Secret Worlds (381 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Hamilton,Conner Kressley,Rainy Kaye,Debbie Herbert,Aimee Easterling,Kyoko M.,Caethes Faron,Susan Stec,Linsey Hall,Noree Cosper,Samantha LaFantasie,J.E. Taylor,Katie Salidas,L.G. Castillo,Lisa Swallow,Rachel McClellan,Kate Corcino,A.J. Colby,Catherine Stine,Angel Lawson,Lucy Leroux

BOOK: Secret Worlds
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“No, I’m just happy to hear your voice.” The lump in her throat grew. For some reason, it felt like it was the last time she would be talking to her. “I love you, Welita.”

“Te amo,” she whispered back. “I was blessed the moment you were placed in my arms. You’re special, and you’re here for a purpose. Don’t forget that.”

“I’m afraid.” She tightened her grip on the phone, as if by doing so, she could hold on to Welita. “I’m afraid I won’t ever see you or Chuy again.”

“Ay, Mijita. Haven’t you learned by now? Love will always guide you home.”

When she was done, Naomi took a deep breath and opened the bathroom door. Lash took watch by the window in the darkened room, with the only light coming from the bathroom. She took in the smatter of stubble on his chiseled jaw and the line of his aquiline nose. Déjà vu rippled through her. She’d seen something like this before.

“What’s wrong?” Lash hurried to her side.

Her heart pounded at his touch, and her eyes traveled from the strong hand that rested on her arm to his biceps, and then to his broad shoulders. It slowly came to her. The dream she’d had when she was in the hospital … The man in her dream had looked like him. Same broad shoulders, chiseled jaw, nose. How was that possible?

“Nothing,” she swallowed. “I thought I saw something, but it was nothing.” He gazed at her skeptically, and she turned away from his intense stare. “I guess I’m tired.” She trudged to the bed and paused as she realized it was the only one in the room.

“You take it. I’ll keep watch.”

“We could share. I mean, it’s not like anything is going to happen …” Her voice trailed off as she felt her face grow hot remembering his kiss.

“Naomi, about what happened back there.” He took a step back and brushed a hand through his hair. “I, uh, I crossed a line that I shouldn’t have.”

“Oh.” She turned away. She should have known better. She was just a mission for him to accomplish.

“I got carried away in the heat of the moment.”

“Yeah, yeah. I get it.” She waved him off.

“We’re still friends, right?”

“Yeah … friends.” She could barely say the word. There was no expectation that they were or would ever be a couple in the romantic sense. She admitted that she liked him, and being friends was a good thing. But why was it so painful?

Bear trotted to her, wagging her tail, and Naomi picked her up. Bear gazed at her with sad eyes, sensing her heartache, and licked her hand. She wasn’t the only one.

The bed sank, and Naomi felt him behind her. She couldn’t let him see her like this, like some love-struck teenage girl who’d just found out the quarterback of the football team only liked her as a friend. She had to be strong.

“Are you crying?”

She bowed her head, glad the shadows hid her face. “No.” Good. Her voice sounded strong, not like the driveling mess she felt like.

“Turn around.”


“Let me see your face, Naomi.” He moved closer to her.

“Go away.”

Bear barked, warning him to keep his distance.

He reached around her, brushing her arm as he patted Bear’s head. “Please.” His warm breath blew on her neck.

The tenderness in his voice tore at her and her eyes grew wet. She took a couple of breaths, calming herself before she spoke. “I get it. I’m a job for you, and you felt sorry for me.” She stroked Bear’s fur. “I’ll be fine.”

She took another deep breath, placed Bear on the floor, and took a pillow off the bed. She couldn’t stay in the same room with him. It was too much. She liked him better when he was being a smartass—
she could handle. She needed to get back to the bathroom to be alone. Maybe she could sleep in there. The bathtub didn’t look too bad in spite of the dark ring around it and the questionable green stuff on the walls.

Lash grasped her hand, and she bit down on her lip, fighting back the strong feeling that bubbled up inside her. She felt herself weaken as she sank back down on the bed, keeping her head down.
Don’t make me look at you. I’ll break if I do.

Gently, he placed a hand under her chin and lifted her face to his. His eyes swam with tenderness. She couldn’t hold back anymore, and she closed her eyes.

“My beautiful Naomi. Please don’t cry.”

Soft lips pressed against her forehead and lingered, her breath catching at the heat of his touch. The roughness of his chin grazed her skin as he kissed one eyelid, then the other. Her chest rose and fell as his lips slid down to her cheek, her nose, and then the other side of her face, chasing away the tears.

His nose glided along her cheek and paused over her mouth, hovering, his frantic breath lingering with hers. She was afraid to open her eyes. Afraid of what she’d see when she looked at him. Then his voice, so soft, as if he was speaking from inside her mind, whispered, “Naomi.”

She opened her eyes and her breath hitched at the raw emotion on his face. The wall he kept around his soul, his true self, disappeared. This was the real Lash—vulnerable, sweet and passionate. She couldn’t deny the truth that was sitting in front of her, tugging at her, consuming her. She loved him.

“Fight me.” His voice rasped as a hand swept over her hair. “I shouldn’t be doing this. I don’t want to hurt you.”

His words warred with the longing on his face. He wanted her as much as she wanted him. Then she realized what he was asking of her. He was an angel. He was on his way home. After tonight, she would never see him again. The thought crushed her. In the back of her mind, she knew there would be an end. He couldn’t be with her forever. The end was soon, and this may be their last time together. Tonight, she’d follow her heart, even if it meant her heart, her soul, would be left bleeding in the end. If all they had was one night, one moment—she’d take it.

“You won’t.” She leaned in, her mouth brushing lightly over his lips.

He quivered. “I can’t stop myself anymore.”

He slowly pressed his lips to hers, and a flood of euphoria rushed to her heart. She weaved her fingers into his hair, surprised by how soft it was, and pulled his head closer, deepening the kiss. His hands slid down her shoulders to her back and she felt herself falling back onto the bed. When he pressed himself against her, heat surged through her body.

His kisses were soft and deep as if they were his last. Her hands went beneath his shirt while her fingers skimmed over his back, feeling every muscle, so smooth and hard. Closer. Tighter. She held on to him, never wanting to let go, knowing in the back of her mind that she would soon have to.

His lips trailed inch by inch down her throat. Tasting. Savoring. Each kiss whispered the words she longed to hear—I love you. She floated, helpless, on a tidal wave of emotions. Bliss. Despair. Both, one and the same in the knowledge that she couldn’t hold on to him no matter how hard she tried.

Desperate to feel his skin against hers, she took hold of the edge of his shirt. Taking her lead, he pulled the shirt over his head and hovered over her for a moment, darkened eyes holding hers. Longing. Yearning. She was breathless. She reached out, brushing a thumb over his unshaven cheek, drinking him in, committing his handsome face to memory.

She reached out to her dream, drawing it close.
Lash. Lash.
Her kisses grew hungry, fervent. She couldn’t get enough. As if hearing her needs, he lifted her up and helped her take off her clothes. He stopped, awestruck, as he took in the sight of her. His finger traced the outline of her collarbone from shoulder to shoulder, trailing in a “Z” down between her breasts. Trembling. Quivering. She reached out to pull him to her again.

“Wait. Let me look at you.” Darkened eyes drank her in. “So beautiful.”

Hot wet lips moved down her throat, and she moaned as they continued to move down. Fevered hands caressed her breasts. Pulsing. Throbbing. She needed him.

She tugged at his jeans zipper, when his hand stopped hers. “Are you sure?”

“Yes,” she breathed. She’d never been so sure of anything in her life.

When he pressed himself into her, she closed her eyes and wrapped her legs around him. Their bodies moved in rhythm, and she felt herself go higher and higher, until she was near the edge.

“Naomi. Look at me.”

Her eyes locked with his; in that one moment, they were suspended in time. There were no rules, there were no goodbyes; it was only the two of them in their own personal Heaven.

Gripping his arms, she cried out and arched her back, surrendering. He tightened against her and cried out. Ecstasy washed over his face, and she was spellbound. Heaven. Hell. Her heart broke knowing she’d never see it again.

Chapter 21

Lash opened his eyes as the sunlight flickered on his face. The only sounds in the room were the hum of the air conditioner and the flapping of the faded curtain as the circulating air blew it against the window.

He turned to Naomi and took in the curves of her body through the thin white sheet covering her waist. Brushing a hand over the satin skin of her back, he listened to her breath and relished the few precious moments they had together. He made a decision. As soon as he’d seen to it that she was at the safe house, he was going to ask for permission to stay with her.

He couldn’t think of anyone who had ever made such a request, and he didn’t care. He’d find a way to stay with her. He’d grovel to Michael; he’d even take on extra assignments from Gabrielle if he had to. She was worth it. She was like a beautiful dream to the nightmare that he’d been living all these years, and he wanted to stay with her until her life on Earth was done. And then, maybe afterward, she’d be chosen to join the other angels. He didn’t want to think about the alternative. If she was sent to the part of Heaven where most human souls were taken, he’d never see her again. The thought was unbearable, and he quickly dismissed it from his mind.

Naomi made a soft moaning sound as she turned over. He brushed her hair off her face and gently pressed his lips to her cheek. There was no doubt in his mind she’d be chosen. One simply had to look at her. The beauty of her spirit radiated from her, and she rivaled all of the angels he’d ever known.

His finger brushed down the curve of her neck to the cluster of freckles forming the shape of the number seven. He recalled what Naomi had told him about Chuy’s superstitious fascination with them. He chuckled at the thought that rubbing her freckles could give anyone good luck.

He glanced over at the clock. They needed to leave soon. They hadn’t heard anything since yesterday, so he assumed Jeremy had thrown Sal off track. According to his GPS tracker, they were about three hundred miles from the location. If he floored it, and if the car didn’t fall apart along the way, they could be there within a few hours.

Bear barked and ran in circles by the door.

Naomi jolted up. “What is it? Are they here?”

He closed his eyes and listened carefully. “I don’t hear anything unusual. It’s been quiet most of the night.”

She fell back into the bed. “Thank goodness.” She looked at him and grinned. “You have sex hair.”

He raised a brow. “Sex hair?”

“It’s all messy and wild.” She tugged on his arm and he leaned closer to her. “I like it.”

She combed her fingers into his hair and drew him to her. She kissed him deeply, and he felt himself grow hard again as she pressed herself against him. He groaned. They didn’t have time, however much he wished they did.

Bear scratched at the door and continued to bark.

“Crap, I forgot to let her out last night.” She sat up. “Hold your water, Bear. I’m coming.”

“I’ll let her out.” He jumped up and threw on a pair of jeans, welcoming the distraction. “Get your things together. We’ll leave as soon as you’re ready.”

As he approached the door, he paused, watching Naomi tug a shirt over her head and flip her hair from her face. “What?” she asked when she caught him staring at her.

“I see what you mean about sex hair.” He grinned and picked up the dog carrier. “I like yours too.”

The sky was a vivid blue, an otherwise gorgeous day if they hadn’t been on the run. When this was over, he’d take her on a trip through the state. Maybe they’d even make it a family trip with Welita and Chuy. He smiled as he thought of his future together with Naomi and tossed the carrier into the backseat. He looked around the area for Bear. Where was she? There weren’t that many places she could run off to.

“Bear, come here, girl.” He whistled for her.

He heard a barking in response that stopped at mid-bark. Dread hit him in the gut, and he headed in the direction of the bark.

“Bear, where are you?” As he turned the corner of the building, he froze at the sight of Luke Prescott clutching Bear close to his chest, his hand over her tiny head.

Luke broke into a sinister smile, and Lash’s stomach dropped. This was a side of the politically savvy businessman the world didn’t see. “I believe this little one belongs to you,” he said as he stroked her fur. “She’s quite lovely—though a bit feisty for my taste.”

Lash schooled his face and assessed the situation. He didn’t hear anyone else around, so that meant Luke was alone. He sized the billionaire up. Jeremy had said that Luke was Lucifer, one of the fallen. It was possible that he wasn’t as powerful as the rumors portrayed him, especially if he had to have someone like Sal around. If Lash could manage to get Bear and Naomi into the car, maybe he could hold Luke off while she drove to the safe house.

“Mr. Prescott. What brings you to this little corner of New Mexico?”

“Ah, so you know who I am. Please call me Luke.”

“Who doesn’t know you? Your involvement with the rising American Federation Party and Senator Jane Sutherland is news on a daily basis,” he said. “There’s even talk that the Senator may be the next president.”

“It would benefit many if she were put into office.” Luke stroked Bear’s head. She whined.

Lash took a step forward. “I’m sure you have business to attend to, so I’ll take the dog out of your hands.”

“Of course.” As Luke placed Bear into his hands, he felt a jolt of pain sear through his head. Bear squealed as she hit the ground. She scrambled to her feet and dashed toward the front of the motel.

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