Secret (35 page)

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Authors: Brigid Kemmerer

Tags: #JUV000000, #book

BOOK: Secret
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He’d woken up just like this, staring into his twin brother’s panicked eyes.

‘My bike broke,’ he mumbled now.

‘Not this time.’ Gabriel smiled, but there was still a shadow of worry behind it.

Of course he’d share the exact same memory at the exact same moment.

‘How do you feel?’ said Gabriel.

‘Oh. Stellar.’

‘No — I mean, can you walk?’

Nick thought about it. ‘Not yet.’

Gabriel sighed, but he didn’t let him go.

‘Tyler?’ said Nick.

‘He ran,’ said Gabriel. His voice grew dark. ‘As soon as you collapsed. If you think you can stay upright, I’m going to find him and kill him.’

Nick struggled to find his hands, and he grabbed Gabriel’s wrist. ‘No — no.’ He paused, trying to make his addled brain sort out the evening’s events. But one thing was clear — they’d come here with the intent to out Tyler’s abilities. Nick remembered the power in the air, the way his fear had manifested itself in damaging winds that attacked Tyler until fire consumed him.

He’d been the bully tonight. Not Tyler.

It should have been satisfying. It wasn’t.

‘Our fault,’ he said.

Gabriel shook his head. ‘My fault.’ He paused. ‘I should have helped you.’

Now Nick remembered. His thoughts were straightening out, finding true clarity. ‘You let him burn! You called lightning! You let him —’

‘I didn’t call that lightning, Nick. He did.’ Gabriel looked away. ‘I should have helped you before it got to that point.’

Nick shoved his hands away. ‘Yeah, thanks. Thanks for making me play
, and forgetting to snap the trap.’

‘An hour ago you got all shitty because I wanted to defend you! What the hell do you
want from me
, Nick? What?’

I want you to know what I want.

Nick put a hand against the ground and pushed himself to his feet. He wavered for a second, but Gabriel didn’t grab him.

He looked down at himself. Pieces of leaves clung to his jeans, and his jacket was smudged with bits of soot where Tyler had grabbed him, but really, he didn’t look any the worse for wear.

The air was happy he was awake. He felt better with every breath, as if he inhaled pure power.

He started walking toward the car.

After a moment, Gabriel jogged to catch up with him.

‘Give me the keys,’ he said. ‘You’re in no shape to drive.’

Nick wanted to protest, but his twin was probably right. He pulled them out of his pocket and handed them over. He didn’t look at Gabriel when they climbed into the car.

This whole evening hadn’t solved anything. So Tyler was a full Elemental. So what? When the next round of Guides came to town, they could add him to the list. When Tyler came after him again, he could mess with Nick all that much more effectively.

This sucked.

Nick pulled his cell phone out of his pocket to see if fate had inspired Adam to send him a message.

Fate told him to go to hell. The phone was completely dead. Either the lightning had killed the battery, or it had killed the phone completely.

. Nick slammed it into the center console.

The tension in the car was thicker now than when they’d first left the house. Nick’s skin
with it.

After a few minutes, Gabriel pulled his phone out of his pocket and held it out. ‘Here. Use mine.’

Yeah, right. Nick shook his head.

His brother sighed and shoved it back in his pocket.

Silence again. This time, more strained than before, if that was possible. The temperature in the car dropped ten degrees. Nick was almost shaking with the effort of sitting here calmly.

‘Fuck this,’ said Gabriel. He yanked the wheel abruptly, sending them careening into a parking lot along Ritchie Highway. By some miracle, they avoided striking a parked car.

‘Are you insane?’ Nick grabbed the handle over the door. ‘What the hell are you doing?’

‘Parking.’ Gabriel jerked the car into a parking place in front of a coffee shop. It wasn’t Starbucks, but a huge café with leather couches and oak tables and hot sandwiches.

Nick had brought a girl here once. After a movie or something. He couldn’t remember her name. Tonight, it was packed.

‘What are we doing here?’ Nick said.

Gabriel kept his eyes on the windshield. He didn’t say anything for a long moment. ‘I can’t do this, Nick. I know —’ His voice caught, and he took a second to get it together before continuing. ‘I know I deserve it. After keeping the fires from you. But this — this doesn’t feel like something you’re
.’ He peeked over at Nick.

Nick couldn’t move. He couldn’t even look at his brother.

‘What happened last night?’ Gabriel said. ‘When you were talking to Hunter?’

Nick’s head snapped to the side. Gabriel was referring to whatever had led to Nick looking like a hot mess on the stairs, but all Nick heard were Gabriel’s words.
My brother has enough freaks pining after him.

He must have looked fierce because Gabriel put his hands up. ‘I don’t want to fight with you,’ Gabriel said. ‘Christ — I don’t even know why we

Nick swallowed and looked at the windshield.

‘You don’t have to tell me,’ Gabriel said after a minute. ‘I — I wish I knew why you won’t.’

It sounded like it cost him something to say that.

‘I want to tell you,’ said Nick.

The words fell out of his mouth almost against his will.

And as soon as he said them, he realized how true they were. He wanted to tell Gabriel about Adam. He told his brother
, and now he felt more strongly about another human being than he ever had, and he couldn’t breathe a word about it. The mental strife was choking him.

No, the terror of losing his brother was choking him.

But wasn’t he doing that anyway?

I can’t do this, Nick.

Nick couldn’t, either. He cleared his throat and nodded at the front of the café. ‘I probably should have picked coffee when you suggested it earlier.’

‘Pick coffee now.’

Sit. Talk to me.
That’s what his brother was saying.

Nick took a breath. He nodded. ‘Okay.’

The café had looked crowded from the parking lot, and getting up close to the front door confirmed it. Every table seemed occupied, but the line for the register wasn’t too long.

Still, someplace this packed wouldn’t exactly be conducive to the kind of discussion Nick had in mind.

Then again, Gabriel probably wouldn’t flip out in the middle of a crowd of people.

‘We can come back out here to sit,’ said Gabriel. ‘Plenty of room.’

Nick looked at him. It was barely forty-five degrees, so all the tables were deserted. But sitting in the fresh air would help — Gabriel knew that. This was an olive branch.

‘It’s not too cold?’

Gabriel dropped into one of the wire chairs in front of the restaurant. ‘Nah. I’ll hold the table so we don’t have to play the twin game.’

Meaning the thirty-eight thousand questions they encountered when seen in public together. Nick smiled, though it felt uncertain. ‘All right.’

He waited in line inside the warm bustle of the restaurant, wondering if this was an olive branch, too: Gabriel giving him time to think.

And he
time to think.

Nerves made him jittery. What if his brother walked away? What if he said he wasn’t okay with it?

Creepy. Freak.

Nick ran a hand through his hair and told himself to calm down.

Maybe he should lead off with Adam.
So . . . I’ve met someone. It’s new, and it’s special, but . . . it’s a guy.

Maybe not.

I know you’re worried about Quinn, but we’re not really together. No, not since she caught me kissing a guy.

Ugh. This was horrible.

I’ve been lying to you for years


The line inched along. An older couple came in and got in line behind him.

Nick took another slow breath. Maybe this would be like it had been with Michael. Maybe it would be okay. Awkward at first, but . . . okay.

No, Gabriel was nothing like Michael. Gabriel would have a reaction.

Who do you think the hottest person in the restaurant is?
Then Gabriel would pick some girl, and Nick could pick the busboy who looked a little like Adam.

Jesus, he sounded like a frigging
These were the best ideas his brain could come up with? No wonder he was failing physics.

Some girls came in, giggling and jostling each other as they moved to the end of the line. He could smell their perfume from here, bubblegum sweet. Nick ignored them, shifting forward one place when the line moved.

But then he caught the tail end of what one girl was saying. ‘. . . out front look like they’re gonna fight.’

. A word practically synonymous with Gabriel.

Nick turned. The lights inside made it difficult to make out what was going on behind the glass, but he could see his brother’s form. He looked like he was talking to someone.

Then Nick saw the shove, hard enough to make the other person fall back.

Nick swore and gave up his place in line. Had Tyler followed them here somehow?

But then he got close enough to the glass storefront to make out Gabriel’s opponent.


Nick’s heart tripped and stalled in his chest. He couldn’t remember how to breathe. He couldn’t remember how to

How had this happened?

Adam had his hands up. He looked agitated, but he didn’t want to fight.

Gabriel shoved him anyway. Adam fell back another step.

That forced Nick’s feet into motion. He needed to stop this.

Cold air hit him in the face, carrying Gabriel’s voice, low and angry. ‘What the fuck do you mean, you’re sorry about last night? What are you doing to my brother?’

‘Stop!’ Nick said. Neither paid attention to him.

‘It’s a misunderstanding,’ said Adam, his voice careful.

Gabriel shoved him again, harder. ‘A misunderstanding?’

Adam fell back, but he kept his hands up. ‘Yeah.’ Now his voice was edged with anger. ‘Just calm down.’

‘Calm down? You want me to
calm down
?’ Gabriel shoved him

Adam gave up the surrender position and shoved him back.

Gabriel drew back an arm to hit him.

Nick didn’t even remember moving. He had a hold of Gabriel’s arm and he was driving him back, until his twin hit the cinder-block wall of the shopping center.

‘Don’t you
him,’ he said fiercely. He might have been yelling. He gave Gabriel a shove against the wall for good measure. ‘You hear me? You keep your hands
off him

Gabriel’s eyes were wide. Their breathing was loud, putting twin puffs of steam between them. Time seemed to hold still.

Nick kept seeing Gabriel’s fist drawn back, ready to smash into Adam’s jaw. Nick wanted to slam him into the wall again.

For the first time in his life, he wouldn’t back down from his brother for

Gabriel’s eyes went from Nick to Adam and back.

Then he coiled all his strength to throw Nick off.

Nick had leverage — and while he couldn’t fight like Gabriel, he was every bit as strong. He slammed him back into the wall. Harder this time. Gabriel’s head hit the cinder block.

.’ Adam put a hand on Nick’s arm. ‘Take it easy,’ he said quietly. ‘Let him go. It’s a misunderstanding.’

Nick looked across into his brother’s eyes. He saw the exact moment when Gabriel put two and two together.

And Nick waited for his brother to swallow the aggression, to be decent, to take this horrible moment and make everything okay.

But Gabriel’s expression turned dark and furious. ‘So is this part of your big secret, Nicky?’

If he’d just said the words, Nick wouldn’t have cared.

But Gabriel said it in a high-pitched mocking lisp.

Nick couldn’t see through the rage. He lifted a fist to swing.

And that was all Gabriel needed. He twisted free of Nick’s grip and ducked under the flying fist.

Nick’s hand cracked into the cinder-block wall.

Then Gabriel’s hand cracked into his face.

For the second time in one night, Nick went down.

And suddenly, they had a crowd. An older man was in front of Gabriel, blocking him, his hands up. ‘Take a walk, son. Take a walk. Cool off.’

Nick saw stars and tasted blood. He couldn’t feel his fingers yet. He started to get to his feet, but Adam grabbed his arm and held him there.

‘Don’t get up,’ he said. ‘Let him walk away.’

Gabriel watched this, clear derision in his expression. ‘You don’t have to hold him,’ he snapped. ‘Nick will stay down.’

,’ ordered the older man. ‘Or we’re calling the cops.’ He paused. ‘

For an instant, Nick thought Gabriel would shove past the guy. The air held so much violent potential.

But then his twin brother turned and walked away. No parting words, no final epithets. Just measured steps along the sidewalk, across the stretch of road, before giving way to a car door slamming.

And then the rumble of an engine. He was leaving.

Nick was distantly aware that his breath was shaking. And now he could feel pain roaring into his fingers. Not to mention his face.

What just happened?

Adam was pulling at his arm now, gently. ‘Come on. Can you stand?’

He could stand. They tried to get him to go back in the restaurant, but Nick didn’t want all those eyes on him.

But Adam insisted on sitting down, so Nick dropped into one of the metal chairs out front, the one closest to the shadows of the next storefront.

The man who’d gotten in front of Gabriel turned out to be the café owner. He brought them each a cup of coffee and a bag of ice for Nick.

Nick was shocked this guy wasn’t calling the cops anyway. Nick had been the one to shove Gabriel into the wall.

‘I’m sorry for disrupting your night,’ Adam said to him.

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