Seduced By The Alien (9 page)

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Authors: Rosette Lex

BOOK: Seduced By The Alien
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She also realized that she felt like she was melting. It had to be at least a hundred degrees Fahrenheit, and she quickly began stripping out of her space suit, leaving her in just a pair of form fitting shorts and her sports bra.


A few creatures stood at a distance, observing the crater curiously. Vivienne could see three different types, right off the bat.

One stood on two legs that seemed enormously long compared to the small, round body. It was covered in puffy green-ish brown fluff like a dandelion, with just its long legs, tiny arms, and round head sticking out, with an almost comically long, thin snout and enormous eyes. A thin, proboscis-like tongue darted out quickly and then retreated just as quickly as it stared at the crater, before it decided that there was no danger and it bounded off into the tall grass.


Another stood on four legs, crouched defensively like a ferret or a cat ready to spring, as its forked tail lashed through the grass flattened by its approach. Its legs gathered beneath it like a coil ready to spring, its gleaming eyes focused on Vivienne, shining mirror bright in the half-light.


Whether it was covered in fur or sand paper, Vivienne couldn’t tell, but it was striped in black and the same green-ish brown as the last creature, mottled so that it nearly turned invisible in the grass. Its large, flat head bobbed back and forth as it gauged the distance between itself and Vivienne, its jagged, ill-fitting shark-like teeth gleaming from its rounded jaws. After a tense moment, it too decided the situation wasn’t worth it, and it growled a final warning before it turned and scampered into the grass like a fleeing weasel.


It was the third creature that captured Vivienne’s attention the most, though. It stood on two legs, at least four feet tall at the shoulders, with a thin, swan-like, but muscled neck and a wedge-like head. The closest thing Vivienne could think to compare it to was some sort of raptor, but even that didn’t fit. It stared at her with four irate but curious eyes, and it impatiently fidgeted with four arms, each of them with claws fit to skewer a small child.


It was covered in sharp, quill-like feathers, and its tail fanned open like a peacock’s as it took a slow step towards the crater, only to pause once more. Its jaws opened as it let out a serious of bark-like noises, like a dog that had been crossed with a screeching bird. It turned its head to look over its shoulder, and it’s jaws further parted into quarters as it shrieked into the trees.


Finally, Vivienne scrambled to her feet, readying herself to run, as she could only imagine that it was calling its pack. But what came out of the towering, curling trees was a group of…men.


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