Secret Worlds (195 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Hamilton,Conner Kressley,Rainy Kaye,Debbie Herbert,Aimee Easterling,Kyoko M.,Caethes Faron,Susan Stec,Linsey Hall,Noree Cosper,Samantha LaFantasie,J.E. Taylor,Katie Salidas,L.G. Castillo,Lisa Swallow,Rachel McClellan,Kate Corcino,A.J. Colby,Catherine Stine,Angel Lawson,Lucy Leroux

BOOK: Secret Worlds
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“No. There’s no sense telling him until we’re sure you can keep doing it.”

Amaia wondered if Lawrence knew that his lies were so easy for her to see through. Probably not, otherwise he wouldn’t tell them. If Zenas was aware of this new development, he would insist she teach it to others. It would endanger Lawrence’s long-term plans. She didn’t doubt that one day Lawrence would break from his sire. Zenas had been foolish to let her and Lawrence live. He had let his love for Lawrence and his thirst for Amaia’s knowledge blind him. He was weak.

But there was no time to think about any of that. It didn’t matter that she was going to Frankfurt to spy for a man she didn’t respect. She, an orphan who had gone from scullery maid to prostitute to courtesan to vampire, was crossing the Channel into a whole new chapter of her existence.

Chapter 6

Cadiz, February 1644, 18 years, 8 months later

The sand at the coast had been baked by the sun until it felt absolutely luxurious against Amaia’s feet. Even though the air had the slight chill of winter, the sand soaked up whatever heat the sun rained down. The sound of the waves rhythmically flowing in and out soothed her. Since it was the off season, no one else used the beach. Salt water, fish, and the smell that Amaia had discovered came from seaweed were the only scents that tinged the air. This was paradise.

Home at the moment was Paris, and had been for more than five years. They were only in Spain on holiday. While she enjoyed the seclusion and the break from her work, she loved Paris. Out of all her homes, it was her favorite. Years ago, she had dreamed of eloping to Paris with Michael. The visions she had conjured of the city were true. Life was so different there. People, or at least the class of people Amaia associated with, were obsessed with beauty. One of her first engagements had been at the exquisite new palace of Cardinal Richelieu. She had quickly moved up from the baron she had accompanied that first night and eventually rose into the confidence of Cardinal Richelieu himself and his successor, Cardinal Mazarin. Life was idyllic.

Their stay in Frankfurt had been short. The witch trials had been unstoppable, even with the influence of Zenas’s gold. From there they had gone to Florence, then Brussels, and now Paris. Amaia worried they would have to move soon. There were practical reasons, of course. The fact that she didn’t age would eventually draw attention. Still, it didn’t make the transitions easier. She loved traveling. She just hated having to leave home. There was no point worrying. It could still be a few more years. But a year wasn’t such a long time anymore.

“Amaia, come back to the house. It’s time we left.”

With a sigh, she picked up her shoes and placed them back on her feet. They had found a quaint little fisherman’s cottage on the beach, killed the family, and taken up residence for their holiday. This was supposed to be a break for them, a time to relax. She had expected at least another week. The walk back to their beach cottage was a short one, even at a human pace. The hem of her dress was wet, but she didn’t mind. The silky feel of the water on her ankles had been worth it.

A subtle and strange energy brought her up short three hundred yards from the house. Two energies to be precise. Vampires. In her twenty-one years as a member of the undead, she had learned to read their energies as well as she could read those of humans. Vampires were rare visitors. They were usually from Zenas’s clan and arrived with advance notice from their leader.

Amaia lowered her fangs and braced herself for a fight, should one ensue. “Show yourselves. I know you’re there.”

A second later, two vampires emerged from behind an outcropping of rocks that jutted into the ocean. One seemed to be a woman in her early thirties with plain features and blue eyes framed by dark blonde hair. Her face was open, and her aura clear. “I’m Meg, and this is Liam.”

She gestured to the man beside her. He appeared younger by a few years. He had a strong build, and his blond hair and blue eyes were a shade lighter than Meg’s. His aura was closed off and his expression guarded.

When it became apparent that Amaia was not going to say anything, the girl continued. “We’re from Prussia. We heard stories about you and came to see for ourselves.”

Amaia’s interest was piqued, though she wasn’t willing to relax her stance. “What stories?”

“You’re Christine, no? Or at least that’s the name you go by now. Before that, it was Jeanne in Brussels, Cecilia in Florence, and Maria in Frankfurt.” Meg took a slow step forward with each identity she revealed.

Amaia was too stunned to think. How could this woman know so much?

“I don’t see what all the fuss is about.” Liam eyed her with skepticism.

“Don’t mind Liam. He gets this way. He’s not very sociable.”

Something we have in common, Amaia thought. “What clan do you belong to?”


Nomadic vampires. Nothing but trouble. Amaia and Lawrence had already been dispatched by Zenas to deal with nomads who had threatened exposing their species. Apparently, it was common for vampires to take advantage of situations with already high fatalities and increase the numbers when they thought no one noticed. It was reckless, and each vampire she had beheaded deserved it, though there was something unnatural about killing another vampire. “What do you want?”

“Nothing more than to meet you. I was curious about rumors that all these women were the same person—a vampire named Amaia.”

“Rumors from whom?” If humans had caught on, it would cause problems for her and Lawrence.

“Just other nomadic vampires. I first heard of you when you were in Frankfurt. Over time, I realized that all these women had to be the same person.”

“Now you know.” Amaia straightened and continued toward the cottage. Meg and Liam followed.

“I’d like to know how you’ve done it.” Meg continued her chatter.

“Done what?”

“Fooled so many people. Rumors say you can warm your skin without increasing your heart rate.”

“Don’t believe everything you hear.” Even Zenas didn’t know the full extent of her power. She was now able to keep her skin warm anytime a human was nearby to provide the energy, even if she slowed her heartbeat. Lawrence didn’t think it prudent to let Zenas know how far she had come. For now, Zenas thought it a simple parlor trick. Lawrence didn’t want him trying to teach others how to do the same. There was more power for him if he held the monopoly on this little trick.

“We don’t mean you any harm, really. I just wanted to get to know you. Your life sounds terribly interesting.”

Amaia snorted. “That’s a word for it.”

“Are they friends or foes?”
They were nearing the house when Lawrence sensed their energies.

“Friends, apparently. Or at least they want to be.”

When she entered the cottage, Meg and Liam followed right behind. Lawrence waited for them.

“This is my sire, Lawrence. Lawrence, meet Meg and Liam.”

Meg curtsied and offered her hand, which Lawrence kissed. Liam merely nodded.

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m afraid you’ve come at a bad time. We were just leaving for Vienna.” Lawrence already had all of their things packed and ready for the journey.

Time to move on.
“Are we stopping by the house in Paris first?”

“No, we’re leaving everything there for next time.”

“That works out perfectly. It’s on the way back to Prussia. I’ll join you on the journey, if you don’t mind.” Meg spoke as if it was perfectly natural to meet, become acquaintances, friends, and then traveling companions all in the space of less than a half hour.

Amaia focused on Liam. He didn’t seem as keen as Meg. “And what about you?”

“I go where she goes.”

“Of course.” Lawrence nodded to the other man.
“They’re mates. Of course he’s not going to leave her.”

Amaia didn’t know much about vampire mates. She had met Zenas’s mate and seen a few others in passing, usually when they came to pay tribute in order to hunt in Zenas’s territories or to assure Lawrence they were just passing through.
“He’ll follow her anywhere?”

“Yes. Perhaps it’s time you learned about mating. Traveling together might do you some good.”

Amaia didn’t need any friends, but it was intriguing to have two other vampires to speak to. At least it would make the trip more interesting.

“We’ll run most of the way. Once we get close, we’ll take a coach. Amaia, here’s your bag.” Lawrence handed her a rucksack filled with everything she had brought with her. They would buy what they needed when they arrived in Vienna. She knew the routine.

Two minutes later, they were off. Liam and Lawrence spoke off to one side, leaving Meg and Amaia on their own. Amaia was at a loss. She had never been one to have friends. Especially not other women. Women tended to hate her.

“How long have you been a vampire?” Meg’s voice gave no hint of the speed at which they ran. Since they didn’t need the air to breathe, they could use it all for conversation.

“Twenty-one years.”

“Oh, you’re practically still a child. I’m one hundred and nine, and Liam is one hundred thirty-two.”

Amaia didn’t know what Meg expected her to say to that. Meg didn’t let the silence stretch out for long.

“The life of a courtesan always sounded so romantic.”

“It’s about the least romantic thing I can think of. I trade love for money.”

“Yes, but it must be an exotic life.”

“It can be, if you’re good at it. Most aren’t. Being a whore is hardly pleasant. Girls who do it try to convince themselves otherwise.”

“But you’re good at it. You’d have to be for me to hear about you. Did you do this before you were transformed?”


“And were you good then too?”


“Do you enjoy it?”


“Did you ever want to do something else?”

The eyes of the one man who had offered her something else flashed before her. “No.”

“Has Lawrence always been your pander?”


“I suppose he must have really liked you to transform you. Were you his best girl?”


“What do you think makes you better than the other girls?”

“My conversational skills.”

Meg burst out laughing, and it took a moment for Amaia to realize why. When she did, she couldn’t control the laughter that bubbled out of her. Her laughter made Meg laugh harder. The more she heard Meg laugh, the more she had to laugh, until she was forced to stop running to try to take control of the spasms racking her body. The two of them were rolling on the ground in hysterics when Lawrence and Liam reached them.

“What’s going on?” Lawrence’s voice held a confused curiosity. Liam quirked an eyebrow, as if this wasn’t entirely unexpected but just out of place enough to warrant attention.

“I have excellent conversational skills. Don’t I, Meg?” Amaia gasped. Her ribs squeezed her abdomen, and her facial muscles began to stiffen.

“Yes.” Meg choked on the word as both girls were thrown into another fit of giggles.

“I don’t understand.” Lawrence sounded less than amused.

“I wouldn’t try to if I were you.” Liam slapped the other man on the shoulder, and they walked away.


“When did you and Liam become mates?” The rocking of the carriage as they journeyed caused the light spilling through the windows to dance. Amaia and Meg traveled inside while Liam and Lawrence rode on horseback. Running would be easier, but it looked better if they didn’t appear from nowhere in a new community.

“We’ve been together for seventy-six years.” Meg’s voice changed when she spoke of him, as did her energy. It acquired a certain softness.

“How does that work?” The whole process fascinated Amaia. Mainly, she wanted to know how it was similar to or different from how humans fell in love.

“What do you mean? Given your line of work, I’d think you’d know all there is to know.”

“Hardly. I can’t understand committing myself to one person, making myself vulnerable like that. It doesn’t make any sense.” Amaia fingered her ring. At one time, it had made sense. Then again, her fierce independence had been the source of the only arguments she and Michael ever had. In the end, independence won.

“It does when you meet the right person. You’ll know when it happens. It’s instinctual. When I first met Liam, I knew I wouldn’t go anywhere without him ever again. He makes me stronger.”

It seemed Amaia and Meg had different definitions of strength. “But if he dies, you’ll die too. Isn’t that how it works?”

“More or less. If one of us dies, the other one will likely follow. Just thinking about spending an eternity without him is enough to drive me mad.” Meg was silent for a moment, and Amaia felt her melancholy. “No. If he dies, I will seek death as well. I won’t live like that.”

“So you’ll kill yourself? How is that even possible?”

“Staking, fire, they’re both means of death that can be self-inflicted. I’ve seen vampires who simply give in to the madness, forcing another vampire to kill them.”

“I guess I just don’t understand what’s so great about it. If love was so wonderful, I suspect Lawrence would have mated.”

“It is odd that he hasn’t.” Meg let her curiosity show on her face.

“Zenas doesn’t allow any of his children to mate with vampires he hasn’t created.”

“It must be strange belonging to such a large clan. I didn’t think Zenas allowed vampires he didn’t create to join. I was a little surprised when I first heard you belonged with him.”

“Normally, he doesn’t. I think Lawrence is one of his favorites, though. It was quite a big to-do when he created me.”

“I can’t imagine being told I could or could not mate with someone.”

“And I can’t imagine life without the clan constantly over my shoulder. You didn’t answer my question. What’s so great about mating?”

“Besides the obvious?”

“Obvious?” Amaia didn’t know what she was talking about.

“The sex. It’s incredible with Liam. Far better than it was as a human.”

“I have plenty of sex, thank you.”

“Not like this you don’t. Mated sex is different. Swapping venom-blood is an incredibly intimate, intense feeling. It’s like getting drunk on the person you love. Just wait. You’ll see.”

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