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Authors: Jill Sanders

Secret Identity (18 page)

BOOK: Secret Identity
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When they arrived at the party in the large lobby of one of Mitch's favorite local restaurants a half hour later, he was still so wound up, he was finding it hard to concentrate on talking to his friends. His eyes kept darting towards Eve as she talked to Sandi across the crowded ballroom. He tried to spend as much time by her side as he could, but with the crowd, he'd lost sight of her on several occasions.


He'd been talking to a good friend, Trent, the owner and head chef of Manhattan Nights, the restaurant where the party was being held. Trent had been a roommate of Mitch's during college, and they'd all remained good friends since then. Trent's success was the stuff legends were made of, at least when it came to the restaurant business. His place was always packed and most people had to wait weeks to get a table booked, but for them, Trent always had an empty table. Actually, it was a standard that if they had a party or event, they held it here. To return the favor, K&E handled all Trent's advertising needs. It was a mutual benefit and served them both well.


It was shortly before midnight when Carter started hunting the crowd for Eve. He wanted to make sure he rang in the New Year right. He spotted Mitch and Sandi sitting in a dark booth and walked over towards them.


“Have either of you seen Eve?” His eyes were still scanning the room.


“She said she needed some air. She just stepped out.” Sandi smiled and pointed towards the large glass doors that lead out to a patio.


“Thanks. Oh, happy New Year,” he said as he walked away.


When he walked out onto the patio, he saw several couples strolling around the small, covered patio. The wind was cold enough that he pulled his dress jacket closed. Eve was out here in this? What was she thinking?


He scanned the dark pathways and was about to turn back into the room when he saw her running out of the back gate across the courtyard. He saw a man dressed in black right behind her. Carter didn't hesitate; he took off at full speed.



Chapter Eighteen


ve was enjoying the party. Even though the loudness of the crowd and music had caused a small headache to start, she still smiled and chatted with everyone she knew. She'd been introduced to a few friends she hadn't remembered. They had all introduced themselves and told her how they knew each other. She was sitting in a booth with Mitch and Sandi, watching Carter work his magic on a few clients. She enjoyed watching how smooth he was with everyone. He looked like he was enjoying himself. The dim lights and the mix of a new song that had just come on made her head pound even more. Excusing herself, she made her way across the floor towards the glass doors and cool air. She'd hoped for some quiet, but when she stepped out the door, the music was still loud enough that she continued walking in the cold until the light and sound disappeared, leaving just the cold breeze and the dim lights of the city. She stopped and took a deep breath as she wrapped her arms around herself. She didn't feel the cold, didn't notice as she shivered. All that mattered was that the music was dull and the lights were low. Taking another deep breath to steady herself, she almost choked on the rich, musky scent of someone's cologne. Instantly, her mind whirled to another place, to another time, much like this one.


“Hello, Eve.” He stood shadowed in darkness. Her arm hurt from where he'd pulled her from the sidewalk into the alley. She rubbed her wrist and straightened her shoulders.


“What do you want?” She wasn't too steady on her feet; after all, two green beers had caused her head to swim. But she still understood the situation she was in and tried to edge her way towards the mouth of the alley.


“I'm very disappointed with your behavior. First you cancel our dinner plans and now I hear from Mitchell that you're signing on as partner with K&E.”


“Really, Simon, what I do is none of your business.” She turned to leave, but he grabbed her wrist again, causing her to let out a small squeal. When he started to twist it, she looked into his eyes. Anger filled his face and she watched as his hands began to shake.


“We had an agreement,” he pulled her close and the smell of his cologne almost gagged her. She tried to pull away, to push him back, but he just pulled her closer. “We were going to go places, be together.” He leaned down and plastered his mouth over hers. She kicked and pushed him away, and when she’d finally freed her mouth and arm, she slapped him across the face.

He pulled back and laughed, twisting her arm painfully around her back. “I will have you both as a partner and in my bed. I know your type. All you need is a firm hand. You'll see.” He started pulling her towards the end of the alleyway. “I've got a suite at the Drake. We'll just head over there and make our future arrangements.”


She thought about her plans with Carter, about her future with him and with K&E. Everything, all of her malicious plans to take K&E to another level disappeared. The only thing remained was Carter's voice, his face, the feel of his hands on her. There was no way she would let Simon touch her like that. No way she'd ever be partners with him.


Kicking out, she hit his shin hard enough that he released her. Then she screamed as his hand swiped out to backhand her. She watched him smile as she lost her footing and fell backwards. When her head hit the cold cement, blackness engulfed her. The last thought she had was of Carter. Of never seeing him again.


She jerked to reality. Her head spun and her vision was going gray. The smell of Simon's cologne was stronger and she knew he was close. Looking around, she could only see darkness. Rushing towards what she thought was the party, she prayed she was heading the right direction. When she ran into a small gate, she realized she'd gotten turned around. Now she was in the back alley of the hotel, probably where employees took their smoke breaks. Shaking her head, trying to clear her vision, she realized for the first time that she was freezing.


She saw a large light and started to head towards it, only to have her arm yanked behind her as she was being pushed up against a brick wall.


I wondered if you'd remembered me, yet.” Simon's face hovered near hers, the smell of his cologne gagging her. “Imagine my surprise when I found out that you'd lost your memory. Here was my second chance. I came here tonight to try and convince you, but when I saw you take off, I knew you'd remembered. What you don't remember is that you enjoyed my rough hands. Trip after trip to Chicago, you'd beg me.” He smiled and she felt like clawing his eyes out, but her hands were now trapped behind her and the wall. “We were lovers, Eve. You had a dark side no one knew about, only me.” He leaned in to kiss her, but instead he was ripped from her. She spun around and started to fall, only to be steadied. Her eyesight still hadn't returned, but the feel of Carter's arms around her assured her she was safe.


“Edwards! This is the last time you'll come between me and Eve.” Carter pushed her gently behind him.


“Simon, you're delusional. You've always had a twisted mind.”


She heard someone growl, then Carter disappeared from her grasp. In the darkness of the alley, she could only make out two dark forms as they battled. She could hear the blows and grunts as fists connected. Should she run for help? Where would she go? Looking around, everything was dark except a few lights. Which direction? Her head was pounding and her vision was so bad now, she couldn't make out who was who.


“Stop! Someone help!” she screamed down the alley. She moved forwards only to be shoved back, her arm twisted behind her.


“Don't! Move and I'll kill her.” She felt something near her neck. Then Carter's face came into view. His mouth was bleeding and one of his eyes was half shut.


“Touch her and die.” Carter swiped at the blood on his mouth. His dinner jacket was ripped and his white shirt had blood spots on the front.


“You've always been a pain in my ass,” Simon growled. “Back in college you always got what I wanted first.” He looked between them and smirked. “Well, this is one time you won't end up with the prize.”


Then Eve felt a sharp burst of heat in her side. Simon threw her towards Carter and she landed softly in his arms. He started to scream for help as Simon ran out of the dark alley


Looking up, she realized she was on the cold ground. Carter's face hovered above hers as he talked to her. She couldn't hear his voice, she desperately wanted to hear his voice.


Reaching up with a shaky hand, she touched his face and smiled. “Shhh, it's okay. I meant to tell you… I planned to tell you at midnight. I love you.” The darkness was coming too fast, she had more she wanted to say, but her teeth were chattering now and her vision had completely gone. Her hearing returned right before the darkness consumed her.

“Don't leave me, Eve. Don't you dare leave me.”


Carter paced the hallway outside the waiting room. There were too many people crammed in the small space for his liking. This way, he could see the doctor first. Mitch and Sandi sat on a bench outside the doors, watching him. Sandi's eyes were red and puffy from crying.


Two hours later, Eve's parents strolled in like they had all the time in the world. He could see concern on her mother's face, but her father showed no emotion.


Mitch stood and greeted them. Carter tried not to acknowledge them as they went into the waiting area to wait with the rest of the party.


Two times, two times he'd seen Eve lying on the cold ground in an alley. There was no way he'd allow it to happen again. Stupid. He'd been so stupid to take his eyes off her. Why hadn't he guessed it had been Simon who'd attacked her the first time?


He'd been interviewed by the police, just like the first time. However, this time, he had a name to give them. When Mitch had found out it was Simon, his friend’s face had filled with anger.


Son of a…” he stopped and looked towards Sandi. “I bet we can tie those threatening letters back to him as well. I should have seen it.” Mitch had pulled Sandi close as she'd cried. Then Sandi had demanded to take a look at Carter's bloody lip and black eye. He hadn't even felt the pain.


Three hours after they'd wheeled Eve upstairs for surgery, the doctor walked into the hallway outside the surgery waiting area.


“Are you family?” He asked Carter and Mitch.


“Yes, I'm her brother and this is her fiancé,” Mitch piped in, winking at Carter.


“Very well. Eve's very lucky. The cut pierced her liver and nicked her gall bladder, but we've repaired most of the damage. She does have a slight crack in her ninth, or false rib, but she's out of rough water. We're moving her to ICU where we'll want her to stay until she regains consciousness. I've read her charts and with the recent head injuries, I'll want to keep her for a few extra days, just to make sure.”

Carter turned around when the waiting room door opened and Eve's parents walked out. They introduced themselves to the doctor.


I was just telling your daughter's fiancé, here, that we'll be moving Eve to the ICU. If you want, you can head up there. Only one visitor at a time is allowed in the room, but I see no reason why you can't see her once they get her settled.”


Eve's father glared at Carter and her mother smiled slightly. When the doctor was gone, her father turned to him. “Fiancé?”


“Yes, sir. Is there a problem?” He held his shoulders back, ready for a fight.


“No. It's about damn time, don't you think?” With that, he grabbed his wife's arm and started walking towards the elevators.


Mitch slapped him on the back. “Well, I guess congratulations are in order.” He laughed. “I guess I'll just pop in there and tell everyone else the good news. Why don't you head up there and see about seeing our girl.”


It took Eve almost a day to regain consciousness. Her eyes fluttered opened and the first thing she said was his name. He was right there, touching her hand and talking to her. When she asked about Simon, he told her the truth.


“By the time the police arrived at his hotel, he'd already checked out. So far, he hasn't checked back in with his secretary, and she doesn't know where he's gone. Yesterday they found his private jet on an abandoned airstrip just outside of Phoenix. The police think he's crossed the border.” He frowned. If he ever saw the man again, he'd kill him and he knew Mitch felt the same way.


She relaxed a little knowing he was no longer a problem.


“Your parents are here.” He smiled at her. “I have to say, I'm surprised they've stuck around this long. But they wanted to make sure you were okay.”


“Really?” She tried to sit up a little.

BOOK: Secret Identity
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