Secret Dream: Delos Series, 1B1 (10 page)

Read Secret Dream: Delos Series, 1B1 Online

Authors: Lindsay McKenna

Tags: #Romance, #military

BOOK: Secret Dream: Delos Series, 1B1
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As tired as
Cav was that evening during dinner with Lia’s family, he saw that wicked look in his woman’s eyes from time to time. It was nothing overt and Cav was sure it was so subtle that her parents missed it. But he could feel her wanting him, wanting her body naked and playful against his. Swallowing a tired smile as he hungrily ate everything put before him, Cav knew he was going to need that extra food energy for a long, long night that he’d been looking forward to all day.

Equally important, Cav sensed peace between Susan and her daughter, unlike yesterday. He hadn’t had the time to talk with Lia in private to find out how her day had gone. All along one end of the counter, though, were plenty of jars of huckleberry jam. The dark purple jam was something he’d never tasted and tonight, Susan had baked biscuits and put out some of the huckleberry jam to taste. He found he really liked it. A lot. He’d consumed four biscuits in a row, slathered with the purple jam. Lia had laughed at him and shaken her head. She told her parents that SEALs ate heavy before going out on a mission, and that the way Cav was eating tonight? Well, he thought he had to tank up for an op.

Cav had swallowed a knowing smile when she shared that with her interested parents. He was eating more than normal, but that was because this woman of his was going to keep him up for a number of lovemaking sessions and he wasn’t likely to get much sleep between their marathon bouts. Cav didn’t know which of them was sexually hungrier. His fingers literally itched to touch her in every private and open space on her slender, giving, passionate body. He wanted to eat her like dessert, and he would. Cav was sure it wasn’t lost on her parents that they would be making love to one another now that they could sleep together. But if they knew, they kept that knowledge to themselves.


Lia trailed her
lips along Cav’s hard-slab belly, inhaling his male scent along with the lime soap he’d used for his shower earlier. It was nearly eleven p.m. and her parents had just retired for the night. She had been counting the hours until she could be with this man of hers, who groaned softly as she slipped her fingers around his warm, hard cock, which called to her. He lay on his back, legs spread apart so she could kneel between them and lavish her attention on that wonderful erection of his, her juices leaking and running from within her and dampening her own thighs as she continued to make him groan, his cock twitching with need of her. She’d had all day to plan out how she was going to love Cav. He’d reveled in her assertiveness as she took the lead, pushing him back on the bedcovers, smiling down at him with such a wicked look on her face. And he’d smiled back at her, drowning in her gray eyes, which gleamed with hunger for him alone.

He made it so easy for her to regain her lost confidence as she ran her tongue over his warm, hard length. And every time he tensed, his hands gripping the covers beside him as she took him into her mouth, her tongue sliding around him, worshipping him, it made her heart soar with even more joy than before. He had such a lean, hard body. There was no fat on Cav anywhere. And over the months, she’d licked, kissed, and caressed every scar, every swelling and bit of bruised flesh that had taken the brunt of brutal missions. His body was a living map and testament to his harsh life as a SEAL. It did nothing but make her love him more fiercely because in her eyes and heart, Cav was a true hero.

“Baby,” he groaned between tightened lips, “you’re killing me . . .” He eased her mouth from around him, her lips swollen and wet as she lifted her head. “I’ll come and I don’t want to. I want to be inside you,” he rasped, holding her dazed-looking gaze, which burned with heat and need. And he saw her lips lift, saw that sweet, hungry smile of hers. Cav enjoyed her pleasing him, but he needed to bury himself deep within her.

She leaned down, kissing the head of his cock, that salty taste that made her lower body contract, starving for him. She lifted away, taking her small hands and guiding his above his head. She settled her wet core over his erection, her long thighs against his narrow hips. Leaning down, she moved her lips against his, seeing the deviltry and questioning in his dark, smoldering eyes. “I love you,” she whispered against his mouth, luxuriating as he thrust his hips upward, grazing her swollen knot, making her hum with satisfaction.

He smiled beneath her lips and drew away enough to grin up at her. “You’re a fox tonight, baby. I can feel you setting me up.”

Humming, she pressed her core slickly against him. “Oh, yes, I do indeed have a plan, Cav Jordan.” She smiled and then rubbed her hardened nipples across his dark-haired chest. Absorbing his low growl, she coaxed the tip of his erection within her.

“Want to share?” he groaned, his hands flexing into fists as she sinuously moved him in and out of her hot, wet body. He liked her boldness, her holding his wrists above his head with her hands. This was something new, and Cav reveled in her growing confidence as a woman who was enjoying getting in touch fully with herself. It was delicious and he never wanted to tell her to stop, because whatever she did to him always sent him on a burning pathway of hunger for her so deep and wide that he would never get enough of her sweet body and huge, loving heart.

He saw her eyes glint and she stilled after she eased him partly into her. The scalding sensation made him clench his teeth. He was so damned close to coming. Three days without sex with Lia had been pure torture for Cav. She could turn him on with a sultry look, rubbing her small breasts against his chest, nibbling at his nape, making fire explode in his lower body, making him feel more predator than man, wanting to mate like an animal with her. He hadn’t, but someday, as she got more confident in herself and him, he would release that part of himself to her. And it would be good. Damn good for both of them. Right now, Cav wanted Lia to continue to explore him as a male and to assert herself, finding out what gave both of them pleasure.

“Sure,” she whispered wickedly, running her tongue across his lower lip, feeling his hips thrusting upward, wanting to enter more of her. “But I’m not sure you’ll agree with me on what I want to do, Cav. It’s my secret dream . . .”

He stilled, burning, aching to release himself into her. Whatever it was, it was important, because he saw some anxiety in her shadowy, stormy-looking eyes. “Tell me,” he urged. “Whatever it is, we’ll do it. You and I. Together.” His voice was ragged with need as she suddenly blossomed with a smile that made him ache to pump all the way into her. And yet she was holding him captive, barely within her, still moving her hips, twisting them, giving him continued pleasure and teasing. But it was also teasing her and he saw that hunger coming forward, feeling her channel begin to clench, preparing to release her first orgasm of the night.

“I want,” she whispered, becoming solemn, holding his narrowed gaze, “I want you to try and get me pregnant, Cav. I stopped taking my birth control pill.”

Stunned, he stared up at her. And then his heart melted with such fierce love for her bravery that he rasped, “Anything you want, baby.”

She sat up, her framing his face. “Really? You don’t mind, Cav? I know we’ve talked about this before . . .”

He gave her a careless grin, slowly lifting his arms, settling his large hands around her hips, moving himself slowly deeper into her, watching her lashes shutter with pleasure as he did so. “Last I heard, you wanted to get pregnant after we got married next March. Did I miss something?”

She moaned as his hips arched, his long, thick length snug and tight within her, setting her into yearning, nerve endings tingling. Her fingers bunched against his shoulders, a sigh escaping her parted lips. “Well . . . yes . . . we did. But I’ve changed my mind.” She stilled on him, feeling his thickness burning, widening her, and then her body accommodating him, the pleasure swift on its heels within her. “I want . . . I want a baby now, Cav. I don’t care if we’re married or not. It doesn’t matter to me. Does it to you?”

He caressed her hips. “What matters is how you feel about it, Lia. What you want? I’m fine with it. Marriage never made or broke a child coming into this world. It’s the love the two people hold for one another when they create that child that counts with me.”

“Then tonight, love me. Let me love you. I’m in the fertile part of my cycle right now. I want you to give me a baby, Cav.”

His heart crumpled in his chest over her pleading, the hope shining in her eyes. He grazed her cheek. “You never have to ever beg me, Lia. Anything you want,” he rasped unsteadily, “I want to give you.” Because he loved her as he’d never loved in his entire life. The smile that blossomed across her face swept through him like a fire of need. “I always want to see you smile like this,” he said gruffly, taking her mouth, taking her.

As Cav took Lia into his arms, moving with her rhythmically, hearing those little ragged gasps as he plunged deeply into her, juices surrounding him, her heat melding with his, he closed his eyes, absorbing her on every level of himself. She was so small next to him, but her heart held the bravery of the lioness he always saw within Lia. As he rocked her, deepening their connection, little whimpers tore from her, her fingers digging frantically into his chest as he twisted and brought her into oneness with him. He could feel her channel tightening, getting ready to gift her with another orgasm. There was no way he wanted to spill his sperm into her until after she came. Rocking her, sweet cries spilling from her as he felt her begin to tense, her fingertips digging into his chest wall, he guided her with his strength and his heart. There was a violent contraction, gripping him, making him groan and tense. Sliding his arms around Lia’s shoulders, Cav leaned upward, capturing her mouth, her cry drowning within him as she exploded with an orgasm that sent her into another world of light, heat, and pleasure.

Afterward, Cav eased out of her. He kissed her damp hairline, her trembling lips, tasted tears against her velvety cheeks, knowing she was crying with relief, with love for him and what they were about to do. Cav understood how much children meant to Lia. And she was such a damn maternal woman, always nurturing others. A powerful potency swept through him as he lifted her off him, urging her to get to her hands and knees. He was going to enter her from behind, the best way to reach the deepest into a woman, to get closest to her womb. He’d never shown her this position before, and she seemed dazed by the orgasm and unsure of what he was asking of her.

“Trust me?” he rasped, placing her so that he could position himself behind her.

“Always,” she managed, her voice wispy, faraway. “What do I need to do?” she asked.

“Nothing,” he said, moving behind her, skimming his hands down her back, cupping her cheeks, and then easing her thighs wider apart so he could kneel near her dripping, wet entrance. “Just enjoy this, Lia. I’m going to give you a baby . . .”

He eased himself into her heated entrance, gritting his teeth, his hands on her hips to guide her, to allow her the time to adjust to such a position. She gasped as he gently brought his hips forward, flowing deeply into her. He halted, leaning over her, his large body blanketing her small back. He bit her nape and she gasped. She automatically, out of some ancient knowing, thrust her hips up against him, pulling him deeper. He continued to nip at her nape, sending chills of pleasure thrumming through her. All the time, he was moving slowly in and out of her, getting her used to this very ancient way of having sex. She was wildly sensitive to his teeth lightly scraping her neck. And as she began to loosen up and relax, allowing Cav to direct her and begin to please her in new ways, she began to accompany his rhythm, enjoying the different position, which now gave her unexpected, intense new pleasures.

Moving his hands around her, he captured her pebbled nipples between his thumbs and index fingers. Simultaneously, he held her in an imprisoned position, giving her stunning sensations. New ones. She cried out, her entire body quivering. Cav knew this was triggering an ancient mating rite that every human knew but rarely engaged in. It was a way for him to go deeper than he could in any other position, and if she wanted to become pregnant, this was the way to accomplish it. Her cries mounted as he squeezed her nipples, knowing it was creating streaks of fire down to her lower body, inciting her, making her start to breathe raggedly, her hips restless and wanting from him. He would never hurt her; he monitored his teeth gripping the flesh of her nape, holding her head up so that she was entrapped by him in every way.

And then, he surged deeply into her.

She cried out.

But it wasn’t from pain. It was the searing pleasure of his being fully seated within her their hips fused that made her cry out. Again, he rocked his hips powerfully against hers, their flesh slapping and wet against one another. She began sobbing and he could feel her starting to come apart on him. Her reaction was primal; she leaned back into him as he thrust forward, giving her even more inner pleasure as he stroked and played with those nerve endings so high within her tight, wet channel. Cav wasn’t surprised that she suddenly climaxed once again, and a low moan, almost more animal than human, tore out of her as he imprisoned her, pumping into her, delivering maximum satiation. She clenched around him again and again as that powerful orgasm undulated through her.

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