Read Secrets to Hide 2: Naughty Little Christmas Online

Authors: Ella Sheridan

Tags: #Holidays; Contemporay

Secrets to Hide 2: Naughty Little Christmas (18 page)

BOOK: Secrets to Hide 2: Naughty Little Christmas
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Harley took in the cozy bed tucked close to the low-hanging branches with a look of wonder on her face. “You did all this for me?”

“Well, not just for you,” he teased. He walked to the fireplace, flipped a switch, and flames leaped from the log in the grate. When he turned around, Harley stared his way, a sexy little smile flickering on her lips. “I remember you saying how much you loved Christmas trees, so…” He shrugged.

Harley crossed the room to wrap her arms around him. “Thank you for my surprise.”

Tucking his mouth close to her ear, he whispered in his best game-show-announcer voice, “But wait, that’s not all.”

“It’s not?”



OH GOD. HER heart really might explode, it pounded so hard. Meeting Damien’s dark chocolate eyes, she whispered back, “So what else is there?”

That look. It heated her up the way no fire could hope to do. She loved it when he looked at her like that, as if the only thought in his head was hunger and the only person he wanted to share it with was her. As if he planned to devour her any moment. She wanted him to. She wanted this one night out of time, before he learned who she really was, before he knew the truth about Klio. Before he started to hate her. Just one night to soak in everything she could of him. And that look said she’d get her wish.

She licked lips dry with desperate need and waited. Damien would tell her what to do. He would lead her through this like he’d led her through every sexual adventure he’d taken her on since they’d met. The only sexual adventures that mattered in her life. The only man who mattered.

Why did it have to be him?

Blinking away sudden tears, she watched as Damien lifted a hand to his collar and slowly, one by one, undid each button he encountered. Her skin hot, tight, she began to pull her shirt from the waistband of the miniskirt she wore, but Damien shook his head. “Nope. You are going to wait until I tell you to undress.”

She quirked an eyebrow. “I am?”

His wicked grin said he knew she’d obey, questions or not. “You are.”

So damn sure of himself—and, unfortunately, right. She waited, watching, anticipation stirring inside her as he revealed the smooth golden skin she loved to touch. When his shirt dropped to the floor, she swallowed hard. He let her stare, let her gaze trail the muscular width of his shoulders, the smooth skin stretched across his perfect chest, the six-pack that continued below his belt. And then his hands were grasping his belt, unbuckling, sliding the length of leather from each loop.

His words broke the silence. “I have this fantasy.”

Her knees went weak. “What about?” she croaked.

The belt joined the shirt on the floor, and Damien went for his zipper. “That very first night, when I saw your hair”—the metal hissed as he lowered it—“I thought it reminded me of these suckers I used to love as a kid. Strawberries and cream.” A chuckle quirked the side of his mouth.

“Life Savers?” she asked. He ate the miniature versions of the ring-shaped pops all the time, not that she really cared what he ate right now. Her attention was too absorbed in the wait for his pants to fall. She wanted to see his cock, wanted to taste it, touch it, ride it. Have free rein to do as she liked with the instrument of so much of her pleasure.

“That’s the one.”

“I thought you hated my hair.”

“No. I loved it. That’s why I wanted you to change it.”

Because even then, he’d been attracted to her, just like she’d been attracted to him. The knowledge warmed the pit of her stomach. “So what’s this fantasy?”

Damien toed off his shoes, then slid his pants and boxers down his legs, taking his socks with them. When he stood, he was gloriously naked. Aroused. Mouthwatering. Harley barely kept herself from falling to her knees and begging to suck him down.

“I want,” he said as he reached for a small bag on the mantel, “to run one of these candies over every inch of your body. I want to taste the sweetness on your skin, taste you, until every time I put one in my mouth, all I can think about is you. Tonight.” The last word scraped across his vocal cords as he took her hand and pulled her toward the bed. “Now strip.”

Harley hesitated. “There’s something I want too.”


“I want to taste you.”

His pupils dilated, shock and desire drowned in chocolate. “I think we can work something out.”

“Okay then.” And she stripped.

He circled her, a tiger on the prowl, waiting impatiently for the moment when nothing blocked his sight of her skin. Even the garters and stockings, though they made his cock jump and leak precum in tiny droplets, had to go. He swept the pillows from the bed, laid her out on the silky comforter, and spread her limbs to the four corners. She was completely open. Exposed. Her heart raced, and sweat dotted her skin. Need pinned her in place like a butterfly. And through it all Damien watched, silhouetted against the twinkling lights on the tree, his gaze probing places far more intimate than her skin.

Damien opened the bag of Creme Savers and withdrew a red-and-white circle, already dangling from a thin string. He brought the candy to his mouth, placed it on his tongue, and moaned as the sweetness registered. Harley wanted to moan too. Her mouth felt empty, needy, but she held back and savored the sight of her lover enjoying his treat. Would her face look like that when she finally took his cock in her mouth?

Candy still between his lips, Damien scooted toward her head. With his fingers, he started at her hand, trailing along her skin. Her sensitive fingertips twitched. With a smile lighting his eyes, Damien took the wet candy circle and swiped its sticky surface on the pads of her fingers.

Harley held her breath, waiting for what he would do next. She didn’t wait long. His breath hitting her fingers first, Damien leaned down and took each one in his mouth, laving with his tongue, sucking lightly, cleaning her skin of every last trace of the sticky sweetness. When he got to the last tip, he let his fingers trail again, this time coming to a stop when his touch at her pulse point drew a shiver. Once again he dangled the candy on its string and rubbed it along her wrist. He leaned in, blew across the wet surface, then licked. Nipped her skin. Harley squeezed her eyes shut, unable to take the visual along with the agonizing pleasure his touch gave her.

He traced again, along the lines of her tattoo, her veins, and stopped the third time at the inner bend of her elbow. Then the sensitive skin halfway to her shoulder. A long stroke along her collarbone. Her earlobe he drew into his mouth, sucking the sugary sweetness away. Her mouth opened before he ever arrived.

The strawberries-and-cream flavor exploded on her tongue as Damien slid a fresh piece of candy in. “Close,” he murmured, again with that commanding tone that said he knew she would obey. She closed her lips around the small circle and sucked. Opening her eyes, she stared into Damien’s and imagined the candy was his erection, that she was tasting his tangy salt mixed with the sweetness of the treat. She stroked the underside, then hollowed her cheeks and sucked hard. He knew what she was thinking; her eyes had to be as clear as his, and his were crystal expanses of need. He wanted his cock in her mouth. He wanted her to suck on him instead of the candy. But he wouldn’t allow it, not yet. Instead he watched, his gaze blazing hot, as he moved to the other side of the bed and began the process all over again.

By the time he reached her breasts, they’d moved on to a third, then fourth piece of candy, and Harley had begun to shake. For one insane moment she wished he would tie her down. She knew keeping still would be impossible, and she wanted to stop worrying about it, about grabbing his head and forcing him to her, about going so wild she touched herself when he wouldn’t. She’d reached the point where she would do anything to make it stop, and still her arms and legs remained stretched, still, immobile. “Damien, please!”

Seeming to sense what she needed, he lifted himself up to straddle her thighs. His weight rested on his heels, caging her beneath him, refusing her the chance to twist away in her pleasure. One hand cupped her right biceps, and something deep inside Harley began to relax. Just one arm. All she had to focus on was one arm. Everything else Damien could control. She could thrash and strain and buck, and still he could keep her exactly where he wanted her.

With his free hand, Damien retrieved the stringed Creme Saver from his mouth. Harley’s breath stuck in her throat as the candy approached. He started on the underside, dragging the dangling treat along her skin, along the full, pouty curve of her breast, circling around, around in a spiral until he came to her areola, tightly puckered with anticipation. Holding the candy by the string like a pendulum, he swung, tapping the edges of a rock-hard nipple with the sugary circle.

Tap. Tap. Tap
. Every impact tingled from the tip of her breast straight to her core. Her “oh” caught the rhythm, echoing each impact. Her channel convulsed, squeezing down on air.

Without removing the sticky residue, Damien repeated the whole process on the other side, even rubbing the candy along the tattoo over her heart. By the time he reached the hard tip of her breast, she was chanting his name, needy and desperate. He returned to the first side, and Harley glimpsed the self-assured grin on his face as it passed over hers, but she was too desperate to care. Instead she focused on the feel of his tongue on her skin, inching closer and closer to her nipple, until finally he grasped it between his teeth and sucked it inside.

“Aahhh!” Darkness filled her vision. It took a moment for her to understand that her eyes were closed, but by then Damien was eating her alive and she didn’t care. She arched her back, only realizing he’d clamped her free arm down when she tried to lift it. She strained against his hold, but her mind relaxed into his control. She whimpered and whined. Shifted restlessly. Almost bucked him off when he scraped his teeth along the tender bud. She was close, so close to coming. Just a little more, something to clamp on to, and she could fly.

And fly she did, the second Damien’s mouth secured the second taut bud. Her scream echoed in her ears, followed by a rush of static as climax overtook her. By the time she came back to herself, Damien was kneeling between her knees, circling her belly button with his tongue, a fresh candy circle in hand.


Pressing a heavy palm into her lower belly, he shushed her. “You just relax. I have more to eat.”

Oh God.

Damien cupped beneath her knees and shifted her legs farther out to each side, opening her completely. He did the same with her labia. Harley felt cool air rush across overheated skin, but the haze of pleasure had yet to lift, keeping anxiety or embarrassment at bay, even when Damien took his candy and laid it against her clit. She lifted her head, and when she glanced down, she could see the tiny pink bud sticking out of the inner circle. Damien glanced up, gaze clashing with hers, and laughed at whatever he saw on her face. Then he dipped down, put his mouth against her clit, and sucked.

Harley plunged over the cliff a second time.

By then exhaustion swamped her muscles, her chest heaving with her breath. Damien wasn’t finished, however. He continued to nurse her bud like a nipple, his pleasure as obvious as hers must be with his face between her legs. But he’d promised her something, and she meant to make good on that promise.

Weakly she raised a hand to his head, running shaky fingers through the thick hair. “Damien?”

He paused, glancing up, clearly distracted. “Hmm?”

“You promised me a taste too.”

Damien groaned as he dropped his forehead to her hip.


THE THOUGHT OF her mouth on his dick had his balls drawing up tight, threatening to spill. She was the most responsive woman he’d ever taken to bed. Coming just from his mouth on her breast? Jesus. The taste of her climax coated his tongue, teasing him with the salt and sweet from the candy. He’d never be able to taste one again without thinking of the look on her face when he sucked her clit through the center.

And he’d better stop thinking about it if he wanted to make it through what came next without spilling his load.

With a little laugh, he stood to the side of the bed. “Give me one minute?”

A flash of hurt darkened Harley’s eyes.

“Hey, none of that.” Going to one knee, he bent over to brush a kiss against her strawberries-and-cream-flavored lips. “I need to calm down. Trust me,” he said, pulling back to let her stare into his eyes, to see for a fact that he told the truth. “I want your mouth on me. I also want to enjoy it for more than fifteen seconds.”

A shy smile curved Harley’s lips. All sweat-soaked and sated, she took his breath away. “Okay.”

With a nod, he stood and walked down the hall to the bedroom and into the en suite. While waiting for the water in the sink to heat, he gripped his dick just under the head and squeezed. “Unh.” Pain shot through his groin, but with every breath—and the absence of Harley’s powerful visual stimuli—he felt the overwhelming urge to shoot fade. Only when his erection softened slightly did he let go. By then the water had warmed, so he wet a thick white washcloth and headed back to Harley.

She lay on her side, head propped in her hand, staring at the Christmas tree. He stopped in the doorway, soaking in the sight of all that creamy skin sparkling in the muted lights. His heart thudded heavily as he followed the valley of her waist with his gaze, the hill of her hip tapering down to those long, lean legs. She was a vision of sex and sin, and he realized in that moment that he wanted her not just in this bed, but in
bed. All night, every night. He wanted to know her inside and out.

He’d never get enough.


He stalked across the room and was beside Harley on the bed before she realized he’d rejoined her. He mimicked her position, spooning around her, and threw an arm and a leg over her side, caging her against him. Harley melted into him with a sigh, her head pushed back into his shoulder, neck arched, eyes closed. Neither spoke. They simply lay, rocking against each other, enjoying the peace of the moment.

BOOK: Secrets to Hide 2: Naughty Little Christmas
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