Secret: A Military Stepbrother Romance (31 page)

BOOK: Secret: A Military Stepbrother Romance
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I’ve never done that; not once. Heck, I’m on birth control and I’ve
always used condoms;
how much my high school health teacher drilled that into our heads. 


But the idea of letting Hunter slide into me
— the thought of feeling his thick cock so hot and so naked inside of me tugs at something
. There’s something animalistic that awakens in me at his words, something that has me
it like nothing I’ve ever wanted before. 


“I—” I bite my lip and look up into his eyes. “I’ve never done this.” I swallow, “Not once.”


He leans in and kisses me, and I melt into him as he pulls me into his lap. I moan as I sit astride him, feeling his length resting hot and throbbing against my pussy and my stomach as his tongue explores my mouth. 


“You know I’m clean,” he says softly.


“Do I?”


He pulls back and arches an eyebrow at me as he grins. “Do you trust me?”


My pulse jumps in my chest, “And what if I say no?”


Hunter leans in and lets his lips trail up my neck, and I gasp as I let my head drop back as a moan escapes.


He takes my earlobe between his teeth, nipping at it before he whispers darkly right into my ear. 


“Then I might just take you anyways,” he growls, and I absolutely
into him.


The thought of it thrills me, the idea of him
me and making me
. The thought of
own me completely has my body shivering in excitement, and my hips rocking against him.


“I’m on the pill, but I’ve never…” I’ve never even
doing this with anyone, but the idea of Hunter bare and utterly unprotected inside of me seems so completely wild, and dirty, and fucking
, that my head feels like it’s spinning as I mash my lips to his and kiss him fiercely. 


It’s making me feel so naughty, like
naughty girl, and naughty enough to say what I say before I can give it one more thought.


“How do you want me?”


way,” he growls, grabbing me by the hair and kissing me hard enough to bruise; hard enough to make me whimper at the raw thrill of it and hard enough to find myself falling into him as his tongue slides against mine. 


He’s pushing me back, moving over me until I’m on my back with the teakwood of the sauna bench hot against my skin, the steam rises around us making the air thick with heat. 


I feel him rock hard against my thigh, his hands holding my wrists down above my head. He’s consuming me, pinning me down like he’s about to
me, and I can feel my entire body roaring with the thrill and excitement of it.


“I want you
fucking way,” Hunter growls, biting my neck and spreading my legs with his knees. “I want you writhing on my cock, I want you screaming my name, and I want that pussy coming all fucking night for me.”


Oh fuck yes.


He grabs the backs of my thighs and pushes my legs up, pressing my knees up to my chest and spreading me wide. His thick cock hovers and teases over my lips as he leans down to kiss me again.


I can feel the head of his cock nestle right against my opening, and I open my eyes to look right up into his. 


Fuck me
,” I whimper out, and with a rock of his hips, he’s sliding inside. 


I cry out as he slides in deep, my hands clenching and unclenching in ecstasy as he pins them above my head. My body undulates to meet his as he slowly buries every inch of that perfect cock inside of me.


is exactly what it is. He fills me entirely, his hips pressing against my own as he grinds in deep, making me moan. There’s nothing between us, just him and I. 


Hunter growls as he slowly pulls out before he rocks his hips forward and plunges back inside. It’s a slow and deep build, a churning, burning, thundering build towards the release, but I want more. I don’t want
right now, and I don’t want him to take his time, not this time. 


I want to be
. I want to be


,” I gasp, and then I’m crying out as he rocks in deep, driving hard into me.


” The word tumbles from my lips again as my head spins and I suck my bottom lip between my teeth. He obliges, letting go of my wrists to hold my hips instead as he starts to pound into me, driving in deep and grinding against my clit each time he impales me.


He growls suddenly as he pulls out, and I gasp as he spins me around on the bench. I’m on my knees, my hands against the hot wood of the wall in front of me as I feel him move into position behind me. 


He eases inside, making my eyes roll back in my head before he pushes my legs together. We both moan loudly as he slides in to the hilt, and I’m
tight like this with my thighs pressed together and my ass up in the air that his cock feels
as he fills me so wonderfully and stretches me wide.


Hunter’s hands hold me tightly by the hips as he starts to fuck me like that, sliding
and back in again, driving home on every stroke. I moan loudly as I feel his hand come down with a sharp crack against my ass, making my skin sing and tingle as he spanks me. His hand comes down again, blooming heat and a tingling rush of naughtiness through my body as I quiver on his cock.


He’s fucking me hard, and making me
, and I’m loving every filthy, dirty, forbidden second of it.


“Play with your pussy, Maddie,” he growls out, his hips pumping into me and I moan and whimper under him. 


“Play with that clit for me while I fuck you. “


Oh God yes.


He’s pounding me hard, with one hand flat against the wall, I reach the other between my legs. I circle my clit with my fingers in desperate frantic circles, hardly able to think past the feeling of him pulsing inside of me. 


The world starts to blur around me as I pull in gasps of the steamy air around us, and feel the wood under my knees and against my palm practically
with the heat of it all. I’m going to come so hard with his cock buried bare inside of me, and the thought of him doing the same, with no barrier, and nothing to stop it has me clawing at the edges of my sanity.


His hand comes down once more across the soft, yielding skin of my ass, and I lose it completely and utterly. I feel my whole world shatter around me as I come, clawing at the wall and going to pieces as his cock drives all the way inside of me.


I hear him groan behind me, and suddenly I gasp as I feel him
deep inside of me. And I can feel the hot jet of him exploding inside of me. I can feel him erupting deep inside; can feel every thick spurt of him hot and pulsing within me. Knowing that he’s filling me up like that is so dirty, and so
and so fucking hot that I’m screaming as I come all over again before I collapse down on the hot wood bench.


I’m still shaking as he slowly withdraws from me and curls against me, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me tight as we catch our breaths. 


“That—” I’m gasping, “That was


I shiver as I feel his lips against my ear. “Oh, we’re just getting started, princess.”




“I want you to wait for me like that.”


Before Hunter, any man telling me to do what I’m doing right now would have garnered an eye roll and a middle finger at best. Any man telling me what to do like this, especially something so
like this would have gotten my temper flared and my hand across his face. 


But not him.


Because there’s something about Hunter Ryan that tugs on some dark and
thing deep inside of me. Something about the way he looks at me, or the way he kisses me gets me
. Or maybe it’s the way his voice rumbles in my ear like when he asked me to “wait for him” like this about half an hour earlier when he pulled me into an empty hallway of the West Wing and pressed me against the wall. 


It’s the voice in my ear that gets me soaking wet, even
he lets his hand slide under my skirt and rubs his fingers against my pussy through my soaked panties.


So, that brings me to why I’m waiting like this; why I’m doing what he asked me to do, and why my pulse is roaring in my ears as I do. My protector is now controlling me, and I
love it
. I love submitting to him like this, even if I don’t know exactly why.


Which is why I’m on my hands and knees on my bed in the Lincoln Bedroom, fresh from the shower and naked but for a pair of black stockings and black heels, waiting for him.




I hear the click of the bookcase doorway that Hunter always seems to prefer to use over the door when he comes into my room. A shiver runs up my spine as I hear him step into the bedroom behind me.


“Now that’s a sight I could get used to.”


“Oh yeah?” I breathe, feeling my heart racing as I look over my shoulder at him and wiggle my ass at him. I don’t know
this new me is or what’s happened to turn me into this scandalously raw, sex-kitten version of myself.


But I like it.


I can feel the heat creep over my body as his eyes flash darkly at me. “Yeah, I think you should be like this in every room any time I walk into it, actually.”


“That could make for a strange breakfast table, you know.”


He grins as he pulls his tie off and starts to unbutton his shirt, flashing skin and dark ink. “Yeah, but I could eat you for breakfast every day.”


It’s almost funny to have this conversation and banter like this; him talking to my upturned ass while my head is resting on a soft down pillow. I start to move, to turn towards him, but I feel his hand on my hip suddenly, both firm and warm as he stops me.


“No,” his voice is dark and thick with lust. “Stay right like that.”


His hand trails over my skin, teasing me and making me shiver. His palm slides over my ass, my thighs, the tops of my stockings, and down between my legs. I arch my back and gasp into the pillow as his hand finds me wet, and he gently slides a fingers through my soft lips.


So good...
” I whimper out almost subconsciously, and I hear him growl behind me. 


I’m panting when I hear his pants hit the floor, and I feel him move onto the bed behind me, my heart leaping to my throat. 


His mouth is on me before I know that’s what he’s doing, and I jump for second in surprise before the moan comes croaking from my throat. His wicked, incredible tongue slides deep inside of me, slipping in and out of me like he’s fucking me with it. His big, strong hands slide from my thighs up to my ass, holding me tightly and spreading me wide for his mouth.


I’m writhing and arching my back as I thrust back to him, feeling his tongue slide to my clit as my body shivers. He drags his tongue slowly up and down my pussy, teasing from my clit, inching down, tasting me all the way to my perineum. 

BOOK: Secret: A Military Stepbrother Romance
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