Secret Worlds (405 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Hamilton,Conner Kressley,Rainy Kaye,Debbie Herbert,Aimee Easterling,Kyoko M.,Caethes Faron,Susan Stec,Linsey Hall,Noree Cosper,Samantha LaFantasie,J.E. Taylor,Katie Salidas,L.G. Castillo,Lisa Swallow,Rachel McClellan,Kate Corcino,A.J. Colby,Catherine Stine,Angel Lawson,Lucy Leroux

BOOK: Secret Worlds
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We meet each other’s gaze and the realisation hits. “Alek is Dark?”

“No, but they own him.”

“Own him? What?”

“They own his soul. In return for them saving his sister, he must help them. It’s why he’s hidden himself for so many years, but he’ll have to do what they want eventually or he’ll end up in Hell. I have my suspicions what they’re going to ask of him. Remember I said Between are one of the few who can freely pass between the realms? I think that’s why he was created.”

Finally, I understand Alek’s evasiveness wasn’t deliberate. Alek never gave me answers because he doesn’t have them. I’m about to ask Finn to elaborate when Alek appears.

“You okay, Rose?” Alek addresses me but he stares at Finn.

“Fine,” I say and prepare myself for the inevitable clash.

The two men regard each other. Finn sighs and stands. “I need to chat with Tom.”

I guess fighting about who’s the bad guy in front of a roomful of humans isn’t wise, despite looks that suggest they want to. Finn walks away and, I’m sure, he deliberately knocks Alek as he does. Alek tenses and turns to say something, so I grab his arm.


He puts his hand over mine, the connection immediately soothes. His stiffened stance drops and he leans in to kiss my cheek. I fight the usual urge to reciprocate and step away.

Alek drops his hand. “Are you upset with me?”


“You’ve been weird ever since you came back from your shift at the hospital. Did something happen?”


“Is it Finn?” I shake my head; but my eyes betray me. “It
Finn! What did he do?”

How can I tell Alek my story in the middle of a room full of people?
I’ve tried to contain everything but if I don’t share, my head will explode. Now Finn has told me about Alek I have to talk to him. I lace my fingers through Alek’s. “Come outside?”

I lead Alek through the kitchen and the open back door, past the people loitering by the table covered in cans of beer and bottles of wine who half-block the way out to the garden. The evening is cool, winter oncoming, and I pull my cardigan around myself. More people have spilled from the tiny house into the small garden. A group of girls sit on the wall of a garden bed chatting, and three of the rugby boys I saw inside lean against the brick house, knocking back beers in a way Alek would be proud of.

I can’t help but look at Alek through different eyes. He sacrificed himself for his sister.

Alek sets his bottle on the windowsill. “What happened? Has he threatened you? I don’t understand why you were talking to him.”

I lean against the rough wall. “At the hospital, he told me about how I became a Between. And he also told me he’s not a Dark. I believe him, Alek.”

“But only Darks make Between...”

“How do you know?”

Alek shifts his look to the floor. “Because Between have dark souls, right? Otherwise, why else would we be dangerous to humans?”

Since talking to Finn earlier, I’m sure Alek doesn’t know as much as I do. Twenty years of not knowing his full story - of understanding what Reapers are.
Who is he running from?

“How much do you know about who created you?” I ask.

“I don’t want to talk about that.”

“Finn told me about your sister.”

He steps back, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets. “He did what? How does he know?”

“Of course he knows! What you did...”

Alek interrupts me with a hard kiss, digging his hands into my backside as he drags me toward him. I part my lips in shock and his tongue explores my mouth, caressing mine. The white light I see in my mind’s eye holds me in place despite my desire to push him away. As the blinding energy wipes my thoughts, I catch up to what he’s doing and wrench my head away. He grips me tighter, attempting to get his mouth back on mine.

“Alek, stop...”

“Don’t talk,” he says gruffly, “I don’t want to talk about it.”

The engulfing energy crosses into my body as we kiss again, pulling me from the surroundings as Alek intends. The voices and people around retreat into the distance, my sole focus on Alek once more. I slide a hand beneath his T-shirt and play my fingers across his back. The heat of his lips and the way his tongue explores mine sends shockwaves through my body and soul. He pulls away and grips my head tightly as his lost eyes search mine.

“Are you still leaving?” he asks hoarsely.

“I don’t know.”

“If I told you I loved you, would you stay?”

I step back. “What? No, not if it isn’t true. Why are you saying that?”

“I know I’m a crazy, moody bastard, but I want you to stay in my life. Don’t leave.” He rakes a hand through his hair, fixing me with the intense look that slips through his defences sometimes. “And I think I am in love with you. I don’t know, I never got close enough to anyone to feel whatever this is, but it scares me and it fucking hurts.”

His words are a greater shock than any he’s given me through physical contact, like a lightning bolt to the head. How can he? I run a finger along his lips and he shudders. “You’re so confusing, Alek.”

A yell interrupts our conversation, loud voices arguing. I pull away from Alek, yanked back to reality. Two guys push at each other, arguing and swearing loudly. I don’t catch what the argument is about. The taller of the two has close-cropped hair and is broadly built, wearing a blue and yellow striped rugby shirt. The other guy has the same shirt on but he’s shorter and stockier, brown hair falling into his eyes. Alek leans against the wall next to me as we watch a gathering crowd. I wait for someone to step in, but they don’t.

The shorter guy uppercuts the other, who crashes backwards and hits his head on the pavers. A girl shrieks, and everything goes into slow motion. The guy on the floor doesn’t move and the same girl kneels next to him, screaming for help and stroking his head.

“Do something!” I say and push Alek.

“Like what? He’s dying and if we go close, we’ll finish him off,” he says in a noncommittal way.

“What? He only fell over.”

“Can’t you feel the energy leaking?”

I shake my head. “No, I can’t!”

The ruckus attracts more onlookers and a man pushes through the doorway. He kneels down by the guy on the floor. “Has anyone called an ambulance?”

I study him; he’s familiar. Youngish, blonde hair, too skinny. I have an image of him from the hospital and there was a group of nurses I recognised here tonight. Chloe isn’t here, so they’re Tom’s friends, I guess.

“What’s his name?” he asks the stupefied guy responsible for the punch.

“John. Shit, I didn’t mean to hurt him. Is he okay?”

“You punched him! Of course you hurt him!” shrieks the girl.

The kneeling man calmly checks the unconscious man’s pulse. “John? Are you okay?”

Alek jolts. “Fuck! Where’s your Reaper friend?”


He grabs my arm. “Look at what he’s doing!”

The man has switched to attempting resuscitation. “He’s helping him!”

“No. Shit. Where’s the ghostbuster?”

Alek pushes through the gathering crowd and into the house, leaving me shaking and watching on in horror. I close my eyes, attempting to feel what Alek told me. I don’t sense anything.

“Is the ambulance on its way?” calls the man. “Someone check.”

“Is he going to be okay?” sobs the girl, pulling her dark hair from her face.

“Go inside, find his coat. We’ll keep him warm until the ambulance appears.”

She nods dutifully and picks herself up from the floor. When the girl disappears into the kitchen, I’m alone in the garden with the man and the injured teen, the murmuring crowd looking on.

“Step out of the shadows, Rose,” he says softly. “Help.”

“Help with what?” I glance at the people nearby but none of them are close enough to hear.

“You can save him.”

“No, I can’t, how?”

The man sits back on his heels. “You can save people. He doesn’t have to die.”

“I’m not a nurse; I just work at the hospital.”

The kitchen door closes, the people in the doorway gone. I blink. Why would they all suddenly leave the scene of an accident they’re all intrigued by?

A calmness comes over my thoughts as if I’m channelled into this situation and nothing else matters as everything fades.

The man stands and approaches me. “The angel who loves you. He gave you the power to heal yourself, and you can use it to heal others.”

“What angel?” I glance between him and the motionless body on the floor.

“What do you think a Reaper is, Rose?”

Angel. The word struggles into my blurred mind. “No, that’s not true.”

“It’s just semantics, Rose. Think about the gift you have.” He indicates John on the floor, voice low, cajoling me. “Surely you want to help someone if you can. Go to him.”

“Who are you?”

“Are you going to let him die? Help him,” he urges.

A man lies on the ground dying and I can do something? Should I?
I kneel down. “What do I do?”

“All you need to do is touch him, nothing else. Hold his hand and comfort him.”

Finn said he healed me and that I have the power now. If this is true, my existence in the world could be for good. I can help people; I could save this guy’s life. Pushing at my thoughts is something else, a warning I can’t grasp. My head feels stuffed with cotton wool and an uneasy feeling accompanies the attempted thought but is washed away. I can’t focus on anything but the two men.

Carefully, I take hold of the dying man’s broad hand and circle my fingers around his. The kitchen door slams open behind me, but I ignore the newcomers and lean over.
What happens? How do I do this?

Arms circle my waist from behind and drag me to my feet. “Rose! Don’t!”

I think I know the man’s voice. He exists on the outside with the warning battling into my head. The chill from the garden is nothing compared with the intense cold shivering through as this man holds me. The raw iciness surges through my body, wiping away all sensation in my limbs. My head aches as the sharp pain stabs behind my eyes and consciousness fades away and I can’t breathe as the fog joins to choke me. Through the oncoming haze, another man yells and the man’s grip on me loosens as I black out.

Chapter 22


“Where the fuck did she go? What have you done?” I yell.

The Reaper is sprawled on the floor where I knocked him, when trying to get him to release Rose He pulls himself to sit and stares ahead, blonde hair hanging in his eyes and covering his expression. I turn back to where the Dark, or whatever he is, hovered over the unconscious guy, but he’s gone. Of course. The dying guy’s energy fades and the crowd re-gathers. An ambulance siren sounds in the distance, but they won’t be any use.

“I don’t know where,” Finn says quietly.

“Did you send her to the Void?” I grab his throat, then realise he won’t be able to answer me and loosen my hands. He’s warm to touch, like someone with a fever; but that’s not possible because he’s less human than I am.

“No, I don’t know... I had to stop her.”

Aware people have arrived outside with us, I stand and brush the dirt from my jeans. Finn stands, too, and backs away slightly.

“Stop her what?” I hiss.

His look slides to the people behind then to me, and he raises both eyebrows to indicate I should be quiet.

“Oh, no, we fucking talk about this!” I grab his arm and drag him into the house.

“Get your hands off me,” he growls and tears his arm away.

I bump into the dumb ghostbuster. “What’s going on?” Tom’s breathless but excited by events, which is sick considering someone’s dying outside.

“Some guy’s unconscious out there.” I tip my head to the garden.

“Yeah, I know, but with you two?” His mouth parts making him look stupider than ever. “Where’s Rose?”

I cross my arms and look at Finn. “Yeah,
. Where’s Rose?”

“I don’t fucking know!” he yells, and the volume and vehemence shocks me. He grabs his hair and closes his eyes. “I don’t know,” he says more quietly.

I don’t care what Rose says, this guy wants her in the same way I do. He saved her life, of course he feels something for Rose. I bet Finn just made the half-life he gave her a hundred times fucking worse, though.

“I didn’t see her leave,” says Tom.

“I did,” I say in a low voice.


“Forget it.” He’s not getting involved. “Finn, I need to talk to you.”

Finn stares at the wall, breathing rapidly. He’s a pale guy, but I swear he’s paler than usual. “I had to stop her...”

“Stop her doing what? What was she doing?” Tom perks up again and I feel like punching him. We’re not a fucking science experiment.

The door opens and I step to one side as the paramedics arrive; a man and a woman push through in their green uniforms. Finn glances at me and he knows they’re too late, too.

“Whose house is this?” asks one, a bald-headed guy.

“Him.” I shove Tom toward the unimpressed-looking paramedic and step out of the front door before turning back. “Finn, get out here and tell me what the fuck you did to her!”

The other paramedic, a young woman with dark hair in a ponytail, watches me curiously. Finn follows me out. “Keep your voice down; the police will be here soon.”

Immediately, I’m in his face. He backs against the wall as I shove him. My head and chest hurt, and the idea of never seeing Rose again terrifies me. Finally, I meet someone like me, who I can safely touch and be around and she’s gone. This isn’t just because I might have to wait another twenty years, but because she’s Rose. The girl I’m terrified of hurting, so half the time I don’t know whether to touch her; instead, I keep holding her at arm’s length, in case she steals my heart and soul the way she’s stolen every other part of me.

“I’m not talking to you until you get out of my face,” says Finn. He’s fighting the edge to his voice. Panic? Fear?

I hold my hands up and step back. “Fine.”

“The nurse...the man in the garden. He was a Dark and he was trying to get Rose to create a Between.”

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