Seducing Jordan: A Second Chances Novella (8 page)

BOOK: Seducing Jordan: A Second Chances Novella
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Chapter 10

Back at the cabin, they watched the Phillies game for a while with Jordan curled into Rick’s arms. Rick glanced over at him and the wave hit, the sheer beauty of Jordan. He leaned in for a kiss, and Jordan’s mouth plundered him. They tore into each other’s clothes. He raised his body over Jordan’s and rubbed their erections together. “So good, babe. I could come like this.”

“That wasn’t the plan.” Jordan ran his tongue across Rick’s lips.

“You’re sure?”

He shrugged. “Nervous. But I want it.”

In the lamplight, Jordan’s golden hair glowed against his tan skin. Looking at him, Rick didn’t care about tomorrow or next week or next year. Life was lived in the moment, and if you thought too much about the future, you missed out on today. Right now, the most beautiful man he knew was underneath him, hot and ready.

Longing blossomed in his chest, not just physical desire, but a spiritual need to become one with Jordan. He wanted to be tender, to reassure Jordan that he was cherished. It wasn’t just Jordan’s body he wanted. It was all of him.

He was a better man because of Jordan. The desire for Jordan’s respect had tamed his natural selfishness, made him work at compassion. He hated to think who he’d be if Jordan hadn’t come into his life.

“You’re my best friend,” Rick said. “My lover. Maybe my future. This means everything to me.”

Jordan’s eyes turned to liquid. “Me, too.”


Jordan headed into the bathroom. He stripped out of his clothes and used the enema he’d stashed under the vanity. It felt weird, but he didn’t want to take any chances. He wanted to convince Rick that sex with him was better than it could be with a girl.

The idea of giving himself to Rick this way made his body shiver with excitement. He’d read a lot about it, and felt confident he could do it without much pain, as long as they went slow. He trusted Rick to do this right, putting Jordan’s needs first.

In the shower, the hot water ran down, relaxing his muscles. To combat his apprehension, he shuffled through the fantasies he’d had of Rick fucking him. His favorite was in the limo after prom. Desire pumped through his veins.

He soaped and rinsed, then dried himself, barely sweeping the towel against his erection. It wouldn’t take much to send him over the edge. No matter what happened, Rick loved him. That much he knew for sure.

Hair dry, he wrapped the towel around his waist. He ran hot water over a couple of washcloths for later. Was that OCD, or a nervous virgin thing? Or maybe it was a retired Boy Scout thing: he wanted to be prepared. The irony amused him.

He stepped out of the bathroom to find Rick standing naked and glaring at him. “You locked the door.”

“I needed my privacy.” He kissed him. Rick smiled and bobbed his erection. He took Rick’s hand and led him to the bed.


Under the covers, Rick held Jordan close. He smelled like soap and clean skin. Rick could tell Jordan was working to make himself as appealing as possible, which was ironic. He was as attracted to Jordan when he was sweaty after a game and yelling at him for being an asshole, as he was when Jordan was like this: fresh, sweet, and curled into Rick’s arms.

Light from the setting sun bathed Jordan in an orange glow. A happy sigh forced itself from Rick’s chest. His cock was eager, but he wanted to draw out the pleasure, make this the best experience of Jordan’s life.

He tugged his lover’s lips with his own, nuzzled him, ran a hand over hard nipples. Blood rushed, heating his skin. In the falling darkness, the room took on a dream-like quality. “You’re a fantasy come to life.”

Jordan nibbled his earlobe. “Tell me your fantasy. I told you mine.”

His mouth grew dry. Somehow, talking about sex was more difficult than doing it. Raw, like he was laying his soul bare.

“Um…in the empty locker room, after practice. You come out of the shower glistening with your hair wet. I dry you off, touching your body through the towel.”

“Mmm. Hot.”

He moved over him, brushing his lips with his own. “We kiss, and our cocks rub together, like this.” He pressed his pelvis against him, evoking a soft moan. “You get on all fours on the bench between the lockers. I enter you slowly, and your ass clamps down on me so hard I can barely breathe. And you want it. You beg to be mine.”

Jordan stroked Rick’s cheek and ran his thumb along his lips. “I do want it. To feel you inside me. To give you pleasure.” Lips touched his temple, soft as a moth’s wings. “Let’s make your fantasy come true.”

He forced himself to swallow. The ferocity of his desire curled into a ball in his gut, ready to spring.


Jordan grazed his tongue along Rick’s chest. His hands wandered over Rick’s back, then slid down to his ass. Heat gathered in his cock, engorging and tightening him. He let go of the worries holding him back, ready to fulfill the longings he’d harbored since his first stirrings of desire for Rick had told him he was gay.

He pressed his lips to Rick’s earlobe. “Fuck me.”

“You sure you’re ready?”

He got on top and straddled him, ravishing his mouth with hot kisses. Rick rolled him onto his back, massaging his erection with his own.

His balls stiffened. This is how he wanted to be. Underneath Rick. For the rest of his life.

He thrust his pelvis forward, grinding their cocks together. Pleasure rippled over him. He needed more, urgently.

Rick nuzzled the hair in Jordan’s armpit, flicking his tongue along the edge, then nipping the sensitive skin. Jordan groaned. The sensations spread through his body, heating him.

“I love the way you smell,” Rick said. “It reminds me of all the times we’ve spent hanging out, being best friends.”

He trembled. The depth of Rick’s love overwhelmed him.

Rick moved lower and lapped at his nipples. “Mine,” Rick murmured. “Every part of you.” His eyes darkened. “Say it.”

He swallowed against the dryness in his throat. “I’m yours.”

A wave of freedom washed over him. Only by giving himself utterly to Rick could he become fully himself, releasing his fears and indulging his desires.

“I brought some massage oil,” Rick said, “to help you relax. Lie on your stomach.”

He rolled over while Rick rifled through the drawer of the nightstand. Rick’s sweetness surprised him. He’d put a lot of thought into this weekend—into how he could take care of Jordan.

Rick opened the bottle of oil and rubbed some into his hands, releasing the scent of sandalwood. He straddled Jordan’s waist.

Strong hands worked his shoulders. He moaned. A sense of release washed over him as his muscles softened.

The hands moved downward, massaging his back and his glutes. His breathing slowed. Rick’s touch soothed him, keeping him on the edge of sleep. The tender pressure moved down to his legs, then his feet. No one had ever massaged his feet before, freeing the tension in his arches. The feeling of relaxation was almost better than orgasm.

Rick finished by stroking his arms and hands. Jordan intertwined their fingers. “So amazing. Thank you.”

“I like making you feel good.” Rick kissed his lips. “I need to get this oil off my hands. Be right back.”

Jordan closed his eyes. Water gurgled in the sink. Soon, feet padded back into the room and the bed springs squeaked. Rick’s body warmed him.

Teeth nibbled his ear. “I want to give you pleasure, Jordy,” Rick breathed. “If anything hurts, we’ll stop. You don’t need to worry about disappointing me.”

Lying on his side, he kissed Rick’s mouth. He fisted their erections, loving the feel of Rick’s silken skin against him. His mouth suckled Rick’s lips.

“Need you,” Rick said, his breath heavy.

“Get the lube.” He lay on his back with his knees bent and his feet flat on the mattress.

Rick smiled and retrieved the tube. He kissed his way down Jordan’s cock. Ripples of pleasure shot through Jordan’s belly. Moans escaped his lips.

The hot, wet mouth caressed the seam of Jordan’s sac. He closed his eyes, thrilling to the sensations. Rick lifted his ass and ringed the hole with his tongue.

The nerve endings came to life. He writhed. Rick’s velvet tongue worked the tender tissue, leaving him desperate for more.

His cock hungered for touch. He resisted the urge, wanting to save all his desire for when Rick entered him. His breath grew ragged, the movement of Rick’s mouth filling him with bliss. Grabbing a pillow, he clutched it to his chest, trying to quell the ache. He needed Rick inside him.

“Can’t wait. Want you now.”

Rick sat back. Jordan rolled onto his stomach, pulling his knees up to his chest.

Rick groaned, then squeezed Jordan’s ass. “So hot. Want you.”

“Do it.”

“Hell, Jordy.”

He closed his eyes, and a luxury of decadence built in his chest. This was the rawest, most sensual thing he had ever done. He anticipated how it would feel, Rick sinking inside him, opening him with his thick heat.

Cold lube made his breath hitch. A finger slipped inside, pumping and relaxing the solid muscle. He wanted more, much more. He pushed back as far as he could go, taking Rick’s finger up to the knuckle.

A second digit joined the first, twisting and stretching. The deep, intense sensations pushed thought from his mind. “Hot.”

“So hot, babe.” Rick kissed the small of his back.

Love washed over him at the tender display of affection, even as Rick thrust hard inside him. The pressure on his prostate made him shudder.

A third finger entered him. “Fuck, yeah!” He pushed back, increasing the penetration. Rick wrapped his free arm around Jordan’s waist, giving him leverage to establish a firm rhythm.

The fingers fucked him hard and deep. “You want it?” Rick’s voice was stretched taut.

Trembling with desire, he struggled for words. “Need it.”

The fingers left him. The ripping of a foil wrapper quickened his breath. Blood engorged him. This wasn’t a fantasy. This was happening. He focused on Rick, the tenderness of his touch, the thickness of that hot cock.

Rick’s erection caressed his hole. An involuntary whimper escaped his throat.

“You okay?”

“Go.” He needed Rick inside him before fear overwhelmed his lust.

A slight pressure teased his nerve endings, increasing his desire. It stretched but didn’t open him. “Mmm,” he moaned, urging Rick forward.

The pressure released, then came harder. He wanted this, was desperate for it. With the next thrust, he exhaled and relaxed, and the tight circle of muscle parted. The hard shaft slid inside, the pain-pleasure splitting him in two.

Rick growled. “Fuck, Jordy!”

“Stay still,” he pleaded, the new sensations overwhelming him.

Rick stopped. “Am I hurting you? Should I pull out?”

“Just stay like that. Let me get used to it.” He breathed. As his muscles adjusted, the pain eased. He loved the sense of fullness.
Rick’s cock is inside me
. Happy tears sprang to his eyes. “Go.”

Rick moved slowly. “That okay?”


“You don’t have to do this if it hurts.” Rick’s voice shook.

“Good, babe. Want more.”

Rick lengthened his strokes and hit Jordan’s prostate, an irritation at first but quickly turning into a hard knot of longing. Rick’s arm encircled his waist, and his free hand caressed his spine. “Perfect,” Rick moaned.

He tried to focus on his breathing instead of his galloping heart. The sense of violation crept into his consciousness but he pushed it down. He fought to relax his muscles. “Lower.”

“Like this?” Rick angled down, increasing the pressure on the prostate.

Warmth spread from his core to his cock. “That’s it.” His nipples hardened. He stroked his erection, spreading the precum over the head.

Rick picked up the bottle of lube and squeezed some onto Jordan’s hand. The slick sensation combined with the pleasure in his prostate. “So good, babe.”

“You have no idea.” Rick’s voice was rough. Jordan loved that he had that effect on him.

Pressure built inside him. He wanted to wait until Rick finished, but he couldn’t stop it. The orgasm barreled over him. His ass clenched, and the next moment Rick’s body shuddered.

Rick slipped out and collapsed against Jordan’s back, encircling his waist with his arms. He kissed his neck and shoulders, soft lips with a hint of stubbled cheek. “My Jordy.”

He turned and lay on his back. The bright, adoring look in Rick’s eyes filled his chest with happiness unlike any other.

Rick wrapped the condom in a handful of tissues and tossed it into the trashcan. He sank onto the bed, and Jordan ran a hand down Rick’s back. He could still feel the pressure of Rick inside him. It ached, but not in a bad way.

Rick lay beside him, a big stupid grin on his face.

Jordan chuckled. “Proud of yourself?”

“You make me happy.”

Tightness gripped his throat. “Was it what you expected?”

BOOK: Seducing Jordan: A Second Chances Novella
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