Secret Societies: Inside the World's Most Notorious Organizations (47 page)

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Authors: John Lawrence Reynolds

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #History

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influence, 41–42
intimidation by, 39–40
and Islam, 157
and Knights Templar, 44, 54
legacy, 22
methods and motives, 22
name, 22
origins, 23–26

Assemblies of Wisdom, 27

Atabeg of Hims, 38–39


Bacon, Francis, 141–45,

Baignent, Michael, 258

Baldwin ii, 51

Bank of Credit & Commerce International (
), 276

bar Yochai, Shimeon, 123, 127

Beckham, David, 135,

Beckham, Victoria, 135

Benedict xiv, Pope, 73

Berg, Karen, 133, 134

Berg, Philip,

Bernard of Clairvaux, 51

Bernhard, Prince, 282, 285

Bethania Mansion (Villa Bethania), 85, 88,
93–96, 98, 261

Bibliothèque Nationale, 79, 91, 93

Bilderberg Group, 16, 280–86, 292

Billard of Carcassone, 87, 99–100

bin Laden, Osama, 42

Bishop of Tyre, 39

Blair, Tony, 284

Blake, William, 117

Blum, Leon, 89

Boehme, Jakob, 117

Bonanno, Joseph (Joe Bananas), 187

Boxer Rebellion, 163–64

Boxer Society (Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists), 163, 164,

Boyle, Robert, 79, 141

Brando, Marlon, 191

Brandwein, Yehuda, 133

Brown, Dan, 259, 266

Bruce, Robert, 65

Bruno, Giordano, 146–47,

Buchalter, Beatrice, 195

Buchalter, Louis (Lepke), 173, 194–96,

Bundy, McGeorge, 247

Bundy, William P., 247

Bush, Barbara, 249

Bush, George H.W., 232–33, 248, 249, 250

Bush, George W., 251, 284

Bush, George William, 249–50

Bush, Jonathan, 233

Bush, Prescott S., 232, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244–46


Caesar, 106


income, 184–85
and Mafia, 184–85
membership, 184
origin, 183
size, 184
structure, 184
in the United States, 185

Carpocrates, 113

Casso, Anthony (Gas Pipe), 191

Castellano, Paul (Big Paulie), 188, 189,

Catholic Church

and Freemasons, 72–74
and French royalists, 88
Inquisition, 147, 176, 225
and Knights Templar, 54, 56, 58
Opus Dei and, 266–67
policy on Masses, 98–99
relations with Saunière, 83, 87, 88
and Rosicrucianism, 141
support for Royalists, 88
threats to, 78
Vatican ii, 98
and witchcraft, 211–12

Central Intelligence Agency, 246, 247, 249, 250

Charles of Anjou, 175–76

The Chemical Wedding,
141, 145, 147, 148

Chiang Kai-Shek, 165

Childeric i, 79

Chinese immigrants, 158

Chinese triads.

Ch'ing dynasty, 161,
162, 164

Chiodo, Peter (Fat Pete), 191

See also
Catholic Church, Christians, the Crusades

and the Apocalypse, 123
and chivalry, 46
definition of sins, 210
and Druidism, 106, 107–8
and Freemasons, 64
and Gnosticism, 117
growth of, 117
in Ireland, 107
pilgrimages, 46
threats to, 78, 86–87
view of women, 210, 212–13
and witchcraft, 210–11

Christian Reformation, 157

Christians, 12–15.
See also

crusades, 48
pilgrimages, 47–48, 50

Churchill, Winston,

Cirillo, Dominick (Quiet Dom), 190

Clement iv, Pope, 175

Clement v, Pope, 56, 59

Clement xii, Pope, 73

Clymer, Reuben Swinburne, 153–54

Cocteau, Jacques, 79

Cole, Nat “King,” 74

Collins, Douglas, 74

Colombo, Joe, 187–88

Conrad of Montferrat, 19, 20, 36

Cooper, Milton William, 291–93,

Coppola, Francis Ford, 256

Corbu, Noel, 88, 93–96, 100, 261

Corrado di Montefeltro, 39

Cosa Nostra, 167–68.
See also

attitude to women, 192
competition facing, 194
families, 187–91
induction, 192
portrayed in movies, 256, 257
secrecy, 192
and secrecy, 185–96
structure, 187
triads compared to, 167–68
in the United States, 185–97
wives, 192–93

Costello, Frank, 189–91,

Countess of Chambord, 83

Crosby, Bing, 191

Crowley, Aleister,
131–32, 225–26

the Crusades, 20, 24, 38, 42, 45, 50, 65, 90


Dagobert ii, 79, 80, 81, 84, 86, 91, 92, 95, 97, 100

Dai-el-Kebir, 20–22, 40

D'Amato, John (Johnny Boy), 193–94,

D'Arco, Alfonse (Little Al), 191

The Da Vinci Code,
259, 266–67, 268

de Beauséjour, Abbé, 87

Debussy, Claude, 77, 79

de Castille, Blanche, 94

de Chérisy, Philippe, 92–93, 100, 261

Dee, John, 141

de Flexian, Squin, 57

Deighton, Len, 256, 267

Delano, Warren Jr., 235

de Leon, Moses, 126–27

Deluca, Robert (Bobby Dee), 192

de Martignes, Gerard, 48, 49, 50

de Molay, Jacques, 56, 57, 58, 59,
60, 63, 64–65

Denarnaud, Marie, 82,
85, 86, 88, 93, 100, 261

de Payens, Hugh, 50–51

de Sède, Gerard, 92, 100

de Wit, Daniel, 250

Diefenbaker, John, 61

Di Mambro, Joseph, 272–76

Drain, Richard, 247


in British Isles, 107
and Christianity, 106, 107–8
and Freemasonry, 108–9
importance of mistletoe, 102–3
importance of oak trees, 102–3
influence in Europe, 106
in Ireland, 107
and Irish culture, 109–10
levels of, 104–5
and magic, 105
membership, 106–7
men in, 105
and mysticism, 108
origins, 101, 103
practices, 101–2
significance of robe colors, 104–5
and Stonehenge, 102, 108,
training, 105
and witchcraft, 209, 211
women in, 105

Druids, 16


du Guesclin, Bertrand, 60

Dulles, John Foster, 241–42

Durante, Jimmy, 191

Dutoit, Tony, 274


Eco, Umberto, 257–58

Edward ii, King of England, 59

Edwards, John, 284

Edwards, William, 249

Eid, Albert, 75–76

Elders of Zion, 67

Elizabeth i, 147

Ellington, Duke,

Eugenius iii, Pope, 54

Evola, Julius, 97–98


Falk, Hayyim Samuel Jacob,

Ferguson, Sarah, 136

First Opium War, 235

Fleming, Ian, 255, 256

flying saucers, 289–91, 293

Ford, Gerald, 44

Ford, Henry, 265,

Franklin, Benjamin, 43, 66

Fratianno, Jimmy, 191

Freemasons, 16, 42, 43, 60

and Catholic Church, 72–74
and Christianity, 64
claims about, 66–72
critics, 72–74
degrees, 63, 65, 71–72
and Druidism, 108–9
in England, 64
in Europe, 64
in France, 64, 65, 88, 89
gender bias, 73, 74
global domination, 264
and Great Seal of the U.S., 61–62
and Holy Grail, 130
and Illuminati, 66–68, 75
influence, 61–62, 66, 69
initiation, 71–72, 75–76
and Kabbalah, 130–31
media coverage, 75
membership, 74
and murder of Washington, 69
origin, 63–64
racial segregation, 73–74
rituals, 71–72
and Rosicrusianism, 148, 152, 154
Scottish Rite, 65, 93
secrecy, 63–64
and Skull & Bones, 229
and Templars, 44, 60–61, 63, 64, 65, 75
in United States, 61, 65–66

French Revolution, 68, 277, 278

Frotmond of Brittany, 47

Fulk de Nerra, 47


Galileo, 142

Gambino, Carlo, 188, 191,

Gardner, Gerald Brosseau, 225–27,

Garibaldi, 178

Geisenheimer, Sigismund, 279

Gelis, Abbé, 87

Genovese, Vito, 190, 193

Gilman, Daniel, 238

Giselle de Razes, 79, 80, 81, 84, 91, 92, 95, 96, 97, 100, 261


ascetics, 112
beliefs, 110–13, 116–17
Carpocratians, 113
and Christianity, 117
decline, 117
and Kabbalah, 117, 122
licentious, 112
Magus, Simon, 113–16
Manichaeism, 117
Ophites, 112–13
origins, 101, 111
renewal of interest in, 117, 118
Simonians, 114

Gnostics, 16

The Godfather,

Godfrey de Bouillon, 90, 98

Goedsche, Hermann, 263, 265


Gotti, John, 188, 189, 194

Gotti, John Jr., 189

Grand Lodge of Freemasons.

Gravano, Salvatore (Sammy the Bull), 189

Graves, Philip, 265

Greeley, Horace, 149

Grisham, John, 255

Groninger, Johann, 242

Gruberger, Feivel.
Philip Berg

Guinter, J.L., 242

Guy of Auvergne, 58, 60


Haley, Alex, 74

Hall, Manly P., 144, 145

Hamilton, Alexander, 66

Hammett, Dashiell, 254

Han Ai, 160

Hancock, John, 66

Harriman, Roland, 240, 242

Harriman, W. Averell, 237, 239, 240

Hasan iii, 41

Hasan Sabbah, 29–38,

and Assassins, 29–41
and Nizam-al-Mulk, 30

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 233–34

Henry, Count of Champagne, 19, 20–22, 36

Henry, Patrick, 66

Herskowitz, Mickey, 243–46, 245

Herzl, Theodor, 264,

Hilton, Paris, 135,

Himmler, Heinrich, 97

Hirsch, Zvi, 279

Hitler, Adolf, 88, 239, 240, 241, 264, 265,

The Holy Blood and the Holy
98, 258–62

Holy Grail, 60, 98, 130

Hoover, J. Edgar, 191

Hospitaliers, 49–50, 51, 54, 55–56, 59

Hugo, Victor, 77, 79

Hulagu Khan, 41

Hung Mun, 162,

Hung Wu, 161

Husayn (grandson of Ali), 24


Illuminati, 16, 63

in computer games, 257
and conspiracy theories, 277–80
in fiction, 259
and Freemasons, 66–68, 75
global domination, 264
in movies, 256
secrecy, 279
and Skull & Bones, 229, 234
values of, 255
in video games, 256

Imam Rezi, 40

Inquisition, 147, 176, 225

See also
Shiite Muslims; Sunni Muslims

effect of Assassins, 157

founding of, 23
influence on Sicilian society, 174
justice, 174
role of women, 174

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