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“I will take the dare.”
His answer surprised her, but she recovered quickly.

“Well then, in that case, I dare you to dance with me.”
She couldn’t think of anything else to dare him to do, remembering the first time that she had asked him to dance in the rain. Well, this wasn’t the rain, but it would have to do.

To her surprise, Sam stood up, pushing his chair back, and came around to her side of the table and held out his hand to her.
“May I have this dance?” he asked.

Loren took his hand and felt the instant warmth as it closed around hers.
He then drew her to her feet and pulled her close to him. As they began to move in a slow motion, he moved his arms to encircle her tiny waist, pulling her even closer to him, if that was even possible.

Their bodies were so close that her breast were pressed firm against his chest allowing her to feel the rhythmic beating of his heart.

The scent of him flowed through her nostrils. He smelled of hay and horses, with a hint of muskiness. It was a smell that she would remember for all eternity.

She was starting to feel a little too comfortable in his arms and began to pull away, even though that was the one thing that she did not want to do.
But she must or things might go too far and although she knew without a doubt that she would not have any regrets, she wasn’t so sure about Sam. There was no need to complicate things any further than they already were.

Sam’s actions spoke louder than his words.
He wanted to be with her as much as she needed to be with him. But did she really want to allow him to use her for his own physical pleasures, knowing that he did not love her?

“What’s wrong?” he asked, not letting her go.

When she looked up, he was staring straight into her eyes, demanding an answer.

“We were playing a game, remember?
You took the dare and now it is your turn again,” she said as if she needed to explain it to him.

“Why don’t we just forget about the game and just enjoy this moment together?”
He didn’t take his eyes from hers while waiting for her answer.

“We shouldn’t, I shouldn’t.…”
Her words broke off, she couldn’t think of the right words to say with him looking at her like that.

“Why not, last time I checked, we were both adults.
So I can’t think of any reasons why we can’t enjoy each other’s company if we choose to do so; unless of course, you don’t want to.”

How could she tell him that she wanted to more than anything without exposing her whole heart?
Loren had so many questions that she needed to ask him, but instead she reached up on her tiptoes and kissed him softly on the mouth.

What was she doing?
She must be mad! Deep in her heart, she knew that he would only be using her to satisfy his current needs and desires, but her mind and her body did not seem to care one tiny bit.  Loren hated her body for taking over like it had no conscience.

Sam didn’t love her and he never would.
There would never be any room for her in his heart or his future. Facts were facts. He only wanted to taste the pleasures of the flesh.

It was happening again.  Her mind was rambling on, leaving her thoughts and concerns behind.

Sam responded to her kiss by tightening his arms about her waist and pulling her closer to him, if that were possible. Then his mouth sought her lips again, caressing them ever so softly.

Against her better judgment, Loren responded to his kisses by opening her mouth to him.
She could hear her own moans escaping her lips as she parted them, demanding more as she matched her tongue to the wild dance that his was performing.

The way that she was kissing him back was tearing his insides to shreds.
He could feel his jeans tighten in the straddle as he began to swell with excitement and hunger for more. He couldn’t remember ever feeling this way with Stephanie.

The evidence of Sam’s arousal was pressed against the flat of her stomach, as he pulled her even closer and continued his assault on her mouth.
She was torn between knowing that she should stop this craziness before it went too far and not wanting to stop it. Right or wrong, she wanted Sam to make love to her.

As if Sam could sense the war going on in her head with what she should do versus what she wanted to do, he broke the kiss.
He did his best to relax a bit, but did not release her from his hold.

It seemed as if an eternity had passed by, as he just held her and stared into the depths of the smoky blue pools staring back at him.
Sam had noticed Loren’s eyes take on the smoky hue, due to her arousal. This new knowledge about her aroused him even more, causing his hardened staff to throb.

Neither of them spoke to break the silence in fear that the other would come to their senses and put an end to this crazy madness.

The one thing that brought Sam back to his senses was the fact that Loren was most likely a virgin. He should not allow himself to take her virginity without knowing for sure how she felt about having a future with him. He should not allow himself to spoil the one thing that she should only offer to the man she loves.

Sam wanted to be more than just a pass
ing fancy to a lonely rich girl looking for new experiences. It was probably a silly notion, but he did have high hopes that if he took his time in pursuing this relationship, that one day it would be a very likely possibility.

But before he could tear himself away from her arms, Loren pushed up on her tip toes again and whispered in hi
s ear.  “Sam, teach me to love you.”

















Chapter 16

That was all the answer Sam needed. He bent his head and softly touched his mouth to hers in a soft, but sensuous kiss. He continued to assault her mouth with his until she groaned against his lips.

When he felt that she was ready, he deepened the kiss by nipping at her bottom lip until she opened her mouth.
He urged her tongue to mate with his once again.

Each new kiss brought them to a higher level of intimacy.  Loren could feel a warm tingling spread
ing through her body increasing with each new touch.  Her heart was beating so wildly that she felt for sure that it would jump out of her chest at any moment.

Sam moved his mouth to the curve of her neck.
He was slowly feeding the fire that was raging inside of her. His mouth came back to hers, kissing her more hungrily this time.

Loren kissed him back with all the love that she felt for him.
There would be no stopping this time, she would take whatever he had to offer.

It may be her only chance to give herself to him, to show him that she loved him.
At this moment, it didn’t even matter to her that he may never want her again.

She would be content with having a wonderful memory of the
love they would share on this night to carry in her heart forever.

She had been so lost in her own thoughts that she hadn’t realized that his lips had left hers and moved to the opening of her shirt.
In a matter of minutes, he had unbuttoned her shirt and snapped the front of her bra open, exposing her breast for his eyes to feast on.

Before she could protest, he quickly reclaimed her mouth in another deep kiss.
One hand was on the small of her back to hold her steady while the other caressed her left breast.

When he felt her start to relax again, he kissed a trail down her neck to the swell of her breast.
His body was screaming to ravish her, but he continued to move slowly, allowing her to adjust to each knew touch. He did not want to scare her. Love was a beautiful thing and he was going to do his best to make this a positive experience for her.

Loren arched her back encouraging him to take her breast into his mouth.
The rosy buds came to life at the urging of his lips as he showered them with wet, warm kisses. Her response was like spreading liquid fire through his veins

Her fingers became entwined in his hair as he moved from one breast to the other teasing her nipples with his tongue.
He was slowly building a fire within her very soul with each touch of his hands and every caress of his lips.

Returning his mouth to hers, Sam pushed her shirt and bra down over her shoulders, letting them fall to the floor.
The upper half of her body was now completely exposed to his hungry eyes.

He almost expected her to pull away from him, but when she didn’t, he moved his hands to the waist of her jeans and unbuttoned them.
He then paused for a moment to give her time to change her mind. God, he was sure hoping that she wouldn’t change her mind.

To his relief, she just stood there looking at him with passion filled ey
es that begged him to love her more.  He dropped to his knees and pressed his warm mouth to her stomach, smothering it with kisses.  At the same time he pulled her pants down over her hips until she stood before him in nothing but her soft pink panties.

Loren had never been this exposed in front of a man before and it surprised her that she did not feel embarrassed or ashamed for Sam to be looking at her and touching her so intimately.

She had been worried that he might think her breast too small or that he would find her inexperience unattractive, but the way he was looking at her now made her feel perfect in every way.

To her surprise, smothering her stomach with light butterfly kisses was only the start of something bigger.
Holding her buttocks firmly in both his hands, Sam trailed kisses down to her most intimate spot. Only her cotton panties separated his mouth from her womanhood.

His warm breath teased her even more with each kiss.
Her neck was arched back with her hands on his shoulders and her eyes closed, enjoying the soft caresses. In response to what he was doing, her panties had become moist.  She felt him slowly push them down her legs until they reached the floor. She now stood totally naked before him.

Her beauty was more than Sam had expected.
Upon first arriving at the ranch, he saw Loren as a young, spoiled rich girl. Now standing before him in total nakedness, all he saw was a beautiful, innocent woman.

Before he could change his mind about making love to her, he kissed her soft womanhood, parting the folds with his tongue.
He could hear the sharp intake of her breathing as she pushed on his shoulders in an attempt to push him away from her, but he kept a firm hold on her buttocks as he continued to pleasure her with his mouth.

Loren’s squirming continued, but she had stopped trying to push him away.
When her mother had explained the birds and the bees to her, she had failed to tell her about this kind of loving shared between a man and a woman. It was the most amazing thing that she had ever experienced in her life. How could the rest to come be any better than this?

A very intense tingling sensation was starting to build within the pit of her stomach.
It almost frightened her again, but she was too far gone to stop it now. Sam rocked her back and forth as he made love to her with his mouth, licking and suckling her most sensitive spots.

When she felt for sure that she was to the point of going mad with pleasure, he plunged his warm tongue deep inside her, pushing her over the edge of ecstasy.
She rode the waves of pleasure until they faded away, leaving her exhausted

Sam slowly stood to take her limp body into his arms.
Loren wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her small frame with ease.

When their eyes met, what she saw in those fiery orbs only confirmed that his entire body was on fire.
Even being as inexperienced as she was, she knew that it was a fire that demanded to be fed.

With very little effort he carried her up the stairs and to the bedroom that he had so recently occupied.
The room was dark except for the glow of the soft moon light spilling through the window.

Sam gently placed her on the bed, then stepped back admiring her sweet, innocent beauty.
The desire that he felt for her at this moment was threatening to consume him

“Love me more Sam.”
Her voice was so soft, that he barely even heard the whisper.

“Are you sure?” He felt the need to ask her one more time before he took their lovemaking to the next level, because there would be no turning back after they reached that point.

“Yes, I want this more than ever,” came her soft reply.

“Then I
shall not disappoint you.” He said the words as he pulled his shirt tail from his jeans and began to slowly undo each button, kicking off his boots at the same time.

What he really wanted to do was rip his clothes off and take her quickly and roughly to satisfy the burning hunger that was raging inside is loins.
He quickly reminded himself that Loren was a virgin and acting in such a barbaric manner would not only scare her but hurt her as well.

No, he had to do this right if he wanted to make a lasting impression on her.
He had to take it slow and show her how good they could be together. He wanted to show her how much he loved and cherished her without using words.

Loren watched as Sam undid the last button and let his shirt fall to the floor.
She gasped when he reached for his belt and unbuttoned his jeans exposing a thin trail of hair that disappeared under the waistband of his briefs. He would be totally naked in a matter of seconds.

The anticipation of what she would see next excited her.
In the next instant, Sam’s pants fell to the floor, along with his briefs. He now stood before her totally naked in all his glory. She just lay there looking at him, memorizing every muscle, every curve, and every hair on his body. He was amazingly beautiful.

Sam lay down on the bed beside her, propping himself up on one elbow and looked directly into her eyes.
“You are so beautiful,” he whispered.

“So are you,” Loren answered.
Her eyelashes fluttered shyly.

Sam chuckled softly.
“I have to say, that I have never been referred to as beautiful.”

He quickly realized his mistake when a twisted look of embarrassment
took the place of her smile. She averted her eyes away from his face and kept her gaze frozen to his chest.

How could he have been so stupid?
He had to be more careful or this might not go as well as he was hoping for.

“But I like it,” he added.

He cupped her chin, turning her face back to his and forced her to look at him. He bent down and kissed the tip of her nose, then each of her eyelids, stopping at her mouth. Sam continued to shower her face with soft, warm kisses until he felt her body begin to relax again.  Once he was sure that she was back in the saddle with him, he moved over her, pinning her beneath him. He was careful not to put too much of his weight on her, for fear of crushing her tiny form.

Each kiss grew more and more intense as Sam began to rebuild the fires of passion within Loren.
His kisses moved down her neck to her breast. He pleasured one breast then the other, taking his time tasting and teasing each rosy bud with his tongue.

His left hand snaked a trail down to the curve of her hip, hesitating only for a brief moment.
Before she could protest, Sam pushed his hand between her legs and parted her womanly softness with his fingers. There he felt for the wetness that would tell him that she was ready for him.

Loren gasped when he pushed one finger inside her.
“Did I hurt you?” he asked.

.”  The sound of her voice was no more than a soft whisper.

He slowly began to move is finger inside her once again. She pushed her hips against his hand, urging him to push

She was so tight that he was afraid of hurting her, but at her urging, he pushed a little deeper in search of her
most sensitive spot. He soon brought her to another climax but before she fell completely back down from her climb, he entered her, slowly pushing against the barrier of her virginity.

Feeling the barrier about to give way, Sam quickly took her mouth in another passionate kiss and pushed his hard shaft fully inside her.

For a brief moment Loren tensed up, but the pain of losing her virginity only lasted for a fraction of a second. With each thrust of his hips, Sam was pushing her towards pleasures edge again.

Just as she reached another climax, Sam could hold back no longer.  He thrust hard and deep letting his seed spill into her womanly softness.

Sam rolled off her and pulled Loren close to his side, where she fell asleep wrapped in his arms.  He lay awake for hours thinking about what had just happened between them.  He should be sorry, but he wasn’t.

  Sleep soon found him and he slept peacefully beside the girl that had just become a woman; his woman.

























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