Secrets Behind Those Eyes

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Authors: S.M. Donaldson

Tags: #southern, #Adult, #Humor, #savannah, #steamy, #scad, #New Adult

BOOK: Secrets Behind Those Eyes
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Secrets Behind Those


S.M. Donaldson

For my Crazy Friends with
their Crazy lives.

Secrets Behind Those

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without prior written permission of the publisher.

Thank you for respecting the work of
this Author.

Secrets Behind Those Eyes is a work of
fiction. All names, characters, places and events portrayed in this
book are either from the author’s imagination or are used
fictitiously, with exception to brand names, Artists named, and
their song lyrics, and direct quotes from movies whose titles have
been named. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, or
events is purely coincidental and not intended by the


Copyright © 2014, SM



How could I be so dumb? I
bust my ass to graduate a year early so I can start SCAD in the
fall and now I’m sitting here in a holding cell. He wasn’t worth

“Scarlet Johnson. Come on. You’re
bein’ released.”

I nod. “Yes, sir.”

Walking out into the front lobby of
the police station, I see my brother, Gable. “Hey, kid. What in the
hell happened?”

I hug him. “I’ll fill you in once
we’re in the car.”

Once we are in the safety of our car,
Gable looks at me. “Okay, so tell me.”

“Well, when we got back
from meeting Cade last week, I felt like something between Dustin
and I was off.” Cade is our brother that we’ve just met for the
first time.


“So this morning I decided to surprise
him. I stopped by our favorite coffee shop to grab us some coffee
and bagels. When I pulled up to his house, I noticed an Audi
sitting in the driveway, but I thought it was one of his frat
brothers or something. I walked in his apartment and I heard them.
Walking back to his bedroom, I shoved the door open and I saw

“Who was he with?” My big
brother with the murderous glare on his face says looking at

I shake my head. “Him, his friend,
Brandon, and my friend, Kelsie. They were in the middle of some
weird shit. I screamed and they looked at me. That dick Brandon
asked me to join in. Kelsie started blubbering and telling me she
was sorry. Dustin’s naked ass jumped up and tried to talk to me,
but I shoved him away. I took off running out the door, and he
grabbed me from behind. Then he had the audacity to ask me not to
tell anyone.”

“Wow that took balls. That still
doesn’t explain how you ended up in jail.”

“Well, when he asked me that, I saw
red. I grabbed some sort of handle. I think it was from an ax. I
swung it at him until he backed up. I was just so angry. So
embarrassed. It was like a switch flipped and I lost it. The first
lick to his car was pure accident, but that one felt so good that I
couldn’t stop.”

“Holy shit, little sister.”

“Yeah, well, the neighbors called the
cops about all of the screamin’ and car bashin.’ When they got
there, who were they going to believe? Me, part of the working
class society around here, or three blue bloods? Three blue bloods
who don’t want their parents or any of the town to find out they
were having some kind of weird sex fantasy shit going on. Oh, and
that two of the town’s most beautiful blue-blooded men have gay

“Whoa, what? I thought they were with

“Yes, but Kelsie was on
the bottom, Brandon was on top, and Dustin was
in the middle
.” I get grossed out
just thinking about it.

“Oh shit!”

“Look if he’d just came out and told
me he’s gay or bi whatever, we could’ve went our separate ways, but
he embarrassed me. Then, to see my best friend involved. Not one of
them said a word when the police put me in the car.”

“So what are you looking

“They said probably probation and
community service.”

“Well, that’s good. I mean, I know Mom
would worry about trying to come up with money.”

“Yeah, I know. All I could think about
was the fact that they may take my scholarship to SCAD.”


Looking out the window of the museum,
my mother works as she demands my attention. “Look, young lady, you
should be glad they just gave you probation and community service.
You did enough damage to that car to constitute a

“I know, Mom. It’s just... If everyone
knew the truth of why I flipped-”

“You will not tell anyone his

“I’m the one being looked at like the
crazy ex-girlfriend.”

“Young lady, I raised you to be
compassionate to people. You couldn’t tell he was confused when you
were together.”

“No. How would I know about being
confused anyway?”

“Well, I just assumed since you two
had been seeing each other for so long. I guess I just thought you
guys had been having sex. You know how I feel about sex and

“Yes, I know you are completely casual
about sex most of the time. But no, we never had sex; as a matter
of fact, I’ve never had sex.”

My mom stops in her

“Yes, Mom, really. Oh my God, why am I
discussing my non-sex life with my mother?”

“Hey, I’ve always told
you. Sex is an expression with
our bodies. I’m okay
with you discovering that. As a mother, I would prefer it be
someone who you’ve been with a while. But the free spirit my
parents raised says go for it.”

“Jeez. I’m going to do my community


“Son you’re nineteen years old. It’s
time you get some direction in your life.” My dad spins around.
“And by direction, I mean a plan other than living off your
inheritance, booze, and whores.”

I run my hands through my hair in
frustration. “So you’re sayin’ you won’t talk to Judge Griffin
about throwing out my community service? I mean, shit, I could pay
all the fines for probation and shit. Hell, I’ll even pay that old
asshole restitution for the damages.”

“No, son. You need to pay with your
sweat and hard work. It’s time that you learned money will not get
you out of everything in life. You can’t go around bein’ hotheaded
wreckin’ cars and tearin’ other people’s shit up. Also money isn’t
going to be all you need in your life. Having friends, family, and
people you can trust; that’s what matters.”

“So you keep sayin.’”

My dad makes his way across the room
and puts his finger on my chest. “Let me explain something to you.
I loved your momma with every breath I had in me. I was an
incomplete person when she came along. There isn’t a day that goes
by that I don’t wish that she was still here and not a day that
goes by that I can’t wait to see her again. But sometimes, I can’t
help but wonder if she’d be disappointed in me for how I’ve let you
turn out.” He turns and walks out of the room.

Feeling like the biggest douchebag in
the world, I make my way out of the house to my community


Sometimes it’s hard for me to remember
my momma. I was only nine when she died. So there’s been a lot of
shit since then. Plus, those last couple of years, she wasn’t
herself. She was sick from the chemo and radiation. She wasn’t the
momma who would take me pond swimming. He long sandy blonde hair
had fallen out; she looked frail, but she always tried to put on a
smile for me. She always made me chocolate chip cookies, even when
the smell of something cooking made her vomit. I haven’t eaten a
chocolate chip cookie since. The taste, the smell, they make me

I park at the address
given to me for my community service. I’m going to help build a
Habitat for Humanity
I figured doing this would be better than scrubbing toilets or
picking up trash on the side of the road. Plus, I get more out of
it. I can actually see what I accomplish and I’ll be able to finish
up my time sooner than picking up trash every Saturday.

I walk up to the big guy with a
clipboard in his hand. “Hey, I’m Ryder Abbott. I’m doing some
community service here.”

He huffs. “Good, I’m Gus. I was hoping
I’d get some good, strong guys. They sent me that girl over there
and I can tell she’s going to be a hard worker. But the southern
man in me says I can’t have her hauling lumber over her shoulder.
My granddaddy would roll over in his grave and come back to haunt
my old ass.”

I push my shades up on my head,
laughing. “Yeah, I can see that. So where do I start?”

“Go over there where I’ve got Scarlet
handing out hard hats and tool belts and she’ll give you the

“So Little Miss Blondie over there got
community service?”

“Yep, smashed the shit out of some
guy’s car or something. What did you do?”

“Um, kinda the same. Except, well, I
smashed up my car doing about 110. Taking out some guy’s barn and a

“Wow, it’s a wonder that man didn’t
kill you over that cow. The price these days.” He walks off,
shaking his head.

I step up to the table where Blondie
is handing out everything. “Hey, I’m Ryder. Gus sent me over here
to get some information and stuff from you.” She has her blonde
hair up in a messy bun. She’s wearing ripped up jeans, a white tank
top that accents the gorgeous set of tits she’s got, and a pair of
cheap mirrored sunshades. Damn. She’s fucking hot.

“Yeah. I’m Scarlet; nice to meet you.”
She sticks her hand out to shake mine. I take her tiny hand and
shake it. She smiles. “Here’s your hard hat, your tool belt, a set
of daily instructions and the OSHA guidelines.”

“So what did a pretty
little thing like you do to get community service?” I flash her my
signature get a girl into bed smile

Pushing her shades up on
top of her head and putting her hands on her hips, she looks at
“I took an ax handle to my ex’s car. You?”

“I was stupid racing a car. So he was
stupid enough to dump you? He deserved it.”

“No, I dumped him.”

Flags fly up in my head.
She’s a crazy ex. We all have one. The one you half expect to come
home one day with a rabbit boiling on your stove
Fatal Attraction
crazy. “So then, what exactly did his car do to

“Look I’m not going into this. I’m
here to do my time. I don’t need to deal with another blue-blooded,
conceited, spoiled rotten, selfish bastard. So just stay out of my

I put my hands out defensively in
front of me. “Hold on, sweet tits. What gives you the right to
think you know a fucking thing about me?”

She turns to walk off and
glances back. “I don’t and I’d like to keep it that way.”

I spin around, walking
away from her.
Damn. She’s a crazy bitch.
But the crazy ones are always the hottest in bed. Self- challenge

Chapter 1


Burning up in the Georgia humidity
isn’t exactly how I wanted to spend the last few weeks of my
summer, but its better this than trying to come up with the
eighteen hundred dollars’ worth of damage I did to Dustin’s

Truth being told if his
parents found out that I didn’t just find him screwing
. But that I
found him being drilled in the ass at the same time by one of the
city council member’s son they might think differently.
can’t though; I know what would happen to those two boys. Their
families would blacklist them and, after that, they might as well
be dead. Because one thing is for sure. If you are raised up being
a blue blood, if you rock the boat, they can make your life a
living hell.

So here I am, working off
my time. It’s been cool, though, to watch a house being
much from start to finish. Most of the framework was done when I
got here, but today I’m helping paint the interior

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