Secretly Seduced: The Interview Series Book One (13 page)

BOOK: Secretly Seduced: The Interview Series Book One
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     Stacy hurried to the kitchen where
she started the oven and made drinks.  When she returned to the living
room, Adriana was laying on the couch playing with her pussy while the men had
resumed playing cards.

     “You just keep playing with
yourself,” said Lou.  “And in a little while if you’re a good girl, I’m
going to come over there and fuck you.”

     I assumed we would go in the
bedroom to have sex thought Stacy as she delivered the drinks.  These guys
aren’t shy when it comes to sexual intercourse.  It must be a turn on for
them to watch us being fucked.   They certainly watched Mark and me with
Adriana.  They even took their cocks out and played with themselves. 
There’s so much about the Posse I don’t understand.

    It’s also surprising how I quickly I’ve
gotten used to being naked around the Posse.  I’m glad Portia made me wear
these heels.  They do make me look sexier.   A girl could get
used to being looked at as an object of desire.  My mother would
absolutely disown me if she heard me say that.

     Stacy arched her back and squared
her shoulders to thrust out her breasts as she walked toward the table with a
tray of drinks.    Anxious to maintain a light friendly mood she
smiled and joked as hands touched her body when she placed drinks on the
table.  Stacy hurried over to check on Adriana when she wasn’t busy.

     “Here, drink this,” said Stacy
offering Adriana a glass of ice water.

     “Gracias,” said Adriana looking up
for the first time and taking the glass.  She drank almost half the glass
in her first gulp.  One hand continued to work her clit as she drank.

     “De nada,” said Stacy her reply causing
Adriana to smile.

     “Would you like something
stronger?   There’s tequila,” asked Stacy.

     Adriana nodded yes. “Yes, it would
help me relax.  My bottom is on fire,” 

     “There’s some ointment in the
medicine cabinet,” said Mike overhearing their conversation.

     Stacy returned in a moment with
another glass of water, limes, shot glass, salt and a bottle of tequila. 
Stacy had learned she could navigate quite well in the high heels Portia
selected.  After another glass of water, Stacy and Adriana downed a shot
of tequila.

     “Go check the wings,” said Mike
sending Stacy scurrying back to the kitchen.

     Stacy returned bringing the
steaming Buffalo wings and a stack of napkins and plates.  She sat the
wings on the poker table resting on a hot mitt.

     Brad passed his finger over a wing
covering it with sauce then he grabbed Stacy and pulled her to his lap. 
He smeared her nipple with the sauce before licking it clean.

     “Buffalo titty,” exclaimed Brad
before he buried his face in Stacy’s breast sucking hard on her nipple. 
The others laughed at his joke.

      “Let’s see how this tastes,”
said his Brother Bobby taking a wing and pressing it between Stacy’s
thighs.  He pushed the end of the wing into Stacy’s vagina, moved it about
and then brought it to mouth and took a bite.

     “Pussy wing,” said Bobby causing
more laughter.

     “That’s disgusting and damn poor
hygiene,” said Zack.  “You guys are sick.”

     “Here, baby, take a bite of pussy
wing,” said Bobby holding the wing up to Stacy.

     No choice decided Stacy as she
opened her mouth and bit into the chicken.  They’re testing me. 
Failure means I’ll wind up like Adriana with a purple butt and crushed
nipples.  Besides it’s my own pussy.

     “I’ve got to go wash my
pussy.  That sauce burns,” said Stacy standing up to hurry to the
bathroom.  The spicy sauce was burning the walls of her vagina.

     “This will help,” said Stacy to
Adriana as soon as she returned from the bathroom.  She squeezed some
ointment into the palm of her hand then began to massage it gently into the
breast flesh mauled by the metal teeth of the vise grip pliers.  Stacy
oily fingers glided over the pliable flesh pulling and twisting Adriana’s
breasts until they were fully coated.

     “It’s just a bruise.  They’ll
be fine in a day or two,” said Stacy before leaning down to gently kiss the
closest nipple.  “Now, turn over so I can do your bottom.”

     “Wow,” said Stacy shocked to see
dark purple bruises covering almost the entirety of Adriana’s buttocks.

     “Is it bad,” asked Adriana as
Stacy’s hand gently applied the ointment?

     “Your butt is badly bruised but it
will heal in a few days and you will be good as new,” said Stacy wondering if
there was permanent tissue damage.

     “Will you hold me for a minute,”
asked Adriana when Stacy finished.

     “Yes,” said Stacy sitting down by
Adriana and taking the smaller girl in her arms.

     “I’m sorry I called you a
whore.  I should have listened to you,” said Adriana.  “I am not a
strong person.  I thought I could resist no matter how much they hurt me
but I was a fool.”

     “It was the same for me. 
Let’s sit here and have another drink.  We’ll be busy enough in a few
minutes.  Do what they say.  Don’t argue or even hesitate.  It
helps if you let go, forget about the Ten Commandments and become as depraved
as they are,” said Stacy looking toward the card players.  She had a sense
they were tiring of the game and she and Adriana would be the next form of
entertainment. They sat together sipping tequila and watching the men.

     “Stacy, go in the bathroom and get
what you need to shave her cunt.  The shaving kit is in the second drawer
the on right,” said Lou after throwing in his hand.  “In case I decide to
eat her pussy, I don’t want hairs in my teeth.”

     “Come along Adriana,” said Stacy
reaching out her hand to bring Adriana to her feet.

     “No, she stays here. I want to
watch,” said Lou.

     “Sure, whatever you say, Lou,” said
Stacy heading to the bathroom.

     “You got her trained well, Mike,” said
Zack watching Stacy’s rear as she walked away.

     “I knew she was trainable as soon
as I laid eyes on her.  I had to rough her up a little but she got with
the program,” said Mike.

     “Found it,” said Stacy when she he

     “Don’t forget her hairy butt,”
added Mark.

     Adriana sat on a towel with her
legs spread as Stacy removed all her pubic hair.  If she had any qualms
about having a hairless sex like Stacy she kept them to herself.  The men
continued to play as Stacy used a pair of barber shears to reduce her thick mat
of long curly pubic hair to stubble.  Next, Stacy pressed a warm wet
washrag against her vulva before applying a thick coat of lather.

     “The last time we used these was on
the redhead,” said Lou picking up and examining the barber shears.  He had
left the game to watch Stacy shave Adriana.  He stood behind her watching
intently as she glided the razor over the outer labia.

     “Her name was Estelle and she
looked awful bald,” said Bobby standing beside Lou.

     “I never thought shaving a slut’s
head would cause her so much grief.  The bitch was positively suicidal
after she looked in the mirror,” said Brad who had joined the audience.

     “Mike even shaved off her
eyebrows.  Women look weird without their eyebrows,” said Zack.

     “Nobody wanted to fuck her after we
shaved her. She was too ugly.  Whatever happened to her, Mike?” asked Lou.

     “Nervous breakdown, she dropped out
of Brandeis and went home to Indianapolis to grow her hair back,” said
Mike.  “According to her mother, long term theraphy was required.”

     “All done.  Turn over so I can
shave your bottom,” said Stacy after wiping the excess lather off
Adriana.  Shaving the small circle of hairs ringing Adriana’s anus proved
quick and easy.  

     “Neat job,” said Lou reaching out
to touch Adriana’s hairless butthole.  “You keep your pussy and ass
shaved, Adriana, or next time Stacy will shave your head too.”

     “Stacy, you owe Adriana a lick
job.  Teach her how you and Portia munch each other’s rugs,” said Mike
after he folded early.

     “Love to, Mike,” said Stacy before
turning to kiss Adriana. Breaking the kiss, she slipped to the floor between
Adriana’s knees.  She grabbed her ankles and spread her legs, placing the
heels on the arms of the sofa. “Comfortable,” asked Stacy?

    “Yes,” said Adriana.

    “Close your eyes and relax.  Play
with your nipples,” said Stacy.

    “I got a video clip of Stacy and her
roommate going down on each other.  It’s the most totally awesome act of
rug munching I’ve ever seen.  Remind me to show it to you sometime,” said

     Stacy started with a long slow lick
that traveled from Adriana’s asshole and ended at her clitoris.  Along the
way, she pushed her tongue inside the vagina coating it with the residue of Mark’s
semen.  Stacy recalled the techniques that Portia had shown her as she
slowly aroused Adriana. Stacy’s fingers located her G-spot.  Adriana
proved highly sensitive to stimulation of that patch of nerve dense
tissue.  Stacy’s tongue and fingers sent Adriana over the top in a matter
of minutes.

    Adriana grabbed Stacy’s head clutching it
to her sex as she screamed something in Spanish.

     “Good fast work, Stacy. 
Portia has trained you well,” said Mike when Adriana finished her orgasm and
collapsed back on to the couch.

     “Don’t move,” said Zack halting
Stacy from returning to her seat on the sofa.

     The gangbang sex is about to begin
realized Stacy when she looked over her shoulder.  A nude Zack was
kneeling behind her preparing to mount.  His hands grasped her flanks.

     “Put it in.  I’m feeling lazy
tonight,” said Zack.

     Stacy reached back between her legs
and took his cock in her hand.  She stroked it slowly as she moved the tip
back and forth over her sex causing her to moan. A wet finger probing her anus
caused Stacy to groan in pleasure.

     “You’re right, Mike. She’d
definitely anal,” said Zack moving his finger back and forth in Stacy’s butt.

     “Stacy’s a triple threat, mouth,
cunt, or ass.  Take your choice.  You should have seen her with those
two porn studs from Mel’s.  The black guy totes ten inches and the white
boy’s was close to that.  She was in whore heaven when they had both rods
in her,” said Mike.

     “How is Melvin these days, staying
away from the kiddies,” asked Bobby?

     “Yes, he’s sworn off kiddie porn
since we busted him.  Zodiac is now straight hardcore,” said Mike. 
“He gave me copies of his latest productions when I was by his place the other
day.  I’ll play one,” said Mike getting up to insert a DVD in the
slot.  Minutes later, the large screen flickered to life on Ivy League
Anal #5.”

     “I want to watch Stacy Does
Cambridge,” said Bobby.

     “Sorry, Bobby, but I’m saving that
for a special occasion,” said Mike looking directly at Stacy.

     “You like to watch porn while you
fuck, Stacy,” asked Zack?

     “Yes, it makes me hot,” said Stacy
looking over her shoulder as the large plasma television showed an image of two
blonde girls with augmented breasts sucking a black man’s cock while a voice
over encouraged the view to call an eight hundred number.  The cost was
only $3.99 a minute.  She’d never watched porn while having sex other than
Stacy Does Cambridge.   

     “I’m ready.  Put my cock in
your pussy, slut,” said Zack prompting Stacy to wedge the head of Zack’s penis
into her vaginal opening.  She arched her back, pushing back, eager for
full penetration.  A low growl escaped her lips as she experienced the
pleasure of having a man inside her.

     “Sounds like somebody’s in heat,”
said Lou.

     “She loves dick.  I can
tell.  My third wife made that same sound when I pronged her and she never
could get enough cock,” said Zack as he pulled Stacy hard against him achieving
maximum depth.  Zack halted for a few seconds to savor the feeling of
being inside the warm pussy of such a beautiful young girl.

     Stacy clinched her abdomen, drawing
her navel toward her spine, applying pressure to the hard cylinder of male sex
rhythmically plumbing her birth canal.

     “Mike, I see what you been talking
about,” said Zack.  “She’s a gripper.  Now Stacy, when I put it in as
far as I can go, I’ll stop for a second and you squeeze my dick.”

     “Yes, I’d love that,” said Stacy
once more drawing her belly button to her spine when she sensed Zack was fully

     “Excellent, that’s good.  Now
suck my fingers,” said Zack reaching forward to put two fingers in Stacy’s
mouth. She sucked them hard as he pounded his cock in her.

     “Adriana, get down on the carpet
like Stacy.  You two form a fuck line,” said Brad.  “I’m tired of
playing cards.”

    A week ago, I couldn’t even conceive of
the idea I’d be doing something like this thought Stacy resting her arms on the
edge of the couch as Zack pounded away.  One of his hands was pulling and
twisting her nipple.

    As soon as Adriana got in position beside
her, Brad slid his cock into her well-lubricated pussy.  Adriana imitated
Stacy moving her body back to meet Brad’s thrusts grunting in response to the
feeling of a large cock forcing her narrow passage.

    Zack increased his pace as he approached
his climax.  Stacy felt his body clinch as he delivered a half dozen hard
thrusts splashing semen in her vagina.  Wordlessly, Zack gave a friendly
slap to Stacy’s flank then stood up and returned to the game.

     “My turn, don’t move, Stacy,” said
Mike standing up to unbuckle his belt.

Chapter 14 Defining Moment


     Sex with the Posse was nothing like
Stacy imagined.  She’d pictured each of the men taking their turn having
intercourse with her or Adriana in one of the bedrooms.  Instead it turned
into a pile of eight naked bodies where her mouth and pussy were constantly in
use.  She never seemed to lack for a cock in her hand or mouth while
another was thrusting into her vagina.

     It all became a blur. Hard slime
covered cocks exited cream-filled vaginas to be thrust into hungry open
mouths.  It struck Stacy as animalistic and utterly depraved but for
reasons she didn’t understand it drew her in.  The constant contact with
warm flesh, eager mouths, and engorged male organs encouraged her lust until it
controlled her.

    Adriana’s fear also turned to lust and
she followed Stacy into her descent into total sexual depravity.

     Finally from sheer exhaustion, the
sex halted. On the television, a skinny brunette was positioned on top of a man
raising and lowering herself allowing his cock to bury itself in her
asshole.  Another man was standing over her, his penis in her mouth.

     I wish they hadn’t stopped thought
Stacy.  She was seated on the floor sipping a bottle of mineral
water.  Adriana was beside her.

     “Let’s recharge our batteries,”
said Mike taking a zippered leather folder out of a drawer.

     “Good idea,” said Zack.

     Stacy watched as Mike opened the
folder.  It contained a small phial of white powder, a mirror, glass
straws, and a package of razor blades.  She watched as Mike dumped a
tablespoon of the powder onto the mirror then proceeded to chop at it with a
razor blade.  When he had arranged the powder into thin white lines, Zack
took one of the glass straws and using an obviously practiced technique inhaled
a line into each nostril.

     “God damn that’s good shit,” said
Zack rubbing his nose as his eyes watered. 

     Its cocaine realized Stacy as each
of the Posse followed Zack.

     “You’re up, Stacy,” said Mike
offering her one of the glass straws.

     “The Olympics, they drug test
you.  If I test positive, they’ll kick me off the team,” said Stacy.

      “Oh, I forgot about that.
Adriana, ever used blow,” asked Mike?

      Later, Portia attributed
Mike’s acceptance of Stacy’s refusal to the respect of the average American
male for sports in general and the Olympics in particular.

      “No,” said Adriana.

     “Come here, I’ll teach you how,”
said Mike.

     A few moments later, Adriana had
become a drug user.

     After a short rest and another
round of inhaling cocaine, Brad Epps picked up a bottle of East Glide and
approached Stacy.

     “Elbows and knees, face down on the
rug, butt in the air, I’m going to screw you in the ass, Harvard girl,” said

     Stacy smiled at Brad then rolled
over and offered him her asshole.

     “Like this,” asked Stacy drawing
her knees underneath her hips allowing her rear to point toward the ceiling?

     “Yes, like drilling a well,” said
Brad.  “Spread your ass and I’ll grease your hole.”

     “Oh yeah,” said Stacy when she felt
Easy Glide splash onto her anus followed by the insertion of Brad’s thick

    “You too, Adriana.  Assume the
position,” said Bobby taking the Easy Glide from his brother and applying it to
Adriana’s anus.

     “The Epps Brothers are going to
stir you girl’s shit,” said Brad stretching Stacy’s anal ring.

     “We’re breaking down both back
doors at the same time,” added Bobby.   The two girls were shoulder
to shoulder.  Adriana surprised Stacy when she turned her head in Stacy’s
direction and leaned in for a passionate tongue kiss.

     “Now,” said Brad and seconds later
Stacy’s rectum was completely filled.

     A dozen hard strokes later and Brad
pulled out to be replaced by Zack.   Lou’s dick was buried in
Adriana’s rectum.

     “Time for you two to prove you’ve
learned to do as you’re told,” said Brad and Bobby taking a seat on the floor
in front of the girls.

Stacy realized it was Bobby not Brad whose cock was inches
from her lips.  They had switched.

      “Not withstanding my peter’s
been eight inches in your girlfriends’ shitter, you’re going to suck it,” said
Bobby scooting closer.

      When Stacy looked past Bobby
she saw Mike was watching her intently.  She realized this was a
test.   Portia had helped her learn to enjoy anal intercourse. 
But the subject of sucking a cock that had just been in another girl’s ass had
not come up.  Stacy recalled with a felling of gratitude how Portia had
prepared her for anal. Early on, Stacy had voiced some concerns.

     “Portia, are you’re absolutely sure
this won’t rip me apart,” asked Stacy holding up the multi-ringed anal dildo
Portia wanted to insert in her anus.  The thick base seemed impossibly
large compared to her tiny butt hole.

     “If I can take it so can you. 
Put it in me,” said Portia getting on all fours with her butthole facing
Stacy.  Stacy had applied lubricant then placed the pointed tip in
Portia’s anus.

      “Go ahead but take it slow,”
said Portia.

      “It’s in,” said Stacy when
Portia’s sphincter closed around the narrow neck.

      “And it feels great. 
Fuck me with it.”

      “You’ve had more practice,”
said Stacy when it was her turn.

      “Getting used to backdoor
action is not that difficult.  Quit worrying. I’ll be gentle and use lots
of lube.  It will hurt as first but I guarantee you it will hurt ten times
more if they butt fuck you and you haven’t trained your bottom to accept
intruders,” said Portia.

      “All right,” said Stacy as
she assumed the proper position for anal penetration

     “Now, spread your cheeks and take a
deep breath.  You have a beautiful pink butthole by the way,” said Portia
planting a kiss directly on Stacy’s sphincter.

     First time anal penetration with
Portia’s dildo had hurt but Portia’s advice to concentrate on breathing while
masturbating worked and before long Stacy experienced a powerful orgasm. In
order to prepare Stacy, Portia persuaded her to go shopping at a local adult

     Stacy had insisted they visit the
ATM to get cash.  She was concerned her parent’s accountant might notice
credit card billing by an adult retail business.

     “Don’t worry. The credit card bill
will say something nondescript like ABC Retail.  We need to accessorize,”
said Portia picking up several large plastic bottles of lubricant off a shelf
and placing them in her shopping tote.

     “Let’s get one of those,” said
Stacy pointing to a nearby mannequin.  Leather belting circling the female
mannequin’s waist and thighs included a fitting for different sizes of dildos
shaped for anal or vaginal penetration.

     Several hundred dollars later,
Stacy had purchased a variety of sex toys, dildos, and the strap on
harness.  It was Stacy’s first visit to that type of establishment. 
She followed Portia’s advice and ignored the stares of the male shoppers and
several whispered suggestions they visit the video booths in the back of the

    “Why did they want us to go watch videos
with them,” asked Stacy as they drove away.

     “That would have been a
gangbang.  We’d be there until the place closed,” said Portia inserting
batteries into a dildo/vibrator.

     “How do you know that,” asked

     “I was dating this Puerto Rican guy
and he talked me into going into one in Trenton’s Red Light District.  It
was sort of a dare and I was dumb and horny enough to go along.”

     “My votes on horny, you’ve never
dumb,” said Stacy.

     “We went in the arcade and picked a
booth.  I had to pay.  He never had any money.   You put a
bill in the machine and the screen shows porn.”

     “What kind,” asked Stacy?

     “All kinds, gay, bisexual, BDSM,
fetish, and just regular boy and girl fucking.

     “Men masturbate as they watch,”
said Stacy.

     “Most do exactly that but there’s
more to it,” said Portia.

     “Obviously two people can go into a
booth and have sex.  Tell me what else,” said Stacy.

     “First you have to appreciate the
fact these are not operating rooms.  The smell of urine and semen is
enough to make you want to puke.  The floor is sticky with drying come.”

     “You’re making me want to go back
to the store and try one,” said Stacy.  “There’s nothing like the aroma of
used jism to clear a girl’s sinuses.”

     “We’ll do it when we have more
time.  I’ll put you in a booth then go out and tell the customers there’s
a nymphomaniac in the back who’s desperate for dick,” said Portia laughing.

     “So finish your story,” said Stacy.

     “Our booth had these windows on
each side.  They were opaque unless you and the person in the adjacent
booth pushed this lighted button.  Then the opaqueness disappeared and you
could see clearly what was happening in the next booth over.  They’re
called buddy windows.”

     “The porn on the screen isn’t enough
to get a guy off.  He needs to see a fellow pervert stroking his meat
rocket,” said Stacy.

     “The average customer is looking
for a blowjob by someone of the masculine gender,” said Portia.  “But
there’s more.  There was also a gloryhole.”

     “Gloryhole, what’s that,” asked

     “A waist high hole between booths
that allows the customer to stick his penis into the adjacent booth for
purposes of oral sex.  It facilitates the performance of anonymous

     “And I let you talk me out of such
a mind blowing experience.  If I didn’t have a class in half an hour I’d
u-turn and we’d go back,” said Stacy.  “So what happened to Portia in this
hedonistic heaven?”

     Ricardo pushed the windows button
after he mounted me.  He talked me into stripping down to my cross
trainers.  Men aren’t the only ones whose IQ takes a dip when they become
sexually excited.  Two gays were the booth on one side fucking. 
There was an old man jerking himself off in the other booth.”

     “Depravity in stereo,” said Stacy.

     “Old man decides to stick his penis
through the gloryhole.  Ricardo orders me to suck it while he fucks
me.  Being quite taken with my first Latin Lover I agreed.  Ricardo
pounded away while I polished the elderly geezer’s knob.”

    “And how was it?”

    “I learned you can tell the age of the
man by the taste of his semen,” said Portia.

    “But not his weight too, like at the
carnival. How did it taste?”

    “Old, stale, like it had been around too
long and all the little sperm were floating on their side at the top of his
balls,” said Portia.

     “We should get Harvard to fund
research on what makes for the best tasting semen.  But please continue
your tale of video arcade love and lust,” said Stacy.

    “Ricardo was beautiful and his semen was
delicious.  He wasn’t very large but he was solid muscle.  He had
six-pack abs I loved to run my tongue over. And he had this long perfectly
straight cock I loved to suck.  Unfortunately, he was a first class
bastard,” said Portia.

     “You couldn’t overlook his bad

     “After he dropped his load and I
had finished the old guy, he grabbed my clothes and scooted out the door.”

     “Leaving you totally naked,” asked

     “I was still wearing my cross
trainers,” said Portia.

     “How did you get home?”

     “Ricardo wasn’t done with me. 
He was outside in the hallway selling my ass for ten dollars a pop,” said

     “I had no idea you had ever worked
as a prostitute.  Did that help get you into Harvard?  Admissions is
always carrying on about diversity,” said Stacy.

     “Yes, I had a letter of
recommendation from the arcade owner.  But I did not get a dime from
Ricardo even though I lost count of the number of guys I fucked,” said Portia.

     “You didn’t scream rape and yell
for help,” asked Stacy?

     “Help was highly unlikely but
getting the shit beat out of me was certain.  My first customer was a
black man who informed me I was his first piece of ass since his release from
prison that same morning.  When I asked his crime, he muttered something
about aggravated rape.”

     “No chance of calling the cops?”

     “Nada, and if the police had
arrived, they’d arrested me for soliciting.  Which meant in order to avoid
being booked, I would have to agree to go to the Shield where I would spend the
rest of the night fucking officers of the law.”

     “The Shield, what is that?”

     “A police only social club where
cops hang out after their shift is over.  Cops owned the one in
Trenton.  Its back room is notorious for the gang rape of hookers and
other innocent girls like myself.  Northern Jersey cops are just as bad if
not worse than Mike and the Posse when it comes to exploiting women,” said

     “So how did your day end?”

     “I sucked and fucked until there
wasn’t a woody left.  I had so much jism in my tummy I sloshed when I
walked.  Even the store manager came back and got a BJ.  Finally,
Ricardo gave me back my clothes and let me go,” said Portia.

     “Did you have any encounters with
the Trenton police,” asked Stacy?

     “Only once, I got picked up for
violating curfew.  That’s a crime that no male has ever been arrested for
in Trenton.  But if you’re cute and female and they spot you after ten on
a school night, the law must be enforced.”

     “Let me guess. You used sex to
avoid incarceration,” said Stacy.

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