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Authors: Poppy Summers

Seducing Mr Storm (3 page)

BOOK: Seducing Mr Storm
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Chapter Four

The household was thrown into uproar when an invitation to dinner from Elijah Storm arrived the following week. Mrs Seymour forgot her wrath and hurriedly took the sisters into town for a dress fitting. Susanna was reluctant to have a new gown for the rake, but was pressurised into a deep green silk number which matched her eyes and plunged deep over her ample breasts. With her dark hair pinned up, she admired her reflection in the mirror and shivered when she thought, against her will, about inflaming the passions of Elijah once more. What was wrong with her? Hadn’t she decided he was a no-good womaniser and that she didn’t stand a chance against Lucy? She knew his type. He would play with her, sully her purity, and then settle down with her sister into respectability. She clenched her fists when she thought of that scene in the library, of his wanton sexuality when dancing with her, and she burned at how she had allowed his liberties like a common courtesan. She was a woman who should be looking for a man to love and respect her, not play with her like this libertine. No longer would he be allowed to do this to her.

The driveway swept up to the grandest of houses and Lucy and Elizabeth chattered giddily as Rainton Grange came into view, a somewhat sinister mansion that loomed over its environs and came with the seemingly obligatory ravens perched on its turrets. Susanna couldn’t think of a more apt place for Elijah Storm to reside. They were ushered inside by a stiffly liveried butler, their cloaks taken, shown into the drawing room, and offered glasses of wine.

Their host strolled in after a few moments and every female jaw in the room dropped at his uncommon beauty. For a man, he had far more than his share. He wore a velvet suit of the darkest violet, his linen and cravat black, emphasising his honeyed skin and crystal blue eyes. Even Susanna caught her breath. Elijah smiled at his captive audience and did the usual hand kissing, trying his best not to neglect Susanna’s father, who currently looked as though he would rather be anywhere but here. Susanna knew just how he felt. As much as Elijah’s very presence electrified her, she wished to be safe and sound back at home.

Elijah turned his stunning eyes on her. His gaze passed admiringly over the curves of her body in the green gown in a rather blatant way. She presented her hand reluctantly and saw his meaningful smile as his sensual mouth brushed her knuckles, sending sparks of desire throughout her whole body. Susanna snatched her hand away as quickly as she could. She gulped some wine, her cheeks flushing.

Elijah turned his attention to Lucy. ‘I’d like to offer my humblest of apologies for missing my dance with you,’ he said.

Susanna scowled as Lucy blushed and simpered. What the hell was he playing at? He’d snubbed her in favour of Susanna and Sarah and now wanted to make it up to her? Was that was this invitation was about? Was it simply to rub her nose in the fact she would never get anything more respectable from him than spectating on his self-pleasure? Oh God, how would she deal with this man as her brother-in-law? She would go completely to pieces.

Lucy tried to be cool in accepting his apology, but she was too much the gauche girl with him to bear him a grudge. Susanna wished her sister would make him work much harder for her affections, but then she could hardly talk: how hard had
made Elijah work for her that night in the library? Nonetheless, things had not actually gone far enough that he had ruined her reputation. It was not too late to have nothing more to do with him.

Elijah escorted Lucy and Elizabeth through to the large, gloomy dining room, one on each arm, leaving the other Seymours trailing behind. Her father exchanged a glance with Susanna. Perhaps he knew her mind entirely. She wondered what he thought about welcoming Mr Storm to the family.

Candlelight flickered on Elijah’s face as he sat at the head of the table, with his guests seated on either side. Soup was served as Lucy chattered about the social highlights of that year and what was to come. Elizabeth sat contentedly, her husband and elder daughter ignored, her attention wholly focused on the repartee between Elijah and Lucy. Susanna saw no chemistry between the couple, though. Elijah might have been attentive, even gently flirtatious, but his mind seemed to be elsewhere. It made her think again that his invitation was nothing more than a cruel trick. Did he really pretend interest in Lucy in order to spite Susanna?

She gulped her wine and wished an end to the evening. Elijah turned his incredible eyes on her and raked her insides with his sensuality. Damn it, he wouldn’t let this spark between them rest until he had ruined her, she was sure of it. What was she going to do about dampening his ardour? She knew one thing would work. Something wild and dangerous. If she gave herself to him, he would lose interest. He would cast her off and then marry her sister. He would never reveal what they had done for the sake of his new family’s honour, and she would be safe. She would also have experienced him just once and it would be more than enough of this man one could never hope to trust. Or even like.

She clenched her hands into fists below the table, gaze fixed on her plate, debating back and forth with herself. She could seduce him. She could make it clear she offered herself on condition he married Lucy. As she was beyond capturing a man now, why not sacrifice herself for her sister’s and her mother’s happiness? Who would know or care about her ruin? She lifted her head and caught Elijah’s eye. He seemed puzzled and unsettled by the new determination he must have seen there. Perhaps the boot was on the other foot, finally.

She had decided.

After dinner Elijah suggested a turn around the garden. Everyone was surprised, the hour being late, but in early summer, twilight was still some while away. It was chilly nonetheless, fires burning in the grates of the gloomy house. Lucy and Elizabeth were keen, while Edward remained nursing a glass of port by the fire in the library. Susanna acquiesced reluctantly, knowing she had no choice if she was ever to manufacture some time alone with their host.

Donning cloaks, the ladies stepped onto the gravelled path with Elijah bringing up the rear. They strolled gently. He was a good guide, pointing out his prized flowers and shrubs, talking about the work that went into the garden. Work that, scandalously for Elizabeth, who believed servants should do everything, he took a large part in. The walk was a long one, down the sloped lawn to the woods beyond, where they could hear the river burbling gently and Susanna was reminded of their encounter the previous week. Elijah glanced at her with a smile, as though he read her thoughts. Steeling herself against her distaste, she looked back at him with what she hoped was a seductive expression. For a moment his face settled into a frown as he held her gaze. Then he arched a brow, clearly unsure as to the way the wind was now blowing. She couldn’t blame him for being confused as to her about-turn.

A cry from Lucy tore their eye contact apart. She lay in a crumpled heap, having twisted her ankle stepping into a rabbit burrow. Elijah uttered an oath under his breath and bent to attend her while Elizabeth fussed wildly, wringing her hands. Susanna stood apart, watching as Elijah swept her distressed sister up into his arms and carried her quickly back to the house. The two women trailed behind, Elizabeth theatrically upset and Susanna thinking it was a great deal of fuss about nothing.

Elijah carried Lucy up the stairs to a guest bedroom. There Elizabeth lifted Lucy’s skirts to show her ankles – a somewhat risqué gesture in front of Elijah, who acted as if he saw ladies’ ankles all the time. Susanna had no doubt he did, and more.

‘I’ll send word to the doctor in the village,’ Elijah said, striding from the room.

Elizabeth peeled Lucy’s stocking down and revealed no bruising or swelling, a pointless trip for the doctor as far as Susanna could see. But clearly both her sister and mother were revelling in playing the helpless flowers in front of their host so who was she to spoil their fun?

She backed out of the room unnoticed and closed the door quietly, almost bumping into Elijah on the landing.

‘I’ve sent a boy to fetch him,’ he said.

Susanna shrugged. ‘I’m not sure he’s needed.’

‘Neither am I,’ Elijah said frankly, ‘but I wouldn’t risk your mother’s wrath by not offering.’ He gave her a conspiratorial smile.

Susanna didn’t return it. She regarded him a moment. Now she had decided on her plan of action, she felt intense dislike for him, no matter that his proximity made her tremble.

‘Mr Storm,’ she said, holding his gaze. ‘I wish to discuss something with you in private.’

He searched her eyes. She was convinced he knew, and would refuse her just to be contrary.

Then he stepped back, and spread his arm, indicating the guest bedroom behind them. Susanna entered quickly, taking in the plush surroundings, the four-poster bed, and the window overlooking the darkening garden. Elijah closing the door sounded thunderous. He walked into the centre of the room, standing on a Turkish rug.


Susanna clasped her hands together. Oh, she was stupid. What had ever possessed her to carry out this idea? Wouldn’t he have her anyway, then disappear back to London without marrying her sister? She would ruin herself pointlessly. Nonetheless, she was fixed in her course.

She lifted her chin, aware of the great height difference between them and hoping he would come no closer. ‘Sir,’ she said. ‘I wish you to marry my sister. I am here to take steps to assure it.’

Elijah arched a brow, looking amused. ‘You are?’

‘Yes.’ Susanna took a deep breath, and then plunged into the abyss. She stalked across the room, slammed her hand against his broad chest, and marched him back.

Perhaps stunned by her forcefulness, he lifted his hands in surrender, and stepped back, his eyes losing their amusement as the back of his knees hit the bed and he sat down abruptly. Susanna sank instantly to her knees and pushed his muscular thighs apart. He didn’t have to touch her, after all. She knew all men wanted this.

Elijah’s mouth opened in a little O of shock. Was he really not used to women taking such a course with him or was it the fact of Susanna herself doing this that so astonished him?

She reached to his waist and virtually tore his breeches apart, finding him without underwear. Elijah gasped as the coiled length of his cock sprang free, slapping heavily against his belly, as hard as last time she had seen it.

The sight of it made her moisten between her legs. She grasped his prick around the base and it felt like silk sheathing steel. ‘Susanna,’ he said as she bent her head, but she ignored him. She opened her mouth and sucked him down as far as she comfortably could. Elijah let out a strangled moan. He grasped her head, plunging his fingers into the waves of her hair and dislodging the pins that held it up.

Susanna withdrew and slid down his iron rod again, slicking him with saliva, working her tongue over the head of his cock. The feel of him in her mouth was a startlingly pleasurable sensation. She couldn’t believe how much his heavy length made her throb with illicit excitement. She drew back, letting him pop from her mouth, then she laved his shaft busily with her tongue, flicking it over the slit before sliding all the way down to his balls. She dug into his breeches to free his sac, then she cupped it in one hand, sucking on each ball in turn, leaving his scrotum wet and pink.

Elijah gave a deep groan. He gripped her shoulder with his other hand while continued to dishevel her hair, urging her head back to his cock, panting for breath when she swallowed him again.

Her breasts felt swollen, her nipples pressing rigidly against her gown. She felt ashamed that doing this to him aroused her so much, but why was she so surprised? After all, everything about him excited her; why wouldn’t sucking his manhood drive her into a frenzy? She had exchanged the power here, though. From the man who had held her on a string as he masturbated in front of her, she had taken control, to have him at her beck and call, ruled by the organ all men were ruled by.

She looked up imperiously through her lashes as she sucked, making eye contact with him, seeing how flushed his face was, how he bit his lip so it was swollen and red.

The hand on her shoulder caressed the bare skin. He trailed it down to cup her breast through the silk of her gown and her corset. She knocked it away immediately. No. He couldn’t touch her. She would never recover from this if he did.

‘Susanna,’ he gasped out as she sucked harder and faster. His cock swelled in her mouth and she realised he would achieve his end and she would have to swallow. His hand tightened on the back of her neck. His thighs trembled, and she shoved her hand up his shirt, feeling the taut convulsing of his hard abdominal muscles.

Elijah pushed her back suddenly, roughly. He grasped his cock, passed his hand vigorously down the shaft once, and held it, spurting, to the deep valley of her cleavage. Semen laced her breasts, trickled down between them to vanish beneath her gown. Susanna arched wantonly at the scalding flood, unbearably aroused by what he had done.

Elijah gave a groan of satisfaction. The sticky load covered every exposed part of her breasts and still dripped from the head of his cock. Daringly, she dipped her head once more and ran her tongue over the slit, tasting him. He hissed, gripped her hair, and Susanna raised her head, fixing her eyes coldly on his.

‘You will marry my sister now,’ she said. ‘Do you understand?’

It was soft murmur of surrender. ‘Yes.’

Susanna stood. Elijah held his handkerchief out to her. She snatched it, mopped up as best she could, and tossed the scrap of lace back negligently at him, soaked. Then she tucked stray tendrils of escaped hair behind her ears and left Mr Elijah Storm sprawled on the bed, cock still hard and, for once, utterly mastered.

She closed the door and leant against it, heart roaring and underwear soaked. Oh God, that little escapade had only driven him further inside her, as deep as it was possible to get.

Chapter Five

The doctor diagnosed a sprain, but Elizabeth was quite determined Lucy could not be moved that night. Edward, of course, couldn’t leave the ladies in a strange man’s home so the whole family had no choice but to stay. No wonder her father didn’t trust Elijah with his daughters, Susanna thought as a servant led the way with a candle to her room for the night. Her father was shrewd enough to judge Elijah’s character but not, perhaps, concerned enough to put a stop to his wife and daughters mingling with the man. Perhaps he was happy for them to make their own mistakes. And what mistakes had been made so far. Susanna looked around the cheerless room, crossing her arms over her chest. As soon as Elijah recovered his senses from having them sucked out through his cock, he would rescind his promise to marry Lucy and this would all have been for nothing. That much was obvious.

She undressed and hung her fine dress over the back of a chair, then washed using the jug of water and bowl on the dresser. She touched the still sticky patch on her cleavage and closed her eyes in remembrance. Elijah Storm’s seed, spilled for her and her alone.

Susanna awoke to a soft tap on the door. ‘Susanna, my dear?’ Susanna called sleepily for her mother to come in. She struggled to sit up, tucking the fine covers under her arms, naked beneath them.

Her mother entered wearing a nightcap and nightgown, Susanna knew not from where. She perched on the edge of the bed, looking drained. ‘Poor Lucy was up all night with such terrible pain. Perhaps you heard her cries?’

‘No, mother, the walls are thick.’ Susanna dipped her head in shame.

‘Mr Storm was very good. He attended us personally. He has gone to dine now with your father but I have asked that Lucy and I take breakfast in our room.’

Susanna made no comment.

‘I am sure this unfortunate accident has brought them closer together. I anticipate Mr Storm will propose soon. Perhaps even before he goes back to London.’

Susanna swallowed. ‘Are you quite sure he is the man for Lucy?’

Elizabeth frowned at her and Susanna saw her own doubts in her mother’s eyes before she could hide them. ‘What do you mean?’

‘You know what I mean. His reputation, his behaviour. I want my sister to have a faithful, loving husband. Don’t you?’

Elizabeth blushed as though Susanna had accused her of selling her daughter to the highest bidder. ‘But of course, my dear,’ she blustered. ‘She shall want for nothing with Mr Storm. She will be ingratiated into the very cream of social circles …’

‘Is that enough?’ Susanna interrupted softly.

Her mother’s grey eyes turned icy. ‘I shall send for you when we are ready to leave,’ she said, getting up from the bed.

Susanna sank back against the pillow as the door closed. What was wrong with her that she had tried to talk her mother out of the marriage when she had already sacrificed herself for Lucy’s sake? No, better that it go ahead, that Elijah take Lucy to London for good and she never had to look upon his face again and imagine him bestowing his favours on her sister.

To her discomfort, as Susanna walked down the corridor to the dining room she met with her father, who was hastening upstairs to see his wife and daughter. Her stomach rumbled, so she was left with no choice but to enter the room and dine alone with Elijah.

He sat at the head of the table wearing a grey suit with snowy white linen, cravat tied impeccably tight at his throat, holding a delicate cup and drinking. He glanced up when he saw her but offered no smile.

‘Miss Seymour.’ He put his cup down and rose to his feet. ‘Do sit down.’ He pulled the chair out for her before the hovering servant could do so and she took her seat, a wash of masculine scent overtaking her from his body as he stood close.

Susanna folded her hands on her lap tightly, asking for some eggs and toast when the servant enquired. Elijah regained his seat, leant over, and poured some orange juice. She thanked him, sat with her head bowed as she was served. Elijah looked up, dismissed the servant with a gesture, and the two of them were left alone in the room.

Susanna took a sip of juice. She did not dare lift her eyes.

‘Susanna,’ Elijah said in an undertone. ‘Your mouth is so hot and wicked.’

Her head jerked up. She narrowed her eyes at him, blushing furiously.

He arched a sardonic brow. ‘What, I’m not allowed to mention what you did to me last night?’

She gave a fierce shake of her head. ‘It was under the influence of wine and you know why I did it. It’s not something to be dissected.’

He fixed those crystal blue eyes on her. ‘To gain a husband for your sister,’ he said.

‘Correct,’ she said tartly.

‘And not because the thought of my cock in your mouth excited you beyond reason?’

Susanna shoved her chair back with indignation.

‘Sit down.’ His tone was like a whip. Susanna sank fearfully back to her seat, not taking her gaze from him. ‘If I want to discuss it, we’ll discuss it. Contrary to what you might think, I don’t usually have women taking such liberties with me and then preferring it was swept under the carpet.’

She curled her lip. ‘Have I bruised your delicate ego, Mr Storm? Perhaps you can’t handle a woman taking control.’

She saw the fury on his face and let her chair fly back, running across the room as fast as her gown would allow her. He reached the door before her, slamming it shut, grabbing her arm and pulling her around.

‘It’s true I prefer the control, but that’s not to say I didn’t enjoy being mastered by you,’ he said, fingers gripping her tight and eyes burning into hers. ‘But let’s not pretend that was an end to it. It was just the beginning.’

Susanna shook her head, aghast. ‘No.’

‘Yes.’ His arm curled about her waist. He pulled her against his muscular body and she felt the hard beating of his heart. She braced her hands on his chest, turning her face away as he tried to kiss her.

Stumbling from his grip, he merely pressed her back against the door, thrusting a thigh between hers as his lips claimed hers savagely. Susanna gasped. She had had kisses before, some none too chaste, but no one had ever kissed her with such raw passion before.

She tried to fight him but it was pointless. Her body responded to him unbidden. She curved a hand around his neck and he pressed closer, deepening the kiss, tongue slipping between her lips. Susanna let out a low moan. She felt his erection against her hip and her whole body shuddered with emotion. When he let her go, she sagged weakly against the door, shattered, fingers touching her lips unconsciously.

Elijah’s desperate expression waned, as though he had mastered the beast within him. He reached out, trailed fingertips over the curve of her cheek tenderly, and she instantly jerked away. Fumbling behind her, she yanked open the door and fled.

Susanna slumped back in the carriage as they set off down the driveway away from the house with Elijah standing at the door watching them go. Lucy was wrapped in her cloak like an invalid, foot elevated on the seat next to Susanna. She chattered endlessly about what a gentleman Mr Storm was while Susanna remained silent.

This was not how it should have gone. She should have been going home with Lucy’s hand firmly secured, not with her lips burning and her body still craving Elijah’s touch.

BOOK: Seducing Mr Storm
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