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Authors: India T. Norfleet

Seduced By The General (4 page)

BOOK: Seduced By The General
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woman. You were screaming like someone was under there.”  He laughed and reclaimed his seat.

“Hey, designer stockings aren't cheap, especially my favorite pair.”

“You're something else babe.” James laughed shaking his head. 

“You have no idea.” Brandie grinned as she popped open her carryout box.

“So do you have any plans tonight? I was thinking that I could take you out to catch dinner and a movie to make up for not being able to make it to your event last night?”

Kahlil began to caress Brandie softly, starting at her ankles he snaked his hands up her long legs and thick thighs until he reached the damp seat of her lace panties.

—James you don't have to do that. I told you that I completely understand that you had to work.” Brandie managed slightly breathless as she could feel Kahlil pushing her panties to the side.

“Brandie baby, are you okay?” He asked when he noticed her breath hitch and her eyes flutter close.

“Y-yes. I um… I’ve been having—been having these bad migraines the past couple of days.” Brandie said as she held the side of her forehead. She was hoping that James would get the hint and not question her any further because she didn't know how much longer she could sit here talking to him while Kahlil blew and played with her wet pussy.

“Do you need me to run down to the pharmacy to grab you a bottle of aspirin?”

               “No I'm just uh just going to grab another spoonful of the food and lie down until my next meeting.” Brandie said as she sat back in her chair. As soon as she did that, Kahlil spread her legs wider.

“Are you sure, you don't look—

“James I'm fine.

“Okay fine, I’ll leave you be so you get some rest before you have to get back to work.” James said as he stood and headed toward the door.

“Alright, thank you so much for everything. Hold on, let me walk you out.” As soon as Brandie tried to stand up from her seat, Kahlil grabbed hold of her legs and held them firmly in place so she couldn't move. He then quickly slipped his tongue and slid it in between her now drenched lips and sucked.

Ohhh, on second thought, I think I'll stay seated until this migraine subsides.” Brandie frowned to keep from screaming out in pleasure.

“No problem, beautiful. I need to get back to the office anyway. I'll call and check on you later.”

“I look forward to your call and if I'm feeling better later, we can definitely go out tonight.”

Sounds like a plan.
” James said as he walked over to her, gave her a quick peck on the lips before making his way toward the door, closing it behind him. 

Kahlil, what the hell?” Brandie asked as she pushed back from her desk.

“What?” He crawled over to her and spread her legs.

“Why would you do that why my man was in here? What if he had found out that you were really under there—”

“Then he just would've found out.” He shrugged his shoulders while nibbling on the inside of her thighs.

Hell, even I wanted him to find out.


“Because Brandie, you belong to me. And dude is not yo’ man. He wants to be but he don't even have a chance. Why are you leading that man on?”

              He has a better chance than you. And I don't belong to you because there is no
. And would you please stop kissing my thighs? I am not—”

“Fine, I've
been w
anting to kiss something else anyway and Brandie no one has a better chance at being with you than me.”

Just when Brandie began to protest again,
Kahlil grabbed her ass, pulled her to the edge of the seat and slid his long tongue deep inside of her simmering warmth.


“Damn Bran, I miss your pussy.”
Kahlil managed between concentrated licks of perfection.


“Yes baby?
” He asked between deep licks of her delicious nectar.

“P-please don't do this to me.”

As much as he wanted to ignore her weak protest, Kahlil pulled back and let Brandie's legs drop back to the floor.

“You know what
Brandie, I’ll back off for now. But let me tell you this, I came back here for you and you know that I always get what I want. So let whatever dude you are fucking know ‘cause I know it ain't dude who just left, game over.  Cause so help me, I might hurt him if he don’t back the fuck off.”

Kahlil, who the hell do you think you are, trying to dictate shit to me? I will fuck whoever I want. Now get the hell out of my damn office.”

walked up behind Brandie, making sure his saluting dick brushed across her ass cheeks and whispered into her ear, “Do it. I dare you.”

Before Brandie could exhale, he was gone.






“Cocky bastard, I
don’t know who the hell he thinks he is trying to dictate my life but this shit stops today.” Brandie said as she stepped out of the shower.

After her run in with
Kahlil at her office, she'd hoped that her yoga class that she went to every evening after work would calm her simmering anger but instead she couldn't get her mind off of him and their earlier conversation and ended up leaving twenty minutes into her class. As soon as she jumped into her car, she made a call to James and told him that she was feeling much better and that she would take him up on his offer for dinner and a movie. She was determined not to let Kahlil have her every thought and control her every move.

Brandie slammed her tub of chocolate scented body butter on her bed, twisted the cap, sat down and began
lotioning her body. Once her entire body smelled of the sweet scent of chocolate, she walked over to her walk in closet and pulled from the hook, the shortest, fitted little black dress she could find and slipped it on. She then applied light eye shadow and blush to her island model features before rolling on her favorite ruby red lipstick, puckering her full lips.

, she slipped into her black and silver spiked stilettos, silver necklace, earrings, bangle bracelet set and did her hair up in a spiraled bun with a bang. Walking over to her mirrored closet, she smiled at her appearance. Brandie didn't usually dress this sensual, so to speak because she hadn't been out much in the years after Kahlil left and wasn’t interested in perusing anything with anyone new. She figured dressing like this was an incentive to be saved for the man she loved or who was genuinely interest in building a serious relationship with her. And though she knew James was very genuine in his feelings for her, she knew in her heart that he wasn't the one for her. She felt horrible that she was about to use him specifically piss Kahlil off for trying to tell her what to do with her life, but she had to get it through Kahlil's thick ass skull that he has no say so in her life anymore. She planned to take pictures galore with James tonight and was even contemplating fucking him and taking pictures of that, too.

Brandie was going to make sure that
Kahlil knew what it felt like to hurt, and she wanted to damage his heart, tit for tat.
Excited about her plan to teach Kahlil a well deserved lesson in matters of the heart and even more so about actually going on a date, Brandie grinned, as she reached for her light leather jacket, her sliver black and red Michael Kors purse and sashayed toward the front room to wait for James. Not five minutes after, she turned on her Bose surround sound stereo system, her doorbell rang. Brandie felt as giddy as a school girl with a crush as she went to open her front door.

“Mr. Landing, I hope you brought back up if you're thinking of taming me tonight.”

“Thanks for the warning, Little black corvette, but I know how to tame you just fine on my own. Back up was never needed or have you forgotten?”












, had I been that Landing character, I might've taken you up on that offer.” Kahlil laughed sarcastically.

“What in the hell are you doing here
, Kahlil? I really don’t have the time or patience to deal with your bullshit tonight. How did you find out where I lived? And what exactly did you do in the military?”

“Baby I carry the rank of General for a very specific set of reasons. But that’s irrelevant right now.”

Anger flashed across her face as she rolled her eyes and sucked her teeth.

Looking over her shoulder, she glanced down the street, looking for any sign of James. She wanted
Kahlil gone, and she wanted him gone now.

“Baby, I know you didn't think for one minute, after I dared you to go fuck another man that I didn't know that you would do it out of spite? Out of sheer pleasure just to get back at me for hurting you? You don't think I know how much I hurt you? I know. You don't think I know you
, Brandie? I do. I know you like the back of my hand.” Kahlil looked at his hand before taking a chance and lifting it to raise Brandie's chin until their eyes met. Quickly, she slapped his hand down but not before a slight shiver ran through her. Kahlil stood with his hands behind his back to keep from reaching out to touch Brandie. And taking in how sexy she looked, he didn’t know how long his willpower would last.

“I know that while you think that this Landing dude is a nice guy and even almost rivals me in looks, you have no romantic interest in him. But I also know that you would sleep with him and maybe even send me pictures of you fucking him just to prove a point.”

Brandie tried to hide the small smiling forming at the corners of her lips. She hated that this man knew her so well.

“So your reason for being on my doorstep would be what? And please spare me all the bullshit and get straight to the point, because my date will be here any minute now.”

“Okay cool. Point is you’re not going on a date with another man.” Kahlil said calmly.

Ha, And how exactly do you plan on stopping me?” she laughed.

“You know what, I'm so glad you asked.”
Kahlil picked up Brandie and threw her across his shoulder as if she weighed nothing, taking her keys from her hand and locked the front door. Then he carried her toward his car.

Kahlil put me down. Right now, put me down. I mean it.”

Not a chance, beautiful.”

“Help, help!
I'm being kidnapped. Somebody please help me!”

Kahlil slid his hand up Brandie’S warm thighs, shoved her panties aside and slowly caressed her pussy lips. Kahlil heard the second her breath caught.

“Keep screaming and I'll give your neighbors something to talk about for years to come.”

Brandie didn't say another word.

Kahlil got to his car, he opened the back door and slid her across the champagne colored leather interior of his BMW. The second he let her lose Brandie dove across the seat to the other door when Kahlil grabbed her upper arm.

“Oh no you don't, I came prepared this time.”
Kahlil reached into his back pants pocket and pulled out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed Brandie's wrist to the back of his headrest.

see, you went to the military and lost your fucking mind Kahlil. If you don't let me out of these muthafucking heavy ass handcuffs. Wait, are these real?” Brandie screamed pulling against the steel handcuffs, trying to free herself.

“Bran baby, please calm down. You are going to need every ounce of your energy tonight.”
  Kahlil said as he backed out of the driveway.

“And please be good back there, I'd hate to have to restrain your other wrist.”

“I don't believe you fucking handcuffed me to your fucking car.”

“I can’t wait to press charges!” Brandie screamed.

“I can't wait to get you in my bed.”

“Well, you better not hold you’re fucking breath because that will never happen in this lifetime.”

“Oh it's going to
happen Bran, and it's going to happen a lot sooner than you think.” 







pulled into his two car garage, attached to his four bedroom country style home and cut the engine. Glancing into his rearview mirror, he noticed that Brandie was fast asleep. Smiling, Kahlil exited the car, opened Brandie's door and unrestrained his sleeping beauty and carried her inside. When she stirred slightly, Kahlil thought that’s when she would realized that she was no longer handcuffed and bolt the first chance she got but when he heard her snoring softly, he continued on to his master bedroom. Once there, he placed Brandie in the center of his bed. As soon as he pulled off her shoes and draped a throw across her hips, she stirred, opened her eyes and immediately jumped to her feet.

“Hey, sleeping beauty.”
Kahlil said as he watched Brandie's every move from his mirror on his dresser. “Kahlil I told you that you were never going to get me in your bed again in this lifetime and I meant it.” Brandie said as she took in her surroundings.

“Technically you were in my bed for at least a minute.”

“I hate you asshole.”

“No you don't.
” He laughed.

, Brandie turned away from his intense stare and immediately began to look for an escape route when she noticed a cell phone on the oak nightstand on the other side of the bed. She chanced a look into the mirror to see if Kahlil was still watching her and grinned when she saw him rambling through his dresser drawer for something. Before her mind fully registered her plan of action, Brandie jumped in the bed, slid across it, grabbed the phone and took off toward what she hoped was a bathroom so she could lock herself in and call for help. Brandie had almost made it to the partially opened door when Kahlil caught her grabbed her around her waist and carried her back to his bed. “Seriously Brandie, I don't have time to keep chasing your stubborn ass,” he snickered.

“If you just fucking let me go you wouldn't have to and until you do I am going to
try to escape every chance I get.” She huffed as Kahlil positioned her in his bed the way he wanted her.

“Thanks for the heads up. I’ll make sure that you won't get the chance to run again.”

              Grabbing the handcuffs that he threw on the bed when he went after Brandie and the other pair from his pocket, he cuffed Brandie's arms and legs to his king sized bed and gently tied a blindfold around her head.

“Help me. Somebody help—

, Kahlil pulled her full breast from her bra and slid a nipple into his warm mouth and sucked. Her loud screams of distress turned to soft moans of breathless pleasure. He then moved to the other nipple to give equal excitement but not  before halting his tantalizing assault on her large full breasts to remove her red strapless bra and matching thong lace panties. He made sure to leave on her sexy pumps, but after he stripped naked and mounted her, he stared at her breasts and completely ripped her dress down the front.

Kahlil, why are you ripping my clothes? You could’ve just unlocked me? And why am did you put this damn blindfold on me?”

              Brandie trembled when she felt a slight dip in the bed between her legs and his warm breath against her thighs.

“I'm not releasing you because you don't know how to be
behave.” He said sucking and kissing further up her thighs.

“And I've blindfolded you to make your pleasure more intense. Now no more
talking, or I'll have to punish you.”


slipped a finger between Brandie's damp heat and caressed her fat slippery lips.


, Kahlil finally stopped teasing her with his finger and slipped it all the way inside of her drenched pussy. Slowly he thrust his finger in and out of her cream until he'd finally had his feel of her greedily thrashing hips.

Kahlil, baby…Yesssss!”

Sliding his finger free, he slipped it in his mouth and sucked it dry.

“Damn Bran, you taste so fucking good.” He whispered. Kahlil had planned to torture her until she'd at least come twice but it was something about the way she tasted, the way she always tasted that made him forgo his original plan and dip his tongue into the honey well instead of just licking the honey from his fingers. It was almost like he wasn't himself anymore as he hungrily ran his tongue between Brandie's drenched lips and pushed inside. Swirling his tongue with polished precision and extra long strokes, Kahlil ate Brandie and sucked on her engorged clit.

Fuckkkkk me.” Brandie screamed as she thrashed about.

Alternating between sliding his tongue over her clit while sucking and tattooing his name in cursive on her pussy walls,
Kahlil went deeper and didn't stop until Brandie's essence came gushing through the flood gates and squirted all over his face, while screaming her release.

yessssss, Kahlillllll!” Brandie laid shaking uncontrollably and mumbling softly.

was so hard as he took in the sight of Brandie trashing about and moaning his name while trying to break free.
She's absolutely beautiful and she's all mine
, Kahlil thought. The thought of another man getting to taste her sweet pussy let alone cover his dick in it, angered him. He promised himself that he would never again give another man the chance to get anywhere near her body or her heart as he slid all ten inches of solid, chocolate dick inside of his woman.

“Oh please
Kahlil, please fuck me.” Brandie moaned as she bucked her hips into his dick.

“Fuck. Can you please take these fucking handcuffs off of me? Please baby? I promise I won't try to run. I promise baby, I just want to touch you.” She begged.

Resisting the urge to move inside of all the intensely warm honey smothering him, he pulled out and grabbed the keys to both sets of cuffs and released Brandie's arms and legs. Climbing back on top of her, Kahlil licked the soft shell of her ear and whispered, “If you try to run Brandie, I will handcuff you back to this bed and keep you on the verge of orgasm all night long.”

After massaging her wrists, Brandie wrapped her arms
Kahlil's waist and said, “I won't run baby, I’m tired of trying to resist you. I'm not going anywhere as long as you never leave me again.”

ears began to slide down the side of her face. Surprised that Brandie finally threw in the towel and confessed that she still loved him after everything he'd put her through, he was overwhelmed with feelings for this woman that he'd never stopped loving. Kissing away her tears, Kahlil positioned his himself between Brandie's thighs and slid deep inside of her. After a couple minutes of mentally telling Kahlil junior not to embarrass him, he began to move. His body meeting the thrust of every rise and fall of Brandie's slow sensual dance of lovemaking. She wrapped her legs around his waist and they went on to match each other’s stroke for hours, occasionally changing positions until her addictive pussy became too intense, and an orgasm began to contort his entire body with Brandie being the first to take the plunge.

“Fuck, I'm

              With the help of her cries of passion triggering his climax, Kahlil quickly followed.

Ohhhh, Fuckkkkkk.” he yelled as violent spasms consumed his body as he thrust the last of his seed into the depths of her womb.



“Damn woman I've missed you.”
Kahlil slowly eased out of Brandie and gently kissed her plump lips.

I've missed you too, Kahlil.”  Brandie smiled. Her complete glow of satisfaction of being thoroughly pleased had him hard all over again.

“You know, you never answered my question.”
  Kahlil said as he walked them over to the couch and sat down.

“What question?” Brandie asked puzzled.

“Do you still love me?”

“I never stopped loving you. But I resented you for a minute after I lost the

“What, Brandie
? What baby?” Kahlil frowned.

Brandie took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Instantly an image of her sitting in her doctor’s office crying hysterically as he told her that she’d lost her baby.

“After you left I found out that we were expecting but had a miscarriage a month later.”

“Damn, baby I’m so sorry. Man, I really fucked up.”

“It's not your fault. I understand why you left now. I still don't agree but I finally understand.”

“No Brandie, I still should’ve been there. I should’ve been there; our child would still be alive if it wasn’t for me.”

“Kahlil don’t blame—”

placed his hand on Brandie's flat stomach and instantly regret began to consume him. He sat deep in thought for almost half an hour before slipping back into the present.

“Even still Bran, I should’ve been there for you. Do you know how much I love you
, woman?”

“I have an idea.” Brandie smiled.

“Do you know how badly I want to make love to you again?”

“No not a clue.”

“Well, let me give you a clue.” Kahlil said as he placed Brandie's hand on his dick. “How's that for a clue?”

“Oh, I don’t know, I need something more.”
Kahlil scooped her up in his arms. “I'm about to give you all the something more you need, only slower this time. And after you've been seduced and thoroughly made love to by the General again, call dude you was seeing and tell him it's over.”

“Only if you make me.”

“Oh I'll make you alright. Keep playing and I'll make you call his phone and put him on speaker so he can hear you moaning.”

“You wouldn't?”

“Want to bet?”




BOOK: Seduced By The General
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