Secret Weapons (8 page)

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Authors: Brian Ford

Tags: #Secret Weapons: Death Rays, #Doodlebugs and Churchill’s Golden Goose

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The other designs were all for high-specification aircraft that could fly across the Atlantic and back without touching down. Those that were hurriedly prepared were the all-new Messerschmitt Me-264, upgraded versions of the existing Focke Wulf Fw-200 known as the Fw-300 and the Ta-400, an improved version of the Junkers Ju-290 (the Ju-390) and the Heinkel He-277. Messerschmitt were quick to produce a prototype of the projected Me-264, though in the event it was the Ju-390 which was chosen to go into production. In early 1944, the second prototype Ju-390 reportedly made a trans-Atlantic flight and came within 12 miles (20km) of the coastline of the United States. Another Ju-390 is also claimed to have flown from Germany to south-west Africa (present-day Namibia) early in 1944. These reports are all post-war, however, and are impossible to substantiate.

Many German aircraft companies investigated the problem of bombing the United States of whom Junkers, Messerschmitt, Heinkel and Focke-Wulf were the principal players. Long-distance aircraft were generally seen as impossible to construct in the time-frame, so the plans involved the capture of facilities on the Azores and the use of these strategic islands as a stopping-off point in the middle of the ocean. Bombers including the Ju-290, He-277 and Me-264 would then be within reach of United States targets with a bomb payload of up to 6.5 tons. Targets were listed in detail, and included American producers of light alloys, aircraft engines and optical equipment. Other targets were Canada and an Allied base in Greenland. It was calculated that attacks on American soil would cause the United States to devote her priorities to defending herself, rather than protecting Britain. In this way, the Germans would have less resistance from the British forces and the occupation of the United Kingdom would be easier to attain. However, these detailed plans failed to bear fruit.

Flying triangles

The DM-series of delta-winged planes was a joint project of the Darmstadt and Munich Akafliegs (
Akademische Fliegergruppen
, academic flight research teams). During planning all limits were set aside and what may seem impossible today was seriously considered, such as the DM-4 with a planned wing area of 753ft
) that was calculated to reach speeds of 1,000mph (1,600km/h), well above the speed of sound.

These aircraft were not the only delta-shaped planes envisaged in Germany during the war. Alexander Lippisch, the distinguished Munich-born engineer, proposed to develop a ramjet defence fighter powered by a new and highly efficient form of propulsion unit. Rather than relying on air compressed by a spinning turbine, this new design – the ramjet – used the plane’s forward motion to collect and compress the air. Ramjets could operate at very high efficiency, but – because the plane must already be moving to compress the incoming air – they could not be used to propel the plane from a standing start. The ramjet only took over when the plane was already moving at speed. Lippisch named his design Projekt

He persuaded the Darmstadt Akaflieg to build a full-scale flying prototype, which the company designated the Darmstadt D-33. Work was proceeding when the Akaflieg Darmstadt workshop was hit during an Allied bombing raid in September 1944, so the D-33 project was transferred to the Munich Akaflieg where the work was completed. They renamed the D-33 the Akaflieg Darmstadt/Akaflieg München DM-1. It was designed as a single-seat glider made from steel tubing and plywood that was impregnated with Bakelite, at the time a highly innovative process. The glider was discovered by United States soldiers when they arrived on site in May 1945, and the prototype was then inspected by Charles Lindbergh who arranged for it to be shipped back to the United States. The prototype was wind-tunnel tested and examined by scientists from the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (which later gave rise to today’s NASA – National Air and Space Administration). Among the planes inspired by this German design, as by the Hortens’ flying wing, were the Convair XP-92, America’s first delta-wing fighter, and Convair’s F-102 Delta Dagger which flew in Vietnam. Of a similar, uncompromising delta design was the Convair F-2Y Sea Dart which was a seaplane fighter that took off on buoyant skis from the surface of a body of water.

In Britain, research into the delta-wing concept gave rise to the Handley Page HP-115 and the Fairey Delta 2 or FD2 – the first plane to fly faster than 1,000mph (1,609km/h) – and then the great Avro Vulcan bomber. These are the planes that gave much of the technical data needed in the development of Concorde, the successful supersonic passenger aircraft. Once, when flying aboard Concorde to New York, I was told by a captain that it was not useful to think of Concorde as a supersonic airliner. That didn’t make sense to him – his advice was to envisage it instead as a huge supersonic jet fighter that carried passengers instead of weapons. He was right: that made far more sense.

Two aircraft in one

One novel method of reaching the United States from Germany was the proposal for a hybrid of two planes. A Heinkel He-177 would be used to transport a Dornier Do-217 bomber equipped with an extra Lorin-Staustrahltriebwerk ramjet engine until the planes were sufficiently close to the United States for the Do-217 to be released and fly on towards the target. The plane would deliver its bomb to United States territory and then be ditched in the Western Atlantic, where the pilot would be recovered by a German submarine. The design could not be realized as the distances proved to be insurmountable, so the idea was soon abandoned.

This was not the novel idea it might seem. The first planes to be carried as ‘parasites’ were small planes that could be released from giant airships in the 1920s. During the 1930s the Soviets experimented with the idea of carrying fighters aboard larger aircraft. The Zveno series became increasingly complex, until a Tupolev TB-3 carried three Polikarpov I-5 fighters: one mounted on each wing, and a third above the cockpit. By 1935 the Aviamatka had been flown, a TB-3/AM-34 which carried five small fighters. Some were deployed just once during the war years; in mid-1941, a Zveno flight from the Black Sea was dispatched to attack the Negru Voda bridge in Romania.

The idea of carrying a plane aboard a larger transporter also re-emerged elsewhere in Germany during World War II. The principle was nicknamed
(Mistletoe) because of the way that a small plane could be carried, like the parasitic plant, safely attached to a larger one. The concept was that the ‘parent’ plane could carry the attack aircraft towards the target, so that the smaller aircraft could carry out its attack and still have a full fuel tank with which to return to base. The first of these trials earned the nickname
(Pick-a-Back, or Father-and-Son). The attack aircraft was to be a Focke-Wulfe Fw-190
(Strangle) fighter that had been designed by Kurt Tank in 1938. As a fighter, this small plane became well known as a routine strike aircraft and a ground-attack plane. It would be carried aloft mounted above a Ju-88 Mark 4, a bomber based on the design of the successful Ju-88 but with more powerful engines. It flew for the first time in early 1940. The Mark 4 of the Ju-88 had a wingspan of 70ft (20m) compared to the 65ft 10.5in (18m) of the previous models, with improved streamlining and a somewhat larger cockpit offering improved visibility.

The first five of these combined Mistel aircraft were ready early in 1944 and training began in Nordhausen. Both upper and lower aircraft were initially crewed, but it was envisaged that the Ju-88 could eventually be controlled from the smaller fighter and released as an unmanned ‘flying bomb’. Once the Allied invasion of the Normandy coast began, the unit moved from Nordhausen to St Dizier with a squadron of 12 of the combined aircraft. They were used with some effect; the crashing of an unmanned fully laden Ju-88 was extremely unnerving for the British, and this curious combined aircraft went on to fly further successful missions.

The ultimate aircraft

For extreme long-distance raids, there remained one top-secret German proposal of immense potential. It was for the ‘antipodal bomber’, a stratospheric aircraft that could span the world. It was the brainchild of one of the greatest German visionaries, yet also one of the least well known. This was Eugen Sänger, born in Pressnitz, now in the Czech Republic, who had studied civil engineering at the Technical Universities of Graz and Vienna. As a student, Sänger had been captivated by Hermann Oberth’s book
Die Rakete zu den Planetenräumen
The Rocket into Planetary Space
) and indeed we will come across both Oberth and Sänger again later in this book when we look more specifically at rocket-powered weapons. It was Oberth’s book that inspired Sänger to change from studying civil engineering to a career in aeronautics and as a first step he joined the Society for Space Travel in order to learn more from Oberth. The subject of Sänger’s thesis was originally intended to be rocket-powered flight, but this was rejected by the university as being unrealistic. Instead he was instructed to submit a relatively mundane report on the statics of wing trusses. His original work was not lost, however; and Sänger went on to publish it under the title
Rocket Flight Technology
) in 1933, and followed this with several magazine articles on rocket-powered flight. They appeared in an Austrian magazine
) and soon came to the attention of the German Air Ministry, who could envisage Sänger’s ideas as one way to build a bomber that could attack the United States from an airfield in Germany.

One of Sänger’s dreams was for his great antipodal bomber – a long-range sub-orbital aircraft, launched by rockets, that could travel around the world through the stratosphere and deliver a payload to the opposite ends of the earth. Sänger called his craft the
(Silver Bird) and worked on the design with a brilliant young mathematician named Irene Bredt, of Vienna, Austria, whom he later married. Sänger also designed the rockets so they could generate a thrust of 225,000lb-ft (0.3 meganewton metres). The silver bird was known as the
or Rocket Bomber) and it would be launched by rocket sled from a 2-mile (3km) launch-track at about 1,200mph (2,000km/h). It would then fire its own onboard rocket motors and climb to an altitude of 90 miles (145km) reaching a velocity of 13,700mph (22,100km/h). The craft would then slowly descend in a sub-orbital trajectory until it entered the upper atmosphere and, as its wings and body generated lift, it would bounce back into space before slowly descending again. After several ‘hops’, it would be at the opposite pole of the earth. It was calculated to be able to deliver a 8,800lb (4,000kg) bomb to the United States and then fly on to land in the Pacific where the Japanese would ensure it was recovered for the Germans. The complete flight would be 12–15,000 miles (19–24,000km) in length.

It was an adventurous and futuristic scheme – too futuristic for the Luftwaffe, who brought development to a halt as early as 1942. As we have seen, they preferred to invest in proven aircraft technology. Sänger was assigned to carry on research at the German Gliding Research Institute (Deutsche Forschungsanstalt für Segelflug) where he made important developments in ramjet design. He remained an authority on rockets, and came to prominence again when German rocketry was reaching its height.

The end of the project was not the end of the idea. After the war, calculations proved that the antipodal bomber would not have worked – the heat generated by the ‘hops’ into the upper atmosphere would have caused far greater heating than the Germans had realized, destroying the craft. Even so, the Soviets tried to tempt Sänger to move to Russia and continue his research there, but he declined the offer and instead continued his research in France, where he founded the French Astronautical Federation (Fédération Astronautique) in 1949. He spent his later years back in Germany, working on a ramjet-powered spacecraft that was never realized. He also pioneered the idea of using photons from the sun for long-distance space propulsion, and introduced the still-popular concept of the solar sail.

But the importance of the lifting properties of a body that is descending into the upper atmosphere still stands today. Sänger’s work and his wife’s calculations proved significant in the design of the North American X-15 rocket plane, the X-20 Dyna-Soar and eventually in the design of the Space Shuttle. In October 1985 the Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm (MBB) Organization renewed studies of the Sänger system as the core of a two-stage spacecraft with horizontal take-off. The first stage would propel the plane to high speed and would then be jettisoned, allowing the second stage to fire and carry it further towards space. In my view, this would make great sense, and I have extolled the widely unrecognized ingenuity of Sänger in the television series
Weird Weapons of World War II
for the History Channel. My view is that the present method of launching a rocket is excessively wasteful of fuel, for the energy is used to support the mass of the rocket as it gathers velocity. Launching the rocket on wheels, running on a ramp that later curves upwards to launch the rocket aloft, is a clear design advantage; for then it is the track which supports the weight, rather than the rocket thrust. It would be possible for the rocket to achieve high launch speeds by running horizontally before its path turned upwards, conserving onboard fuel for the entry into space. Who knows? Those secret ideas from World War II may yet find realization.

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