Secret Journey to Planet Serpo (24 page)

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Authors: Len Kasten

Tags: #UFOs/Conspiracy

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—Comment, November 28, 2005



The Crystal Rectangle

The Crystal Rectangle was used by the team as the power source for all their electrical equipment while on Serpo. It was also found at one of the Roswell crash sites and was used to power the apparatus used to communicate with Serpo at Los Alamos. Anonymous replied to a question about the device in “Posting Eleven” on December 21, 2005.

Please explain, for the enlightenment of all, the Eben Energy Device [ED] found at the Roswell crash site.

OK, I will answer this question. Dimensions: 9" x 11" x 1.5", weight 26.7 oz. The ED [Energy Device] is clear and made of something similar to hard plastic. On the bottom left, there is a small square metal plate, possibly a chip. It is one of the connector points. On the bottom right, there is another small square metal point, which is the second connector point. Viewed from an electron microscope, the ED contains small circular-shaped bubbles. Within these bubbles are extremely minute particles. When a demand for electric power is applied to the ED, the particles always move clockwise at a great speed, not measurable.

There is also some type of unidentified fluid located around the bubbles. When a demand is placed on the ED, this fluid turns from a clear color to a hazy pink color. The fluid becomes warm between 102°–115°F. However, the little bubbles would not heat up, ONLY the fluid. The bubbles maintained a constant temperature of 72°F. The boundary of the ED contains small (micron-sized) wires. When a demand is placed on the ED, the wires expand in size. This expanding process depends on the amount of demand placed on the ED. We did extensive, exhaustive experimentation with the ED. We could power everything from a 0.5watt bulb to an entire house. The ED automatically detects the required demand and then outputs that exact amount. It worked on everything electrical except equipment that contained a magnetic field. Somehow, our magnetic field interferes with the output demand of the ED. However, we have developed a shielding process to correct this.

Additional information about the Crystal Rectangle was provided by a document sent to the Serpo website titled “Classified National Security Document About Pentagen/Crystal Rectangle/Nevada Test Site.” It was sent as Release 19 showing no author, and no date. The following was headed “2. UPDATE ON THE CR (Crystal Rectangle—Energy Source).”

A. Since 1956, many experiments were conducted using the CR. Most of the experiments were conducted by Los Alamos or a contractor for the Department of Energy. Remember that the CR was described as follows: The dimensions were 26 cm x 17 cm x 2.5 cm. The CR weighs 728 grams. There is a possibility that “two” CRs exist—one that weighed 668 grams and one that weighed 728 grams. There was a notation in a classified document that read: PVEED-1 [Particle Vacuum Enhanced Energy Device]. This would indicate that there is a PVEED-2. Scientists do not refer to the CR as a CR but as a PVEED, or “The Magic Cube.”

B. Remember the small dot that moved around the inside when an energy demand was placed on the CR? Our scientists have discovered the substance contained in the dot. The dot was found to be a perfectly rounded particle of charged (?) antimatter. Our scientists still don't understand how this piece of antimatter can remain stable until it is “tasked” with movement. They still don't understand [how] once a demand is made to the CR the antimatter starts its movement and creates energy.

C. Our scientists have found that the CR is made of an unknown material with several unknown elements which have been detected. One of the materials is similar to carbon, but not exactly like carbon as we know it. Another substance is similar to zinc, but not the same consistency of zinc.

D. Our scientists cannot explain the action of the antimatter and the actions of neutrons that are created and then disappear when the demand is lifted.

E. Our scientists cannot explain why the constant temperature of the CR is 72°F. Even when heat is directed on the CR, the temperature remains at 72°F. How this occurs cannot be explained.

F. Some scientists think the CR is operated remotely, perhaps by an unknown satellite in Earth's orbit. However, even [when] shielded, the CR operates normally.

G. When an energy demand is placed on the CR, it creates a signal that can be measured at 23.450 MHZ. However, when increased demand is placed on the CR, the frequency is modulated from 23.450 MHZ to 46.900 MHZ or double the original frequency. However, when the demand is reduced, the frequency drops to 1.25 KHZ, which is a constant frequency when no demand is placed on the CR. Regardless of what power demand is placed on the CR, the frequency NEVER rises to more than 46.900 MHZ!

H. Remember the small set of squares that contained horizontal wires? The wires were determined to be similar to tungsten. The wires somehow conduct energy by bouncing the neutrons off these wires back into the fluid. The small dot bounces against the wire when energy demand is placed on the CR. Remember, only certain wires would react or expand when energy demand was placed on the CR. Scientists think that, depending on the demand, only certain wires would expand. Somehow, the energy output would be controlled by the number of squares used.

I. The U.S. Government [made a] duplicate of the CR. The USG made one in 2001 that actually worked . . . for a short period of time. The operation was EXTREMELY CLASSIFIED and the device blew up at the Nevada Test Site, injuring two (2) employees.

J. The time line for the CR is as follows:

1) 1947: CR was found in the second crash site.

2) 1949: Los Alamos scientists first conducted experiments with CR. At this time, no one knew what it was. Some scientists thought it was just a window.

3) 1954: Sandia Labs conducted several experiments with the CR, but still didn't know its actual use.

4) 1955: CR was lent to Westinghouse for experiments.

5) 1958: CR was lent to Corning Glass in an effort to determine its construction material.

6) 1962: CR's first “official” test [was] conducted at Los Alamos and published in a classified report.

7) 1970: CR was determined to be more than a window. The CR was found to fit into a space on the spacecraft. Scientists determined [that the] CR was some sort of energy device.

8) 1978: CR determined to be a high powered energy device that provided electrical power to the spacecraft.

9) 1982: CR was first tested and produced energy.

10) 1987: CR was given to E-Systems for extensive testing.

11) 1990: CR was proven to be an UNLIMITED POWER SYSTEM. The construction and contents of the CR was learned. However, no one knew just how it worked.

12) 1998: CR project, “The Magic Cube,” was started in an effort to accelerate the knowledge of the device.

13) 2001: CR project, “The Magic Cube” was transferred from Los Alamos' “Futures Division” to its “Special Projects Section K” division.

K. Currently [as of September 2002], the CR is contained at the Section K division facilities, Los Alamos.



In Release 32, Anonymous answered some miscellaneous questions sent in to the Serpo website. This one concerned Eben space travel technology.

Do we possess teletransporter or “flash drive” technology that we have appropriated/back-engineered from the visitors, yes or no?

With respect to your question regarding “teletransporter” technology, the Ebens do NOT have this technology. They have mastered space travel and can venture through space, defying the time barrier. As for our own technology, I very much doubt we have it today. We don't have the
Star Trek
“Beam-me-up-Scotty” technology.

Anonymous turned this question over to a physicist at the DIA, who gave an extensive reply. Bracketed information added by Victor Martinez.

In a private communication I had with your legal counsel, I am given to understand that a member of the DIA-6 has a PhD in [theoretical] physics. . . . Can you ask this individual to expand on HOW SPECIFICALLY the Ebens traverse the vast, great distances of space and overcome the problem of TIME as they seem to freely travel from Point A to Point B in our Milky Way Galaxy?

The Ebens use a “Universal Grid” system in traveling from one point of space to another. Their craft are able to travel NEAR the speed of light. This enables their craft to go into an altered space-time chamber. That allows the point of DEPARTURE and the point of DESTINATION to become closer in real time. It is similar to folding space by making the two (2) points—departure and destination—become much closer. Remember, the Ebens have been working to perfect this type of space travel—overcoming the time barrier—for well over fifty thousand [of our] years. By now, they have, in fact, perfected this mode of space travel.

Although we have been given the basic BLUEPRINT for their craft, propulsion mechanism, and overall operating system, we still don't understand it. They utilize minerals that we simply don't have here on Earth [Element 115, per Robert Lazar?]. One particular mineral, similar to uranium
—but not as radioactive—provides the extra power for their propulsion system. They also utilize a form of SPACE DISPLACEMENT system, which basically causes a VACUUM in front of the propulsion that allows NOTHING to interfere with the created THRUST. At the present time, we canNOT understand how they accomplish this. They use a vacuum chamber, which consists of a mini–nuclear reactor that forces some type of matter into space that deletes the molecules and causes that very small portion of space to become a vacuum. They also utilize antimatter in such a way as to force their propulsion system into “streams” [waves] of energy in front of their craft that enables the craft to move and flow much more easily through space withOUT any FRICTION from the ATMOSPHERE.

That is all from our physicist member.

Comment Dated November 20, 2005:

In Dan Sherman's book
Above Black,
in which he reveals how he was groomed and trained as a telepathic communicator with a race of ETs whom he received information from and about but never actually met, Sherman states that he learned that “time”—as we humans know it—does not have the same meaning for “them.” They still age as we do but are not bound by the physics of time as we currently are. Their means of travel across vast distances is heavily dependent on the manipulation of time, but not as we perceive it.

Sherman asked if they can travel through time: e.g., can they go backward or forward in time? He was told that it was not possible to witness a reality that occurred in some other time but the present. In order to go back in time, one must assume that there exists a reference point from which to measure backward or forward. This is an impossibility. Essentially, they weren't able to travel through time but around time and from time. Sherman says he never really understood what this meant. Their mode of propulsion was somehow that they used “time” and electromagnetic energy. Also they said that our sun was very unique; and that someday we would understand how it really worked and how we could utilize the same methods that they themselves use but on a smaller scale.

Extract from a comment Dated November 22, 2005:

You may know that there is a huge amount of information in the available literature, reportedly coming from contacts with offworld beings, that supports what Dan Sherman states he was told. Specifically, that the nature of “time” is not at all as we think about it. In many cases, the beings have even said that “time” does not exist. I feel they mean for themselves and their technology it does not exist. After all, if you can travel into the past and the future at will, does “time” still exist? If you had a teleporter into which you could step and it would instantly send you to any place on Earth, you might say that (with that technology) “distance” no longer exists. If your transportation time is nearly instantaneous, does distance matter any longer? Conceptually, no! Distance is no longer a barrier to travel and usually our current distance barriers also include the time component for making one's way across that distance. Some feel that time itself is the main factor. If not, why would we be building faster and faster jets and planning hypersonic craft to get us there even more quickly?

One case I've studied extensively says the beings are capable of near-instantaneous jumps in distance that we simply cannot imagine. They claim that once technology reaches the point where one can access a certain “extra-dimensional” area of the universe, travel over millions of light-years is accomplished in the blink of an eye. Our science fiction can imagine that, but most of our real minds simply cannot believe it. But, if true, as in the teleporter example above, then distance and time become just concepts and no longer barriers. So distance and time would “no longer exist.” Obviously, that's a technicality, a concept, because the miles between points are still the same—but the “time” it takes to cross the distance has essentially dissolved. Some type of system for measurement for crew changes, sleep periods, meeting times, etc. would still need to exist, simply for convenience and scheduling sake, so things operate in some sort of sync.

Excerpt from Release 26A taken from
The Day after Roswell,
by Col. Philip J. Corso:

There were no conventional technological explanations for the way the Roswell craft's propulsion system operated. There were no atomic engines, no rockets, no jets, nor any propeller-driven form of thrust. The craft was able to displace gravity through the propagation of magnetic wave[s], controlled by shifting the magnetic poles around the craft so as to control, or vector, not a propulsion system, but the REPULSION FORCE of like charges.

Once they realized this, engineers at our country's primary defense contractors raced among themselves to figure out how the craft could retain its electric capacity and how the pilots who navigated it could live within the energy field of a wave. The initial revelations into the nature of the spacecraft and its pilot interface came very quickly during the first few years of testing at Norton AFB. The Air Force discovered that the entire vehicle functioned just like a giant capacitor. In other words, the craft itself stored the energy necessary to propagate the magnetic wave that elevated it, allowed it to achieve escape velocity from the Earth's gravity, and enabled it to achieve speeds of over 7,000 mph.

The pilots weren't affected by the tremendous g-forces that build up in the acceleration of conventional aircraft because to aliens inside, it was as if gravity was being folded around the outside of the wave that enveloped the craft. Maybe it was like traveling inside the eye of a hurricane. But how did the pilots interface with the wave form they were generating?

The secret to this system could be found in the single-piece skintight coveralls spun around the creatures. The lengthwise atomic alignment of the strange fabric was a clue that somehow the pilots became part of the electrical storage and generation of the craft itself.

They didn't just pilot or navigate the vehicle . . . they became part of the electrical circuitry of the vehicle, vectoring it in a way similar to the way you order a voluntary muscle to move. The vehicle was simply an extension of their own bodies because it was tied into their neurological systems in ways that even today we are just beginning to utilize.

So the creatures were able to survive extended periods living inside a high-energy wave by becoming the primary circuit in the control of the wave. They were protected by their suits, which enclosed them head to feet, but THEIR SUITS ENABLED THEM TO BECOME ONE WITH THE VEHICLE, literally part of the wave.

In 1947, this was a technology so new to us that it was as frightening as it was frustrating. If we could only develop the power source necessary to generate a consistently well-defined magnetic wave around a vehicle, we could harness a technology by which we would have surpassed all forms of rocket and jet propulsion. It's a process we're still trying to master today, fifty years [sixty years now] after the craft fell into our possession.

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