Second Chances (Athena Group Novel Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Second Chances (Athena Group Novel Book 1)
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He was leaning against the cabinet deep in thought waiting for the coffee to brew. Walking over to the cabinet she pulled out a glass and put ice in it. She felt him watching her. She caught a quick glimpse of him as she took a soda out of the fridge. She took a piece of ice out of the glass and popped it into her mouth before pouring the soda into the glass. She turned to face him and kept sucking on the ice, moving it around in her mouth.

What was she doing? Even now when they were supposed to be thinking about a case she wanted to turn him on. Moving her lips slowly as she swished the ice cube in her mouth had him shifting uncomfortably, especially when her tongue darted out to lick her lips.

Seeing the effect she was having on him she couldn’t help but take the ice cube out of her mouth and suck the water off as it dripped on her fingers. She sucked it back into her mouth never taking her eyes off of him. The muscles in his jaw twitched and suddenly she found herself picked up and pushed against the fridge.

He wrapped her legs around his waist as he took her mouth sucking the ice cube out and across his tongue. The ice melting between them as he fisted his fingers in her hair holding her head as his tongue danced with hers. His hand moved down to her thigh pushing her skirt aside along with her silk thong slipping two fingers deep into her. She ground her hips into his hand as he rotated them inside her. She reached down unzipping his pants pulling him free and wrapped her hands around his full length. She pushed his pants down just enough to take him completely in her hands. He pulled back and adjusted her a little higher on his hips so she let go of him twisting as he shifted and thrust up deep into her. She cried out in pleasure for this was what she wanted.

She felt so good around him and all he wanted was to lose himself in her. She was so tight around his cock. He couldn’t get enough of her and didn’t think he ever would. He thrust into her hard. He needed her and wanted to be gentle, but this was one of those times that need and want were more powerful than anything else. Just the two of them with their physical need that transcended anything else was what would satisfy this hunger temporarily. She was pulling on his hair as he pumped into her. Her ass filled his hands as he spread her wider for him feeling her juices against his sack every time he thrust into her. She was so slick and he was going to lose it. She met him thrust for thrust.

Shelby felt so wild at this moment and had never felt anything like this. There was only one thing that they were seeking at this time and that was release. Her legs tightened around his waist as the walls surrounding him began to convulse. She felt him deep in her core and at that moment she shattered into a thousand pieces as their eyes locked he exploded with her. Their breathing was the only sound in the kitchen as they stood in that moment and held each other.

She knew with all her being at that moment she was in love with him all over again and she was frightened more than ever. Her hair had fallen from its hold in her clip and he tucked it behind her ear as he withdrew from her setting her on her feet. She rested her head on his chest and could smell his cologne mixed with her scent, oh the fantasies came to life. She could see happily ever after and what could be and knew that whatever she had to do she had to make him trust her and wait, what was she thinking? Slow down Shelby. Ok, let’s take a step back and live in the moment.

“Shelby…..” He started, but she stopped him.

“Max if you say you're sorry, so help me you will be. I wanted it just as much as you did. No, I needed it.” She looked away embarrassed. He cupped her chin and forced her to look back at him.

“Don’t ever be embarrassed around me.” He kissed her and turned to get his cup and her glass. He started for the door and then stopped waiting for her. She followed him out of the kitchen towards the elevators and when they got to their floor she wasn’t sure what to do. He went to his door and unlocked it motioned her inside. Once inside she set her glass down and waited for him. He set his cup down and turned to her, picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. Her last coherent thought was that she was going to lose herself in him.

Chapter Twenty


Shelby woke the next morning all wrapped up in Max. He was still asleep and looked so peaceful she didn’t want to wake him. She squeezed out from under him and went into the bathroom to freshen up and when she was done he was still sleeping. She needed to get downstairs and check on the virus, so she slipped out quietly and went to her apartment; showered, had a quick breakfast and made something for Amanda since she had stayed the night with a friend.

She was glad that Amanda had the friends she did. Despite being raised by a single parent she was still able to live a relatively normal life for a teenage and she never complained about the security that she was surrounded with at the TAG complex. She had made sure that as Amanda was growing up she understood the importance of security and being safe. So many times she would catch Amanda’s friends online chatting with strangers and they were consistently giving out personal information.

Amanda had begun the crusade to educate her friends on the safety of being online these days. So many times girls would get lured by someone online to meet and then they would disappear. She was extremely proud of her daughter at how caring, strong, independent and extremely smart she turned out to be. She would be graduating next year and then she’d be off to college. She would miss her, but they would always maintain the close bond that they had built throughout the years.

She finished up Amanda’s breakfast and lunch and placed them in the refrigerator next to the prerequisite sweet tea. She attached a note for her:




I hope you had fun last night. Here’s some breakfast and your lunch. I am downstairs in my office if you need me.


I love you,



She entered her office opening the console and turned on all the monitors. It looked like the virus was making its way through Roger’s network. She pulled up a separate window to enter the timeline of the virus as it migrated through the system.

She pulled up the files from the thumb drive and found the video files. She opened one of the videos on a separate screen and pushed play. She continued to look through the files with the names and found Roger’s information, extracted it from the file and saved it in their file at TAG for evidence in the future. She was able to identify several key figures in the files as having used Oleg’s services. His services from what she could tell ranged anywhere from prostitution to human trafficking. Dependent upon each person’s wants or needs Oleg would fulfill them. The fact that Roger was part of this was another reason she disliked him. Dislike was a mild term for it.

She looked up at the videos and her stomach turned at what she saw. The videos had recorded an auction where women were up for bid as they were treated like cattle. This one had nice teeth; this one was a virgin and so on. She paused when Patricia Young entered the frame. She paused the video on a woman sitting on the floor. Kim Le’s face was contorted in pain as she coward in front of Patricia. She continued the video and turned up the volume.




Patricia pulled back on Kim’s hair and sneered in her face. “What made Max think he could send a rookie agent in to find me?” She laughed at her.

Kim moaned “Patty, please.” She begged.

“Please? Please what? Kim this is what happens when you poke your nose where it doesn’t belong. I became Oleg’s partner a long time ago. You think the bureau pays what he does? All I have to do is make sure that he doesn’t get caught and unfortunately for you, you are a liability.” Kim didn't have a chance to respond before Patricia slapped her. Kim’s lip split with the impact of the slap and began to bleed. Patricia pulled her up to stand and tied her arms around her back.

Douglas Oleg walked into the room at that moment. “Patty what are you doing?” He demanded.

“We are going to take care of our little problem here.” she said silkily as she led Kim out of the office.




Stopping the video she pulled up surveillance video that surrounded the club. Somewhere there had to be a video of them leaving with her body. Obviously they had killed her somewhere in the club, because she hadn't been seen coming out. She looked back at the video and found the time and date stamp. Pulling up the video for the front and back door she adjusted them side by side. She started with the day before the video of Kim was made. Now all she had to do was sit and watch. This was something she would have to do herself. There were no programs for this and sometimes it required a human being to catch the smallest detail and that’s what she was going to do.

She looked over at the virus as it worked its wicked way through Roger’s system and she was proud of what she had created. It would take a couple of years to do the damage, but when it was done he would be penniless and on his way to a life behind bars.

Several hours later she was still combing through the videos when Max walked in. He was carrying a tray with a glass of ice and a soda along with a blueberry muffin. He sat down next to her and kissed her lightly on the lips. “Sorry that I’m just now getting here.” he said.

“Oh, no need to be. I’ve been busy going through the videos. Max, there’s a video you need to see.” She motioned for him to look at the screens to the left.

He tensed when he saw Patricia and Kim on the screen. Shelby played the video for him and the longer he watched the harder his expression became. When the video ended he turned to her and his eyes were filled with anger. “She did it.” He sneered as his hand closed into a fist.

“Max, I’m pulling the videos of the front and back door of the club to watch for any suspicious packages or baggage that they hauled away. I’ve started with the day before this video was made. Both the front and back door are up on the screen there in the middle.” She pointed.

He sat there and watched for a moment before running his hands through his hair. She could see the rage coursing through his body, like he was going to explode any minute. She stopped the videos and stood up. Grabbing his hands, “Come on Max, you need to let off some steam and I know the perfect way.”

“Shelby we have to finish the videos.” He argued.

“Max they'll be here when we’re done, but right now you need to come with me.” She closed the console and screens, not giving him a choice but to follow her out the door. He followed her to the elevator and instead of going up, the elevator was going down. The doors opened to the hall with all the doors. Shelby stopped in front of the first door on the left. Placing her hand on the biometric scanner the door slid open.

He followed her inside and there in front of him was a workout area. It was fully equipped with weight machines, elliptical, and an area with a six foot Muay Thai punching bag along with a fight ring in the back. He wasn't expecting this. As he walked further in he saw a long mirror lined one wall to the right and on the back wall were shelves with head gear, shin guards and focus mitts. He had wondered where she learned her move that had taken him down on the beach and now he understood. She had mentioned the training, but had no idea what it involved. He turned to her in awe and she stood there with a big grin on her face.

“Max, go upstairs to change and meet me back down here in ten minutes.” She pushed him back out the door.

“What are you up too Shelby?” he asked suspiciously.

” She closed the door in his face.


When he returned she was waiting for him. She had changed into Muay Thai shorts with spandex shorts underneath. She was wearing a t-shirt and had wrapped her hands in Black Hand wraps. It was strange to see her dressed like she was ready for a fight. He watched as she got into the fight ring and she grinned at him as he took in her attire. She was sexy as hell and there was no way he was going to fight her.

“Ok, Max let’s see what you’ve got.” She motioned for him to get into the ring.

He backed up, “Shelby you are crazy if you think I’m going to fight you.”

“What’s the matter Max afraid I can take you down again?” She mocked him.

“You took me by surprise. I’m not worried at all.” He stood there with his arms crossed.

“Alright then, if you won’t fight with me, then maybe you will with him.” She pointed to the man standing behind him. Before he knew what hit him, his knee buckled underneath him and he landed hard. Shelby laughed as she got out of the ring and walked over to the man standing next to him. He was small in stature and appeared to be Taiwanese. Leaning down she offered him a hand up, but he refused it grumbling as he got to his feet.

“Max, I would like you to meet world champion Pysan Magura.” She couldn’t help but laugh at his shock. He glared at her.

“Nice to meet you Mr. Magura.” He nodded.

“Agent Taylor, I understand that our quiet one here has been able to get the best of you.” He grinned at him. He was certainly proud that his student was able to get the better of a man of his size.

“Yes, she did.” He looked at her, oh it was on. He pointed to the ring and said to her. “After you Ms. Matthews.” He saw her pause for a moment, not quite sure what he was up too.

BOOK: Second Chances (Athena Group Novel Book 1)
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