framing my face. Then he kissed me again, and just when I
thought he was going to stick his tongue in my mouth, he grabbed my bottom lip
in his teeth and pulled it, making my guts clench like a fist.

I could feel his hardness throbbing between my thighs, making it
impossible for me to take anything but the shallowest of breaths. And in an
attempt to breathe better, I snuck my hands between us and unhooked my belt.

But it was no use. Because a second later, I felt his hands
slide up my thighs, dragging my dress up my body.

First I felt the air hit my legs, then my stomach. Then I watched
him crane his neck back and feast his eyes on my chest as the thin fabric of my
dress gathered under my arms.

He lowered his head and whispered in my ear. “Are you ready to
show me your two best kept secrets?” he asked, sliding his hands under my back.

“It’s in the front,” I said.

A smile spread across his face as he shifted his focus, concentrating
on the clasp between my breasts. As soon as it came loose, he covered my chest
with his hands.

It felt amazing to have him touch me there, and it frightened me
how much I liked it. And that was before he lowered his mouth to my nipple and
flicked it with his tongue.

I little sigh escaped as the heat of his hands and mouth rippled
through my body.

“Fucking perfect,” he said, almost as if he were speaking
directly to my breasts before sucking my nipples one after the other, like he was
having trouble deciding which one he liked better.

Then one of his hands disappeared from view, and I felt it find the
warmth between my legs.

“Your panties are soaked through,” he said, pressing two fingers
against the outside of my lacy thong.

My chest tightened as he touched me.

“You’re so wet for me,” he whispered. “Goddamn it, Lucy.”

My breasts rose and fell with my breath as he snuck his fingers
inside my underwear, dragging them along my dripping clit. I pursed my lips.
There was no going back now. My best friend had his hand on my pussy, and there
wasn’t enough strength in my legs to run if I wanted to.

And then he pushed his fingers inside me, growling as I
tightened around him. I felt myself gush into his hand as my back arched
against my will.

He churned my insides until I was as hot as melted butter,
groping my breasts with his free hand.

“Do you like that?” he asked under his breath.

“Yes,” I whispered.

His warm breath was on my ear. “I’m just getting started.”

He moved down between my legs, hooking his fingers around my
thong and sliding it down around my ankles. Then he crawled back over me and
pushed some hair out of my face. “I’m going to kiss you again now, Luce, and
I’m not going to stop until you come in my mouth.”

My lips fell apart but no noise escaped as I watched him scoot
down between my legs, looking up at me as he moved down to lick me for the
first time.

I felt my whole body tense up.

And when he closed his eyes and buried his tongue inside me, I
let my head fall back. There was nothing but the sound of him lapping at my
wetness, and I couldn’t quiet myself anymore. I had to find a release for my
pleasure before I burst, and I let out a high pitched moan he was never meant
to hear.

The sound of my satisfaction only made him speed up until I
could feel his greedy tongue running rings around my swollen clit.

“I’m gonna come. Oh god. Aiden I’m- I-” My whole body jolted.

He wrapped his hands around my thighs, locking his head in
between them and drinking me greedily as I spasmed, eating me with so much
enthusiasm he might’ve bitten the hand of anyone who tried to pull him away.

When my body gave its final jerk, I felt him lick me once more
like he was zipping me up with his tongue. I didn’t have the energy to open my
eyes yet, but I welcomed the gentle feeling of his kisses on my inner thighs.

And as he raised his body above me, I opened my eyes halfway and
noticed that his face was wearing a stupid smile. It was so surreal I was sure
I’d simply had the most vivid dream of my life.

I lifted a hand to his cheek. “Aiden.”

His lips shone in the dark from my wetness. “What?”

“I want to feel you inside me.”

He rose into the kneeling position and pulled his boxers down.

His dick sprang up like an arm, and I nearly gasped at the sight
of it.

He shifted his weight until he was out of his boxers and lowered
himself over me again.

“If it hurts,” he said. “Tell me and I’ll stop.”

I thought he was exaggerating, that he’d just been fucking too
many girls who were unnaturally skinny all over, but when I reached down and
grabbed him, I was genuinely intimidated. My hand could barely get around him,
and I worried my pussy would fare even worse.

But at that point, there was no going back. I had to know him
that way. Not just to satisfy his pleasure, but for my own curiosity.

“Just shut up and fuck me,” I said, feeling powerful with his
dick in my hand. I guided him to the wet pool he’d made between my legs and
braced myself.

I thought he would just plunge into me, but he didn’t. He tortured
me by going inch by inch, and then when I was sure he was all the way in, by
going inch by inch twice more.

By the time I felt the base of his shaft against me, he’d pushed
all the air out of my lungs and my mouth was hanging open.

“Are you okay?” he asked.

He was so deep inside me I had the sudden urge to laugh, but I
was worried I might actually injure myself. “Uh-huh.”

“I can feel you pulsing around me.”

“And I can feel every inch of you,” I said, dragging my
fingertips down his chest. “And nothing else.”

He kept his eyes on me as he pulled his hips back and thrust
himself in again.

Over and over, he thrust into me, watching the expression on my face
while I tried to decide if it was worth letting him tear me open to hit me so

And soon he sped up. And I could feel his heavy balls smacking
against me, and it was so wrong, fucking my friend like this, liking it this
much. But the warmth from my center was radiating to my fingertips, and it
wasn’t so much that I wished he would stop, but rather that he never would.

It wasn’t long before his offer to be gentle was clearly off the
table as he lifted my legs straight in the air and raised up on his knees so he
could fuck me at speed, laying into me and holding my legs together against his
chest, growling in a way that made me feel sexier than I’d ever felt before.

And as he held my ankles in the air, I looked up at his face
suspended between them and watched his jaw clamp shut as he slammed into me for
the last time, pumping me full of everything he felt for me and destroying our
friendship forever.


Chapter 6: Aiden



She was gone when I woke up.

When I realized the bed was empty, I stretched my arms out to my
sides and groaned. Then I craned my ears and tried to listen for her, but once
the sound of my empty apartment was confirmed, I rolled onto my back.

What a fucking incredible night. It was almost too good to be
true, and I couldn’t help but smile as scenes of the previous evening replayed
in my mind…

Lucy eating pink sorbet at the rooftop restaurant, the way she
laughed so hard she felt like she had to cover her mouth, the feeling of
sticking my hands up her dress, of watching her nipples respond to my breath.

Either I was officially back in the game or I’d just had the
most vivid, magnificent wet dream of my whole life.

And either way, my heart was so swollen in my chest it was almost
bursting. Sure, I always felt good the morning after bedding a beautiful woman,
but there was something different about the way I felt that morning.

I was more than sprung, more than smitten. Not only had the sex
been great, but I’d managed to impress a woman who I actually respected and
admired, a woman so feminine and strong I felt like more of a man for having
been with her.

And I fucking couldn’t wait to have her again.

And the taste of her. She was as sweet as I imagined and wetter
than I ever dreamed she could be. If I hadn’t wanted her so bad, I could have
ridden her for hours and every thrust would’ve been a new adventure. My only
regret about the night was that I didn’t last longer.

But she was so tight. Just thinking about how she clenched
around my fingers was enough to get me hard again. And the way her body shook
when I made her come was incredible. It felt so good to make her feel that way,
but it was doubly exciting because I’d never seen her lose control like that. And
the fact that my mouth was the thing that caused it, the thing that unwound her
until she came, was the greatest thrill of all.  

I wondered if she could feel me- wherever she was- throbbing
inside her, if the memory of me running my hands up her body was as clear for
her as it was for me.

I hope she hadn’t left unhappy. After we had sex, we laid around
for a while, perfectly still. There was nothing but the sound of us catching
our breath and the occasional sigh. And she’d kept smiling long after it was

Plus, she’d asked for it. I only gave her what she wanted, and I
gave it to her good. In fact, when I thought about it, I’m pretty sure I was keener
to please Lucy than I’d ever been to please anyone. I’d put an incredible
amount of pressure on myself to show her a good time. After all, there was no
one whose opinion meant more to me.

And I felt the pressure in my head, in my heart, and in my dick,
which swelled for her harder than it ever had for anyone. Or at least that’s
how it felt last night.

I don’t know what it was. Maybe it was that I knew her so well, that
seeing her vulnerable side was especially thrilling because I knew how few
people ever saw that side of her. After all, she was always hiding behind her
black boots, her dark eyeliner, and her feisty front. So getting to see her
stripped bare felt like a real accomplishment.

I just wanted to feel this high forever, but there was a
horrible thought niggling at me. What if she regretted it? What if I wasn’t as
good as she thought I would be?


At least, I knew she hadn’t faked it. The way her pussy clenched
around me and soaked my dick wasn’t the kind of thing that could be faked. Then
again, Lucy was a lot harder to impress than the girls I normally slept with.
What if I hadn’t done it for her? What would it mean for our friendship? What
would it mean for the fact that I didn’t want to be just friends anymore?

I sat on the edge of the bed and stood up, letting the sheet
fall from my naked body onto the floor as I stretched my arms over my head. Then
I grabbed my boxers off the floor, and as I pulled them on, something caught my

I took a few steps towards the end of the bed and grabbed the
small clump of black fabric with my fist. Lucy’s thong. At first I smiled
because it was black, which meant that the thought of sleeping with me had crossed
her mind even before the date.

But maybe I shouldn’t be so smug. Her wardrobe was ninety nine
percent black anyway. Of course she preferred black underwear. Maybe it didn’t
mean anything.

But that wasn’t right either.

The fact that I’d found her underwear on the floor at the end of
the bed meant at least one thing, that she left in a hurry.

Whatever made her leave, she’d done it so quickly she didn’t
even look for her underwear before she left, and she’d been wearing a flirty
little dress, too.

Maybe she borrowed some shorts or something. Girls were always
looking for excuses to steal my clothes the morning after. But all the drawers
were closed. Plus, I would’ve heard her if she’d started opening things.

Maybe she didn’t make a ruckus because she wanted to let me
sleep. Or maybe she was being deliberately sneaky.

I looked around to see if she’d left a note and then grabbed my
phone out of my jeans pocket from the night before. She hadn’t called or

She’d just disappeared.

In fact, if it weren’t for her lacy black thong, I might have
thought the whole thing was a dream.

Which it kind of was.

Everything about being with her had exceeded my expectations. From
how good it felt to have my hands on her tiny waist while I kissed her on my
balcony to seeing her hair strewn across my pillows, from seeing her hand on my
dick to being inside her.

I felt like I fucking belonged there.

And to be honest, I hadn’t felt like I really belonged anywhere
since I had to quit the team. I hated not feeling like enough in other people’s
eyes, feeling like an imposter. And no matter what I did lately, I couldn’t
change the way they saw me.

The players on the team felt sorry for me.

My friends felt bad for me.

My parents thought I went from being full of potential to a guy
hell bent on throwing his life away.

But Lucy never made me feel that way. She always made me feel
like I was enough, like I had nothing to be ashamed of and every reason to be

And she never bullshitted me or cut me down.

Plus, she’d always been there.

And finally seeing her for the woman that she was felt like the
luckiest thing that had happened to me in a long time.


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