Seduced by Lies

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Authors: Alex Lux

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Coming of Age, #Paranormal & Urban, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Psychics, #Werewolves & Shifters

BOOK: Seduced by Lies
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Seduced by Lies


(The Seduced Saga, Book 4)


Alex Lux


Daring Books


Copyright © 2013 Alex Lux

Cover Art Copyright © 2015 Dmytry Karpov


Interior by Karpov Kinrade

Edited by Anne Chaconas

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination, or the author has used them fictitiously.


To all the Seduced and Forbidden

fans who encouraged us to keep this world going.

This one's for you.




Chapter 1 - The Question – Derek

Chapter 2 – That It Should Come - Rose

Chapter 3 – Nothing Either Good or Bad - Drake

Chapter 4 – Had He The Motive - Derek

Chapter 5 – Fall of a Sparrow - Rose

Chapter 6 – Speak The Speech - Drake

Chapter 7 – You Are Not Fit - Rose

Chapter 8 – Man Delights Not Me - Drake

Chapter 9 – Is It not Monstrous - Rose

Chapter 10 – A Broken Voice - Drake

Chapter 11 – The Suits of Woe - Derek

Chapter 12 – This Be Madness - Rose

Chapter 13 – This Above All - Derek

Chapter 14 – In My Thoughts - Drake

Chapter 15 – The Shadow of a Dream - Rose

Chapter 16 – Never Doubt I Love - Derek

Chapter 17 – I Will Speak Daggers - Derek

Chapter 18 – All That Lives Must Die - Rose

Chapter 19 – You Think I Am Easier - Sam

Chapter 20 – Let Us Go In Together - Derek

Chapter 21 - Give Me That Man - Rose

Chapter 22 - When Sorrows Come - Sam

Chapter 23 – The Very Ecstasy Of Love - Rose

Chapter 24 - And It Must Follow - Rose

Chapter 25 - Make Mad The Guilty - Rose

Chapter 26 - Virtue Cannot - Rose

Chapter 27 - Smile And Be A Villain - Rose

Chapter 28 - The Lady Doth Protest - Rose

Chapter 29 - Of Mighty Opposites - Derek

Chapter 30 - What A Piece Of Work Is Man - Sam

About Alex Lux



The Question






To be, or not to be: that is the question

— William Shakespeare, Hamlet



warmed my shoulders as I dodged a roundhouse kick. “Good. Just remember to snap your knee when you kick.”

Curtis rebalanced and nodded, then pulled back and launched into a flying sidekick that nearly knocked me on my ass.

Blocking, I pivoted and swung my leg low to knock him down before he regained his stability. “Excellent form and strength, but remember those kicks don’t always help in a fight. If you don’t nail it, you’ll likely give your enemy the opening he needs to take you out.”

To prove my point, I pinned him as he fell and mocked shoving my elbow into his chest. “Checkmate.”

I lifted myself off of him and held out my hand. He reached for it, and I pulled him up. We both dusted dirt and grass off ourselves.

The blond former bully had become a leader in this school since his graduation and willingness to come out of the closet as a homosexual. Even amongst a school of paranormals, who by definition are different than the rest of the world, some things were still hard for more narrow-minded students to accept.

Curtis drained a water bottle and looked toward the entry that stood open during the day.

“Are you expecting someone?” I asked. We had class in thirty minutes and he was my assistant for the beginning martial arts students. As we took on more students, I couldn’t keep up with the demand and needed him to take over all the beginning classes.

He nodded. “A new kid I’ve been talking to. He’s fifteen and anxious to get out of public school and join us here, but his mom is pretty opposed to it. His dad finally agreed to give him a ride to at least check it out and talk with Father Patrick. Having our own priest on hand helps with some of the more conservative families, though I do hope Professor Shaw gets back soon.”

I wiped my forehead with a small towel and we sat under the weeping willow, enjoying the shade and a gentle breeze. “How’s the conference going for him?” Curtis was point person for the local Paranormal Recruitment and Retention program, or PRR. It was actually his idea and it had gone global. He fought to make sure everybody with paranormal powers was protected and had a place to go and options for their education if they wanted. Our official Headmaster, Professor George Bernard Shaw, was at an international conference in Europe to argue for the unification of paranormals under a common goal.

“It’s a mixed bag,” Curtis said. “So many people are scared of us, it’s been hard to convince everyone to unite. But, this is just a first step. Even if we don’t get everything we want, we’ve at least laid a foundation for more work in the future.”

A car pulled through the gate and Curtis stood and jogged over. I joined him, curious about a potential new candidate for our school.

Rose and I first found this place last year when Rose's dark power threatened to consume her, and me, each time we touched. Getting sex advice from the priest who ran this special school had been… interesting. By the time we left, we knew we belonged here, that we could make a difference with these kids. It hadn't taken us long after our wedding to move into the small cottage they'd set up for us. Now I taught martial arts and Rose taught computers and design.

Rose and I were here not just as teachers, but as protectors, so that these kids could grow up safe.

Curtis smiled as the car door opened. Neither of us expected the angry woman with tears streaming down her face to emerge, screaming at us. “You bastard!” She pointed at Curtis. “You killed my boy. You and the other freaks here. You killed him!”

Leaving the car running and door open, she lunged at Curtis, slapping his face hard before either of us had time to react. Despite my training, I wasn’t expecting an assault from this woman, but I responded quickly and pulled her into a hold that wouldn’t hurt her. “Ma’am, I need you to step back.”

She struggled against me with more strength than I expected given her petite frame. Her mousy brown hair hung in strands over her face, and her eyes were red and swollen from crying.

Curtis put up his hand. “Let her go. She’s not dangerous.”

I didn’t agree with his assessment but I let her go, staying close just in case.

“Mrs. Kirkly, what happened? Where’s Taylor?” Curtis asked.

She scowled at him. “Don’t pretend like you don’t know. He’s dead, and you all killed him.”

Curtis’ face went pale. “Dead? When? How?”

“Murdered. They found him this morning.” She spit on the ground at his feet.

A man exited the car and ran up to her. “Honey, this isn’t their fault. I never should have agreed to this. Let’s go home.”

She spun on her husband. “You! You always take their side. These paranormal freaks. They aren’t natural. They aren’t of God, and now He’s punished us for our faithlessness.”

Mr. Kirkly’s shoulders sagged. “An animal killed him, not these kids. Come on. We have our son to bury.”

He looked up at us. “I’m so sorry. For everything. Tyler was killed last night, attacked by an animal while hiking.” He looked at Curtis. “You know how he liked to go into the woods, away from all people, and practice his levitation. They found his body this morning.”

Mr. Kirkly dragged his wife back to the car before we could respond, and they drove away.

Curtis looked sick. “I need a few minutes alone.”

I nodded. “Go. I’ll handle class today.”

"I'll see you at the meeting later."

"Sure." Father Patrick had called an important school meeting after this lesson, but refused to tell us its purpose. "Take care of yourself." 

Curtis thanked me and left for the mansion as kids ran out to our practice area and started their stretches.

I took ten students through a series of kicks and punches as I tried to put aside the grief I’d just witnessed. As much as I wanted to protect everyone here, this reminded me that life still happened and I couldn’t foresee every possible threat to those I’d grown to love.

Is that what the meeting was about? Did a paranormal really murder Tyler?

A fluffy white cat sat under the weeping willow grooming herself and blatantly ignored me. When I paced too close to her spot, Angel's feline senses caught my wolf scent and she hissed, fur raised and tail pointing up in the air.

Serena broke form to run over to her. "I'm sorry, Mr. O'Conner. I wish she wouldn't react like that with you."

The young girl soothed her cat, running her hands over the white fur until Angel curled up and purred, eyes averted from me as if I no longer mattered.

"Don't worry about it, Serena," I said. "She can't fight her nature on this one. Why don't you rejoin class?"

She sighed. "Okay, but you know I'm no good at this. Never will be. Why can't I skip it and do something else?"

I sat on the bench under the tree to talk face to face with her. "You don't have to spar or fight anyone, but these classes give you discipline and strength, which will help you control your powers. That's important for everyone, but especially for you." I thought about Taylor and wondered if he’d be alive now if he’d lived here and had been given a safe place to practice his powers.

Her head dropped. "I'm sorry. You're right. I was just trying to help."

I used a finger to tilt her face up. "Don't be sorry. You have a big heart, but your power is the most dangerous, at least to you. If you overextend yourself, it will kill you."

A tear trickled down her cheek. "That's what my dad used to say. Before he died. He said I could never tell anyone about my healing powers, that they'd take me away and use me up until it killed me."

My jaw hardened. "That will never happen. That's why we're here, Serena, to protect you and all of these kids, to make sure no one can use you like that. But you have to do your part and learn how to control you power and defend yourself if necessary."

She nodded and slipped back into the group, going through the motions with the rest of her friends.

Serena had lost so much. Her father had died trying to save Sam, my best friend’s wife, and then her mother was killed right in front of her. She never gave in to despair, though, and for that I admired the hell out of her and knew she had an inner strength most people lacked.

All of these kids had gone through their own hell. Some had lost parents. Most had lost their home, the school where they thought they were safe.

When my class finished their lunges, I took them through a series of stretches. “You always want to stretch before and after working out to keep your muscles from cramping up. And don’t forget to drink a lot of water.”

We had no bells at this school, but I could tell classes were letting out as kids of all ages ran out of the grand mansion, some heading out to play in the woods, others going to their next class in one of the bungalows we’d just finished building.

Rose walked up, her dark hair pulled back in a ponytail, hazel eyes shining with love. She wore a blue sundress that brought out the curves in her figure nicely. I ignored the part of my mind that said she’d look even better without the dress.

She waved to me. “Father Patrick is ready for us.”

Without a word I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her behind the tree where we had more privacy.

She squealed, but didn’t resist as I pressed our bodies together and claimed her mouth with mine.

A growl rumbled low in my chest as our passion built. My hands cupped her perfect ass. "Mrs. O'Conner, I can't tell you how much I've missed you."

Her hand slid down my chest, down my abs, rubbing against my hard cock. "And I, you, Mr. O'Conner, but as I recall, it's only been a few hours since you last had me. Surely you can survive a little longer."

With a naughty grin, she leaned in, grazing her teeth against my neck, nipping at my skin as she stroked me.

Twisting out of my grip, she sauntered away. "Time for the meeting. Wouldn't want to keep them waiting."

I caught up with her, smacking her ass as I did. "I have no problem making them wait."

She grinned. "And I have no problem making
wait, my dear husband." 

"It is time." Father Patrick sat at the head of the solid oak conference table, his hand resting on his cup of tea. "We need a name for," he let go of his tea and gestured around him, "all of this. Our mansion, our school, our life here."

So it's not about the murder. But…
"Why now?" I asked, looking around the table at the people who had become my closest friends in the last few months. Drake and Sam sat together holding hands. I didn't often see them without baby Ana. They looked like young parents always looked: sleep-deprived, slightly disheveled and a little distracted. Ocean sat on the other side of Rose, playing with her long red hair and swinging her foot impatiently.

And Curtis sat next to Drake, their blond heads close together as they talked about something. He didn’t look as upset, and I hoped he’d had some time alone to process his loss.

Father Patrick went back to fidgeting with his teacup, a nervous gesture I'd never seen in him before. "I believe it's time we clarify our purpose. The students here need stability and an identity."

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