Read Secrets of a Viscount Online

Authors: Rose Gordon

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Historical, #Victorian, #Regency, #Historical Romance

Secrets of a Viscount (23 page)

BOOK: Secrets of a Viscount
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I came to see you last week, but you weren’t here. Your father met me—”

My father,” he said in a hard tone.

Isabelle nodded. “He met me and told me you were out for the day, but that I could be on my way, you’d signed the papers.”

Sebastian’s eyebrows knit. “And then he gave them to you?”

No.” Isabelle’s mouth went dry. “I stole them.”

Sebastian’s face went blank, then suddenly his lips started to twitch. “You stole the annulment papers. Why?”

“Because I love you. I—I know I was angry when I first learned the truth, but the real truth is that I love you and I don’t want an annulment.”

I love you, too,” he whispered, closing the space between them. “I signed those papers because I loved you and wanted to do things right this time.”

He’d already said that and apparently he was bent on it. Impulsively, she flicked her wrist in the direction of the low-burning fire and sent the papers sailing into the hearth. “I don’t want you to court me, Sebastian. I want you to claim me.”





Chapter Thirty-Three



Claim you?” Sebastian winced at the raggedness of his own voice, forgetting all about how she’d gotten those papers.

She nodded. “I don’t need any of that other nonsense, Sebastian. Just you.”

“Hopefully you don’t think
nonsense,” he teased, lowering his lashes. “Are you sure this is what you want? Once we...” He cleared his throat, his blood turning to fire in his veins at the very thought. “I won’t let you go again. Are you certain this is what you want?”

Are you certain this is what you want?” she countered, taking a step back. A seductive smile played on her lips as she idly reached for the sash of her hooded frock. She quickly slipped the knot free and let it fall open, exposing another of those silk nightrails she had—except this one was red. “Because if you aren’t, I might need to return home.” She moved to close her frock and he reached his hand out to stop her.

The devil you will,” he growled, gripping both sides of her frock and pulling it open further. He swallowed, then cast a glance to the fire that had just consumed their annulment papers. “I suppose it’s plenty warm in here now that six years of our past has burned.”

Indeed,” she agreed, shrugging out of her frock.

He released his hold and let the garment fall to her feet. He didn’t know whether to drool over the luscious sight that presented itself in front of him or be furious she’d traveled to his house wearing something so enticing.

As if she’d read his mind, she said, “I couldn’t sleep until I had my answers, but I didn’t think it’d be considered appropriate to wake my maid and ask her to help me dress so I could go sneak into my husband’s bedchamber in the black of night.”

He nodded. “Do you always sleep in—” he gestured to her delectable form— “this?”

“No.” She tucked a tendril of her hair behind her ear. “Only when I think my husband might see.”

He took a step toward her, cocking his head to the side, “Oh, so you came here tonight bent on seduction.”

“No. I came for answers.” She narrowed her eyes a little above his left shoulder. “You have something in your hair.”

He blinked. What the devil did that matter? He mindlessly swatted at his hair. Did she find it repulsive that there was a little fuzz or powder in his hair? Why would she even bother to bring up such an inconsequential matter at a time such as this?

“Allow me,” she said; her pink tongue poked out between her lips, moistening them.

He froze and watched her lips as she closed the gap between them, bringing her barely covered breasts flush against his bare chest, then came up on her toes, dragging her plump breasts up his chest as she went. Instinctively, he put his arms around her and held her there, then bent his head down and captured her lips with his.


Her plan had worked. Partially. She’d hoped to spark his desire a little by pressing herself close to him. She’d never imagined he’d kiss her in response.

His tongue traced the seam of her mouth and she parted her lips for him, gasping when his tongue brushed past her teeth and touched her tongue. He lifted one strong hand to cup the side of her face and she wrapped her arms around his neck, sinking her fingers into his soft, brown hair.

He murmured her name against her lips then pulled back.

“Did you get it?” he said hoarsely; his eyes dark and intense in a way that set her blood to simmering.

I’m not sure.” Rotating her body just so that she’d brush his groin with her hip, she moved her fingers to the side of his hair and removed an imaginary piece of string, then slowly returned her heels to the floor, going slow enough to drag her body along the rigid bulge in the front of his trousers. “It’s out now.”

No, it’s not, but it will be,” he muttered, tightening his hold and pressing her against his solid erection. He’d clearly caught onto her game.

Not that she minded. She certainly didn’t, especially if that meant he was about to play the game with her. He released his gentle hold on her face and trailed his fingers down her cheek and jaw, then to her neck and finally to her shoulder. He traced her collarbone with the fingertip of his index finger. His lashes were lowered and his eyes appeared to be fixed on her breasts. A thrill shot through her. She never would have thought she’d have this affect on Sebastian, nor him have this strong of affect on her.

He slowly skimmed his callused fingertips along her skin, taking the strap of her nightrail with it. He reached the end of her shoulder and lowered his warm lips to kiss his way across the path his fingers had just made. When he reached the tip of her shoulder, he planted one last kiss, then pressed open-mouthed kisses back across her shoulder and to the plane of her chest. He stopped when he reached that dip at the bottom of her throat and flicked his tongue in the hollow. She shivered.

Seeming encouraged by her reaction, he slid the other strap of her nightrail to the edge of her shoulder, this time following it with parted lips and the barest hint of his tongue.

When he reached the ball of her shoulder, he lifted his head and kissed her lips, then let go of the fabric, letting it make a silk and lace puddle at her feet. He brought his hands to her sides, his palms covering her ribs and his thumbs resting just below her breasts. He held her close to him and deepened their kiss. Her hardened nipples pressed into the warm, smooth skin of his chest, her breasts swelling in response.

He skimmed his hands down her sides, then back up, brushing his palms over the sides of her breasts. Her breath caught. He’d touched her thus last week, but tonight it felt different. The only way she could think to explain it was his touch then was charged with lust and desire, as was her response. Tonight though, all she could feel between them—his touch, his kiss, his gaze—was love.

He pulled back, ending their kiss; his breathing labored. With a swallow, he let his gaze travel from her eyes to her lips then down to where their chests were still pressed together. He swallowed again and took a step backward, separating them.

You’re breathtaking, Belle,” he whispered, giving her breasts a gentle squeeze from the side. He reached both of his thumbs up to sweep across the hardened tips.

Isabelle bit her lip to keep from gasping and the insufferable man made another pass, pressing harder this time. Twin sparks flew through her and she was unsuccessful in holding back her gasp, which seemed to please Sebastian greatly, if his hooded gaze was any indication.

Regaining her wits only momentarily, Isabelle reached between them and ran the edge of her knuckle along his erection until she reached the tip that rested just under the fastenings of his trousers. She inched her fingers up to the buttons and began to unfasten his placket. On the second button, his erection sprang free and into her waiting hands. He stilled instantly, his hands still cupping her breasts.

She wrapped her fingers around his length in a firm grip and chanced a quick peek up at his face. His eyes met hers. They were dark and full of a heated promise. She shivered and slid her hand down to the base of his erection. He groaned and moved to cover her breasts with his hands, giving them a firm, yet gentle, squeeze that made her entire body tingle.

She glided her hand back up his shaft and brushed her thumb over the swollen tip, eliciting a groan from him. Which of course spurred her on to repeat the gesture. His Adam’s apple bobbed once, then suddenly he slid his hands down her body to her hips and lifted her and carried her to the bed.

Isabelle lost her hold on his erection and gripped his shoulders for support as he set her on the mattress. He murmured something about giving him a moment then he straightened and removed the remainder of his clothing. Isabelle’s mouth went dry. She’d never seen a naked gentleman before for comparison, but no matter what any other looked like, Sebastian was magnificent. His chiseled chest and abdomen full of edges and rounded muscles tapered off to a lean, trim waist. His muscular legs were covered in a thin sheet of black hair that grew thicker near his groin where a dense patch surrounded his thick erection.

Paying her no heed, he climbed onto the bed and came up on his hands and knees, surrounding her. He dropped his head down to her chest and used his mouth to explore every inch of her. Kissing here and licking there. She sank her fingers into his hair to hold him in place as pleasure zinged through her and her body arched and bucked on its own accord.

His hand found her left thigh and without pausing in his exploration of her, he guided her legs apart. She was powerless to stop him from doing so. Not that she’d want to stop him. Ever.

A moment later his palm was sliding down her and toward her nest of feminine curls. She sucked in a breath. She remembered this and the delicious feelings it evoked.

Sebastian,” she murmured when he reached the apex of her legs and brushed his fingers over her delicate flesh.

Sebastian said her name against the sensitive skin just under her left breast and moved his fingers to her opening. She gripped his shoulders a fraction tighter in anticipation. Would it hurt? Would it feel good? Would it feel at all?

She had her answer less than a second later as he eased his finger inside. It felt...different. Almost as if she were being stretched. He nearly withdrew, then pushed in again, this time bringing her a little shock of pleasure. He did it again. Then again; and again. Each time another arrow of heated pleasure shot through her while simultaneously the tension in her abdomen tightened. He sped his pace, his thrusts coming harder and faster than she could keep up with as her entire body filled with an intoxicating pleasure.

Then suddenly he stopped.

Isabelle choked on a sob. The tension just above her waist was too tight, too demanding for him to stop. “Sebastian—” Her words died on her tongue when she felt something else at her entrance. His erection was much thicker than his finger had been and she winced in pain as he slid inside. After the initial sting subsided, she lay still for a moment to get used to his body inside of hers. It didn’t hurt, necessarily, but it didn’t feel quite the same as earlier. Was that it, then? Was this the part where he found fulfillment and she tried not to disrupt that?

Relax,” he murmured as he brushed a kiss on the edge of her ear. He moved his lips to her jaw then to the back of her ear before going to her neck. She sighed and lolled her head to the side to give him more access—which he took. He dragged his slightly parted lips along her neck and slowly started moving on top of, and inside of, her. Though some of the tension in her midsection had eased, there was still some there that was coiling much faster and tighter than it had before. The friction between their bodies lessened and he sped his movements, stoking some sort of inner fire in her abdomen and sending sprays of hot sparks through her. Pressure and excitement built higher and higher with each thrust until it threatened to consume her.

Her breathing grew labored and ragged as the inner excitement in her took hold and she forced herself to look up at Sebastian’s dark eyes. They were heated, so much so that if they got any more heated, he’d combust. And so would she.

And then she did.

With one powerful stroke, he hit something deep inside her and it was as if a dam broke, flooding her body with waves of hot and cold as her muscles tightened and released and her mind went completely blank. Gasping for breath, she met Sebastian’s eyes again, just in time to see him squeeze them shut and to feel his muscles tense beneath her hands as a savage growl rent the air and he slowed to a stop.

The following seconds stretched out between them to what felt like minutes until Sebastian lowered himself to lie on top of her with his upper body supported by his forearms that were planted on either side of her.

What are you thinking, Belle?” he asked.

She blushed. Had she been so obvious? “Nothing, just a little woolgathering.”

“Woolgathering?” he burst out, blinking.

She nodded and traced the edge of his clenched jaw with her index finger. “I was just thinking that while I enjoyed your attentions last week, and likely would have enjoyed this particular activity then, too, I think it was all far more enjoyable this week—knowing you’re my husband.” She closed her eyes; she wasn’t explaining this right. “I know you were my husband then, but—”

He kissed her lips, silencing her. “I know what you meant.” He kissed her again. “And I quite agree,” he said between kisses. “I knew I was quite taken with you that night, but—” he kissed her once more— “it wasn’t until I left your room that I realized that I loved you. I think that’s the part that made it that much better tonight.”

She couldn’t help but smile at his words. “Indeed. Oh, but Sebastian, just because I agreed to become your wife in truth without all the courting, doesn’t mean that I won’t still expect you to lavish me with attention.”

Sebastian moved his hands up to cup her face. “I’ll shower it on you like a rain in June,” he murmured between kisses. Then proceeded to show her once again just how much he loved her now and always would.



BOOK: Secrets of a Viscount
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