Secrets Of The Alpha: (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (His Secrets Series Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: Secrets Of The Alpha: (BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance) (His Secrets Series Book 1)
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When I got to bed that night, I looked at Vincent and I wanted to ask what the hush-hush meeting had been all about but somehow I just couldn’t. He kissed my forehead and turned out the light. I usually slept soundly in his arms but that night, I had a disturbingly confusing dream. It was more of a nightmare actually. I was out in a maze and it was dark. I was trying to find my way but it seemed like every turn I took got me lost deeper in the maze. I was trying to find my way out, desperately but nothing seemed to be working out. I suddenly woke up startled. My heart was beating fast and a cold sweat had broken on my forehead. I turned around to snuggle in to Vincent’s body. Being in his arms was always comforting. But when I turned around, Vincent’s spot was empty. I was all alone in the big bed.

Chapter 7


Needless to say, I was not in the best mood the following morning. I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom. I got the shower started and slowly stripped down as I wondered where Vincent could have taken off in the middle of the night. It was not like he had a good track record of being out alone at night. I stepped into the shower and closed my eyes as I felt the water running down my scalp and then down my back. I could not help but wonder what had happened to Vincent. Why he needed to take off in the middle of the night without telling me where he went? I was dreading seeing him when he got back. What if he came back hurt and bleeding like he had before? Maybe the likes of Nathan Hughes out there had caught up with him and had him tied up in some dark room or something. Maybe he was being tortured for information.


But what kind of information would he have that whoever Hughes works for would want?
My thoughts were all over the place. I reached for the shower gel and squeezed a generous amount on a loofah before I began soaping up my body. I paused and closed my eyes, feeling the water hitting my face.


Come back to me Vincent,
I prayed silently as I stood in the shower. I may have been angry with him, but I didn’t want anything to happen to him. I must have been in the shower for twenty minutes or more before I finally got out. I got dry and oiled up before I blew my hair dry. I held it up in bobby pins before I put on a sleeveless floral maxi dress. I was still worried when I sat down in front of the mirror. It was almost seven and there was no sign of Vincent.


My heart was beating hard in my chest as I applied some blush on my cheeks and finished off the look with a cherry colored lipstick. I looked at my reflection and a smile played on my lips. I liked this look more than I did the uniformed one. Ever since Vincent and I hooked up, he made it clear that the only uniform he ever wanted to see me in was a sexy French maid in the bedroom. I laughed when I recalled the look he had when he told me that. But my smile disappeared as quick as it had appeared when I remembered that I was still worried about Vincent and that I was still pissed off. I took a long deep breath and made my way downstairs. I had just walked into the kitchen when I heard the doorbell ring. I made my way to the front door and sighed when I saw who was at the door.


“Lou Jameson,” I said as I looked at the only man in Hollywood who preferred a cotton suit to linen.


“Ma’am,” he said giving me a small bow, surprising me. I looked at him and sighed again. He could have curtseyed for all I care, but the truth was that I didn’t want him there.


“Listen, Lou. I’m really sorry about this, but Vincent’s not home,” I said. He nodded. I didn’t know if he could tell that I was trying to be as polite as I possibly could.


“I understand,” he said. I raised an eyebrow and rubbed the side of my head.


“What I mean to say is that he is not home to tell you that there was a mistake. Your services will not be required anymore. It’s just that Vincent…” I was still talking when Vincent walked up behind me.


“Lou Jameson,” I heard his voice behind me. I turned around and came face to face with a smiling Vincent.


“Please, Mr. Muse. It’s just Lou,” Lou said politely. I had a million and one questions going through my head.


Where were you? Where did you go? Why didn’t you wake me?
I had such a mixture of emotions. I was angry with him, but relieved that he was okay. I looked at him and he slipped an arm around my waist. It took every nerve in my body not to pull away from him.


“Well, Lou. I’m sorry for the mix up. I haven’t had a chance to talk to Winnie about everything just yet,” he said. I wanted to look at him and give him a good tongue-lashing but I knew better than to do it in front of a stranger.


“Why don’t you come on in?” Vincent said.


Lou smiled and walked into the house. I gave Vincent one of those looks that said I needed to talk to him, but all he did was give me a reassuring squeeze. I looked up at him and all he did was smile. He could just go to hell for being so damn charming.


“If it’s alright with you, I’d like to just get right to the job,” Lou said. Vincent looked at him and then at me.


“Somehow everyone who comes to work here lately is extremely eager, huh?” Vincent said. I rolled my eyes at him. “Winnie can show you to your quarters later on, then.” Lou smiled.


“Great. It’s a few minutes past seven, maybe I could get started on breakfast?” he asked.


“The kitchen is right down the hall,” he said.


“Do you have anything special in mind?” Lou asked.


“Go crazy, Lou. Whatever you prepare will be fine for us,” Vincent said. Lou gave us a smile and then walked away.


“And how are you doing this morning?” Vincent asked as he turned to look at me.


He put his arm around my shoulders and I looked at him. I was trying to pull away from him, but against his superhuman strength I was weak.


“You were not in bed when I got up,” I said without smiling.


“I had a few things to do. I’m sorry,” he said.


He looked at me and gave me a reassuring squeeze on my shoulder. He looked around and lowered his head to meet my lips in a long kiss. I hated that this simple gesture made me so weak. All the anger I was feeling for leaving me alone in bed without telling me, for hiring Lou…it was all gone.


“Bribery won’t work,” I said when he pulled away. Even my tone was softer this time around.


“I am not trying to bribe you. If I was, we would be upstairs and you would be bound to my bedposts,” he said in a whisper.


I hated that his words excited me so much. My lips were slightly parted as I imagined what he had just suggested. Me, upstairs tied to the bedposts so that he could do anything and everything he wanted with me. He backed me up against the door making me gasp.


“Vincent, what are you doing? We are not alone in here,” I said as he put his hands on either side of my body.


“Say the word and I will take you upstairs right now.”


I looked at him and shrugged. “I am still not okay with the fact that you took off in the night without telling me.” He looked into my eyes and I could almost feel him looking right through me.


“I’m sorry,” he said again.


“Vincent, I don’t mean to freak out but you and night time doesn’t usually…agree,” I said as I looked at him. “I’m just worried about you, baby,” I added in a soft voice. He looked at me and pulled me into his arms. I inhaled his rich, musky scent as he held me against him.


“I’m okay,” he said in a soft voice. “I’m fine.” He was now stroking my hair softly. He pulled away from me and looked into my eyes.


“Now, are you sure I can’t take you upstairs because I have a feeling my apology will be so much better up there.”


He was pressing his body into me as he spoke and I was trying as much as I could not to give in to what he wanted. He held the side of my face and kissed me again. It was not the kind of kiss that should have been shared in hallway with the new guy just down the hall. He pulled away and looked at me as he let his hand slide to my ass. I felt his fingers digging into my sweet flesh.


“Stop it,” I said in a whisper.


“What? You are denying me my pleasure now?” he asked in a low voice.


“We have a guest in the house,” I said as I looked at him.


There was a naughty smile on my lips. He stepped back and took my hand in his before he began walking towards my old room. I looked around and frowned.


“What are you doing? Where are you taking me?” He didn’t answer me.


He walked into the room and pulled me in before he closed the door. He pinned me against the door and kissed me again. I would have asked if he had a thing for doors that I didn’t know about if my mouth wasn’t so full of his tongue. I held a fist of his hair as he angled his head, allowing my tongue to go wherever it wanted. He was slowly pulling up my dress as he kissed me. I gasped into his mouth when I felt his fingers against my bare thigh. I He brought his fingers up to my crotch and began rubbing it against my clit. He pulled back and I bit my lower lip as he rubbed me, teased me and made me whimper. I could feel my panties getting wet as he did it. I looked into his eyes and that was when I saw it. The lust and the desire. I wanted more. I


I looked at him as my lips parted slightly. He then pulled my panties aside and gently ran his finger along my slit. I gasped when I felt him push a finger into me. I bit my lower lip again and waited for him to finger me long and hard but he never did. He pulled his finger out of me and then let my dress down before he raised his finger up to my lips.


“Taste yourself, Winnie,” he whispered. He looked at me and I took his finger into my mouth. I could taste my salty juices on him. He pulled his finger out my mouth and looked at me. “Come on, I’m starved,” he said before he led me out of the room. I wanted to scream.


“So you are just going to leave me like that?” I asked in a whisper as we walked to the dining room. He looked at me and gave me a naughty smile.


“You are the one who didn’t want to go upstairs,” he pointed out mater-of-factly.


I took a long deep breath trying to calm myself down. I knew that the fact he had made me wet would be exciting him all through breakfast. When we walked into the dining room, Lou had just served breakfast. Spicy scrambled eggs, vanilla waffles and fresh orange juice.


“Lou, this looks amazing,” Vincent said as he sat down.


I looked at Lou and then at Vincent. I could to help but feel uncomfortable. Lou was a new worker and for all I knew, he could have been working for the same guys Nathan Hughes had been working for and the fact that I was never there to watch him as he prepared the food was making me uneasy. Vincent put a hand on mine and smiled. It was as if he could read my mind. My heart was beating so fast and hard as he lifted the glass to his mouth. He gave my hand a squeeze and then took a long sip. I was not sure whether the surprise I was feeling was written all over my face. Somehow, I expected the worst to happen. For him to suddenly start choking and bleeding from the nose but it never happened. He smiled at me.


“Try it, Winnie. It’s great,” he said.


I almost felt silly for thinking the worst.


“This is the result of too many movies,”
I thought as I took a sip of the juice.
“Damn it,”
I thought when I took a bite of the eggs. I never thought I could ever taste better eggs than my grandmother’s scrambled eggs with cheese until I tasted Lou’s Mexican style spicy eggs. I looked up at him and without realizing it, my awe was written all over my face.


“Your eggs are…interesting,” Vincent said as he took yet another bite.


“The secret is in the garlic, sir,” Lou said with a smile.


“Well, you should definitely join us,” Vincent said.


“But sir…” Lou started.


“Come on, this isn’t Downton Abbey. I don’t mind sharing a table with people who work in my Abbey,” Vincent insisted.


Lou knew he was fighting a losing battle. He nodded and took a seat at the table after serving his own breakfast. I suppose I was relieved when he ate from the same pan.


Maybe I am overreacting,
I thought as we had breakfast. Lou seemed to be a good person, but my skepticism wouldn’t allow me to let my guard down. It was literally a matter of life and death in this situation. I couldn’t let another Nathan Hughes just walk into his life and endanger him. I couldn’t bear it if anything ever happened to him. But even though I hated the idea of having a stranger in the house, I had to admit that he was a great chef.
Perhaps even better than me,
I thought as I watched him clearing the table. I was still thinking the worst when I heard a knock on the front door. I watched as Lou walked to the door and went ahead to open it without confirming who was at the door.

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