Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History (43 page)

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Authors: Jim Keith

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The now heavily northern-influenced faction controlling France, seeing the growing power and considerable natural wealth of the upstarts, aligned with the Wessington clique the following year. Along with the actual heads of the new North American faction, Jefferson, Franklin, and Adams, Washington (as he came to be called) led the commoners’ forces to victory, and the European cliques of France, Spain, and England formally recognized the new faction in 1783. The upstarts entered into agreement with the now nearly-deified Prussian (Teutonic/Zionist) faction in 1785, and the Teutons began shifting the center of power to include their North American allies. The Constitution, written in such a way as to ensure that the Church-oriented southern clique could never sieze power, was ratified, and seeing the changing tides of fortune, the French faction — totally dissatisfied with the southern clique — incited the French Revolution, toppling the southern-oriented royals and driving the Roman/Vatican faction representatives from the country. Deciding to take up the northern clique’s practices, the French faction formally invites Jews to return in 1790; five years later, in order to win back some necessary financial backing, the French faction opens tenuous relations with certain elements of the Roman financial crowd. A problem becoming all-too-apparent to the northern clique was the growing numbers of commoners, who — with victories in North America and France leaving them very full of themselves — were beginning to realize their power.


The world’s population reached 500 million around AD 1650, and was increasing dramatically. In AD 1798, Thomas Robert Malthus set down, in his book “Essay On The Principle Of Population,” the fledgling ideology of the northern clique on the problem of “what to do about all those commoners.” The North American clique split, by the early 1820’s, into two factions, the northern and the southern. The southern faction was relatively liberal, preferring to use imported Africans as slaves and allowing the commoners a certain degree of liberty; the northern faction, heavily influenced by the thinking of the Teutonic/Zionist clique, saw the growing masses as potential slaves, regardless of race. Standard histories claim that the southern clique ceded from the northern to protect their property rights, but in fact the northern clique sought to extend slavery to all commoners, not merely the negroes. Importation of Africans had ceased in 1808, beginning a captive breeding program in the south and an extension-of-slavery program in the north; indeed, as early as 1786, an attempt at self-government in New England, referred to as “Shay’s Rebellion,” had been put down with force, making lie of the illusion of liberty for which the commoners had fought and died. The two factions went to war, with the northerners emerging victorious in 1865. In 1866, the 14th amendment was added to the North American clique’s constitution, allowing for enslavement of anyone, so long as the “due process of law” was followed; fearing the possibility of someone from outside their number actually achieving high office, in 1867 the “Tenure of Office” act was passed, limiting the scope of power allowed to elected figureheads. These were among the last acts of the “old-line” North American aristocracy; in 1870, with the founding of the Standard Oil Company, John D. Rockefeller, a member of the new breed of American Teuton/Zionist confederation, inaugurated the “new-line” American elite.


Occult societies, based along the lines established by the Teutons and Zionists, began taking root in North America; Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, owner of businesses in Philadelphia, established her Theosophical Society — allied with the Thule Society, the Vril Society, and Aleister Crowley’s Golden Dawn — in New York City in 1875, the same year as Mary Baker Eddy founded her Christian Science movement in Massachusetts. In this, they followed the lead of Freemason Joseph Smith, who founded the Mormon Church (Latter-Day Saints) as a rival form of Freemasonry in 1830, and Charles Taze Russell, who established the Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1871. The following decade saw the publication of Nietzsche’s
Alse Sprach Zarathustra
and James Frazer’s
The Golden Bough.
After the ritual sacrifice of several prostitutes in Whitechapel, London (which in itself solved a sticky problem for the Royal Family there), the northern European clique, in a final putsch, seized control of the Italian government, thereby surrounding the heavily-infiltrated, but as yet not submissive, Vatican power structure. That the Vatican had lost much of its glamour was true; but the power of the Papacy still extended to a sizable population of Catholics worldwide, posing a very real threat to northern clique interests. In AD 1897, the Teutonic/Zionist clique held a full meeting at Basel, Switzerland, and laid the groundwork for their plans for domination of those territories not yet directly under their control. Included in these discussions were plans for an Holocaust, a massive extermination-sacrifice of European Jewry and others. The US faction, powerful but not yet as powerful as they would become, opposed the plan, seeing no reason for such conquest — during this and the ensuing period, the US faction pursued a policy of relative isolationism, caring little for what happened outside their immediate sphere of influence. In 1906, back in Northern Germany, the Teutonic/Zionist clique began designing their new and revamped military machine. In order to effect the Holocaust, all of Europe would have to be brought under one totalitarian government, and in 1914, the T/Z clique began “The World War” in order to subjugate Europe, expecting an easy victory, with the US clique remaining isolated and uninvolved. 1917 was an eventful year; the US clique entered the war, ensuring victory for the factions fighting the T/Z clique, the British Fascists announced their support for a Jewish homeland in Palestine (in order to thwart the T/Z clique’s plans for mass sacrifice), and a new band of upstarts, backing the Bolsheviks, overthrew the T/Z aligned Tsarist clique in Russia.


The following year saw the defeat of the T/Z clique and the end of the war. Resentment ran high; British Fascists were angered by US clique intervention in what they saw as an European situation; for the first time in many years, all the sub-factions of the T/Z clique — from the various societies (Thule, Vril, etc.) to the unaligned but thoroughly-Teutonic bourgeoisie — were united in their determination to enact “The Final Solution,” the mass sacrifice of “useless” races to their deities, in order to ensure absolute world dominion. In 1919, the Thule society, pre-eminent among the Teutonic orders, founded the National Socialist (Nazi) party, in order to drum up popular support for another war; they also sought useful allies elsewhere. The British Fascists, tied closely to Thule via other related orders (Golden Dawn, Theosophical Society, and the British Israelite movement, among others) offered their support covertly: White Russian Fascists, enraged at their treatment at the hands of the Bolsheviks, vowed their support as well. In 1922, the northern clique, acting in a unity never before seen, backed an Italian Fascist, Benito Mussolini, in a takeover bid that brought Italy into line with the T/Z clique’s designs. That same year, Josef Stalin, an emotionally unstable but seemingly sympathetic dictator, took power in Russia. By 1929, the Italian Fascists were able to say that the Fascist takeover of the Vatican hierarchy was complete, and the Lateran Treaty, making the Vatican a sovereign state, was signed. By careful manipulation, the T/Z clique was able to topple the US clique’s national economy in 1929; the following year saw the Nazi party begin its meteoric rise to power in Germany, and by 1933, regular ritual sacrifice of Jews had been reinstated, growing steadily (albeit slowly) each year for the rest of that decade, to be stepped up dramatically after 1940.


The British Fascists, playing both sides of the coming conflict, retained good relations on both sides of the Atlantic; while the US clique was temporarily unable to strike back at the T/Z clique for destroying their economy, they could, and did, cause the Teutonic/Zionists to lose face, somewhat, by destroying the pride of Germany, the airship Hindenburg, on US soil. The Spanish Fascists, under Francisco Franco, quashed an attempted takeover by commoners and anarchists in 1939, rendering the majority of Europe Fascist-controlled.


The T/Z clique, feeling that the time was ripe, began the Second World War. Unbeknownst to the forces that prepared to oppose them, two T/Z physicists, Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman, achieved nuclear fission, the first step toward modern nuclear weapons, that same year (1939). It appeared that the T/Z clique would emerge from the rubble victorious; they had not, however, considered the possibility of a “wild card” in their own ranks. The US clique had long been borderline Fascists themselves, and had maintained a network of infiltrators in the ranks of the various secret societies of the T/Z network. One of these, the highly-ranked Rudolph Hess — who had, indeed, been a most trusted member of Thule — gathered all the extant paperwork on Hahn and Strassman’s work in nuclear fission, and flew to England in May of 1941, trading the clique’s atomic secrets for immunity and a new identity. The Teutonic/Zionist clique suddenly found themselves betrayed in the worst way; not only was their hope of using the new technology dashed, but due to poor communications, the Japanese — acting on a plan arranged in 1933 — forced the US clique to enter the war directly in December of that year. Though messages were sent to call off the plan, they were never received — or, if received, ignored; Japan had been promised dominion over the western two-thirds of the North American landmass, from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. That this arrangement was known to the US clique is a possibility, and would explain the internment of Japanese in the US; I cannot say, though, as I have not found any proof, one way or the other.


With the loss of the secrecy surrounding their nuclear weapons research, and facing the possibility that the US clique would win the race to perfect the new technology, the Teutonic/Zionist clique stepped up their efforts at propitiating their gods. Sacrifices of Gypsies, Slavs, the ill and infirm, Jewish commoners, and Catholics was stepped up dramatically; the clique still believed, at this point, that victory could be assured if only the requisite amount of blood sacrifice were performed. Hess, however, was not the only sympathizer within the ranks of the Teutons to see the US clique’s rising star. The list of highly-ranked members of the Nazi front to make deals with the more Fascist elements of the US clique — including Goring, Bormann, the aforementioned Hess, Himmler, Shaub, Gehlen, and numerous others — agrees in great detail with a list of those who, after the war, held positions of trust in what came to be called the “Intelligence Community,” the business-financial community, and the social elite, or “Cafe Society.” The fact — as I myself have seen in the archives, as well as having seen in my travels — that contrary to the popular deception, the Teutonic/Zionist hierarchy, the real power of the old Prussian clique, was not defeated, but rather was absorbed by the worst elements of the US clique, with the help of the English clique and the subverted Vatican hierarchy. It had been this same action of the US clique that had initially inspired many of the practices of the more “scientifically-minded” Teutonic scientists; practices against the mentally ill and against the native American tribes in the latter part of the nineteenth and early part of the twentieth centuries had inspired the infamous “medical experiments” of the concentration camps. Indeed, one of the conditions of absorption into the US clique, binding upon both the Teutonic and Japanese factions (these three who went on to form the Trilateral Commission) was that the documentation of the results of their experiments be given, fully and freely, to their new masters.


While the Japanese experiments in sonic disruption of living tissue are not yet fully utilized, the biological and genetic findings of the Teutons have borne much fruit, as I shall relate. The Zionist faction, glad to share power but desiring their own base, were given Palestine. The Teutonic clique, with its intricate ties to the other old aristocracies, shifted the actual center of power to the United States. All would have gone their way, were it not for further wild cards in the deck. Indeed, the reshuffling left new cliques arising: the new Russian clique, distrustful of their neighbors to the west; the Muslim clique, resentful, and possessed of an important commodity beneath their shifting sands; and the Anarchists, present for nearly a century but now gaining in popular support; as well as minor factions — all told, while the greater part of the new order favored the heirs of the old aristocracy and the still-rising US clique, total control was not theirs. In 1949, the new Russian clique detonated their first nuclear weapon; the Vatican issues a Papal Bull decreeing excommunication for any Roman Catholic who either practices or preaches Communism, and Senator Joseph McCarthy inaugurates a new witch-hunt, aimed at Communist infiltrators in the lower ranks of the apparatus that served the US/Teutonic/Zionist elite. Recent events show that the Russian clique may well be seeking entry into the ranks of the elite, threatened as they are by the Anarchists, and nearly totally dependent on the West; however, it is too soon to tell. That the order worships vengeful deities, demanding the ritual sacrifice of innocent victims, may be among the most unbelievable of my assertions. It must be realized that the heirs of the clique’s power are as well the heirs of their practices and superstitions. If it seems odd to us, raised accepting Christianity (in one form or another) as the operative mode of understanding, that there would be those, seemingly as civilized as ourselves, who would practice such blasphemous rites, let it be understood that to these the worship and propitiation of other gods is the norm; whether by coincidence and circumstance, or by actual intervention of demonic influence, the majority of these sacrifices seem to them, to have worked.


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