Second Dance Cowboy (Second Chance) (9 page)

BOOK: Second Dance Cowboy (Second Chance)
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Her heart raced. “I had no clue about Dante. I’m sorry. I
had quit waitressing.” She clasped her hands in her lap.

“Is that when you traveled?”

“I got on a bus to New York, registered at dance school and, two weeks later, I found out I was pregnant with Ollie. I knew I’d be kicked out just as soon as they found out, so I left and came home.”

“I’m sorry, Peyton.”

“Giving up a dream was hard, but it wasn’t a mistake. I wouldn’t give up Ollie for anything. I gave my son life and he gave me a reason to live. He motivates me to be a better person. I just wish his father felt the same way.” Her blood ran cold.

“What happened? You did marry him, right?” he asked.

“When I got back from New York, Richie had already left for his tour with the band. I had gone back and forth whether I should tell him about the pregnancy. When Ollie was two months, Richie came back and I couldn’t hide his son. One night over a pizza and sparkling wine, he asked me to marry him. I said yes and the rest is history.”

“I don’t need to know your ex to nail him as a jackass,” he growled.

“Why?” she asked.

“Because he let you go.” Sincerity filled his eyes and her chest tightened.

Standing up, she went back to the counter. “Why did Cassie come to see you? Or is it any of my business?”

“She said we needed to speak. She wanted to explain her relationship with Dante.”

“And did she?” Peyton knew women and one showing up unexpectedly was suspicious.

She wanted to clarify that she never meant to hurt anyone or cause trouble. I didn’t want to hear any of her excuses.” He got up and came to stand next to her at the counter. He leaned on elbows and his arm brushed hers, sending a warm tingle through every muscle.
What is happening to me

Dillon was happening.

“Did Dante send her?” She subtly shifted her body, pulling away from the skin contact. Another touch could make her do something crazy, like rubbing his hand or touching the small white scar above his left eye, smoothing her fingers along the toned muscles hiding underneath the thin shirt. Her pelvic muscles throbbed as her panties moistened. She was in trouble. Beyond any doubt, she wanted him, craved his body naked next to hers, to feel him inside of her.

“He didn’t know she came.”

“Huh?” She attempted to stay focused. “Oh, okay, that’s serious. Why wouldn’t she tell him she was coming?”

ell, I don’t know. Once upon a time, I thought I knew her. I’ve realized I never knew her at all.” He looked frustrated. She knew what he needed, and she could give it to him. Over and over again.

She cleared her throat.
The A/C wasn’t working fast enough. “What are your plans, Dillon?”

“My plans?” One dark brow curved.

“Are you wanting her back or are you plotting revenge?”

“She’s with my brother
and I’m not a revengeful person,” he said.

“Sounds a bit like revenge
in telling her you’ve found someone else. But it’s okay, as long as you understand what drives you. If it’s to spark the flames, that could be bad. If it’s because you’ve been hurt and you’re moving on, then you’re forgiven.” She remembered how she’d felt when Richie left. She’d wanted him to feel her pain, but a man like her ex didn’t feel emotion unless it evolved around himself. Exes sucked. That was something she had in common with Dillon.

“So it doesn’t make me a bad guy?”

“Not at all.”

“Do you have plans next weekend?” he asked.


“Dante and Cassie’s engagement party
is Saturday. I don’t want to go, but I figure this is one-step in letting go and moving on. Will you go with me?”

As reinforcement?” Going on a date with Dillon didn’t scream horrible, yet she still wanted to tread carefully.

“As my date.
After all, you and I are dating, right?” He winked.

He was doing this for an impression. Her excitement faded—some.
“I need to check my plans. There’s a possibility I have a hair appointment.”

“Oh, I see.” The area between his brows creased.

“I’m kidding, but I’m not sure this is a good idea.”

“I’ll be a perfect gentleman. Maybe I’ll even get a second dance?” He smiled and her heart ticked faster. Question was, could she trust herself to behave?

“I’ll think about it.” She didn’t want to appear eager.

I understand. I’ll call you in a few days. Okay?” He headed to the door.

Her knees shook and she braced herself against the glass counter
. “Talk to you soon.”

She stared
at him through the big window until his truck disappeared from the street. Peyton was a mature, responsible woman and she knew exactly why Dillon had asked her to the party. He wanted to prove to Cassie that he’d moved on—maybe even prove something to himself. As much as she understood his intentions, being used wasn’t enticing, although being used by a man like Dillon certainly would come with benefits. She practically had to fan herself at the mere thought.

She needed advice. Grabbing her cell phone from her purse, she hit Aspen’s number. Her friend would help.


Dillon finished feeding the horses, tore off his gloves and swiped the back of his hand across his wet
forehead. He’d been working the land all afternoon and he was finally feeling some of the tension melt from his body.

After seeing Peyton at her studio, he’d needed to do something. His fingers had brushed her skin and his zipper had stretched to massive lengths. He’d wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her until she
swelled with desire. He’d done the right thing in resisting the painful urge, although his iron hard parts would disagree.

wanted to hold her in his arms more than he’d wanted his next breath, but he couldn’t give a woman like her what she deserved.

Back in Shelby
, he’d almost gone too far with Leslie Bakerfield, and thankfully her ex had shown up just in time to keep him from thinking with his dick and not his brain. He liked Leslie, but their attraction had stirred more from loneliness than desire. That was another reason why he’d left Shelby and came home. He needed to stop running and face the demons.

He leaned against the rough wood of the barn, feeling splinters scratch at his bare back. He didn’t care. At least he could feel something else besides the ache in his g
roin. He closed his eyes and Peyton’s face appeared on the back of his lids. Damn, he couldn’t get her off his mind!

Instead of asking her to the party, which hadn’t been his
objective, he should have told her goodbye and rode the hell out of her life.

On the other hand, if he slept with her
the satisfaction could exorcise her from his blood. Sometimes a man just needed a sample to ease the hunger. Then he could stop walking around like a zombie with a woody and concentrate on getting his bigger head on straight.

How could he do that though? She was a mother.

Even a mother needed intimacy.

He opened his eyes and slammed his fist into the wall. Hell, she wasn’t a saint. He’d have to guess that she’d had a boyfriend or two over the last few years.

However, if he wasn’t careful, he’d be picking out china patterns and colors of paint. A man didn’t fool with a woman like Peyton. But the next time he saw her, could he trust himself to keep his hands to himself and his belt buckle locked? Peyton wouldn’t allow it to go further. He doubted she felt anything for him but pity. He wasn’t even sure she was over her ex.

This could get ugly, quick.

Sometimes ugly wasn’t a bad thing. Better to feel something than feeling numb like he’d felt for the last few years. Hell, if he had to be truthful, he’d lost passion way before he’d left town, and even before Cassie had broken up with him.

Looking back, there were
significant signs that their relationship wasn’t as strong as he’d wanted. They’d been spending less time together, and when they were hanging out, she’d seemed preoccupied. She’d gone from surprising him with quickies in the barn and blowjobs while he was driving to a closed cookie shop the last few weeks they were engaged. He’d chalked it up to long-term-boredom. They’d been together for years and needed a boost. Instead, he got walking papers.

Now he guessed she’d been seeing someone else.

Although he’d missed her, breaking up had been the best thing. They’d been in lust, and probably never had loved each other, at least not how two people should if they planned to spend forever together. The problem with sex was, it blinded a man from the truth. It wasn’t until he’d stopped having sex with Cassie that he’d realized how little they had in common.

He rid his mind of all thoughts of Cassie and the past.

He had enough to think over. Her name was Peyton. His damn attention had a one-way ticket when it came to her and he couldn’t find his way back. He wasn’t sure he wanted to.




PEYTON WALKED INTO the kitchen and found Uncle Marty and Oliver working on the newest slapdash scientific experiment. Since Oliver would be staying with Marty tonight, she had brought her things and had gotten ready there.

had his head lowered over a beaker, preoccupied with mixing ingredients. Her son had a certain talent for science projects and it made her proud. “Excuse me, boys,” she finally said to the pair. “I see you’ve ransacked the cabinet again.”

They both
looked up over top of the boxes of household ingredients. “Mom, you look pretty.” Oliver beamed.

twirled around, sending the hem of the skirt swirling around her calves. The dress was new, and as she’d examined the clearance rack at the boutique, she’d told herself the still-expensive purchase wasn’t to impress Dillon. Aspen, who had gone along with her, encouraged her to try the soft accordion pleated dress. Once she’d tried it on, she was sold. The delicately beaded sheer straps showed her shoulders and arms, but gave her the modesty she wanted. The feminine, glossy ribbon at the waist was a perfect touch to the light chiffon fabric. She loved the way the silken fabric felt against her skin.

This would be the first
party she’d been to in a long time and she wanted to look her best. If Dillon just happened to like the pale-pink dress then that would be icing on the cake. She’d even curled her hair and applied more makeup than usual—but only a bit more. The slender heels completed the look.

“Wow! You’re prettier than any model I’ve seen
on any magazine.” Uncle Marty whistled.

“That c
ould be going a bit far, but thank you.” She crossed the room and eyed the scattered materials on the table. “What are you two up to?”

“We’re observing the chemical properties of baking soda and vinegar when they’re mixed together.” Oliver’s tongue swept out and slid across his bottom lip.
He looked just like his dad when Richie concentrated on playing the drums.

“Sounds fun, but
remember no chemicals from the cleaning supplies. You hear?” She planted her skeptical gaze on her uncle.

“What makes you think we’ll get into trouble? You and I used to mix all kind of things. One time wasn’t it floor cleaner and vinegar?
” He winked.

and we’re lucky we didn’t explode the house.” She tousled Oliver’s hair and kissed him on the cheek. “Thanks for watching him, Uncle Marty. I know you two will have fun.”

“When’s the fel
low picking you up?” Marty asked.

“Should be any minute,” she answered.

On cue, a knock came at the front door. Oliver jumped from the chair. “I’ll get it,” he yelled as he ran into the next room.

He’s punctual.” Marty grinned.

Peyton’s stomach twisted.
Dillon would be walking into the room any second. Getting lightheaded, she reminded herself to relax and breathe—no hyperventilating. He was, after all, a mere man. They were friends.

Steady Peyton.

She cautioned herself
against overthinking or worrying—she did enough of that during the week. Tonight she wanted to enjoy her time feeling like a woman, and not just a mother.

Aspen’s words came to mind,
“Go and have fun. Find out what it’s like to go on a date with a real cowboy.”

Hearing Dillon’s
deep voice followed by Oliver’s child-like tone, she waited in anticipation, situating her body in a casual stand. Heavy footsteps sounded in the hallway, closer and closer…

There he was. Dillon stepped across the threshold and she swallowed anxiety. Seeing him here, in her childhood home seemed
dreamlike. He was tall and brawny and seemed to occupy a lot of the space. The spacious kitchen lost inches with him standing in the middle.

His gaze swept to her and she smiled. He was handsome in his hat, blue
button-down and dark jeans. What she liked most was the charming smile that curved his lips. She moved away from the table as his gaze skimmed her from collarbone to tips of her toes, hot enough to melt the polish. Her nerves danced as her palms turned clammy from her twisted nerves.

BOOK: Second Dance Cowboy (Second Chance)
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