Secrets of a Runaway Bride (31 page)

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Authors: Valerie Bowman

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Secrets of a Runaway Bride
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He pulled her into his arms. “Annie,” he whispered. “Are you…?”

“Innocent?” she asked, blinking at him with those beautiful brown eyes.

He nodded.

She bit her lip and pressed herself against him. Her body aligning with his, she touched her hand to his cheek. “I suppose I should be offended by that question. But what do you think?” she whispered. She glanced down to his chest. “I’ve been to the Gray Horse Inn with Arthur twice.”

Jordan’s head spun. There it was, her admission, the truth. He’d be a hypocrite if he blamed her, but a bigger hypocrite if he didn’t admit to himself that his emotions were torn upon learning the truth. One part of him felt overjoyed that he could do this, make love to Annie without worrying that he’d be ruining her; the other part regretted that he wouldn’t be the one to initiate her in the act of lovemaking.

*   *   *

Annie swallowed and kept her eyes downcast. Very well, so she hadn’t been completely honest with Jordan. She’d deliberately made him think she wasn’t a virgin, but the actual words hadn’t exactly left her mouth. She hadn’t lied … precisely. But this was part of it. Jordan was too decent to make love to her if he thought she was a virgin. She had to imply that she was not. He would forgive her, wouldn’t he?

He would be surprised, no doubt, and perhaps even angry, but she’d already decided that even if she and Jordan never saw each other again, she wanted him to be her lover. She was counting on his not stopping in the middle of the act itself—oh God, she hoped he wouldn’t—and she would have time later to explain everything to him, make it clear to him that she would never expect him to marry her. He would never have to worry about being trapped by her. This was something they both wanted, without promises or regrets.

Besides, it wasn’t as if she could merely announce that she was still a virgin. Jordan wouldn’t touch her then. She was Devon’s sister-in-law and the unspoken male code would dictate that he not take her innocence. It was better this way. He’d understand once she explained it to him. Yes. It was better this way and it was about to get
better. Jordan’s hot mouth was on her earlobe driving her mad.

“It’s all right, Annie,” he whispered. “There’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

Guilt tugged at her conscience again. But all she could do was tilt up her head and offer her kiss-swollen mouth to him.

Jordan ran his fingers over her shoulders, her wrists, her perfect breasts. He was half mad with wanting her already, and he had barely even started. He softly pushed her back and leaned over her, bracing his elbows on either side of her head. He shifted his weight on top of her.

Instinctively, Annie clamped her legs together.

“Shh, darling. I won’t hurt you,” he murmured. His mouth dipped to her breasts, kissing them, nuzzling them, playing with her nipples.

Annie head moved fitfully on the pillow and she threaded her fingers through his dark hair. The things this man made her feel. She was hot and wet and wanting him. Ready to do anything to have him. Even lie. She shook her head to dispel it of that unwelcome thought.

But then his hand found her, and she ceased thinking altogether.

Jordan’s sure fingers moved inside of her and Annie moaned. One finger, that’s all it took. He had her begging him, whimpering in his ear, pleading with him. All thoughts of being frightened evaporated, and Annie spread her legs, willing to allow him to do anything, everything he wanted.

She brought her hand down to touch his hard shaft, wanting to feel his smooth velvet again, but he moved his hips away, obviously intending to retain control.

He slowly moved his finger up to the little nub of pleasure between her legs. Annie kissed him fiercely while he nudged her in perfect little circles until her hips were writhing against him in unreleased pleasure.

Jordan moved fully atop her then and Annie shuddered at the weight of him. He felt so good. So right. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him with all the pent-up longing she felt for him.

“Annie, look at me,” Jordan commanded, his voice harsh, his breathing ragged. “I want you.” His face was sharp in relief against the candlelight. “So much.”

Annie nodded, her eyes half closed.

“Do you want me, Annie?”

Annie could have wept. Here was this man, this perfectly attractive man, asking her in the most humble way possible if she wanted him. Of course she wanted him. She was mad for him, had to have him. But he was giving her this moment, this one moment before they did something they could never undo, to tell him no if she wanted to. He would stop if she said so.

She pushed her fingers through his hair and stared deep into his dark gray eyes. “I want you, Jordan. I do.”

His hot velvet slid against her thigh then, and he nudged between her legs. Annie braced herself. Another slide and a push and he was fully inside of her.

“Damn it.”

The moment he breached her maidenhead, Jordan knew.

Annie let out a soft whimper. He stopped moving immediately and dragged his thumbs across her silken cheekbones, steadying her face to look into her eyes. “Annie. No. Why?” He kissed her forehead and rested his own against hers. He was completely still.

Annie let the tiny bit of pain subside. Her nose was scrunched up and she couldn’t help but gasp. She wrapped her arms around his muscular shoulders. “It’s all right, Jordan,” she whispered against his lips. “This is what I want.”

The struggle played out across his face. He looked like a tortured man. “But … why?”

“I want you, Jordan, please. Don’t you want me too?”

A pained look flashed across his face. “God. Yes,” he groaned.

“Then make love to me, Jordan. Please make love to me.”

“Oh God, Annie. I don’t think I could stop.” Jordan groaned again. He wrapped his arms around her and gently pulled back a little.

Realizing she’d won, Annie smiled and wrapped her arms around his shoulders even more tightly. He pushed back inside of her gently, so gently, and Annie forgot all about the momentary flash of discomfort.

Oh, now this was going to be fun.

Jordan maneuvered his hips and Annie shuddered Good God, the man knew exactly what he was doing. Annie had never even dreamed about such things. He toyed with her, he played with her, he tortured her. His finger found her again and he brought her to the pinnacle of release twice, making her cling to him and beg him not to stop.

But he did.

He was wicked in bed, Lord Ashbourne. And Annie enjoyed every single moment of it.

Finally, he was through with playing games. Annie could see the taut line of his jaw when he’d decided they both couldn’t take it anymore. He slid into her again and again, making her feel things she’d never felt. His breathing was hard and his forehead slicked with sweat. His finger found her one more time and he nudged her in tiny perfect circles, again and again, over and over while she clung to him.

“Jordan. Yes,” she called out, shivering on the pinnacle of pleasure. She sucked in her breath and shuddered, unable to stop her intense reaction to the pleasure he’d given her. While Jordan plowed into her again and again until he grabbed her hips tightly and whispered her name in her ear and then shuddered himself into her wet warmth.

Jordan pulled himself away from her, then wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to his chest.

Minutes passed. They lay together for what seemed like an eternity, their breathing matching, their hearts beating in unison, until Annie fell asleep, wrapped in the warm comfort of his strong arms.

*   *   *

Annie awoke to sunlight pouring through the window. She smiled to herself, suddenly remembering the kaleidoscope of events from the previous night. Oh, she had been …
. And so had Jordan. So bad, but so, so good.

She glanced over to the opposite side of the bed, expecting to see him sleeping. Instead, Jordan was propped up against the pillows. He clutched his dark head in his hands. He’d never looked so disheveled and so … wonderful. The man was an Adonis even first thing in the morning. Completely unfair.

“Are you all right?” she asked.

He cracked a smile. “A bit of a headache but nothing I don’t deserve.”

“Can I get you anything?”

Lifting his head, he glanced over at her. “Annie, we must talk.”

She rolled over, leaned up on one elbow, and kissed him on the cheek. “No.”

He looked twice. “No? What do you mean, no?”

“I mean I refuse to talk to you.” She sat up and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Let’s do what we did last night again.”

He gently pulled her arms from around his neck and pushed away from her. “I need to keep you at arm’s length. Look, last night was—”

“No!” She nearly shouted this time.

He winced and pressed his fingers to his temples.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, biting her lip. “I didn’t mean to be so loud.”

He groaned. “Will you please tell me why you refuse to talk to me?”

She rolled her eyes. “I know exactly what you’re going to say.”

“Really?” He arched a brow. “That’s interesting, given that
don’t know exactly what I intend to say.”

“You’re going to say something insane like you must do the right thing and marry me now, et cetera.”


“And you’ll go to Devon right now and offer for me.”

He smiled at her. “Anything else?”

“Yes. You won’t go to Devon and you won’t go to Lily.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Because if you go to Lily and Devon, I will tell them that you ravished me last night. Right here, in their own home.”

Jordan crossed his arms over his chest. “And you think Devon will disagree with my offer of marriage then?”

“Not at all. I merely think he’ll be too preoccupied with loading his pistol to ask any questions about the nuptials.”

Jordan’s face turned a shade paler. He narrowed his eyes at her. “You wouldn’t dare.”

“I would dare. If you dare.” She propped herself up against her pillows, pulling up the sheet over her breasts, and crossed her arms over her chest. “So you and I are going to make a pact. You won’t say a word about any of this to Lily and Devon and neither will I.”

“It’s that simple, is it?”

“Yes,” she answered with a bright smile. “Now, you must go.”

His eyes widened. “Kicking me out already?”

“No, not at all. It’s just that…” She bit her lip again. “Now that I realize what time it is, Mary will be here in less than five minutes.”

Jordan tossed the covers aside, grabbed his clothing and boots, and raced for the door.



Annie awoke later in the morning with a huge smile on her face. She rolled over, hugged her pillow, and squealed, kicking her feet rapidly against the mattress.

“What has got into you, miss?” Mary asked.

Gasping, Annie rolled to her side to eye the maid, who sat in a chair by the window darning a pair of stockings. “I didn’t know you were still here, Mary.”

“Been ’ere all morning waiting fer ye ta wake up. Ye’ve slept ’alf the day away. I came at my usual time and ye told me to come back, ye needed more sleep. ’Ow is it that I remember it and ye don’t?” She shook her head.

Annie hid her smile behind the sheets. “Oh, I remember,” she said in a singsong voice.

“’Ere I am, back again, and this time I’m determined to ’elp ye wit yer bath and dressing.”

Annie stretched her arms over her head. The aches were a bit unfamiliar but
delicious. “By all means, let’s get started.” She tossed off the covers and sprang out of bed.

Mary shook her head again. “I swear I don’t recall the last time I saw ye so happy. And Mr. Eggleston isn’t even here. What’s got into ye?”

Annie pulled her chemise over her head. She’d tossed on a new one just before Mary arrived this morning. She’d already changed the sheets and hidden her ripped chemise. She’d do away with that incriminating evidence later.

“Oh, I’m just expecting to have a very good day today, that is all.” She winked at Mary.

The bath had already been prepared in her adjoining chamber and she waltzed over there humming to herself and performing a couple of dance steps she’d particularly enjoyed from the night before.

Annie poked one toe into the bath to test its temperature, then slid into the hot water and let it cover her head. Mary crossed her arms over her chest. When Annie’s head resurfaced, the maid wore a suspicious look on her face. “What is it exactly you plan to do today?”

Annie closed her eyes and slipped beneath the water again. She wasn’t about to say it out loud. What she planned to do today was simply scandalous.

She pursed her lips under the water and let the bubbles float to the surface. What she planned to do today was convince Jordan Holloway to make love to her again.



After dipping into the breakfast room for a scone and a cup of tea, Annie found her sister sitting in the gold salon with several of the other female guests. Annie swung into the room biting her lips to hide her smile. It was such a pleasure to see her sister as the gracious Society hostess she was born to be. Lily, who had once been whispered about due to her scandalous pamphlet, was now the toast of Society, it seemed. The same women who had questioned Lily’s honor were now vying for invitations to her house party.

Now that Lily and Devon were married, they were entirely respectable. Lily was a marchioness, after all, and to everyone’s amazement, it had turned out that Lord Colton was wealthy, after having spent years trying to convince everyone he was not. Yes, Lily and Devon were welcomed back into the fold with open arms, even if the
did believe the two of them had run off to Gretna Green to marry on a whim.

It wasn’t even true, of course, but Lily and Devon had been entirely forgiven. They’d waited five long years, after all, or so the ladies who discussed it behind their teacups said. They’d waited five long years and they couldn’t wait as much as one more day to be together. And who could blame them? They were so very much in love.

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