Second Touch (Emma's Arabian Nights, #2) (10 page)

Read Second Touch (Emma's Arabian Nights, #2) Online

Authors: Ann Mayburn

Tags: #Emma's Arabian Nights

BOOK: Second Touch (Emma's Arabian Nights, #2)
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As he’d guessed, the basement had been turned into an extensive dungeon. To the right of the stairs the space opened up into a large playroom. To the left, a hallway led to three sets of rooms, visible from the hallway through large viewing windows. The hallway was wide and there were groups of people clustered around each window. As Emma led him down that hallway his gut tightened with a mix of excitement and nervousness at the thought of being put on display for the crowd.

Moving quickly, Emma took him into the room at the end of the hall, then shut the door once they were inside. The room must have been soundproofed because once the door closed his ears rang with the silence. When he looked at the viewing window, he was glad to see it was a one-way mirror. Not having to look at the people watching him would make it easier to pretend they weren’t there. Looking away, he took in the space around him, and his dick hardened once again even as apprehension tightened his muscles.

Master Chris and Tanya were already in the room, along with Mistress Moira who sat in a leather chair in the corner of the room with a nude and aroused, good looking, young black man kneeling by her side. He was collared with a thick gold chain secured with an engraved padlock. While Ryan had seen plenty of naked men, it was odd to have one watching him so closely. There were two other women in the room, a plump brunette and an equally curvy blonde, both attractive and very busty. The women were naked as well and he tried to keep from staring at their lush breasts and exposed sex. Hell, he was a man, he couldn’t help looking. It was a biological imperative, but the women didn’t hold one-tenth of the allure that Emma did.

The walls of the room were painted a deep eggplant purple with a black tile floor and a drain in the center of the room that made him pause. Before his mind could dwell why this room would need a drain, he took in the assortment of canes, paddles, floggers and whips attached to a black peg board on the far wall. Over the middle of the room a thick steel beam went across the ceiling hung and a variety of chains and restraints hung from it. In the center stood a pair of steel posts bolted into the floor and the beam above with more chains and restraints attached.

Emma strolled over to Moira and gave the sub kneeling at her friend’s side a quick pat on the cheek and a smile before turning back to face Ryan. Leaning against Moira so that her friend’s head rested on her white silk- covered hip, Emma gave him a look so heated his dick went from semi-hard to rock solid in the space of two heartbeats.

“Ladies, strip him.”

He swallowed as the two submissive women came over to him, their shy smiles and soft giggles putting him at ease even as part of his mind tensed up at the thought of all the people outside of the room watching them. While Ryan was by no means bashful, and knew he kept himself in good shape, getting naked in front of what amounted to Emma’s friends put another odd twist on the situation. It made their play seem more…important somehow. Instead of just a private fantasy, this was a public admission of his need to submit to the golden haired goddess watching him across the room with a very hungry look as the girls helped him out of his shirt, both of them cooing and admiring his tattoos.

When the women reached for the button of his pants, Emma interrupted, “Unzip the sides.”

Kneeling next to him, both women did as instructed while he kept his gaze on his Mistress, drinking in her arousal, the slight hitch in her breath as his erect cock was revealed to her. The submissives at his feet both made a choked sound as his hard dick was revealed. He was vaguely aware of Master Chris and Tanya talking, commenting on his size, but he kept his gaze focused on Emma. Everything else and everyone around him were merely her instruments for pleasure.

She was the only important thing in his world.

Emma had to clear her voice before she could speak again. “Oil him, but be careful not to get any oil on his hands or wrists.”

The brunette woman retrieved a bottle of oil from a table near the back of the room, but instead pouring the oil into their hands they spread it all over their rather large breasts.

“Ryan, on your knees so the girls can reach you.”

Arousal burned through him as he dropped as gracefully as he could, his whole body one big throbbing need for release. At the first touch of the submissives’ smooth, oiled breasts rubbing the liquid into his skin he was pretty sure Emma was trying to make him come without even touching him. The slide of the girls’ large, soft tits over his neck and shoulders, combined with the slight drag of their hard nipples made him want to grasp those breasts, suckle them and thank the women for providing his Mistress with pleasure. He could easily read Emma’s increasing lust as the subs teased him, and it drove him crazy.

Emma was always so strong and controlled. The knowledge that watching him get worked over by the girls was making her restless gave him a sense of power. Shit, they were already minutes into the scene and he was already about to come from just watching her wanting him.

Her voice came out husky as she said, “Ryan, stand with your arms up and your fingers laced behind your head.”

By this point, his balls were drawn up so tight that when the brunette submissive knelt before him with the blond on the other side he had to grit his teeth. The women embraced and kissed while sliding his cock between their oiled breasts. The sight was so erotic, the feeling so exquisite that he couldn’t help but groan out in need. He wanted Emma’s magnificent tits wrapped around his cock, wanted to watch her kiss another woman like she’d kissed Jenny, wanted to do anything and everything she demanded of him. The feelings she brought forth in him drove him absolutely wild.

All too soon, the women released his throbbing erection from between the soft pillows of their breasts and proceeded to oil each other again before finishing their task. By the time they were done, his cock ached like an open wound and his balls felt like two swollen boulders between his thighs. Emma and Moira were squirming as they watched him and it took all of his self-control to keep from kneeling before his Mistress and begging her to use his mouth. As Emma approached him with a lithe grace and predatory gaze, he shivered, more aroused by her sensual approach than he’d been by the touch of the submissives.

“Ryan, you can put your arms down.” She paused before him and studied his body slowly, lingering in her appraisal, her obvious appreciation of his form making him feel ten feet tall. She tilted her head up to look at him. “You are so unbelievably handsome.” Her voice was like a soft purr.

A fierce satisfaction and pride at her praise whipped through his chest. “And you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, a goddess, my Mistress.”

“Kiss me.”

He leaned down, and to his surprise, she laced her fingers around his oiled neck and rubbed her body against his as they kissed, her lips owning him. His cock leaked precum as she ground her soft body against his. God, he could never get enough of holding her, touching her, serving her every desire and need.

A strong bass line began to beat from speakers hidden around the room and Emma pressed into him, following the heavy rhythm until they were moving almost as if they were dancing and fucking. He followed her lead, pressing into her, promising her all the things he would do to her luscious body if she would just give him permission.

She broke away with a soft moan, and it was his turn to growl at the sight of her lush breasts behind the now transparent front of her oil-soaked dress. Her stiff nipples stabbed against the fabric, and he could see every delicious bump and crinkle of those beautiful nubs. He looked back up to her face and the heat, the need, the tenderness in her gaze gripped him around the throat and constricted the air in his lungs. For a long moment they stared into each other’s eyes before Ryan dropped to his knees and kissed both of her feet. The need to serve her, to somehow let her know how much he worshiped her overwhelmed him.

The butterfly light caress of her fingers on his back made him close his eyes in order to absorb the sensation. Then she stepped away and took a deep breath. “Ladies, shackle him.”

He stood and allowed himself to be led to the center of the room, where to his surprise, Tanya stood with her arms raised, a pair of leather cuffs around each of her wrists attached to the two steel posts coming out of the floor, one on each side of her body. Behind her Master Chris was whispering in her ear while he stroked her body in a proprietary manner that Tanya evidently loved if the pleasure-dazed expression on her cute face was anything to go by.

The female submissives took his wrist cuffs in each hand and attached a small length of chain that hooked into the two steel bars coming out of the floor so he stood facing Tanya, close enough to touch her, with his arms fastened to the same poles, but slightly above her own. He had about four inches of loose chain to work with and he tugged at them, unable to help the need to test their strength. A brush of energy melted across his skin a second before Emma spoke from right behind him.

“Ryan, I’m going to flog you and Master Chris is going to cane Tanya. I know you’ll struggle with watching her in pain, but you must trust that Master Chris and I know what we’re doing. To make this easier for you, Tanya is allowed to lean on you and to use your body for support, should she need it. I want you to open all your senses to her, to pay attention to how she reacts, to how her arousal builds until she’s beside herself with the need to be fucked.” Emma’s curvaceous body pressed against his back, and he shuddered as Tanya moaned. “It will be torture for her to have your big, thick cock so close to where she needs it, but I don’t have to tell you that you’re forbidden to enter her. You’re mine, Ryan, and you will never fuck another woman, no matter how much she pleads for your cock, no matter how much she wants you. You. Are. Mine.”

The fiercely possessive tone in her voice brought his own Alpha male tendencies rising to the surface and he jerked at his bonds, growling when they held, keeping him from looking at his Mistress, from letting her know that she was his as well, that she was the only woman he wanted to fuck, the only woman he’d ever truly loved.

That thought brought him up short and he took a deep breath, the certainty that he loved her settling into his very bones. Yes, he’d loved her in high school, but it was nothing like the overwhelming emotions flowing through him now. She was his world, his happiness, his sun and moon. Everything he had and everything he did would be to make sure that Emma never knew another moment of sorrow. A rapid series of images went through his mind, Emma laughing in his garden, Emma smiling in his bed, Emma walking down the aisle of their hometown church in a beautiful white wedding gown, and waking up to Emma every day for the rest of his life. He loved her with a singular intensity that scared him. At the same time, it felt as if every part of his life had finally lined up, that he was on the path where he was meant to be with the woman he’d been created to love. For a moment the plans he’d already set into motion to ensure her happiness flashed through his mind, but they vanished the moment something cold pressed against his buttocks.

He tensed immediately and Emma said in a crooning voice, “Easy, handsome. It’s just a small anal plug with a flared base so it won’t fall out. Someday, not today, but someday I’m going to take your ass and you’re going to love it, but for right now, we’ll just work on stretching you out.”

He had to bite his tongue to keep from begging her to do it now, knowing his body was nowhere near ready to accept the hard fucking she’d no doubt give him. Like the way she and Jenny had taken Adam together. Just the memory had him shivering as need raced along his nerves and settled into his cock. Moving forward a bit, he tucked Tanya’s head against his neck as he pushed his ass out to Emma, trying to relax even though he was all too aware of Master Chris watching him with hard male hunger. Without a doubt the other man was picturing his dick going into Ryan’s ass and Ryan had to fight back the urge to snarl at the other man. While it was easy for him to submit to Emma, there was no fucking way in hell he’d
submit to another man sticking his dick in him.

Emma’s slender fingers began to lube his ass with a cool gel, caressing and pressing at that entrance before she slipped in one finger, and then two. “Easy, Ryan. Breathe for me.”

He took in a deep breath and she inserted another finger, working him with gentle, scissoring strokes that brought an almost constant groan from deep within his body. While he’d never let a woman play with his ass like this before Emma, the ball-clenching sensations she was bringing from his body were beyond awesome. Precum dripped from his cock as it spasmed when she pressed on something inside of his ass that made him see stars.

Unable to help himself, he thrust back into her touch and groaned. “Son of a bitch.”

“I’m going to put the plug in now, Ryan. You will relax and you will accept the gift I’m giving you.”

The first sting of the plug stretched him and he turned his head, closing his eyes and taking in a deep breath of Tanya’s strawberry scented shampoo. With an almost audible pop the plug breeched his anus, the burn bringing his focus back to his body. Instead of just leaving it there, Emma began to slowly work it back out again then pushed the hard metal in with a rough shove that pressed his cock into Tanya’s soft belly. He groaned and Tanya’s answering moan did terrible things to his self-control. As Emma continued to fuck his ass, continued to torment him and drive his arousal higher, his awareness of the world around him faded until Tanya flinched, then pressed her lips against his neck, biting him slightly.

He turned his head and watched as Master Chris ripped the woman’s clothing off with violent moves, the heavy music continuing to throb through his body and settle in his gut. Master Chris was no longer paying any attention to Ryan as he reduced Tanya’s dress to tattered shreds, her pale body arching into Ryan as she wrapped her fingers around his forearms below the bands Emma had given him and held on. He liked being the small woman’s anchor, liked offering her what support he could while her Master worked her over just like Emma was working him over. With a final shove Emma let go of the plug and he groaned as his sore anus throbbed around the hard metal intrusion, the burn translating to pleasure in his screwed up mind while Tanya panted against him, her small breasts teasing his chest.

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