Secrets of My Hollywood Life #4: Paparazzi Princess (8 page)

BOOK: Secrets of My Hollywood Life #4: Paparazzi Princess
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FA20017 "Why Are Crossroads the Hardest to Cross?"



SAMANTHA is stressed. She has three minutes to grab her books for Chemistry and get to gym for yogalates. Her books come tumbling out of her locker and she begins to cry.


(dropping to his knees and putting a hand on her shoulder) Rough day?


I'm fine. I'm just . . . overwhelmed. Too much homework.


Sam, you've been acting weird. No offense, but homework overload doesn't cause a person to totally avoid her boyfriend.


I'm not avoiding you. I just have a lot on my mind.


Tell me what's going on in that super-smart brain of yours. I'll understand.


(Tears stream down her face.) I want to tell you, but I don't know how.


Sam, you're scaring me. Is this about . . . us?


No. I mean yes. I'm not sure.


Are you breaking up with me?


No! (pauses) But you might want to dump me when you hear what I have to say. (sees Ryan's face) I didn't cheat, if that's what you're thinking. This has to do with my family.


Okay, that's a relief. Family stuff we can handle. Sure, yours is a little more high-maintenance than most, but Granddaddy Buchanan doesn't scare me.


I wish Granddaddy was the problem.

SARA approaches. She's sipping a smoothie from the Summerville High coffee bar.


Hey, sis! Whoa. What's with the tears? Are you two breaking up?




(She makes a face.) Figures. You two are so into each other, you'll probably date all through college and get married.


And what would be so wrong with that, Sara?


If that's what works for you. (to Sam) I guess he's up for the long distance thing, huh?


Long distance? Sam and I are applying to the same college.


It's going to happen sooner than that, Ryan. (to Sam) I can't believe you haven't told him yet.


I was trying to when you interrupted!


Sam, what is your sister talking about?


(seeing her sister looks upset and can't speak) We're moving to Miami, Ryan. My dad is the CEO of this new company that makes stuff for the space shuttle and we're moving in a few months, case closed.


(looking at Sam) How long have you known about this?


(quietly) A few weeks. I didn't know how to tell you.


Were you waiting for the moving van to arrive? I thought we were tighter than that, Sam. One of the biggest tests of our relationship happens and you can't find a way to let me know? I guess you want to call our relationship off.


(crying) NO! Please understand, Ryan. I was going to tell you. I want us to be together. I don't want to go. I want to stay in California. (She reaches out for him, but he pulls back.)


Sam, you know your parents are never going to let you do that. I can't do this.



(Ryan walks away.)

Five: Life on Hold

"That's a wrap!" Tom yells as Ryan (played by Trevor Wainright) walks away from Sam for the twelfth time. Any time we have to shoot a scene over and over, it's tiring, but this one was mentally exhausting. To make myself cry on command, I pretended this was the last
scene I was ever going to film. That did the trick. Now I can't stop crying.

"Are you okay?" Sky says as we walk off the set. She's wearing a bold Michael Kors zebra print tunic and her black hair is tied in a side ponytail. I wish my hair was off my neck. Paul left it down because he said it looked good with the cute, pale yellow cotton peasant top by Bebe and the wide-leg navy trousers from the Gap I'm wearing, but I feel really hot. "You didn't overdose on Sudafed again, did you?" Sky says accusingly.

That only happened one time and Sky won't let me forget it. I had a bad cold at work and I took two Sudafed capsules, thinking the dosage was the same as Tylenol. I was wrong. With Sudafed, you only need one pill. I panicked at first, but Nadine said I was fine. The only thing that happened was I acted a little loopy -- and overly affectionate to Sky, which drove her nuts. "I'm just tired," I tell Sky, and wipe away my tears.

That's partially true. I met with Nadine on my lunch hour and she pressed me about those scripts I've been reading
scheduled another SAT practice test. Nadine has turned into a mini-Mom/Laney the way she hovers and it's starting to wear on me. Thank God I have a date with Austin later. First, I have to stop by my dressing room and do a quick phoner, call Liz, and grab my script pages for tomorrow. Then I'm out.

"You're lying." Sky eyes me suspiciously. "You look like hell. You've got nasty under-eye circles, your skin is blotchy, and you have a monster zit on your chin."

I gasp. "A zit? Where?" I touch my chin, but I don't feel anything.

"You're so easy to fool, K." Sky snorts. "But I wasn't lying about the blotchy skin and ugly circles. You need to get to the spa pronto. What's wrong? Are you sleeping?"

Not really, I want to say. I've been like this all week. I'm tired, but every time I close my eyes I can't stop thinking about
or my meeting with Seth and my parents, and then all I do is toss and turn. "I'm fine," I insist. This is Sky's version of being concerned, which is really sweet, but if I tell her that, she'll just deny it.

"Whatever." Sky shrugs. "So did you take your driving test yet?"

My shoulders tense. Driving lessons have sort of been put on the back burner, which is a sore subject with me. I'm the only seventeen-year-old I know who doesn't have her license yet. But between work and all the other stuff I have going on, I haven't had a chance to have more than one or two lessons since the Wheel Helpers incident last fall. "No," I admit sheepishly.

Sky looks like she's about to make a comment, but then she spots Trevor. She walks up behind him and winds her body around his like a cat to a scratching post. "Hey, Trevvie! You were amazing in that scene. When you got teary, I got goosebumps."

"Thanks," Trevor says nonchalantly. "I've got some calls to make." He winks at me as he passes and Sky and I stare as he saunters off in his dark denim Levis and a gray Strokes concert tee. He runs a hand through his blond hair before letting his muscular arms swing as he walks.

I've been secretly coaching Trev on how to get Sky to fall all over him, and it appears to be working. The first time the two got together, Trev was Sky's plaything. Now that Sky's interested in him again, Trev is making it look like he's not that into her, which is driving Sky nuts. It's a lot of fun to watch.

"I don't get it." Sky is flabbergasted. "I'm wearing his favorite perfume and a push-up bra. How could he run off like that, K? I thought he'd
at least
offer to get me a latte from crafty."

I try not to laugh. "I wouldn't be offended. He said he had to make some calls."

"You're right." Sky doesn't look convinced. "Do you think it would be weird if I brought him a latte instead?"

She looks at me for approval and I nearly fall over. "I think he'd really like that." Sky strides off to craft services with a goofy grin on her face.

I head to my dressing room, keeping my eyes peeled for Nadine. I can't handle another work/life/Kaitlin's-well being speech today. She's turning into Dr. Phil. Thankfully my dressing room is empty. The reporter calls on time and my phoner is done in fifteen minutes. I look at my Princess Leia watch. Liz should be on her way to kickboxing, so I might be able to reach her on her cell before class. Liz is the only one I can talk to about all these feelings I've been having. We haven't talked all week, which is unlike us. Liz never called me after the Cinch party to make plans, and I've only talked to her once since then. Today she picks up on the first ring.

"Hey, Kates," Liz says, sounding distracted.

"Hey, stranger," I joke. "Did you lose my number?"

She doesn't laugh. "I'm sorry. I've been so busy."

That's it? She's been busy? That's no excuse for not calling your best friend. We usually talk every day! "So have I." I'm a tad defensive. "But I've really missed you so now I'm stalking you."

This time she laughs a little. "I'm sorry," Liz says, sounding more like her old self. "I'm tired. You have no idea how much work I have. This NYU summer program application is taking so much out of me."

I have no idea what she's talking about. "What summer program?"

"It's a summer workshop for high school students interested in the arts," Liz tells me. "Mikayla thinks I'm a shoo-in if I do a killer application video. Thank God for her. I don't know what I'd do if she wasn't helping me with this."

So Liz is going away for the summer and she didn't think it was important to tell me? "That's great." I try hard to be supportive.

"I'll fill you in when I see you," Liz says. "I'd really, really love to have lunch. Can you do the Cheesecake Factory and shopping at the Grove on Saturday?"

I smile. Food and shopping. This is just what the two of us need. I can tell her what's been going on with my projects and she can tell me more about this NYU program. I look at my Sidekick schedule and breathe a sigh of relief. I'm actually free! "That sounds great. I've got so much to talk to you about. Work has been --"

"Kates, I'm sorry, I have to go," Liz interrupts. "Mikayla's here and we're late for kickboxing. I'll call you later." Click.

Did Liz really just cut me off? This day keeps getting worse.

I grab my things and rush out the door to meet Rodney at the car. I take a few deep breaths and remind myself that the car will be nice and quiet. In twenty minutes, I'll see Austin and I can forget about everything else.

I slide into the backseat and bump right into Matty and Nadine.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask, alarmed. I thought Nadine left already.

"Don't worry," Matty tells me. "Rod is going to drop you off on your date first, and then take me home. I waited around because I had something I wanted to tell you: I got the part in the Scooby-Doo pilot!"

For a split second, I'm stunned. You mean, my younger brother already has another job lined up and I don't? I instantly feel worried, but then I remember that this is Matty's moment, not mine. My fear will have to wait. "That's awesome!" I hug him. For once, Matty actually lets me. He usually complains that I make him appear younger than he really is when I get all affectionate.

"I'm going to play Velma's boyfriend," Matty tells me. "He's new to the gang."

"If we could just get
to settle on something, the Burkes would be set," Nadine says to me.

I feel my skin bristle, but I smile. I'm already freaked out enough as it is; does Nadine have to make it worse? "I thought you had to go somewhere," I say.

"I went and came back," Nadine explains. "Seth had more scripts for you to read." She drops them in my lap. "Have you thought any more about that play in New York? Seth said they're dying to fly you out there to talk about the part. And they want to put you on the phone with Meg Valentine, the original star, to hear more about the show."

"I'm interested," I admit. "But I'm nervous because I've never done theater."

"You need to leave the Sam stigma behind and this would be one way to do it," Nadine says. "I still can't believe you didn't like
I Would Hate You If I Didn't Love You

I do a double take. Is this Nadine talking or my mom? Sam stigma? I read the
I Love You
pilot that Sky likes and hated it. "Nadine, that show wanted me to do nudity!" I remind her.

"True," Nadine agrees. "There's other stuff to consider, right? You have more meetings and Seth has another offer for you. Chili's wants you to be the voiceover for their fall TV ads."

Matty and I both scream. I don't even have to think about this one. "Say YES!"

HOLLYWOOD SECRET NUMBER FIVE: Most big stars wouldn't be caught dead doing a television commercial -- unless it's for a well-known charity. But voiceover work is different and lots of big stars from George Clooney to Julia Roberts are rumored to have done it. The reason is simple: You can make big bucks in as few as two or three hours. The best part? Most stars put it in their contract that the company will never confirm or deny it's you voicing a little green lizard or a singing bee. Commercials are the filet mignon of voiceovers.

"See how easy that was to say yes?" Nadine asks. "All you have to do now is pick a movie or a TV pilot and do the same thing."

My smile fades. I start to feel hot, then clammy. I can't take much more of everyone hounding me. Thankfully Rodney has stopped the car, which means we must be at Clark High School, where I'm meeting Austin after his lacrosse practice. "This is my stop," I say quickly. "See you guys later."

"Kates, wait," Nadine begs. "I just wanted to ask you a few more things --"

I pretend not to hear her, slam the door and walk as fast as I can over to the lacrosse field. My phone starts to ring immediately. That better not be Nadine. I fish through the mounds of stuff I threw in my Cinch bag this morning -- Bubble Yum, my Coach journal, Altoids -- and look at the screen. Voicemails. I have six messages in the last hour. Only in Los Angeles could you be driving and hit enough dead spots to miss that many calls.

The first two are from Seth. "Hey there, shooting star. Seth here. I hope you're enjoying this great January weather and spending some time in the backyard reading
Manolos Are Meant for Small Feet
. Talk to you soon." I thought he said I could have till next week. And then another one. "Kaitlin? Seth again. Maybe hold off on reading
till you read
Meeting of the Minds
, okay? Have fun, shooting star!" Click.

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