Read Secret Relations: Women in Hollywood, Book 1 Online

Authors: Sheila M. Goss

Tags: #Singer;Hollywood;Love;Romance

Secret Relations: Women in Hollywood, Book 1 (14 page)

BOOK: Secret Relations: Women in Hollywood, Book 1
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Chapter Thirty-Six

A few days later, Sean sat behind his computer surfing the internet. He gleamed with pride as he read the reviews from his tour. He couldn’t wait to finalize the details on his world tour. He wanted the opportunity to meet his fans overseas. He wished he could convince Charlotte to go with him, but he knew she wouldn’t be able to leave her business for that long period of time.

It was Friday and he was preparing for his second meeting with Rose Purdue. He never imagined he would be taking acting lessons from Lance’s wife.

Lance and Sean were around the same height. They gave each other a firm handshake as Lance invited Sean into their home.

“Rose is busy with the twins right now, but she’ll be down in a minute. So you’ve gotten the acting bug, huh?” Lance said, as he led Sean into what appeared to be a den.

“Yes, my agent thinks it’s a good idea. It couldn’t hurt. In fact, it’ll only increase my fan base.”

“Well, if anyone can teach you, it’s my wife. She’s the best,” Lance gloated.

“That’s why I’m here,” Sean said.

“Can I offer you anything?” Lance asked.

Sean shook his head. “No, I’m fine.”

Rose walked in making a grand entrance. “Here’s my star pupil.”

Lance laughed. “He’s your only student.”

“And he’s a star,” Rose looked at him and smiled.

Sean stood and greeted Rose with a hug.

“The twins are sleeping, but I don’t think they’ll be down long.”

“You take care of my boy here and I’ll go make sure those boys of mine stay out of your way,” Lance responded.

“He spoils those boys,” Rose said.

“How old are they now?” Sean asked.

“Four going on forty-four.” Rose laughed. “But enough about them. Let’s talk about you. I want to see if you’ve been practicing since our last meeting.”

“I’m a little nervous, but here it goes,” Sean said. He stood and re-enacted a script she’d given him.

At the end of the scene, Sean watched Rose’s expression. Her face was blank.

She sat down on the couch and patted the seat next to her.

Sean didn’t like how things were going. “Give it to me straight. How bad was I?” he asked, as he took a seat.

“Not bad at all,” Rose remarked. “I want you to listen to me. I’m going to be Zen and you read the mother’s part.”

After Rose and Sean reversed the roles, Rose asked, “Now do you see the difference?”

Sean nodded. “You got really into it.”

“I want you to get to the point where you’re one with the character. When I see you, I should see Zen, not Sean. Now let’s try this again.”

He got up and they reenacted the scene again. At the end, Rose clapped her hands.

“Sean, you nailed it.” Rose walked to the desk and picked up a black binder. She glanced it and then handed it to Sean. “I want you to learn the rest of Zen’s lines. Today’s Friday, so I’ll see you here on Monday. Same time.”

The script was at least twenty pages long. “I need to know all of this by Monday?”

“Keep in mind that most scripts are ninety to hundred and twenty pages. So if you can’t handle twenty pages, you might want to reconsider,” Rose said.

“Never mind. I got this. It’s just so new to me,” Sean admitted.

“From what I can tell, you’re a natural. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. All you need to do is continue to practice and remember what I said.”

“Become one with the character,” Sean recalled.

“You got it. If you can do that, forget the critics. You’re going to nail the role and they will be singing your praises later,” Rose said.

“You and Charlotte have so much confidence in me.”

“We have to support our men.”

Sean left Rose’s feeling more confident about his acting abilities. He called Charlotte from the car.

“What are you doing tonight?” Sean asked.

“One of my clients is having a party, so I have to attend,” Charlotte responded.

“It’s not Parris’ party, is it?”

“As a matter of fact, it is.”

“Cool. I got an invite too. Now I know for a fact I’m going. What time do you want me to pick you up?” Sean asked.

“I have a conference call with another client so I’ll just meet you there.”

“I’ll see you soon,” Sean said, as he pressed the button on the steering wheel to disconnect the call.

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Charlotte wished she had told Sean to come get her because after a long day at the office she didn’t feel like driving. Plus, she couldn’t wait to see him. It was too late to call a car service and too late to cancel, so she had no choice. She slipped on her slippers and pulled up her black dress with the split in it and slid behind the wheel of her car. She threw her stilettos and small clutch bag on the passenger seat.

Her plans to get to the party early changed when she got stuck in busy Los Angeles traffic. After an hour, she finally reached her destination. She drove to the front of Parris’ house and gave her key to the valet. The valet attendant handed her a ticket. She replaced her slippers with her heels and walked inside.

She greeted people she knew with hugs, air kisses and handshakes. She saw the guest of honor busy in a corner surrounded by people. Parris held up her hand to get Charlotte’s attention. Those gathered around Parris stepped aside as Charlotte entered the area.

Parris greeted her with a hug and kiss on the cheek. “So glad you made it. Everyone, this is Charlotte Richards. She’s my new manager.”

Everyone around them greeted Charlotte. She shook hands with each of them except, Carmen, with whom she shared a hug. “You can call this my farewell party. I’m passing on the torch to you now.”

“I’m forever grateful.” Charlotte placed her hand over her heart.

“There’s Hailey Barnes. I need to introduce you two,” Carmen stated. “Hailey, my dear. This is Charlotte. The woman who will be taking my place.”

Hailey hugged Carmen and looked at Charlotte. “You can never be replaced,” Hailey responded.

Charlotte extended her hand out to Hailey. “Our schedules have been conflicting. Maybe we can set something up for next week.”

“Now that I’ve met you, let’s make this happen. I have to admit I was a little skeptical at first,” Hailey admitted.

“I understand. My goal is to make this an easy transition.”

Carmen stepped between them. “No more shop talk. Hailey will be in touch with your office next week to schedule an appointment. This is a party, so let’s party.”

Charlotte noticed Hailey’s gaze. “No wonder I felt my temperature rise a little. He’s hot,” Hailey uttered.

“I don’t think Garrett will like the fact you’re fiending over another man,” Carmen said.

“Garrett and I have made love to Sean Maxwell’s songs a million times. Garrett will probably give him a high-five.”

“Where is your husband?” Carmen asked.

“Some foreign dignitary was having a party and he was short on people,” Hailey responded.

“Hailey’s husband owns a security firm. You’ve probably heard of it, GT Securities.”

“I’m very familiar with his company. Some of my clients use their services.,” Charlotte responded.

“Look. Mr. Naughty is coming our way,” Hailey said.

Carmen removed herself from in between them. “I’m going to leave you two. I see someone I haven’t seen in years. Take care, my dears.”

Hailey walked closer to Charlotte. “Looks like he has his eyes on someone and to my surprise, it isn’t me.”

Charlotte ignored Hailey. Sean got closer. “Hello, ladies,” Sean said.

Charlotte hoped Hailey couldn’t hear her rapid heartbeat. Sean wore black so well. The all black suit seemed to accentuate his muscular frame. Charlotte’s mind recalled how he looked without the shirt and blazer.

Hailey spoke first, “Mr. Maxwell. When are you going to come on my show? I heard you were up for a movie part, is it true?”

Sean plastered on a smile. “Hailey, I’m going to give you an exclusive right now. Charlotte, is it okay if I tell her?”

Charlotte responded, “Sure. Everything’s official. The press release will be going out in about a week.”

Hailey placed her hand up to her forehead acting as if she was going to faint. “OMG, I got an exclusive. Wait until my talk show audience hears this on Monday.”

Hailey looped her arm through Sean’s He had a “come rescue me” look on his face.

Charlotte laughed and shook her head, indicating no.

“I’m going to leave you two alone while Sean tells you his good news.” Charlotte giggled to herself as she walked away.

Charlotte mingled with some of her peers and other celebrities in attendance. The live music, food and company were good. Charlotte went outside on the patio. With the location of the house, she was able to see the Los Angeles skyline.

“You will pay for leaving me alone, later on tonight,” Sean walked beside her and said.

“Hailey is a piece of work,” Charlotte said.

“If she could go on the air live tonight to tell her audience that it’s confirmed I’m in Terrance’s next movie, she would. You should have seen her salivating at the mouth.”

“She’s probably feeling that way because she beat out Wendy Williams by getting this exclusive,” Charlotte concluded.

“Enough about Hailey, talk shows and all things concerning work. Let’s talk about you and that killer dress. When I saw you standing there with your legs peeking out from under the split, I wanted to rush over and scoop you away in my arms.”

“That would have given Hailey something other than your budding movie career to talk about.” Charlotte laughed.

“Come with me,” Sean said.

Charlotte looked back. No one appeared to be paying attention to them. Everyone was inside. Charlotte walked away with Sean further out on the patio but not in clear view of the house.

Sean pulled her into his arms and kissed her. When he came up for air, he said, “Now that I got that out of my system, we can go back inside.”

Charlotte had to catch her breath. Sean’s kisses always left her breathless.

Sean grabbed her hand and they walked back towards the patio doors.

When they got inside, Charlotte noticed lipstick smudged on Sean’s lips. She grabbed a napkin off a nearby tray and handed it to Sean. “Wipe your mouth. Quick.”

Sean did as instructed. Charlotte sighed with relief. She hoped no one else noticed them missing and returning back inside together. Her desire to keep their relationship private had become an obsession.

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Sean and Charlotte went their separate ways. Each mingled with the guests. He’d only had one glass of champagne and the rest of the time he drank sparkling cider. He walked near Charlotte who’d been talking a little louder than normal. “Excuse us for a minute,” he said, as he eased Charlotte away from the small crowd of people.

“What’s wrong?” Charlotte asked.

“I noticed you getting a little loud. That’s unlike you.”

“I’m enjoying the party,” Charlotte said, looking around.

Sean could smell the alcohol on her breath. “I think you’ve drunk too much. Come on. Let’s get you out of here.” Sean touched Charlotte’s arm.

She jerked her arm away. “I will let you know when I’m ready.”

“I’m only looking out for you. Like you look out for me,” Sean said.

“Fine. Can you have them bring my car around?” Charlotte reached into her clutch and removed her ticket. It fell to the floor.

Sean picked it up. “I’ll get your car. Meet me out front.”

He handed the valet Charlotte’s ticket. He said to one of the valet attendants. “I will send someone to get my car later.”

“Yes, Mr. Maxwell,” the attendant responded.

Charlotte walked outside as the valet returned her car. “This was a great party. I’ve made so many new contacts. Looks like you made a lot of contacts too.” Charlotte slurred when she talked.

Sean knew then, he would definitely be driving and not Charlotte.

Sean walked over to the driver’s side when the valet pulled up.

“I’m driving you home,” Sean insisted.

“No. I can drive myself.”

Sean turned and faced Charlotte, the smell of alcohol strong around her. “You’re causing a scene and I know the last thing you want to do is draw attention to us.”

She threw her arm in the air. “You win. Come on, let’s go.”

Charlotte walked to the passenger side and got in. Once inside, Sean leaned over Charlotte and placed on her seatbelt. He then secured his own belt and drove Charlotte home.

Charlotte talked non-stop about the party until they reached her place. He made sure she got inside. He helped her undress and placed her in bed under the covers.

Charlotte put her arms around his neck and pulled him down. “I want you, Sean. I’ve wanted you from the moment I saw you in the
Call Me Mr. Naughty
video. You exude sex appeal. I didn’t start liking chocolate until I saw you do that know that thing you do with your hips.”

Charlotte moved in the bed as if she was mimicking his signature dance. Sean tried to not laugh, but he couldn’t wait until she was sober to remind her of this moment.

“What’s so funny? I didn’t find it funny seeing you with all those women tonight. I saw how they were lusting after you. I started to get on the intercom and tell them all they couldn’t have you, because you are mine. You are mine,
you?” Charlotte asked.

“Yes, baby. I’m all yours,” Sean responded.

He tried to ease away, but Charlotte wasn’t having it. “Then show me. Make those other women jealous you’re here with me.”

This time Sean was able to free himself. “Charlotte, baby. There’s no one here but you and I.”

“Good. I like it better when we’re by ourselves. I don’t have to share you with the world.”

Sean wanted to make love to Charlotte but not like this. He eased the covers over her shoulders and tucked her in.

He stood. Charlotte’s eyes popped open. “Don’t leave me.”

“I’m going to make sure the doors are locked. I’ll be right back. I promise,” Sean said.

He did as he stated then went to the bathroom and washed up. He removed his clothes and when he re-entered the bedroom, he was wearing nothing but his boxers.

Charlotte was already asleep. Sean slid under the covers beside her and wrapped his arms around her. He soon fell asleep.

“Sean Maxwell, what happened last night and I demand to know now,” were the first words Sean heard after awakening the next morning.

“Charlotte, calm down,” Sean said. “You got a little drunk. I drove you home and that was it.”

“You mean, you didn’t make hot passionate love to me? No wonder I woke up feeling disappointed,” Charlotte taunted. Then she laughed. “I don’t know what came over me. I normally don’t drink like that.”

“I’m glad you weren’t a sloppy drunk though because it wouldn’t have been a good look for you. Good thing you had me there to come to your rescue before you got out of control.”

“Thank you, Sean, for saving me.”

Sean eased from under the covers and batted his puppy dog eyes. “Can I get a reward?”

“I’ll think about it.” Charlotte grabbed a pillow off the bed, hit Sean with it and ran out of the bedroom.

BOOK: Secret Relations: Women in Hollywood, Book 1
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