Secret Pleasures (52 page)

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Authors: Cheryl Howe

BOOK: Secret Pleasures
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“I suppose Lady Melody should be raised in a style befitting her station.

Darien kissed Ivy on the mouth
“Don’t worry, Ivy
No one will question your right to every luxury a countess deserves.”


Ivy shook her head
“All I ever wanted was to be your wife.”

“Well, both our wishes have come true.

Ivy laid her head on Darien’s shoulder
“I wonder if your brother realized how important his letter to you would be.”

“I don’t know, but I shall follow his advice for the rest of our long lives, Lady Westhaven
With you
my side, any sacrifice I must make in the name of propriety shall be my greatest joy.”

Ivy squeezed his thigh
“Not to worry, Lord Westhaven
We shall still indulge in our secret pleasures behind closed doors.”


But do realize, for all practical purposes, I am dead and you are the next Earl of Westhaven
Yours Always, Philip.


Kerra Bainbridge and Marcus Lamont, the Duke of Hunting
on, continue The Pleasure Series with

Available on Kindle 2013.


Look for Cheryl’s
other titles
to be available in digital format late 2012




The power of female friendship played a huge part in this book ever getting
. Thank you to the Wednesday Morning Borders Critique Group for getting me through some
years. I don’t know what I would have done without your encouragement and support. So many of my close writing friends read original versions of this book and many revisions after. Thank you Ara Burklund, Sylvia Mendoza and Janet Wellington for all the time you put into setting me straight. Thank you
Lorelle Marinello for liking Ivy from her first appearance in
Pleasures. You gave me the idea that she might actually be likeable.
Thank you Ann Collins, J
Duarte, Chris
Green, Mary Leo and Cathy Yardley for always having an
word when I needed it. And a huge thanks to R
omance Writers’ of America San Diego Chapter
What an amazing
supportive and warm group!

Thank you Giovanna Ros
ingnol not only for your encouragement, but for helping me figure out a crucial part of this book.

And of course a big thanks to my husband Russ who had no idea what he was getting into when he encouraged me to
my dream of being
writer all those years ago.



ryl Howe writes sexy historical romance novels with strong characters in
She is an avid reader and would rather bury her head in a book than do just about anything else. She published her first novel in 2003. When she’s not reading or writing, she tries to
her time between cooking healthy gluten-free meals, not
her husband, and catering to her
menagerie of house pets. She lives in
with an understanding husband, two spoiled dogs, a demanding cat and a bright yellow parakeet.


To learn more about Cheryl and her books, visit her blog, Whole-Healthy-Writer, at


You can email her at
[email protected]

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