Secrets of the Spiral Tower (17 page)

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Authors: Joe Woods

Tags: #Fiction, #Retail, #Suspense, #Thriller

BOOK: Secrets of the Spiral Tower
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Chapter 12



Over the next couple days, Connor served as a tour guide for Willow. They took the River Walk taxi, dined at fine restaurants, and enjoyed the piano lounges and oyster bars.

“I’m truly impressed. But, I don’t understand the River Walk.”

“The River Walk is a neighborhood. The river is actually the San Antonio River. The river’s headwaters are natural springs located very near downtown. That’s the reason it seems so small. Around the turn of the twentieth century, because of city flooding, many people wanted to pave over the river. But a group of conservation-minded people fought to keep the river open. Today as you see, many restaurants, shops, bistros, and hotels have sprung up on the banks of the river and are quite successful.”

“I must say it has captured my imagination.”

They visited fine art galleries where Willow found a piece of art she proclaimed as “perfect for my new house in Vicksburg.”

After spending a half day in the famous Alamo, Willow said, “I’ve seen enough. I want to visit some more shops along the River Walk.”

“That’ll be fine. I’m sure I can find a bench to sit on and watch the people go by.”

After about four hours of watching Willow go from shop-to-shop, Connor was getting sidewalk bench sores. He stopped Willow as she exited one shop headed for another and said, “It is time for us to visit the Iron Cactus.”

“What’s that?”

“It’s a Mexican grill and margaritas bar. The margarita’s are fresh-squeezed and hand-shaken. They are the best.”

“Okay. I’m game. Where is it?’

“About fifty yards that way.”

“Let’s go. I’m just about shopped-out for today and I need to kick back with a cool refreshing drink.”

“Let’s sit outside at one of the tables on the edge of the river. The weather is nice and we can watch the River Walk taxies ferry the people up and down the river.”

“Connor, this is so romantic. I just love it here. When is the next Towing Conference? I want to come back and continue the tradition you and Daddy started.”

“I don’t know the dates, but it will be this fall. You know, this place is awfully expensive.”

“The heck with expensive. I’m sure McKenzie Towing’s CPA can figure a way to take care of that.”

“We’ve always been very careful to keep receipts and so far, the IRS hasn’t audited us. But, it can happen at any time.”

“If you’re that worried, I’ll pay the expenses out of my pocket. It will be worth it to me. I see so many places of interest I won’t be able to get to on this trip, so a return trip with shopping in mind is a must.”

“Don’t get your hackles up. We just don’t want to do anything that would trigger an IRS audit. Some of our dealings, if judged in the harsh light of day, might be considered inappropriate.”

“Inappropriate? If the IRS wanted to, they could find ‘inappropriate’ expenses in every large business. That’s no reason to stop what you’re doing. I don’t mind a fight with the IRS.”

“Maybe in the advertising business you’re right. But I can tell you we’ve expensed some things that could be highly questionable. And, you know when those blood suckers at the IRS start looking, they turn over every rock until they find something.”

“Do you mean you and Daddy are guilty of some shady dealings?”

“I prefer not to call them ‘shady’. Maybe they aren’t lily white. I know they won’t survive a bright light shining on them.”

“Connor, when we get back to Vicksburg, you need to read me into the operation. But for now let’s drop the business talk, and enjoy the sights and sounds of this place.”

“Good idea.” Looking at his watch, Connor said, “It is eight-thirty. We should catch the next water taxi back to our hotel. By the time we get there, it will be completely dark.”

The temperature and humidity of the night air made the trip enjoyable as the water taxi ferried Connor and Willow back to their hotel. The sidewalks and shops on both sides of the River Walk were bustling with excitement. It took less than fifteen minutes for the taxi to reach the dock at their hotel. Willow wondered,
maybe we should turn around and enjoy part of the evening leisurely strolling along the River Walk. 

“I’m not ready to go in for the evening. Let’s go back and enjoy the ambiance of this place. I’m sure it is a bit different during the night time.”

 Connor shook his head in disbelief. “You just have to change courses in midstream don’t you? But, you’re right; the local Hispanic musicians come out and play their own style of music. It is interesting, colorful, and gives you a feeling of being in the midst of a carnival.”

Connor motioned for the taxi driver to turn around and head back in the direction they just came from. The driver said, “No problem, Amigo.”

After walking both sides of the River Walk and sampling several of the local beverages, it was near midnight before Connor and Willow returned to their hotel.

“That was quite entertaining. But, my feet kept telling me we needed to call it a night. I’m looking forward to another bubble bath in the Jacuzzi.”

“Sounds like a very good plan to me.”

Upon entering the suite, Willow stripped off her clothes and headed straight to the Jacuzzi.

“Do you want me to bring a bottle of wine and a couple of glasses?’

“No thank you, dear. I’ve had enough liquor for a couple of days.”

As the Jacuzzi filled with water, Willow poured in a quart of bubble bath and turned on the jets. In a couple of minutes, the bubbles were overflowing creating a slick mess on the floor.

Connor walked in. “Oh, My God.”

Willow was covered in the bubbles and only the top of her head was showing.

Connor quickly found the control button and stopped the over flow. As he uncovered Willow’s head, he asked, “Did you pass out?”

With bubbles covering her face, Willow looked up saying in a slow, slurred voice, “No, I was just enjoying the feeling of the bubbles and water flowing all over me.”

“Take a look and see what you’ve done. The floor is a mess. I’m going to call housekeeping and have them come clean this mess up.”

“Oh, Connor, don’t do that just yet. Jump in with me. The water is fine.”

“I’m gonna spread a few towels on the floor and soak up some of the soapy water. I hope none of it has found a hole and flooded the suite below.”

Opening her arms, Willow said, “C’mon Connor. We can have this mess cleaned up later.”

“I do believe you’re drunk.”

“I’m certainly not feeling any pain.”

Connor slipped into the Jacuzzi beside Willow as she sat there motionless, her legs spread eagle.

After ten minutes of ‘soaking,’ Connor stepped out and put on his terry cloth robe. Holding Willow’s robe open, he, “Grab my hand and help me get this robe on you.”

 Once Willow was up and walking toward the bedroom, Connor called housekeeping.

“I’m going to bed,” said Willow. “Join me soon.”

“You go to bed. I’ll join you just as soon as this mess is cleaned up.”

It took the housekeeping crew about thirty minutes to vacuum the water up, mop, and dry the floor.

As the crew left, Connor apologized and gave each a $100 tip.

“I hope nothing is damaged in the suite below.”

“If it is, Mr. Connor, we’ll take care of it. Not to worry.”

Connor removed his robe, headed for the bedroom only to find Willow passed out on the bed. He rolled her over on her right side, pulled the covers down, and rolled her back in place covering her naked body.

She is going to have one doozy of a headache tomorrow

*   *   *

It was nine in the morning before Willow moved and made an audible sound. 

Connor was already up enjoying his second cup of coffee and reading the morning newspaper. Hearing Willow’s groans, he poured her a cup of coffee and took it to her bedside. “How about a cup of ‘joe’? The caffeine will help open your eyes.”

Willow sat up in bed, slowly. “Thank you. My head is splitting.”

“I’m not the least bit surprised, considering the different concoctions you sampled last night. Just take your time. I’m sitting in the solarium. Join me when you feel like it.”

In just a few minutes, Willow slowly walked out of the bedroom holding a cool rag to her forehead.

“My gosh. It is awfully bright out here.”

“Want me to close some of the shades?”

“That would be nice.”

“Do you want more coffee, juice, or breakfast?”

“A glass of orange juice would be good, and some scrambled eggs and dry toast.” 

As they sat eating their breakfast, Connor said, “I want to spend the day at the Alamo. Do you want to go?”

“Oh, I don’t think so. I wouldn’t be a very good traveling partner today. Why don’t you go and maybe tomorrow, I’ll be in better shape for sightseeing.”

“Okay. Tomorrow we will visit the Tower of the Americas.”

“What is that?’

“The Tower of the Americas is a 730-foot observation tower/restaurant. At one time, it was the tallest observation tower in the United States. It has a revolving lounge and restaurant that provides panoramic views of the city. I’m going to make reservations for dinner tonight. Hope you’ll feel well enough to join me.”

“Don’t worry, Connor, that sounds like a challenge and I never back down from a good challenge. You spend your day at the Alamo and when you return I’ll be a ‘fixed up woman’ sitting on ready. I’m going downstairs and pick out some suitable clothes for us to wear. I need to know your measurements.”

“Willow, nothing fancy. Just a clean pair of dress pants, shirt, and shoes is all I need.”

“Well, whatever, just write down you measurements and let me do the shopping.”

After he left, Willow started thinking.
Is there is a big story here? Later today I’m going to catch up with Hector and Gloria and get the historical skinny on Connor and Daddy. I have a feeling something is being hidden from me.

Chapter 13



Connor had been gone for less than an hour when Willow stepped into the shower. It had a variable head speed and jets placed in the wall on three sides. She adjusted the temperature to the coolest setting she could endure. As her body adjusted to the water, she gradually lowered the temperature until it reached the lowest possible temperature. She stood on the side wall for about ten minutes groaning
did I ever drink so much?

When her head cleared, she shampooed and rinsed her hair a couple of times. In about an hour, she was dressed and headed to meet Hector and Gloria. Entering the lobby, Willow saw Gloria standing behind the registration table.

"Good morning, Gloria. How are you on this fine, Texas day?”

“Good morning, Ms. McKenzie. I’m doing just great. Hope you’re enjoying your stay.”

“Oh, yes. It has been a whirlwind, especially on the River Walk.”

“Yes ma’am. It is the most interesting area in San Antonio. Is there something I can do for you?”

“I need to buy some authentic Texan clothing for my Connor. We’re going to the Tower of Americas for dinner tonight. Where can I find the right outfit?”

Gloria turned to one of her assistants. “Take over for me. I’m going with Ms. McKenzie to the men’s boutique.”

“Yes Ma’am.”

Gloria took Willow by the arm. “We have a broad selection of clothes, ranging from expensive tuxedos to cheap blue jeans. I think we can find suitable attire for Mr. Connor.”

“Gloria, I really appreciate your assistance. I will be happy to pay you. I don’t have a clue as to what’s appropriate evening wear for the Tower. And, please, call me Willow.”

“Willow, I will not accept any pay from you. Making customers happy is my job.”

Entering the boutique, Gloria said, “I think a nice pair of western pants and matching shirt, accessorized with a genuine leather belt, with a big Texas buckle and a nice pair of rattlesnake skin cowboy boots, would turn heads when you enter the Towers restaurant.”

After an hour and half of shopping, Connor’s new look was chosen. “I want to buy your lunch,” said Willow. “Will you join me in the dining room?”

“That is most gracious of you, but not necessary.”

“But I insist. Besides, I don’t like to eat alone.”

During the brief shopping spree and lunch, a new friendship was forged. Willow listened intently each time Gloria mentioned her father or Connor. 

“Did Daddy and Connor have any female companions?”

Gloria was a bit taken back by that question.

"Oh, yes. Mr. Connor had the same lady with him for many years.”

Willow was amused by the almost off-the-cuff comment.

“Really. Do you know her name?”

“No ma’am, but Hector may. They made a beautiful couple, but I haven’t seen her in the last four to five years. Are you and Mr. Connor an item? I assumed since you’re Mr. Rupert’s daughter, that you were family friends, more like brother and sister. That’s the impression that Mr. Rupert left with me when we talked. He is so proud of you and told me many times that one day you would return to take control of McKenzie Towing.”

That comment brought tears to Willow’s eyes.

“I guess I have failed my Daddy. After college, I left home under strained circumstances, not only between Daddy and me, but also with Connor. But, I’m home now and want to correct some of those mistakes, and make things right for all of us.”

“Willow, I haven’t known you very long, but I feel you can correct anything when you set your mind to it. Your determination reminds me so much of your daddy’s attitude. You are certainly your ‘father’s daughter.’ I hope I haven’t over-stepped my limits. But, again, since I’ve heard about you for the past twenty years, I feel like we are friends through your daddy. I guess I had better get back to my registration duties. Thank you so much for allowing me to be with you.”

“Oh, thank you, Gloria. You’ve been more than helpful and I feel like I have gained a new friend. I especially thank you for sharing some of your moments with Daddy. I hope we can get together again very soon. Before you leave, I want to ask you if it would be out of order for me to talk to Hector. I would like to hear about some of the time he shared with Daddy also. There could be some loose ends that I may need to tie up.”

“I’m certain Hector would love to spend some time with you. Mr. Rupert and Hector were practically inseparable during the times your daddy was here. Hector drove Mr. Rupert all over town and attended sporting events whenever possible. They especially enjoyed watching professional basketball when the San Antonio Spurs played.”

“Is Hector on duty today?”

“Yes ma’am. His shift starts at three. You can find him at the bellman’s desk at that time.”

“Good. I’ll come down then. Again, thank you so much for your assistance and your friendship with my daddy.”

Returning to her suite, Willow wondered how she should approach Connor about his relationships.
I would prefer that he give
me a full accounting.

At quarter past three, Willow casually strolled into the lobby. Hector wasn’t immediately visible, so she picked up the newspaper, taking a seat in one of the large leather chairs. Her vantage point allowed her to see people coming and going. In a couple of minutes she saw Hector approaching.

“Good afternoon, Ms. McKenzie. I’m so glad to finally meet you. I feel like I already know you. Your daddy told me everything about you and I’m sure he must have stretched the truth about me.” 

“Good afternoon to you, Hector. It is nice to see you.”

“Are you enjoying your stay with us?”

“Most definitely.”

“Glad to hear that.”

“Hector, will you have anytime today when we can sit and talk about you, Daddy, and Connor?”

“Yes Ma’am. You may go to my office if you desire. I’ve got a few details to take care of and then I’ll join you. See you in less than thirty minutes. Just make yourself comfortable. I look forward to reliving some of my times with Mr. Rupert. He’s such an interesting down-to-earth person. By the way, where is Mr. Connor?”

“He left this morning to visit the Alamo. He promised he would return by five this afternoon.”

“That’s just like him. He loves the history around that place. I think he spends at least one day there every time he comes out here.”

“Hector, I don’t want to interfere with your job. So, I’ll take you up on your offer to park in your office.”

“I shouldn’t take long.” 

Upon entering Hector’s office, Willow was surprised to see a collection of photos of Vicksburg scenes and McKenzie tow boats. Prominently displayed under the desk glass was a panoramic view of the sea wall and several of the buildings situated on the water front. Located in the lower right hand corner was an inscription that read: “To Hector, my pal and protector. Thank you for being a good friend.” It was signed Rupert McKenzie, President and CEO McKenzie Towing.  Hanging on the wall, directly across the room from Hector’s desk, was a picture of Rupert McKenzie, standing on the top deck of the ‘Winsome M’ tow boat.

Tears welled in her eyes.

At that moment, Hector entered the room catching Willow in a very pensive mood. 

“How do you like my decorations?” he asked.

“Hector, this is beautiful. I wish I had a picture like that.”

“Yes, it is nice. And did you see the inscription by your daddy?”

“Yes. I can see there is great admiration from both sides.”

“That is true. You know, Ms. McKenzie, many rich and famous people come through our doors every year, and most feel their importance. It shows in negative, condescending ways to the hotel staff. But, Mr. Rupert made up for all of that rudeness by being so appreciative of the things we did for him. Every day when I come to work, I come to my office first and place my hand on that inscription. That’s similar to what football athletes do as they leave their dressing room on their way to the field. They all have a special place to touch.  That routine, although superstitious in nature, gives the athlete courage to go out and do their dead level best. I get the same feeling when I touch the picture and feel the presence of your daddy. I surely would love to see him again.”

“I’m going to work on that. I’ll fly Daddy out here for a few days very soon.”


“Earlier today, I got a bit of news about Connor and a female companion. Do you know her and where she lives?”

“Yes ma’am. Her name is Charlotte Keady. She was in the towing business also and attended the annual conferences. She and Mr. Connor became quite an item. The last time I saw her though, she had a little boy about a year old. But that was four or five years ago.”

That comment brought back to Willow, a picture of a small boy she had uncovered when looking for a hair brush in Connor’s dresser at his Redwood house.

“Has Connor attended the conferences during the last four or five years?”

“Yes ma’am. I don’t believe he has missed one in over twenty years. But, if I’m not being too forward, aren’t you and Mr. Connor an item now?”

“Well, sort of. We’ve been friends for many years. As a matter of fact, I can’t remember when we weren’t friends.” 

“That’s good. Mr. Rupert talked about you two as if you were both his biological off-springs.”

“Hector, I have one other question. Where is Charlotte from?”

“That, I don’t know for certain, but I don’t think she lives in this vicinity. My guess is that she lives upriver from Vicksburg.”

“I guess I had better go back to the suite and let you get back to your job. Thank you and hope we can visit again before I leave.”

“Ms. McKenzie, you are quite welcome. If I can help, remember I’m at your beck and call. You’re so much like your daddy; I just love talking with you.”

As the elevator doors closed, Willow’s imagination soared,
could this baby boy in the picture  be Connor’s or was
Connor just being a hero to a damsel in distress

Once inside the suite, Willow loosened her clothes and fell across the bed. Lying on her back, she stared at the ceiling, thinking
now I have a problem.
 She pondered whether she should bring up the girlfriend and the child or just let it ride.
This is going to nag at me until Connor and I discuss it
The opportunity could come at dinner tonight. But the potential exists for a ruined evening. What to do is the question.

Willow drifted off to sleep and was awakened as Connor unlocked the suite door and called her name. 

“Willow, where are you? I had a wonderful day at the Alamo, quite unlike the last days of those volunteer Texas Revolution Fighters-Travis, Crockett and Bowie. How was your day? Did you find something interesting to do?”

“Take a look in the closet. See what I bought you.”

Willow had hung the pants, shirt, and belt side-by-side on the clothes rack.

“You really did go shopping,” Connor said “Look at that belt buckle and these boots. You’re going to make me look like a native!” 

“Try them on. If they don’t fit, I have time to exchange them. I want you to wear the new duds to dinner.”   

Connor slipped the shirt and pants on, admiring his new look in the floor-to-ceiling mirror. “They fit perfectly. Thank you, dearest. But, I didn’t go shopping for you today. I guess I really screwed up.”

“Not at all. Tomorrow, after a leisurely breakfast, we’re going shopping for me. I know there must be some very unique South Texas items I can add to my wardrobe.”

“Unique? Yes—and it can be very expensive. But I’m certain there was nothing in the stores in New York that looks anything like what you’ll see here.”

“That’s great. I need to change my dress and accessories to look less like a visitor and more like a resident.”

“To pull off that look, you need to replace those silk blouses and tight pants suits with flannel shirts, and holey, bleached-out blue jeans. A good pair of walking shoes, replacing those high heels would complete your metamorphosis.”

“Are you saying you like me better when I dress down?”

Leaning over and kissing Willow on top of her head, he said, “You look good to me no matter what you wear.” He looked at his watch.
“We have reservations at eight and need to leave here around seven thirty.”

“No problem. How about a glass of wine?”

“No more wine for me now, thanks.”

Connor focused on the TV evening news.   The news ended at six-thirty, as most broadcasts did, with bad news about the war.
The U.S. led coalition forces had suffered one of the war’s worst battles with thirteen American service men killed and thirty–one injured. A convoy of Marines on routine patrol was hit by several Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs).

“This is making me very ill,” Willow said. “I wish our troops would just pull out and come home. We’re never going to win this war.”

“Pulling out the troops isn’t going to happen any time soon. I heard one of the top commanders say we will be there for the next twenty years.”

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