Secret Moves (Secret Dreams Contemporary Romance 3) (5 page)

BOOK: Secret Moves (Secret Dreams Contemporary Romance 3)
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"Good evening, Miss McCann. I'm here for my dance lessons," he said with grave formality.

"Good evening, Mr. Andrews. Come on in. I'm glad you're on time," she replied, matching his tone.

Trey checked his watch as he stepped inside. "Actually, I'm six minutes early. I wanted to make sure I wouldn't be late."

She raised her eyebrows. "I'm pleased to see how eager you are, Mr. Andrews."

He grinned. "Just my way of showing how
I am to my dance lessons, Miss McCann."

She chuckled, remembering their other deal. "Well, it's a good start. We'll see how you go for the rest of the night."

"Sure. I can even show you some more Trey moves."

"Really? There are more Trey moves in addition to the Trey Sway?"

"Yeah," he answered, biting his lip to keep himself from laughing. "If you let me dance with you horizontally, I'll show them to you."

She laughed and playfully punched his arm.

"You'll get your chance for a horizontal dance," she said in a sultry voice, batting her lashes at him, "if I'm happy with your progress with vertical dancing."

Trey snaked his arm around her waist and pulled her close. "We can start with the Trey Sway," he whispered in her ear.

She wiggled away, chuckling and wagging a finger at him in mock rebuke. "You're already an expert in the Trey Sway. Tonight you'll learn another move."

He sighed. "Okay. I'm ready."


For the next hour and a half, Kris kept her dance teacher hat on. While she joked with Trey and kept the lesson fun for him, she made sure he was taking it seriously. One of her pet peeves was when a student of hers didn't show enough respect for the art of dance. She'd rather they didn't turn up for their lesson.

But Trey was true to his word. He paid attention and seemed really keen to learn. She worked on getting him to relax first, and to be comfortable with moving his feet without worrying if he looked awkward or uncoordinated.

After a while, she could tell he had started to really enjoy dancing to the music.

"See, I told you that you can dance," she said triumphantly.

"Thank you—but I know it's because I have a good teacher."

She grinned. "Are you enjoying it?"

"Absolutely, especially the last ten minutes."

She inhaled deeply. In the last ten minutes, the dancing had turned too sensual. She didn't plan it, but she just couldn't help herself. Trey's flirtations were impossible to resist.

"So, did I pass my first lesson?"

"With flying colours."

"Ooh. I know what that means," he said, moving closer to her.

She was rooted to the spot, mesmerised by the heated look that took over his eyes.

Trey caressed a strand of hair from her face. His fingers slid lightly down her shoulder and her arm. She tingled all over, her body responding to his. Involuntarily, she licked her lips.

"Kris," he breathed, before slowly bringing his lips closer to hers. She tilted her head up and met him halfway.

Electricity zinged through her at the first touch of their lips. His kiss was soft…gentle…sweet.

Her arms curved around his neck just as he pulled her closer to him, and their kiss turned passionate in an instant. She moaned as his tongue explored her mouth and his hands roamed her back. She pressed herself harder against him, desire shooting to her core as his erection dug into her belly.

Trey took a few steps forward, taking her with him, until her back hit the wall. His hand burrowed underneath her top, making her gasp in heated delight. As he caressed the side of her breast, her leg lifted to curl around his thigh.

Trey groaned, cupping her bottom with his other hand and flexing his hips against hers.

She was panting now. Little moaning sounds escaped her throat, while wetness pooled between her legs.

Trey's mouth left hers for her neck as his kisses got more urgent, more insistent. She reached for the hem of his shirt, eager to divest him of it. Trey stopped kissing her only long enough to pull his shirt over his head, then went back for her mouth, as he eagerly reached for the clasp of her bra.

Her hand roamed his body, eager to touch. Lord, he was seriously hot. She explored further down and rubbed the bulge at the front of his jeans. Fresh moisture rushed to her core as she felt his size and hardness. Oh, God, he was magnificent.

"Oh, yes, baby," Trey panted as his hand busily caressed a breast.

She was mindless with desire as Trey took off her shirt and her bra, exposing her needy breasts to his gaze.

"You're beautiful," he whispered.

When his finger flicked a hardened nipple, she gave a lusty moan.

Then her phone rang loudly.

A curse popped into her head and she ignored the intrusion. Since Trey now had both his hands on her boobs, playing with her nipples while he kissed her, she had no intention of stopping him for a phone call.

But the ringing continued, and she remembered that Sam said she'd call when she was on her way home.
Sam's on her way home already?

"I have to get that," she said reluctantly, pushing him away gently.

"Do you have to?" Trey asked, re-capturing her mouth and unwilling to let her go.

"Yes," she replied breathlessly. "That could be Sam saying she's on her way home."

"Okay. Maybe ask her to go buy some groceries or something—keep her away for a while," Trey said, releasing her reluctantly.

She giggled and ran for the phone.

"Hi, Sam," she answered.

"Hey, just letting you know I'll be home in a couple of minutes. I have Jill with me," Sam replied.

"So soon?" she asked, unable to mask the disappointment in her voice.

Sam chuckled. "Are we interrupting your workout? Jill wants to talk to you about something. Trust me, you'll want to be interrupted by what she has to share."

I very much doubt it,
she thought with an eye roll. She felt Trey's hand stroke her bare back and panic bubbled within her. They were half-naked in the living room, and Sam and her friend Jill were only minutes away.

"Okay, see you soon. I'll probably be in the shower when you get here," she said to Sam, and hastily hung up.

"Sorry, Trey. Sam and a friend of hers will be here in two minutes." She put her bra back on and donned her shirt quickly.

"That's a shame," Trey responded in disappointment, but his expression was amused as he watched her hurried movements.

She picked up his shirt from the floor and handed it to him. "I need to run upstairs and have a quick shower after I see you off. Unless you want to stay and say hello to Sam and her friend?"

"No, I better go." He took his shirt from her, but not before giving her a hungry kiss that left her yearning for more.

"I have work and other stuff tomorrow. Can I see you again on Wednesday night?" he asked.

She could only nod in agreement, frustrated and giddy at the same time.

"I'll pick you up at around six? We can have an early dinner, then have our lessons, then…"

"Then what?" she asked impishly.

"Then we'll continue with what we started tonight," he said huskily, giving her another kiss as his hand strayed to her crotch.

"Trey!" she gasped, her body heating up again. She knew he could feel how soaked her panties and tights were.

"It's not fair you got to touch me and I didn't get to touch you," he whispered as his fingers rubbed tantalisingly.

"We don't have time," she said weakly, but not really wanting him to stop.

Trey took a deep frustrated breath and stepped back. He gave her a wry smile as he put on his shirt. "The next couple of days will be far too long."

"I know," she said, wondering how she'd cope with the wait.


"Hi, Sammy," Kris said as she found her cousin and her friend in the big, open-plan room that housed the kitchen and informal living and dining areas. "Sorry to make you girls wait."

"That's okay. We just got here," Sam replied, then introduced her to Jill.

"Guess what Jill's brother-in-law does for a living, Kris?" Sam said, her eyes sparkling with barely contained enthusiasm.

"What?" she asked, Sam's excitement rubbing off on her.

"He runs a dance studio not far from Dylan's place."

Her eyes opened wide. "Oh, really?"

"Yes. Now, tell her what we talked about, Jill," Sam urged her friend.

"Well," Jill started, "Blake was selected as a choreographer for a new dance musical. He's been looking for a substitute head teacher to take his place for three to four months while he works on the project. There are two people on his short-list, and I believe he's seeing them this week for the final round of interviews before making his final decision. Now, Sam told me a little bit about you. I could mention you to Blake, if you're interested, and see if he wants to meet with you before he hires someone."

"There's more to this," Sam interrupted excitedly.

Jill chuckled. "Blake was in the process of opening up a studio in Melbourne when the musical gig came along. Because of that, he's had to put it on the back burner. But in a few months, it will be all systems go. I know he's already talked to a few candidates from Melbourne to take the lead when the studio opens. Who knows? He might consider you for a full-time position there if he thinks you'd fit."

"When can I see him? Tomorrow? Will he be available?" Kris asked, wanting to jump out of her skin in excitement. She'd been waiting for just this type of opportunity for a long, long time. While she was grateful for her office job, what she wanted to do was earn her living from dancing.

"I'll give him a call right now and see if he can slot you in."

While Jill gave her brother-in-law a call, Kris turned to Sam. "Thank you for mentioning me to Jill."

"Of course, honey. I told her you didn't join us for dinner because you'd rather dance, even if you're by yourself," Sam grinned.

Kris smiled enigmatically. If only her cousin knew what she'd been up to before she arrived home.

"I hope her brother-in-law has time to see me," Kris murmured as she glanced at Jill, who was deep in a conversation with Blake. Jill gave her the thumbs up, and she sighed with relief.

"He can see you at ten on Wednesday morning at the studio," Jill advised as she hung up.

"Yay! Thank you so much, Jill," Kris cried, giving Jill a massive hug. "I owe you dinner for this opportunity."

Jill laughed. "Don't mention it."

"Hey, you can take me and Jill to lunch at that restaurant we went to the other night with the guys," Sam said. "I believe Blake's studio is a couple of blocks away from there."

"Oh, that's a great idea, Sam," Kris answered, thinking about the tantalising fact that Trey's place was probably not far from the studio, either.


Trey was in deep discussion with Dylan and Adam about their new games app project when his phone rang. It was his mother. He scowled and rejected the call, letting it go to his voicemail. Surely, she didn't have anything to say that he'd be interested in knowing.

He brought his attention back to the big computer screen on the desk in his home office, as Dylan continued to present his suggestions on how to position their latest project to the firms who were about to enter a bidding war for it. From what they could gather, this app might be bought for at least a million dollars more than the last one they created.

Their respective families still found it unbelievable that the three of them were running a multi-million dollar software development company from their homes. But he, Dylan, and Adam loved their set-up. When they needed to meet with clients, they hired a hotel conference room or a serviced office. But if it was only the three of them, they took turns convening in one of their home offices.

Even their team of employees worked from home. They met with them through video conferencing, and once every two months they'd take them all out to a nice lunch or a cruise in the harbour for some social interaction and group bonding.

The structure wasn't without challenges, but their company had grown exponentially year after year, and so had their bottom line. Their strong friendship, rather than being the hindrance to a successful business some people had warned them it could be, was the very thing that made everything tick. It made them more accountable and willing to work harder for each other.

His phone rang again and he let out a loud sigh.

"Do you want to get that, Trey?" Adam asked.

"Not really," he said but excused himself to answer it.

He walked to the window and gazed out unseeingly at the Sydney Harbour Bridge. "Hello, Mum."

"Hello, Trey. How are you?" his mother asked.

"I'm in the middle of a meeting. What's up?" he said rather coldly.

"I'm checking to see if you could join me and your sister for lunch? I believe Rebecca already sent you a text, but you haven't responded to her yet."

He suppressed a sigh. He already knew why his mother wanted to meet with them. His grandmother had called him the night before and had pleaded with him to be "nice".

He didn't want to have lunch with his mother, but he supposed he might as well get it over and done with.

"Okay, I'll be there," he said resignedly.

"Thank you, Trey. I'm looking forward to seeing you again. I haven't seen you for a long time," his mum said softly.

"I have to go," he said, cutting the conversation short. A one-hour lunch would be more than enough for his mother's chit-chat.

"Everything okay?" Dylan asked as he trundled back to his seat.

He made a face. "I have to meet my mother for lunch. No prizes for guessing what her news would be about."

"Again?!" both Dylan and Adam exclaimed in surprise.

"Yup," he said with a mirthless laugh. "So what's new, hey? The last fiancé must have run out of money."

"Have you met this new guy?"

"Are you kidding me? After she divorced husband number three and broke up with her last fiancé, I'm not interested in her love life anymore."

Dylan patted Trey on the shoulder. "At least she still makes an effort to communicate with you and Bec."

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