Seduced by the Baron (The Fairy Tales of New York Book 4) (12 page)

BOOK: Seduced by the Baron (The Fairy Tales of New York Book 4)
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Raf could see the points of her nipples beneath her tight red shirt reflected in the window. He slid his hand back onto her hip but kept going this time, right around until it was resting flat on her stomach where shirt met jeans. Her muscles leapt beneath his palm and she closed her eyes, her head falling back into the crook of his neck.

He used his other hand to push her hair away and dropped his mouth to the side of her throat. She smelled like cherry cola and red wine and she moaned as he nuzzled the skin, stretching her neck slightly to give him better access, her arm snaking up to hold on fast at his nape.

He nipped at the spot where neck joined shoulder and she sucked in a breath, her back arching. The movement pushed her butt into his crotch and his dick hardened. Raf realized he’d left a red mark and he soothed it with the flat of his tongue. Her fingers tunneled hard into his hairline at the back of his neck gripping and twisting the cropped hair there, sending a shower of sparks from his scalp all the way down to the base of his spine.

Raf lifted his hand to the arm she had anchored so firmly at the base of his skull. He stroked his fingers from her elbow down to her armpit and lower still, down the side swell of her breast and the individual ruts of her ribs clearly palpable in her clingy shirt, to her waist to join his other one.

Then, in tandem, he slowly,
moved them up. Inch by unbearable inch, molding her hips and skimming her belly. The rough suck of her breath played havoc with his determination not to leap on her but to savor the moment. His fingers brushed the underwire of her bra and then the first tantalizing swell as he moved inexorably upwards until his hands had claimed both of them.

He looked at the reflection and liked what he saw. His hands claiming her breasts. They felt soft, two little beads grazing the center of his palms.

His gaze met hers in the window. Hers was slumberous, her mouth slightly parted. “They’re amazing,” he whispered as he squeezed gently, his heart slamming like bullets into the wall of his chest.

She whimpered, shutting her eyes again, her head lolling back against his throat, her fingers tightening in his hair.

amazing,” he murmured, nuzzling behind her ear to the angle of the jaw, his hands wandering south again to the hem of her shirt, pushing under this time, dragging it with him as his hands slid up her bare belly. Up, up, up, burrowing under the wire of her bra pushing the fabric out of the way as his hands claimed bare flesh.

She gasped, her mouth open and inviting and he wanted to turn her, push her against the glass, kiss her hard and hot but he couldn’t take his eyes of their reflection, off the bliss on her face. She was lost in what
was doing to her, so soft and female, so responsive to his every caress, and he wanted to stand right here and watch her come undone.

He dragged his fingertips over the jut of her nipples and she hissed out a breath. He did it again and again groaning when her back arched and her butt rubbed against his cock.

“God, you feel incredible.” He buried his face in her neck, his senses filling up with her as he slipped a hand onto her hip to hold her fast and tight, right where she was, the other hand teasing her nipples. Stroking and tweaking them to ever harder points, salivating at the thought of how they’d taste.

But it wasn’t enough. He wanted more. He wanted all of her.
She was so beautiful, her eyes closed in abandon, her shirt rucked up around her neck, her breasts full and bare in the reflection, her arm slung up behind his head. He’d never wanted someone this much; his chest filled with want until it physically hurt him to breathe.

Raf’s hand slid to the snap of her jeans and popped it. Her eyes fluttered open and his gaze connected with hers, holding it, asking the question. Did she object? Did she care that she was half exposed standing in front of a window overlooking Times Square giving anyone below or around them in any of the buildings with a pair of binoculars one hell of a show?

Did she want privacy? Did she want to move it to the bed? Did she want to go this far?

His finger eased the zipper down as they stared at each other. Raf went slow, real slow, ready to retreat, ready to do whatever the hell she wanted him to do. But she didn’t stop him, she just watched him, her eyelids at half-mast, soft pants falling from her mouth as he took it all the way down.

Raf could see a hint of pink fabric as the edges of her fly peeled open and it didn’t occur to him to take it slow anymore. He just
to get inside them. In one deft movement his index finger breached the elastic, pulling the fabric down as he went to reveal a patch of silky hair. He kept going, his pulse beating like a drum through his ears, his finger finding and sliding into all the heat and wet between her legs.

She shut her eyes, pulling on his hair as she made a noise at the back of her throat that was so primal it was all he could do not to rip down his own fly and give his throbbing cock exactly what it was demanding. But he wouldn’t miss watching Faith like this – sprawled up against him, her head back, his hand down her pants and on her breast – not a second of it.

He found her clit, stiff and ready and she gasped as he circled it. He groaned into her hair, drowning in cherry cola and the heady aroma of arousal.

“Come for me,” he whispered even though he could barely hear himself over the thick surge of blood washing through his ears and drumming through every pulse point.


He couldn’t hear her either but he could sure as hell read lips, her response easy to interpret in the glass.

Raf let loose then, stroking her hard and sure, quick and frantic until Faith was panting and squirming against his hand, rocking her hips, using the strictures of her clothing to increase the friction between his fingers and her flesh.

“Oh God,” she whispered, her hands clenching and unclenching in his hair as her legs started to tremble.

Raf shifted slightly, bringing the fronts of his thighs fully flush with the backs of hers. She sank into him, let him take her weight, his throbbing erection a very grateful beneficiary as he ramped up the pressure on her clit.

Within seconds her hip movements grew erratic, her mouth opening and closing, gasping and panting, her eyes screwing shut. Raf, his gaze glued to her reflection, had never seen anything so magnificent in his life.

She was

He shoved his thumb into her pants as well, squeezing her slick, swollen clit, his other hand treating an engorged nipple to the same treatment.

Suddenly, everything stopped. Her body stiffened. The harsh suck of her breathing cut out, the rough jerk of her hips came to an abrupt halt, the convulsive clamp of her fingers in his hair was suddenly released.

But Raf didn’t stop, his fingers flew, kept going. “Yes,” he muttered into her ear. “Yes.”

A strange kind of keening was wrenched from her throat. Her eyes flew open wide and wondrous. And in that moment of climax she was looking at herself. Looking at him. Looking at his hands all over her. Watching herself get off. Watching
get her off.

They shut again just as abruptly as the orgasm rippled out and consumed her, shuddering and jerking her in his arms as she called out, “
over and over, filling his head like a benediction.

He stroked her until her movements lessened and her cries settled and she begged him to stop, her arm slipping from around his neck, her face turning into his neck, her soft curls falling across her cheek. He eased his hand out, sliding it onto her hip, his other arm braced across her breasts holding her close,
holding her up.

He nuzzled her temple and waited for her to come back to herself.


Faith blinked as
her surroundings slowly came into focus. His beachy smell laced with something heavier. The firm band of his forearm across her chest. The hardness of his thighs behind hers.

The press of his erection into the seam of her jeans.

Her heart rate had slowed but it beat hard, like it was trying to punch out of her chest. There was still a rasp to her breath.

She slowly turned her head until their gazes met in the glass. Objectively, she looked a wreck. Her curls were a wild tangle across her cheeks and forehead and splayed out over his shoulder, her clothes were parted, pulled down, pushed up, shoved aside, her body pretty much exposed. Faith tried to summon the will to care but frankly, with one of his arms positioned possessively across her breasts and the other in equal possession of her hip she was inclined to believe she’d never looked as good as she did plastered all over Raf.

She felt like she’d been disassembled then put back together again in a completely different way. And there was no going back.

“Hey,” he murmured. “You’re back.”

It seemed liked she’d been away for ever but she knew the reality had been embarrassingly short. “I’m sorry about that. It was a little…quick. It’s…been a while.”

“Don’t apologize.
was the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.”

Faith shifted against him, tried to take some of her own weight now she felt more earthbound but his hand tightened on her hip. “You really shouldn’t move like that,” he muttered, his voice a low, agonized rumble.

The urgent press of his erection suddenly felt like an iron bar branding her butt. “Like this?” She shifted again, deliberately.

He shut his eyes on a groan. “God…like that.”

Faith took advantage of his distraction and turned in his arms. Her legs felt like marshmallow but she managed it, her bare breasts now squashed against the hard wall of his chest, her nipples all tight and tingly.

She raised herself up on her tiptoes, her arms circling his neck, her hands pushing in to his hair. “I think I can help you with that,” she whispered against his mouth then slid her lips onto his.

He groaned, sinking into the kiss, opening his mouth wide and demanding she do the same as he drove her head back with the force of his barely leashed passion. His hands found her ass, dragging her in closer, kneading it hard, building the friction between their bodies until she was, once again, panting hard.

“God,” Faith muttered, pulling away, her head reeling, her system already too weak to take more of his sexual prowess in any kind of an upright position. “Bed,” she said. “Before I fall down.”

Keeping hold of her ass and pulling her in tight, he walked her over in five strides, the backs of her legs hitting the edge of the mattress. He pulled at her clothes. She pulled at his until they were both naked and he was staring at her like she was covered in caramel sauce and chocolate buttons.

She put a hand on his chest and pushed him gently backwards grateful when he went with the flow, landing on his butt on the edge of the bed, his erection bobbing up enticingly from his lap. She slid her palms onto his shoulders and stepped between his legs.

He looked up at her. “What do you want?”

Faith’s heart beat like a gong. What she
scared the crap out of her. What she
was different. “
,” she whispered, snagging her jeans off the bed and digging a trembling hand into the back pocket for the condoms Zel had given her. “In me.” She handed them to him. “Right now.”

He looked at the strip of foil packets in his hand. When he looked back at her a smile played on his mouth. “Three?”

Faith returned the smile. It was impossible not to respond to his playfulness. “If you don’t think you’re up to it…?”

She grabbed for the condoms but he was too quick for her, pulling them out of her reach. “Oh, I think I’ll manage.”

Faith’s pulse skipped a beat at the very prospect. “How about just…” she held out her hand for them and he surrendered the strip. She tore one off and pressed it into his hand. “This one? For now.”

He smiled, his hands sliding around her naked butt, as he pulled her down onto the bed with him landing in a tangle of limbs and steamy intent.

She didn’t even have time to catch her breath before his mouth was on hers then down her neck, then at her breast and her hands were on his ass and his cock and they were moaning and panting and whispering each other’s names as petting turned to wild purpose and she was urging him over her, grabbing for the foil packet, ripping it open, wrapping her legs around his waist bracing for the moment the thick hard nudge of him entered her body, waiting for that one perfect moment of completion.

And Raf did not disappoint. Faith gasped as he pushed inside her in one easy thrust, her nails digging into his shoulder blades.

,” he groaned near her ear, his forehead coming to rest on the mattress. He turned his head, nuzzling her temple. “You feel so damn good.”

“So do you,” she panted, her hands sliding to his ass and holding on tight, savoring the intrusion, wanting to remember this moment forever.

He chuckled all low and sexy in her ear. “Hold on, baby,” he said, rearing over her, planting his forearms either side of her head. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

BOOK: Seduced by the Baron (The Fairy Tales of New York Book 4)
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