Secrets of New Pompeii (4 page)

Read Secrets of New Pompeii Online

Authors: Aubrey Ross

Tags: #paranormal romance, #alpha hero, #gladiator erotica, #gladiator romance

BOOK: Secrets of New Pompeii
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Rocking back onto his feet, he pushed her
legs farther apart and paused to look at her sex. Doubtlessly she
was flushed and swollen. Could he tell how wet she’d become?

He traced her crease with his fingertips and
closed his eyes. “So hot. So very soft.” His fingers delved deeper,
gently searching for the entrance to her body. “You are not…” He
parted her folds with one hand and shook his head. “What are you
doing here? You are untouched!”

She reared up and grabbed his arm before he
moved off her. “My father is…” she scrambled for a feasible lie. If
she told him the truth, he would never finish this. “He’s going to
sell me to a breeder. Just once I want to give my body to a man I
have chosen.”

“And what will happen when the breeder
discovers you are no longer a virgin?”

“It will be too late for him to do

“No. He will beat you or worse.”

He needed a stronger motivation, something
more sinister. “It is said that he likes to sample each woman
before she goes into the breeding pens. I will not give my
virginity to that vile bastard! I want you. I chose to give this
gift to you.”

“Oh Vanda, if they find out I did this, they
will kill me.”

“No one will know,” she insisted. “I promise.
No one will ever find out.”

“I must be mad.” He positioned himself
between her legs then moved his hands to her hips. “Grasp my
shoulders, love, and don’t pull away. It will be better for you if
this is done quickly.”

His mouth settled over hers, distracting her
and soothing her. Then he drove his cock inward as he pulled her
hips up. The combined force sharpened the sting but decreased the
duration. She gasped into his mouth then slowly exhaled. Her inner
muscles stretched tight around him, making her feel incredibly

Carefully keeping his weight on his knees, he
caressed her breasts and arms and hips. When she finally relaxed,
he eased his hand lower and found her clit with his thumb. Each
careful circle made her insides quiver. She knew what he was trying
to do, had rubbed herself to climax before, but this was different.
The unavoidable thickness of his cock was a serious

“I don’t think I can come like this,” she

“Come? What…where do you wish to—come?”

“No, I mean have an orgasm, find release.
What do your people call it?”

He shifted his weight and the pressure inside
her increased, making her moan. “There are many descriptions for
the pinnacle of pleasure, and that is what I need from you. Until
your body releases more fluid, I will not be able to move without
hurting you.”

“Then don’t look at me.”

A slow, sexy smile parted his lips and his
thumb altered its pattern. “I like looking at you. Your face
captivates me and your body is beyond pleasing.”

The unexpected praise eased her anxiety.
She’d started this. It wasn’t fair to turn all blushing schoolgirl
on him now. His gaze locked with hers and she pictured herself
through his eyes, breasts heaving, legs spread, pussy tightly
clasping his cock.

Heat gathered low in her belly, directed by
the steady stroking of his thumb. She absorbed the fullness and
savored the connection. He was inside her, part of her, waiting
only for her liquid welcome. His patience pleased her, allowed her
to trust. She moved her hips, adjusting the pressure against her
clit, working together until they found the combination that
pleased her best.

His gaze bore into hers as her inner muscles
began to ripple. “That’s right,” he coaxed. “Let the pleasure

Her pussy contracted around him and her back
arched. Pleasure burst within her and she tightly closed her eyes.
Her core melted all around him, easing the friction and allowing
him to slowly pull back. He arched over her, driving deep as he
caught one of her nipples between his teeth. His sharp nip sent
another blast of pleasure echoing through her body.

She raised her legs against his sides and
opened her eyes as he filled her again and again. His firm, steady
rhythm soon had her panting and straining into each firm stroke.
This was her moment, her night, and she had chosen to share it with
him, only him.

His eyes glistened, so unique and beautiful.
It was not just the color but the tenderness so obvious in their
shimmering depths. He kissed her and pressed her against him then
rocked back onto his knees so he could thrust more forcefully.

Another orgasm gripped her body and she
dragged his mouth back to hers. She wanted his tongue in her mouth,
completing the circle while she surrendered to the pulsating
spasms. He grasped her hips and shuddered, riding the surge right
alongside her.

“Was this the only time you made love?”
Bertrom’s gentle voice was still intrusive.

“No,” she admitted as the images faded back
into memory. “After that night, I couldn’t stay away. Our passion
was like an addiction.”

“Who found out about the affair, or did you
intentionally tell your father?”

“It was more complicated than either of
those.” She shook her head. “I don’t see how this helps me prepare
for tomorrow. All it’s doing is dragging my regrets to the

“If you acknowledge your feelings and learn
from your mistakes, these events can make you stronger.”

“Max was not a mistake. Loving him was…” The
words echoed in her ears, shocking and profound. Never before had
she spoken the phrase out loud. She’d never allowed herself to
consider the possibility.

“Of course you loved him. Why does this
surprise you?”

“It doesn’t, not really. It’s just hard to
hear after all this time.”


“Because of the way it ended.” She sighed,
reluctantly drawing her emotional defenses back up around her
heart. “And how much I miss him,” she whispered.

Bertrum paused, his pastel gaze searching her
eyes. “He was unable to come to you. He is still locked in the
gladiator barracks. Why have you never gone to see him?”

“There’s no point in it!” She stood so
suddenly her chair toppled. “There is no point in any of it.”

His smile made it clear he didn’t believe
her. “Your paths intersect again tomorrow. You might want to spend
tonight making sure that statement is true.”

Chapter Three

Naloni carefully eased her finger beneath her
blonde wig and scratched her scalp. Her disguise was more of a
precaution than a necessity. Her brother wouldn’t be surprised by
her attendance even if someone recognized her. She just preferred
to move about without drawing the sort of attention that invariably
followed a member of the royal family.

The rented villa was crowded, people spilling
out onto the patio and filling the center courtyard. Once the upper
level was opened, the attendees would be more evenly dispersed, but
the festival had not yet officially begun.

Lamplight cast a wavering glow over crisp
tunics and elaborately draped togas. Knowing the night would be hot
and humid, Naloni had chosen a simple tunic of lightweight linen.
Already the material was clinging to the small of her back and the
baby curls at her temples had begun to droop.

Lavish buffet tables lined the wall between
the archways leading out to the garden and armored guards stood
sentinel at every exit.

“If this is nothing more than an orgy, I’ll
take it out on your lovely hide.” Stevon Poliantus leaned down and
whispered the semi-playful threat into her ear. For years Stevon
had hinted that there were all sorts of things he’d like to do to
her hide, but Naloni refused to respond to his advances. She liked
him, considered him a friend, but she felt no romantic attraction
to him.

“Has there ever been this sort of security
for one of Tarhee’s orgies?” Their invitations had been
authenticated by a computer and they had been subjected to full
body scans before being allowed to enter the villa.

With a noncommittal shrug, Stevon sipped his
wine and looked out over the sea of faces. Stevon had seen the
prophet potential in Gladiator Games and became one of the first
investors in the fledgling endeavor. His financial support over the
years motivated the founders to offer his media conglomerate
exclusive broadcast rights to every event in New Pompeii. He’d
jumped at the opportunity and everyone had been pleased with the
result. Still, his loyalty to the founders didn’t extend to
becoming an accessory to their crimes.

“Speaking of security,” Naloni drew his
attention back to her. “How were your people able to smuggle their
equipment past security?”

He smiled, the expression rolling ten years
off his appearance. He had been classically handsome in his prime,
but the passage of time had left him with character and debonair
appeal. “Do you think this is the first event we’ve stealthily
recorded? My people are pros. They do this sort of thing all the

Anticipation rose within her. This was really
happening. Tonight they would pull back the curtains on New Pompeii
and expose all their carefully guarded secrets. “Where are they?
How many teams did you bring?”

“It’s better if you don’t know.” The silver
threaded through his dark hair glistened as he turned his head and
met her gaze. “I don’t want you inadvertently drawing attention to
them. You asked that the entire villa be fully covered and that’s
what I’ve done.”

She touched his upper arm and smiled. “Thank
you. I know this undertaking isn’t without risk.”

He took her hand and pulled her closer, dark
eyes warm and caressing. “I don’t want your appreciation, Naloni. I
want you to give me a chance. Accept one of my invitations and
let’s see if we can create some sparks.”

“Sparks should just happen. They shouldn’t
have to be created.” She lowered her gaze, uncomfortable with the
open longing in his eyes.

“It doesn’t always work that way. Sometimes
people have to—”

A sudden escalation in the surrounding
conversations drowned out the rest of his plea. Naloni slipped her
hand from his and turned to see what had caused the disruption.
Tarhee and Mikko Xyell had just entered the room. A small
procession of mostly naked people followed in their wake. The crowd
parted, allowing them to pass and offering the visitors a better
view of the entertainers.

Mikko climbed onto a small dais while Tarhee
remained on the floor. Mikko enjoyed the attention of public
spectacles while her brother preferred small, intimate gatherings.
Naloni fiddled with the end of her braided golden belt as she
strained to hear Mikko’s words. Part of her hoped she had wasted
Stevon’s time. If this was all exaggerated gossip, then people were
not being hurt and her brother was not a monster. Unfortunately, a
larger, more realistic part understood that outcome was highly

“Welcome!” Mikko called, signaling the
visitors to quiet. “Welcome to the first annual Festival of Venus.”
The crowd responded with a polite round of applause, still a bit
unsure of what to expect. “As each of you know, this event is
invitation only to ensure only the best and most discreet customers
are included in the festivities.” The second round of applause was
louder, more enthusiastic. “In the true spirit of the original
city, we are going to offer Venus worship without reserve. Our
pleasure and passion will be so uninhibited and sincere she will
descend from Mount Olympus and walk among us!”

“That should be interesting,” Stevon said
into her ear.

Mikko was obviously not finished, so Naloni
didn’t reply.

“The activities on the main floor are meant
to be enjoyed by everyone. There are no rules here. Nothing is
shameful, nothing forbidden!” A burst of raucous calls and whistles
followed this statement. “Each room upstairs will feature a
different fantasy. If you want to share your indulgence with
others, simply leave the door unlocked. If you prefer a private
session, lock the door. But please remember, there are likely
others with the same fantasy. We can make other arrangements if you
want to take your time and savor the experience. If you have any
questions or if your fantasy is not offered in the rooms above,
Prince Tarhee and I are here to negotiate custom fantasies. Enjoy
the festival!”

When Stevon turned to her again, all
playfulness had vanished from his face. “I’ll dispatch a team to
each of the rooms above. I want you to leave now. If anyone
realizes what we’re doing, things could get ugly quick.”

“Not a chance.” She squared her shoulders and
met his gaze. “I brought this to you. I need to see it through to
the end.”

He looked around the crowded room. She had no
idea what he was hoping to find. Then he made a disgruntled sound
and said, “At least stay on the main floor.”

“Agreed. I suspect I don’t want to know
what’s going on up there. Are you sure it’s safe for your

“They’re working in teams and most are

“Rather than pampered princesses?”

“I didn’t say that.” But his smile made it
obvious he agreed with the sentiment.

“I’ll mill about and try to be

“I’m directing the others, so I’m going to
try to find somewhere relatively quiet.”

She nodded. “If I need you or decide to
leave, I’ll find you first.”

He nodded and moved off through the crowd. A
live tableau had been set up in one corner of the room. Three naked
couples assumed sexual positions then froze, making sure everyone
had plenty of time to admire each detail before they shifted into a
new position. Their expressions were convincing, their positions
creative, but as they moved from one pose to the next, it was
obvious they were not really fucking.

Discontented murmurs spread through the
onlookers. The men switched from one woman to another, but the
“action” remained vanilla.

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