Read Secrets After Dark Online

Authors: Sadie Matthews

Secrets After Dark (28 page)

BOOK: Secrets After Dark
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‘Oh...’ I gather my senses and smile. ‘Oh yes, absolutely fine, nothing to worry about.’

‘I’m looking after her, officer,’ Dominic adds solemnly. His hand has slipped out of my skirts and is now innocently on the bench.

He regards us for another moment. ‘As long as you’re sure, miss...’

‘Quite sure. Thank you.’

After a pause, he nods a good evening to us and walks slowly away.

‘Come on,’ I say, laughing. Dominic’s erection is still hard inside me. ‘Let’s go home before we lose all control and get done for indecent exposure.’


In the boudoir, we are barely through the door before Dominic’s passion overwhelms him. He begins to kiss me fiercely, his tongue deep in my mouth as he pulls my clothes off me, stripping the layers away as I do the same for him. Within moments, we’re only in our underwear, and I can see the strength of his desire in the erection that threatens to break free of his boxer shorts. He’s kissing my neck and shoulders now, getting closer to my breasts that rise in two soft mounds from the cups of my bra.

‘You drive me crazy,’ he whispers between kisses. ‘I don’t think I could ever get enough of you, Beth.’

‘I feel the same,’ I say, my breathing deepening with the growing desire inflamed by his kisses. ‘I’m hungry for you, for your gorgeous body and...’ I slip my hand in the opening of his shorts and touch the hard girth of his penis ‘...this.’ It twitches at my touch, responding to me. I stroke it and watch the lust fire up in Dominic’s eyes.

‘Beth, do you want to play today?’ he asks throatily.

‘Do you?’

‘When I see you like this, your beautiful body wanting me, I feel the need to take you to those places, to control your pleasure.’

‘Does it give you joy?’ I ask, one hand wrapped around his swollen shaft, my thumb playing over its top, and the other running across his chest, savouring its feel. He’s so powerfully masculine and everything in me responds to it. He makes me feel deliciously desirable.

He suddenly takes my wrists in his hands, and grips them tight, gazing into my eyes. ‘It gives me great joy. It excites me to watch you give yourself to me, you know that. When you relinquish control and let me do what I want to do, that’s when I find my fulfilment.’

‘I know.’ I’ve accepted this about Dominic. I’ve come to love it too. I understand that living out our fantasies does not make them reality. It doesn’t mean that, in our real lives, I’m his slave. I could never be that, or accept that situation. I control my own life – and I control my own submission. My faith in Dominic has been restored since that awful episode in the dungeon. Now I trust him again to take me only as far as I can go. I know that there are many more deeply exciting places he wants to go with me, and the idea makes me shiver with delight.

‘I want you to go into the bedroom and get dressed in whatever you think will please me,’ he says, his voice husky with desire. ‘Then come back here.’

‘Yes...’ I breathe in and whisper, ‘...sir.’

The word that signals I’m entering the game, the fantasy of my enslavement to him. His breath catches a little and when he speaks, he has that tone of command that enters his voice when he’s my master. ‘Go. You have exactly five minutes. If what you choose pleases me, I will let you come when you want to.’

I go obediently to the bedroom and look quickly through the closet for what I’m going to wear. I select a brown leather collar that buckles around my neck, and a leather harness that makes a pleasing pattern against my skin when I put it on, leaving my breasts and my sex poutingly accessible. I pull my fair hair back into a ponytail and bind it up. There. It’s a simple outfit but I feel sure that my master will be pleased with it. Then, guessing my time is almost up, I return to the hall, keeping my eyes downcast. My master is there, delectably handsome in a long cotton robe. He’s keeping his battering ram of a penis hidden from me for now but I know it’s in there, ready to give me pleasure when the time is right.

I stand before him, my head bowed. He walks around me slowly, examining my body and what I’ve chosen to wear for him.

‘Very nice,’ he says at last, and my heart rejoices that I’ve pleased him. ‘I thought I wanted something a little more elaborate but now I see what you’ve chosen, I admire the simplicity. You could be a slave girl to an emperor or a consul, perhaps. Yes... that’s a pleasant thought. A naughty slave who has run away and then been caught. Now she is back, and her master must punish her for her misdemeanour, to show her humility and make her learn that her place is here, serving him. Don’t you agree, slave?’

‘Yes, sir,’ I say humbly. ‘I should not have run away. I apologise. It won’t happen again.’

‘It certainly won’t. But first, a lesson must be learnt. Look up.’

I look where I’m directed and my eyes land on something I’ve not seen before: it is a wooden frame with metal loops at regular intervals. It looks like something that is used in a flogging and I feel a shiver of both excitement and apprehension.

Is Dominic going to flog me? After what he said about his decision?

I half hope this will be the case, even though I dread the punishment. It will mean that he has come to terms with what happened, and that we really are starting again. It will mean he trusts himself, and me. But the sight of the frame reminds me of the vicious pain of the flogging I endured, and my fingertips tremble.
I could take a little. But not too much.

‘What do you think of it?’ he asks in a soft but steely voice.

‘I think... it frightens me, sir.’

‘Does it?’ He is pleased, I can tell. ‘In what way?’

‘I think you’re going to hurt me, sir, to punish me.’

He runs the back of his hand down my face. ‘I am, my poor little slave girl, and I expect the punishment will hurt you, but you will be able to bear it, I promise. Now. Look at this.’ He’s gesturing at a long coil of scarlet rope. ‘What do you think I’m going to do with that?’

‘Tie me up, sir.’

‘That’s right. I’m going to lash you up so you can’t escape again. Pick up the rope and bring it to me.’

I obey, picking up the heavy coil and handing it to him. He takes it and smiles at me. His eyes are black with the anticipation of what he’s going to do to me, and I feel an answering thrill bubbling through my core.

‘Bend over,’ he orders. ‘Grasp your ankles.’

I do as he says, feeling exposed as my backside sticks up in the air. He takes the rope and works quickly with it and a few moments later, my wrists and ankles are bound together, connected by a line of scarlet rope.

Dominic steps back to admire his handiwork. ‘Yes,’ he says with satisfaction. ‘That will do for now. You look so beautiful.’ He stands behind me, his hands on my buttocks and then stroking my back or grasping my hips. I feel so vulnerable to him and a prickle of fear goes through me that I might look disgusting with my bottom on show to him, but his sigh of pleasure at the sight of my sex turned upwards and pressed out, the lips pouting and eager, quickly reassures me. He begins to rub and massage my buttocks, pinching them lightly. My breathing quickens and I wonder how long I can stay in this position, bent over like this, but the sensations he’s creating help distract me from my anxiety. Now his fingers are playing underneath me at the entrance to my slit, rubbing back and forth in the juices there, and I can feel how primed I already am.

‘You’re excited, slave,’ he says almost disapprovingly. ‘Look at this naughty slipperiness. Do you think I’m going to fuck you and give you pleasure?’ He laughs throatily. ‘Maybe I am.’

I feel something nudging at my parts and I know it’s his hot penis, released from the robe. His hands are hard on my buttocks again, pinching at my soft skin and setting tiny places alight all over my bottom, while his velvety head rubs all over my sex, revelling in the wetness there. I long for him to push it into me and fill me up, and the sudden lust that possesses me inflames my senses, making my sex swell even more. I’m panting hard, my heart racing.

‘Oh, my headstrong girl,’ he says gently. ‘I know you want me to fuck you hard.’

‘Yes, sir,’ I say. ‘Please fuck me hard.’

‘Tell me what you want.’

‘I want your huge cock, sir, inside me. I want you to push it in and out and I want you to suck and lick my parts, sir.’

‘What a greedy slave you are!’ He slaps my bottom with a stinging blow of his palm. ‘I give the orders around here, not you! Suck and lick your parts?’ He’s relishing the words and the excitement they inspire in both of us. ‘I’m not sure I want to do that. Perhaps you should be the one doing the sucking. Yes, later I might make you open your greedy mouth and let me fuck you there as well.’

‘It would give me great pleasure to serve you, sir.’

‘I’m sure it would.’

‘Please, sir,’ I sigh, ‘don’t wait too long before you start fucking me.’

‘You’ll wait as long as I want.’

I’ve lifted my head to reduce the pressure on my neck and stop the blood rushing there. My back is almost flat and he rests his hands on it as his tip explores my hot wet regions. Then I feel it hard against my bottom hole, nudging there, as though wanting to go in. A rush of apprehension goes through me. I don’t know if I’m ready for that, not yet. I’ve never felt any desire to be penetrated there...
But lots of people do. And Dominic wouldn’t hurt me... he would only give me what would pleasure me...

I wonder if this is the moment when he will want to initiate me there. Certainly the probing top of his cock seems to be stating an intention but perhaps he senses through the stretch in my back and the gasping squeak I can’t help emitting that I’m not into this enough. His penis slips further down and he finds my vagina. With a hard thrust he’s inside and I make a loud moan as he hits home. It’s sudden and unexpected, and the angle of our bodies makes his movement in me feel particularly deep and strong. He pulls out. His hands are round my hips, gripping me hard. I can feel the cotton of his open robe against my legs as he rams his way into me again.

Oh God, Dominic, that’s beautiful...

His movements walk a fine line between pleasuring me and hurting me, but there is more pleasure than anything else in feeling his huge girth pushing me open around it, filling me and hitting my very depths. With each forward thrust, I cry out, the sound pushed from me almost against my will. His iron grip is supporting me, holding up against his onslaught, making sure I can sustain his force without being toppled. He’s gathering speed, and with each hard push, he grunts loudly with an animal pleasure, and he fucks on hard for some minutes.

Then, when I’m wondering if he might be going to come, he stops and pulls out of me, leaving me dripping with my own hot arousal.

‘Not yet,’ he says commandingly. ‘Although, as I am a kind and good master, I can’t leave you entirely unsatisfied while I arrange your next punishment.’ I feel something cool, hard and large enter me. My muscles grip around it, holding it in. ‘There,’ he says. ‘Now wait.’

He walks into the bedroom and is gone. I’m left in the hall still lashed into position with something hard and large inside me.
A dildo of some sort.

I feel a rush of panic.
How long is he going to leave me like this?
But I calm myself down. I know this is part of the punishment; the mind games are just as powerful as the physical ones. He’s stoking fear, controlling me.
I must trust.

After a few minutes, he returns. ‘You’ve done well,’ he said. ‘I can tell you haven’t moved. Very good. My slave shall have all the fucking she wants.’

He pulls the dildo from me and unties my wrists and ankles. I stand up gratefully, rubbing my wrists where the ropes have bitten, and see that he’s standing by the wooden frame. ‘Come over here.’

I obey. Now he takes the rope and binds my wrists together, lifts my arms above my head and threads the rope through a hoop at the top of the frame. He fastens it into place, and I’m well and truly tethered, hanging by my arms. He runs his hands over my back and bottom and sighs. I think I can hear something like regret or sadness in its sound.
Is he wishing he could bring out the floggers like he used to? Is he imagining what it would be like to brush my skin with the whip and bring the blood rushing to the surface? He always loved to see my skin turn rosy with the blows.

He’s not going to do that, I know. He’s channelling that desire into this rope work, getting his thrill from my restraints and my helplessness once I’m lashed up.

‘Beautiful,’ he breathes. ‘Oh, Beth...’

I love him saying my name. I’m not the slave for a moment, but myself. Now he moves around to my front and begins to kiss me. I wish I could embrace him but, restrained as I am, it’s not possible. Instead, I kiss him back with passion, missing his mouth horribly when he takes it down to my breasts to kiss and lick my nipples. His fingers go down to my clitoris, rubbing and tickling with delicious intensity. I want to hold him and caress him in return but I’m helpless. I can only allow him to do whatever he wishes to me.

He is becoming more excited, I can tell that from his deeper breathing and from the glassy look in his eyes. I’ve seen that look before but I can’t recall exactly when. Something is niggling for attention in the back of my mind, but the activity of his hands is keeping me from being able to focus. I want to relax into the delightful sensations he’s stimulating in me, but the need to stay upright and keep the pressure off my arms prevents me. As it is, I have to shift every few moments to relieve the ache that’s growing in my muscles.

BOOK: Secrets After Dark
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