Secret Historian: The Life and Times of Samuel Steward, Professor, Tattoo Artist, and Sexual Renegade (65 page)

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Authors: justin spring

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian, #Social Science, #College teachers - Illinois - Chicago, #Gay authors, #Literary, #Human Sexuality, #Novelists; American - 20th century, #General, #Sexology - Research - United States - History - 20th century, #Psychology, #Artists; Architects; Photographers, #Body Art & Tattooing, #Authors; American, #College teachers, #Gay authors - United States, #Steward; Samuel M, #Tattoo artists, #Pornography - United States - History - 20th century, #Novelists; American, #Gay Studies, #Authors; American - 20th century, #Education, #Art, #Educators, #Pornography, #20th century, #Tattoo artists - New York (State) - New York, #Sexology, #Poets; American, #Literary Criticism, #Poets; American - 20th century, #Biography & Autobiography, #Teaching Methods & Materials, #Biography

BOOK: Secret Historian: The Life and Times of Samuel Steward, Professor, Tattoo Artist, and Sexual Renegade
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Golden Boys

Golden Gate YMCA, San Francisco

Golden State Peace Officers Association

Goldsmith, Oliver

Goldstone, Richard


Gould, Cora Smith

Gracián, Baltasar

Grand Hotel

Grandmothers, The

Gray Fox Press

Great Britain, homosexuals in

Great Depression

Great Lakes Naval Training Station

Grecian Guild

Greek Ways
Blow for Blow
; Andros)

Green, Julien; diaries of; erotica collection of; SMS’s meetings with

Greenberg Publishers


Greenwich Village

Gris, Juan

Grove Press

Guerin, Jacques


Guggenheim Fellowships

Guild Book Service

Guild Press

Gumby, Alexander

Gunn, Thom

Gurdjieff, Georges Ivanovitch

Gysin, Brion



Haas, Robert

Hall, Radclyffe

Hall, Richard

Hammett, Dashiell

Hansen, Kenneth

Hard and Hungry

hard-boiled detective fiction

Hardin, Johnny

, S.S.

Hardy, Don Ed

Harper, Joe

Harper, Virginia

Harper’s Magazine

Harrison, Gilbert

Hawthorne, Nathaniel

Heap, Jane

Hecht, Ben

Helena, Mont.

Hello, Dolly!

Hells Angels; drug business of; Oakland headquarters of; as SMS tattoo clients; violent crimes by

Hells Angels

Hemingway, Ernest

Henley, William Ernest

Henry Harrison



“He Swears” (Cavafy)

Hinman, Gary


Hitler, Adolf


Holland, E. O.

Hollo, Anselm

Hollywood Babylon

Homosexual in America, The

“Homosexuality in America” (Welch)

homosexuals, homosexuality: in academia; in armed services; ballet and; changing social perceptions of; choice between career and love faced by; concealment and secretiveness of; criminal class as attractive to; criminalization and persecution of; decriminalization of; demystification of as SMS’s goal; heterosexuals’ experiences with; illness and aging as issues for; Internet and; Kinsey’s data on,
Kinsey, Alfred C., data collected by; McCarthyism and; media portrayals of; Midwestern views on; outing of; as outsiders; Peterson-Schuessler murders and; in pre- and post-Stonewall eras; prevalence of; pulp fiction portrayals of, ix; rights of; as self-destructive; working class men as attractive to; World War II and

“Homosexual’s Adjustment, The” (Walters)



Housman, A. E.

“H Squared” (Andros)

Hudson, Rock (Roy Fitzgerald)

Hunter, Meredith

see also
Phil Andros fiction

Hustling: A Gentleman’s Guide to the Fine Art of Homosexual Prostitution

Huysmans, J. K.

Hyre, Roy



“I (Cupid) and the Gangster” (Andros)

Ides of March, The

Illinois Dental Journal

IML (International Mr. Leather)

Immoralist, The

“In Defense of Erotica” (Steward)

Indiana University

Inge, William

Ingram, Cliff,
Raven, Cliff

Innocents of Paris, The

Institute for Sex Research; erotica collection of; SMS in sadomasochistic sex film of; SMS’s contributions to;
see also
Kinsey, Alfred C.


Interpretation of Dreams

“Invictus” (Henley)

“Invitation au Voyage, L’” (Baudelaire)

Invocation of My Demon Brother

Iofan, Boris

IQ test


Isherwood, Christopher



Jackson, Charles

Jacob, Max

Jagger, Mick


JAPM: The Poetry Weekly

J. Brian Modeling Agency

Jefferson, Paul

Jenkins, Walter Wilson

Johnny (Pick’s “cousin”)

Johnson, Ralph

Johnson, Samuel

Joyce, James

Joy Spot, The
see Ring-Around-the-Rosy

“Jungle Cat” (Stames)



Kahane, Jack

Kane, Jim

Kargol, Wally

Katz, Jonathan Ned

Keats, John

Kellet, Mickey

Kelley, Don

Kent, Kim,
Rame, Knud

Kent, Nial (William LeRoy Thomas)


Kerouac, Jack

Khrushchev, Nikita

Kinsey, Alfred C.,; as collector; as Darwinian; death of; as disapproving of tattooing; health problems of; as mentor to SMS; SMS correspondence; SMS on; SMS’s first meeting with; as SMS’s ideal reader; SMS’s relationship with; SMS’s tattoo/sex journal suggested by;
see also
Institute for Sex Research

Kinsey, Alfred C., data collected by; beneficial effects of; class differences in; public response to; sexual continuum seen in; sexual tolerance supported by; validity of

Kinsey Institute,
Institute for Sex Research

Knight, Jimmy and Lonnie

Kothmann, Kenny

Kramer, Ted (pseud. of SMS)

Krauss, Bobby

Kreis, Der

Kris Studio

Krull, Gordon

Kuesnacht, Switzerland

Kundrat, Theodore



Laaksonen, Touko (Tom of Finland)

Down There
; Huysmans)

“Lament for the Makers” (Dunbar)

Larkin, Christopher


Leapheart, Johnny

Leather Archives and Museum

leather movement

Leaves of Grass

Lecomte de Nuoy, Pierre

Lennon, Art

Leonardo da Vinci

Leyland, Winston

“Libation to a Dead God” (Steward)


“Lifting Belly” (Stein)

“Link, The” (Stames)

Listen, the Loon Sings

Liston, Chuck

“Little Lamb, Who Made Thee?” (Stames)

Little Review

Locker Room

Love, F. W.

Love, Richard (Richard Amory)

“Love Me Little, Love Me Long” (Andros)

Love Poems: Homage to Housman

Loyola University, Chicago


LT Publications

Lucifer Rising

Luhan, Mabel Dodge

“Lycidas” (Milton)

Lynes, George Platt; art collection of; cancer of; death of; photography by; SMS and; SMS correspondence

Lyric Opera House,
Civic Opera House, Chicago



Maclendon, Carlos

Magic Mountain, The

Magriz, Jean


male brothels

“Male House of Prostitution, The,”

male prostitutes,


Manitou Springs, Colo.

Mann, Thomas

Manson, Charles

Oraculo Manual y Arte de Prudencia
; Gracián)

MANual Enterprises v. J. Edward Day

Mapplethorpe, Robert

Mapp v. Ohio

Marais, Jean


Maritain, Jacques

Markum, Joe

Marseilles, France

Marshall Fields

Martin, Clyde

Martin, Douglas (Diego Martinez)

Martin, John

Martinez, Diego,
Martin, Douglas

Martinson, Bob

Masochism in Modern Man

Masters, Steve (or Scott) (pseud. of Miksche),
Miksche, Mike

Matchmaker, The

Matisse, Henri

Mattachine Review

Mattachine Society

Matthew (policeman)

Matthiessen, F. O.

Maurois, André

Maves, Karl

Mayle, Allan (Allan Delaney)

Maysles, Peter and David

McAndrews, John (pseud. of SMS)

McCaffee, Mike

McCann, Doug

McCarthy, Joseph

McCarty, V. K. (Mam’selle Victoire)

McDonald, Boyd

McEwan, Hal

McHenry, Bob

McKibben, Brian

Meier, Karl (Rolf)


Melhuish, George


Menjou, Adolphe

Merchant of Yonkers, The

Merrill, James





Mickelson, Harry

Miksche, Mike; artistic pseudonym of (Steve, or Scott, Masters)

Miller, Henry

Mills, Ralph

Milton, John

Milwaukee, Wis.: Dietzel’s tattoo parlor in; SMS’s tattoo parlor in

“Minister’s Black Veil, The,”

“Mirror, Mirror” (Andros)

Mizer, Bob

Monnier, Adrienne

Monti, Carlo

Montreux, Switzerland

Moore, George

Morand, Paul

Moreau, Jeanne

Morihien, Paul

Morita, Ichiro

Algeria morphine

Morris, Amy

Morton, “Saint” John

Moveable Feast, A

“Mr. Bennett and Mrs. Brown” (Woolf)

Munro, H. H. (Saki)

Murder Is Murder Is Murder

Murphy, Frank

Musser, Benjamin

“Mutability in Spenser” (Steward; master’s thesis)

My Brother, the Hustler
My Brother, My Self
; Andros)



natural selection

Nault, Fernand

Nava, Michael

Navy, U.S.: SMS rejected by;
see also
Great Lakes Naval Training Station

“Negro Homosexual in America, The” (Bishop)

Nero, Franco

Newman, John Henry, Cardinal

New Republic

Newton, Bob

Newton, Huey

New York, N.Y., SMS’s visits to

New York City Ballet

New York Times

New York Times Book Review

Nijinsky, Vaslav

Nisard, Charles

Norman, Adam


Nor Youth, Nor Age: Poems 1924–25

Notre Dame des Fleurs
Our Lady of the Flowers
; Genet)

Numa Pompilius



Oakland, Calif.; Anchor Tattoo Shop in; Hells Angels headquarters in; racial conflict in; violent crime in

Oakland Police Department

Obelisk Press

Oblate of St. Benedict, The

obscenity laws,
pornography and obscenity laws

Oettinger, Cliff

Oeuvre de Marquis de Sade, L’

Ohio Stater

Ohio State University

Olympia Press

“Once in a Blue Moon” (Andros)

One Arm

On the Road

On the Town

Onze Milles Vierges, Les

Opel, Robert

Ophuls, Max



Orejudos, Domingo Stephan; artistic pseudonym of (Étienne); artistic pseudonym of (Stephen)

Our Lady of the Flowers
Notre Dame des Fleurs
; Genet)

Our Town

Oxford Movement



pachuco gangs

Pacific Garden Mission

“Pact, A” (Pound)

Pan and the fire-bird

Papen, Franz von

Paris: 1937 Exposition in; SMS in; SMS’s dream of living in

Parisian Lives
A-Hunting We Will Go!
; Steward)

Parry, Albert

“Parting, The” (Drayton)

Passaro, Allan

Patterson, Edgar

Payson, Bill


“Peachiest Fuzz, The” (Andros)

Peppington, Thurman


Perineum Press

Perlin, Bernard

Pete (hustler)

Peters, Fritz (pseud. of Arthur Anderson Peters)

Peterson-Schuessler murders; SMS questioned about

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